Fu Xiangkang, unripe 1967, person of Hainan blessing hill. Was graduated from Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1988. Chinese artist academician, hainan saves artist association vice-chairman, the province is beautiful assist deputy secretary-general of watercolour art committee, hainan saves book imperial art academy, big talk imperial art academy to hire an artist especially. Associate professor, advanced schools art fastens normal school of stage fining jade director.
Artistic resume
1999, aquarelle work " sunshine · mother " the 5th watercolour of selected whole nation. Pink draws work to exhibit.
2001, aquarelle work " the Li Shuoxun martyr that Hainan heroic passes " 80 years of large beauty exhibit found a party of selected whole nation, of the same age, have the honor to win Hainan to save first " new century beauty is exhibited " gold prize.
2006, aquarelle work " years · is old two " have the honor to win " work of picture of pink of ﹑ of watercolour of the 7th whole nation is exhibited " outstanding award. Of the same age. Choose attend itinerate of countrywide outstanding work to exhibit.
2006, canvas work " the setting sun is like blood " selected first " " scenery · amorous feelings " the throughout the country is small oily art exhibition " .
2007, aquarelle work " years · is old two " in Hainan painter of the youth in saving first nominates the gold prize is had the honor to win in the exhibition.
2007, aquarelle work " dispatch " selected work of picture of pink of ﹑ of watercolour of the 8th whole nation is exhibited "
2008, aquarelle work " make concerted effort " work of the 5th art is saved in Hainan the gold prize is had the honor to win in the exhibition.
2008, paper " the person lay a foundation of art of Chinese contemporary aquarelle, the watercolour painting that considers Mr Wang Zhaomin is artistic " publish at periodical of national level core " literary contend " .
2008, of a series of books of series of a person of academic or artistic distinction of Hainan province painting and calligraphy " collect of work of Fu Xiangkang sketch " publish by Nanhai press.
2009, aquarelle work " the person that drive the of great capacity " selected eleventh in exhibition of countrywide art work. [1]
2010, " collect of work of Fu Xiangkang watercolour " publishing house of art of mountain South America.