Unripe 1936. Female. Cantonese. Was graduated from department of sculpture of central academy of fine arts 1960, ceng Xian hind saves a class to teach job of exhibition sculpture group and Nanjing artistic college and teacher and student in place of sculpture of monument of the Huai-Hai Campaign, Jiangsu. Since 1964, teach art of artistic institute of exhibition sculpture group, Nanjing to fasten the job in Jiangsu province class early or late. Department of sculpture of academy of fine arts taught in the center of tone 1975, it is an associate professor now. Ceng Fu Italy, France learned 1979, make an on-the-spot investigation. Chinese artist academician. The large sculpture collective that ever entered museum of war of Chinese people revolution and Chairman Mao memorial hall is created. Editor paragraph of individual work
Work " Tong Di " , " small Ni " , " the Hakkas daughter " collect for Chinese art gallery, " Dong younger sister " , " cradle " , " girl " etc attend countrywide beauty to exhibit. Publish have " collect of Chen Guilun sculpture " . Bronze sculpture " new show " establish park of sculpture of Yu Shijing hill, obtain decide on awards through discussion of sculpture of city of first whole nation outstanding award