黄幸梅 1968年生于福建建瓯,1993年毕业于福建师范大学美术系中国画专业,1999年结业于中国美术学院水彩画高级研修班,现任教于福州大学土木建筑工程学院建筑系,中国美术家协会会员,中国建筑协会室内设计学会会员。
黄幸梅 1968年生于福建建瓯,1993年毕业于福建师范大学美术系中国画专业,1999年结业于中国美术学院水彩画高级研修班,
Huang Xingmei was born at Fujian to build Ou 1968, the traditional Chinese painting in was graduated from art of Fujian Normal University to fasten 1993 is professional, 1999 complete a course at aquarelle of Chinese academy of fine arts advanced grind long class,
Teach to build engineering courtyard to build a department at Fuzhou university building now, chinese artist academician, chinese building association is indoor design academician,
1998 aquarelle " the view that has still life " selected picture of watercolour of the 4th whole nation, pink is exhibited greatly,
1999 " of home series " selected work of art of the 9th whole nation is exhibited, 2002 " southern " win award of copper of art exhibition of watercolour of the 5th whole nation, pink,
Attended work of Chinese watercolour a person of academic or artistic distinction to invite 2002 exhibit, 2002 " afternoon " win silver-colored award of art exhibition of watercolour of the 6th whole nation, pink,
2004 " in June " selected work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited.