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( 中国美术家协会常务理事 )


  • 中文名李桦
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍广东番禺
  • 出生地广州
  • 出生日期1907年3月6日
  • 逝世日期1994年5月5日
  • 职业艺术教育家 版画家美术活动家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校广州市立美术学校
  • 主要成就1934年组织“现代版画会”
  • 代表作品《怒吼吧,中国》、 组画《怒潮》、《征服黄河》等

中国美术网 09-05 浏览






 1907年 三月六日生于广州市。

1924年 考入广州市市立美术学校。

1925年 因学习成绩优秀,被选派参加广东省赴日考察团。

1927年 广州市市立美术学校毕业。

1930年 自费留日,入东京川端美术学校学习。

1931年 “九一八”事变后,愤而离日。十月回到广州。

1932年 任广州市市立美术学校西画讲师。

1933年 在母校任西画科班主任兼素描教师。六月十九日,李桦在广州市市立美术学校发起组织现代创作版 画研究会(后简称现代版画会)。夏金肇野、唐珂、许仑音、段干青、董化羽等在北平组织平津木刻研究会。

1934年 由于“五四”新文化运动和鲁迅倡导木刻的影响,开始自学版画, 作《诗人》、《裸女》、《弃婴》、《失业者》、《水灾》、《囚》、《春郊小景集》、《一九三四年即景集》、《小鸟的命运》、《东北义勇军》等。四月,在广州举行首次个人版画展。六月,组织“现代版画会”。出版手印不定期会刊《现代版画》,并为广州《市民日报》编《木刻周刊》。出版《李桦木刻集》。十二月开始与鲁迅通信。

1935年 先后收到鲁迅复信多封,在思想、艺术和木刻运动等方面深受影响。创作《无家可归》,《怒吼吧!中国》。“现代版画会”举行周年展,因搞木刻运动。暑假后被校方解聘。

1936年 负责筹备《第二次全国木刻流动展览》。七月在广州展出,十月在上海展出。鲁迅在逝世前十一天——十月八日前往参观,并与部分木刻青年作者座谈。作《丰收也是一样的穷》、《一二九的抗议》和木刻连环画《黎明》、《丝》,《赵二嫂》等共一百多幅。《现代版画》第十集《反帝专号》出版。

1937年 七月,李桦、力群、新波、江丰、曹白、野夫、陈烟桥、林夫等发动筹组《第三回全国木刻流动展览会》,因"七七"事变全面抗战开始而流产。“七七事变”后,“现代版画会”停止活动。把筹备中的《第三次全国木刻流动展览》展品交托野夫带到上海,又经江丰带到武汉。赴桂林及南宁组织版画展。作《贺年片》、《军民合作》、木刻连环画《来归》,《没有童年的孩子》、《水葬》、《父子间》、《告密》和《抗战故事》。十一月投军。

1938年 经徐州及武汉外围作战,年底驻长沙。作《秋日》、《晚归》。完成《抗战故事》,共三辑。十月,参加南浔战役,画了不少战地速写。

1939年 六月下旬,应《漫画与木刻》社之约,在桂林举办“战地素描展”,共展出一年来在豫、鄂、皖、赣、湘各战区实地写生代表作一百七十多幅。八月,赴桂林举行“战地写生展”。十月,参加“第一次长沙会战”,后到茶陵;同新波、建庵、赖少其等代表中华全国木刻界抗敌协会桂林办事处举办“鲁迅纪念木刻展”;为地下党员骆何民主编的《开明日报》供稿,并与温涛合刻《抗战门神》,随报附送。十一月开始为该报主编《抗战木刻》周刊。作《开到抗日前线去》、《救伤》等。出版《木刻教程》。

1940年 负责“中华全国木刻界抗敌协会”湖南分会工作。主编《木刻导报》双周刊,办木刻函授班,并出版《学员习作初集》。作《辱与仇》、《雪地行军》等。在桂林举办《李桦战地素描展览》。同年春,李桦在湖南长沙组织全木协湘分会。于六月十五日举办木刻讲座,并主办《"七七"纪念木刻流动展览会》和出版《抗战木刻选集》。十月,李桦与陆田在湖南衡阳《开明日报》合编《抗战木刻》与《诗与木刻》不定期副刊。

1941年 参加撰写《十年来中国木刻运动的总检讨》。“中华全国木刻界抗敌协会”三月被国民党社会部以莫须有的罪名非法解散。发表论文《试论木刻的民族形式》并出版《学员习作初集》和《学员习作二集》。

1942年 一月,重庆成立“中国木刻研究会’,当选理事。一至二月间,举办“第二次长沙大捷战地素描”画展。十月,《第一届双十全国木刻展览会》开幕。徐悲鸿撰文指出“李桦已是老前辈,作风日趋沉练,渐有民族形式,有几幅近于丢勒”。

1943年 十月三十日,“李桦第三次长沙会战史画及洞庭湖素描展览”在广西无线电台礼堂举行。十一月底,又在桂林开办“写生画展”。出版《烽烟集》和《美术新论》。

1944年 三月十九日,“李桦常德会战画展”在省广播电台开幕,共展出战地写生几十幅,连展三天。元旦,同刘建庵、刘仑、陆田、梁永泰等一起开办“桂南流动木刻展”。

1945年 在湖南汝城写生。整理抗战时期国统区木刻运动史料。《李桦版画水墨画展》在广东砰石举行。

1946年 在南昌举行版画水墨画展。五月到上海。加入上海美术作家协会。七月当选“中华全国木刻协会”常务理事,参加筹办《抗战八年木刻展览》并编辑《抗战八年木刻选集》。作《怒潮》组画、《粮丁去后》、《饥饿线上》。出版《李桦水墨画》。

1947年 作“五二〇”传单。作《汗》、《劳动后备军》、《苦笑》,《逃难》、《夜的恐怖》、《劫收》、《都市的暗角》、《民主的行进》、《团结就是力量》、《里外同心》,《快把他扶进来》、《民主死不了!》、《向炮口要饭吃》、《钞票满天飞,人人活不了》等。出版《怒潮》组画。为苏联对外文协机关报《时代日报》编《新木刻》周刊。三月,经“全木协”各地原会员书面选举,李桦、杨可扬、郑野夫王琦、王麦秆当选理事,李桦得票最多,任理事长;王树艺、陈珂田、葛克俭当选监事,王树艺为监事长;并作了会务分工。理事会决定每年春秋两季各举办一次全国性木刻展览;设立木刻函授班。九月,就任国立北平艺术专科学校副教授。加入北平美术作家协会。指导清华大学“阳光社”(有燕京大学学生参加)、北大四院、中法大学木刻学习班等学生木刻团体。十月一日,《中国现代版画展览会》在苏联列宁格勒国家埃尔米达斯博物馆开幕,展出作品 157件。版画家力群、李桦随画展访苏。后移展于莫斯科,中国文化部部长沈雁冰,苏联文化部副部长帕霍莫夫、全苏美协书记皮缅诺夫参加了开幕式。

1948年 参加“一二七艺术学会”。在艺专教授西方美术史、水墨画和素描。作《天桥人物》。赴京西小煤窑体验生活,作《窑工汗血》。三月十三日,由北平的清华、北大、燕京、中法四大学联合举办的《全国木刻展览会》在四校内流动展出。约有木刻二百幅,是李桦带来北平交给清华大学阳光社。产生了一批国统区脍炙人口的作品,李桦的《怒潮》,黄新波的《卖血后》,荒烟的《一个人倒下去,千万人站起来》,杨可扬的《教授》,朱宣咸的《愤怒的火焰在铁窗口燃》、《木刻工作者的战斗》,邵克萍的《街头》,赵延年的《抢米》,麦秆的《放回来的爸爸》,野夫的《泛区难船》王树艺的《自行失踪的人》等。十一月一日,全木协举办《第四届全国木刻展览会》(秋季)在上海大新公司画廓举行,参展作品有:李桦的《怒潮》。

1949年 升为教授。作迎接北平解放木刻传单《人民解放军是人民的军队》、赴石景山发电厂和炼钢厂体验生活,《作抢修发电机》、《学习》等。为天津《进步日报》编《进步艺术》周刊。出席第一次全国文代会,任大会艺术展览评选委员。被选为全国文联委员、美术工作者协会常务理事兼《人民美术》执行编辑。

1950年 参加京郊土地改革。出席北京市文代会。创作铜版画《斗争地主》、《焚毁旧契》、木刻《二万五千里长征过草地》等。出版《木刻的理论和实际》。

1951年 作木刻《斗争地主》、《和平签名》、《志愿军打坦克》、《中朝部队胜利会师》、《医务工作者反对细菌战》。

1952年 当选为北京市第一届人民代表大会代表。作《攻守同盟破产》、《爸爸买新农具回来》、《送参军》等。

1953年 加入中国共产党。出席第二次全国文代会。当选中国美术家协会常务理事兼版画组组长。

1954年 任中央美术学院版画系系主任。去烟台渔区体验生活。作《补网》、《当潮水退的时候》、《华威先生》插图、《父与子》插图。出版《木刻版画技法研究》。

1955年 带学生去京郊温泉乡。作《晚归》、《合作社的收获》。出版《铜版画技法研究》。《木刻版画技法研究》再版。主持筹办《第一届全国版画展》。

1956年 带学生赴白洋淀。作《夏日》、《捕鱼》。作《鲁迅在木刻讲习班》。《版画》创刊,任常务编委。主持筹办《第二届全国版画展》。

1957年 带学生赴河北省建平县。作《山区生产》、《六月庆丰收》、《练兵》、《常备不懈》。《李桦木刻选集》出版。参加在苏联举行的《中国版画展》开幕式并出席苏联美术学院成立二百周年庆典。访问南斯拉夫。

1958年 作《百年大计》、《鼓足干劲修水库》,为郭沫若诗集《百花齐放》作插图二十五幅。主持筹办《第三届全国版画展》和《北京——莫斯科版画展》。被评为先进工作者,参加北京市先进工作者大会。出版《李桦木刻选集》。

1959年 带学生赴三门峡水利工地,作《征服黄河》、《战黄河》、《驯服黄河的英雄们》、《移山堵海》作《一楼盖成一楼又起》。参加编辑《十年来版画选集》。

1960年 出席第三次全国文代会。连任美协常务理事兼版画组组长。作《社会主义好》、《技术革命万紫千红》、《队日》等。 .

1961年 赴湖南益阳农村体验生活,着手为周立波《山乡巨变》作插图。作《春日》。

1962年 赴湘、赣、两广和四川写生。

1963年 与彦涵、王琦、荒烟、李平凡在北京举办《五人版画联展》。作《春风又绿江南岸》、《雷锋像》、《雷锋》插图和《晚风》、《轮休日》。

1964年 作《清明节》、主持筹办《第五届全国版画展》。

1965年 作《培育革命接班人》、 《亦农亦工》。

1973年 为中国历史博物馆作大幅套色木刻《刀耕火种》、《原始社会交易图》。重作《鲁迅在木刻讲习班》。

1975年 赴大庆和大连造船厂,辅导工人美术作者。作《造船工人一双手》,与梁栋合作大幅套色木刻《转战新油田》。

1977年 作《服务到第一线》、《钻井台上半边天》和自刻像。

1978年 负责版画系研究班教学工作。为方志敏《可爱的中国》作插图。参加了全国劳动模范座谈会。

1979年 参加第四次全国文代会并当选全国文联委员、美协常务理事。担任《中国新兴版画五十年选集》执行编委。作《首都的清晨》、《山乡巨变》第二部插图。

1980年 四月出席在黄山举行的中国版画家协会成立大会并当选为主席。美术评论集《西屋闲话》出版。七月一日至十四日,应邀赴湖南长沙、株州、湘潭讲学。十月十六日至二十五日,与王琦赴贵阳参加黔、桂、湘三省版画联展座谈会。

1 981年 四月三十日至五月十八日,参加文化部艺术教育访英代表团赴英国访问。九月二十五日,参加纪念鲁迅诞生一百周年大会。负责筹备的《第七届全国版画展览会》在京开幕。十二月十四日至二十九日,倡议并筹办的首届《三版展览》在北京举行。

1982年 与王琦、马克李树声等任《中国版画年鉴》编委、编成1981年卷。六月十九至二十六日,参加全国文联四届二次会议。七月二十日至八月二十六日,应邀去吉林长春、通化和黑龙江佳木斯、哈尔滨讲学。曾登天池写生,到林区体验生活,参观北大荒农场和《北国风情》画展,并参加美协黑龙江分会主办的学术讨论会。九月十六至十九日,应邀去江西宜春地区讲学。十一月一日至八日,应邀赴苏州参加《姑苏之秋》版画展开幕式并讲学。与李树声、马克合编的《中国新兴版画运动五十年》,由辽宁美术出版社出版。写作完成论文集《艺苑漫谈》。

1 983年 一月当选为北京市第八届人民代表大会代表并参加大会第一次会议。主动辞去美院版画系主任职务,任教授,并为院咨询委员会成员。继续编成《版画年鉴》(1982年)。写成《美术创作规律二十讲》和《中国的古代版画与现代版画》两部书稿,分别交湖南美术出版社和外文出版社。五月一日至十六日,应邀赴广东潮汕地区澄海县讲学。五月二十八至六、七月,负责《第八届全国版画展览会》筹备工作。八月,中国美术家协会和中央美术学院联合举行李桦教授从事美术教育和版画事业五十年庆祝会,与李桦艺术活动五十年展览。

1984年 七月做为第六届全国美展版画评委,赴重庆参加评选会议。八月,前往江苏启东县,参加版画活动并讲学。《版画年鉴》编成1983卷。

1985年 五月,参加中国美术家协会第四次会员代表大会,在会上主动提请辞去常务理事职务,被大会推举为协会顾问。《版画年鉴》1984卷编成。十二月,应《香港中华文化促进中心》的邀请,与王琦同赴香港参加“中国现代木刻版画展的开幕式并讲学。

1986年 一月赴合肥参加“第九届全国版画展”开幕式,并在屯溪参加“版协”代表大会和版画创作座谈会。五月,参加北京市八届人代会第五次会议。主编《敬献导师的花环》(《中国版画年鉴》)1986年增刊,辽宁美术出版社)。《中国版画年鉴》1985年卷编成。

1987年 三月参加北京市八届人代会第六次会议。中央美术学院版画系举行“祝贺李桦八十大寿座谈会”。十一月,中国美术家协会在民族宫举行“祝贺李桦、叶浅予李可染八十大寿座谈会”。《李桦》画集(天津人民美术出版社)。《中国版画年鉴》1986年卷编成。组织批准退休。

1988年 十一月,出席“第五次文代会”。十二月参加中国美术家协会版画艺术委员会召开的“版画艺术研讨会”。《中国版画年鉴》1987年卷编成。

1989年 《中国版画年鉴》1988年卷编成。

1990年 十月,参加“名师的足迹”画展。《中国版画年鉴》1990年卷编成。

1991年 二月,创作“左联五烈士”像(柔石、胡也频、殷夫、李伟森、冯铿)。九月九日,女儿纪慈病逝。九月,中国美协、中国版协联合举办“中国新兴版画60年暨鲁迅诞辰110周年纪念杰出贡献奖”。

1992年 八月,出版《李桦藏书票》(上海书画出版社)。《中国版画年鉴》1991年卷编成。

1993年 四月,中国版画家协会、中央美术学院合办《李桦书画展》在中央美术学院陈列馆举行。八月,《李桦传》出版,张作明著(人民美术出版社)。

1994年 四月二十四日,出席第五届全国藏书票展览并致辞。四月二十七日十八时,突发脑血栓住进协和医院。五月五日十一时三十分辞世。





1940年, 负责“中华全国木刻界抗敌协会”湖南分会工作。主编《木刻导报》双周刊,办木刻函授班,并出版《学员习作初集》。





























Introduction in English

 Born in Guangzhou on March 6, 1907.


He was admitted to Guangzhou Municipal Art School in 1924.


In 1925, he was selected to participate in a delegation of Guangdong Province to Japan because of his excellent academic performance.


Graduated from Guangzhou Municipal Art School in 1927.


In 1930, he went to Tokyo Kawabata Art School to study in Japan at his own expense.


After the September 18th Incident in 1931, he left Japan in anger. Back to Guangzhou in October.


In 1932, he was a lecturer of Western painting in Guangzhou Municipal School of Fine Arts.


In 1933, he was the head teacher and sketch teacher of the Western Painting Department in his alma mater. On June 19, Li Hua sponsored and organized the Modern Creative Printing Research Society (hereinafter referred to as the Modern Printing Society) in Guangzhou Municipal School of Fine Arts. Xia Jin Zhaoye, Tang Ke, Xu Lunyin, Duan Ganqing and Dong Huayu organized the Pingjin Woodcut Research Institute in Peiping.


In 1934, owing to the influence of the May 4th New Culture Movement and Lu Xun's advocacy of woodcut, he began to learn engraving by himself. He wrote Poets, Naked Girls, Abandoned Babies, Unemployed People, Flood Disaster, Prisoner, Spring Suburb Scenery, 1934 Instant Scene, The Fate of Birds, Northeast Volunteer Army, etc. In April, the first personal Printmaking Exhibition was held in Guangzhou. In June, the "Modern Print Fair" was organized. Publishing hand-printed periodical "Modern Printing" and editing "Woodcut Weekly" for Guangzhou "Citizen Daily". Published "Li Hua Wood Carving Collection". Communication with Lu Xun began in December.


In 1935, many replies were received from Lu Xun, which was deeply influenced by his thoughts, art and woodcut movement. Write Homeless, roar! China. The "Modern Printing Fair" held its annual exhibition because of the woodcut movement. He was dismissed from school after summer vacation.


In 1936, he was responsible for the preparation of the Second National Woodcut Floating Exhibition. It was exhibited in Guangzhou in July and in Shanghai in October. Lu Xun visited and talked with some young woodcut writers 11 days before his death, October 8. There are more than one hundred works of "harvest is equally poor", "protest of 129" and woodcut comic strips "dawn", "silk" and "sister-in-law Zhao". The tenth volume of Modern Printing, Anti-imperialist Special Issue, was published.


In July 1937, Li Hua, Liqun, Xinbo, Jiangfeng, Cao Bai, Yefu, Chen Yanqiao and Lin Fu launched the organization of the Third National Wood Carving Mobile Exhibition, which was aborted because of the beginning of the July 7th Incident. After the July 7th Incident, the Modern Print Fair ceased its activities. The exhibits of the third National Wood Carving Flow Exhibition in preparation were brought to Shanghai by Toyefu and to Wuhan by Jiangfeng. To organize printmaking exhibitions in Guilin and Nanning. He wrote New Year's Movie, Military-Civil Cooperation, Woodcarving Comic Painting, Return, No Child in Childhood, Water Burial, Between Father and Son, Inform and War of Resistance Story. In November, he joined the army.


In 1938, he fought outside Xuzhou and Wuhan and was stationed in Changsha at the end of the year. Autumn and Late Return. Complete the Anti-Japanese War Story, a total of three series. In October, he took part in Nanxun Battle and drew many sketches of the battlefield.


In late June 1939, a field sketch exhibition was held in Guilin under the agreement of the Cartoon and Woodcarving Society. Over the past year, more than 170 field sketches were exhibited in the war zones of Henan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan. In August, he went to Guilin to hold a "battlefield sketch exhibition". In October, he participated in the First Changsha Battle, and then went to Chaling. He held a "Lu Xun Memorial Wood Carving Exhibition" with Xinbo, Jiannan and Lai Shaoqi on behalf of Guilin Office of the All-China Woodcarving Anti-enemy Association. He contributed to Kaiming Daily edited by Luo He-min, an underground party member, and carved the "Door God of Anti-Japanese War" with Wen Tao, which was attached. In November, he began to edit the weekly Anti-Japanese War Woodcarving for the newspaper. "Drive to the Anti-Japanese Front", "Rescue" and so on. Publishing "Woodcut Course".


In 1940, he was in charge of the Hunan Branch of the All-China Woodcarving Industry Anti-enemy Association. Editor-in-chief, Woodcut Bulletin, runs correspondence courses on woodcut and publishes the Preliminary Collection of Students'Works. His works include Disgrace and Enmity, Snow March and so on. An exhibition of Li Hua's field sketch was held in Guilin. In the spring of the same year, Li Hua organized the Hunan Branch of All-Wood Association in Changsha, Hunan Province. On June 15, a woodcut lecture was held, and the "July 7" commemorative woodcut mobile exhibition and the publication of "Selected Works of Anti-Japanese War woodcut" were also held. In October, Li Hua and Lu Tian co-edited "Anti-Japanese War Woodcarving" and "Poetry and Woodcarving" irregular supplements in Kaiming Daily, Hengyang, Hunan Province.

In 1941, he participated in the compilation of the General Review of the Chinese Wood Carving Movement in the Past Ten Years. In March, the All-China Woodcarving Anti-Enemy Association was illegally dissolved by the Social Ministry of the Kuomintang on unnecessary charges. Published the paper "On the National Form of Woodcarving" and published "Preliminary Works of Students" and "Two Works of Students".


In January 1942, Chongqing established the "China Woodcut Research Society" and was elected a director. From January to February, the second Changsha Dajie battlefield sketch exhibition was held. In October, the First Double Ten National Wood Carving Exhibition opened. Xu Beihong pointed out that "Li Hua is an old predecessor, his style is becoming more and more sophisticated, and he has gradually become a national form. Some of them are close to Diller".


On October 30, 1943, "Li Hua's Third Changsha Battle History and Drawing Exhibition of Dongting Lake" was held in the auditorium of Guangxi Radio Station. At the end of November, another "sketch exhibition" was held in Guilin. Publishing "Beacon Smoke Collection" and "New Theory of Fine Arts".


On March 19, 1944, the "Li Hua Changde Battle Painting Exhibition" opened at the provincial radio station, exhibiting dozens of battlefield sketches for three consecutive days. On New Year's Day, together with Liu Jiannan, Liu Lun, Lu Tian and Liang Yongtai, we launched the "Floating Wood Carving Exhibition in Southern Guizhou".


In 1945, he sketched in Rucheng, Hunan Province. Collect the historical materials of woodcut movement in Kuomintang-controlled areas during the Anti-Japanese War. "Li Hua Print Ink Painting Exhibition" was held in Bangshi, Guangdong Province.


In 1946, a printmaking ink painting exhibition was held in Nanchang. May to Shanghai. Join Shanghai Art Writers Association. In July, he was elected as the executive director of the All-China Woodcut Association, participated in the preparation of the "Eight Years of Anti-Japanese War Woodcut Exhibition" and edited the "Eight Years of Anti-Japanese War Woodcut Selection". Write "Fury Tide" group painting, "After the Ding of Grain" and "On the Hunger Line". Publishing Li Hua's Ink Painting.


In 1947, he wrote "520" leaflets. His works include Khan, Labor Reserve Army, Grief, Escape, Night Terror, Harvest, Dark Corner of the City, Progress of Democracy, Unity is Power, Concentricity Inside and Outside, Help him in, Democracy Can't Die! 》 "Ask for food from the gun muzzle", "Money flying all over the sky, no one can live" and so on. Publishing Fury Tide Paintings. Editing New Woodcut Weekly for Times Daily, the Soviet Foreign Language Association organ newspaper. In March, Li Hua, Yang Keyang, Zheng Yefu, Wang Qi and Wang Maizhu were elected as directors after written election of former members of the All-Wood Association. Li Hua got the most votes and served as the chairman. Wang Shuyi, Chen Ketian and Ge Kejian were elected as supervisors, and Wang Shuyi was the chairman of the board of directors. The Council decided to hold a national woodcut exhibition every spring and autumn, and set up a correspondence course on woodcut. In September, he became an associate professor of the National Peiping Art College. Join the Peiping Art Writers Association. To guide students'woodcut groups such as Sunshine Society of Tsinghua University (with students from Yanjing University), Fourth College of Peking University, and Woodcut Class of China-France University. On October 1, China Modern Printing Exhibition opened at the National Hermitage Museum in Leningrad, USSR, exhibiting 157 works. Lithographer Liqun and Li Hua visited Su along with the painting exhibition. Later, in Moscow, Shen Yanbing, Minister of Culture of China, Pakhomov, Vice Minister of Culture of the Soviet Union, and Pimenov, Secretary of the All-Soviet Union and the United States Association attended the opening ceremony.


He joined the 127 Art Society in 1948. He teaches western art history, ink painting and sketch in art specialty. Write "Overbridge Persons". I went to a small coal kiln in Western Beijing to experience life and work on "Kiln Worker's Sweat and Blood". On March 13, the National Woodcut Exhibition, jointly organized by Tsinghua, Peking University, Yanjing and Sino-French Universities in Peiping, was displayed in four schools. About 200 wood carvings were brought by Li Hua to Peiping and handed over to Sunshine Society of Tsinghua University. A number of popular works have been produced in the Kuomintang-controlled areas, such as Li Hua's Anger Tide, Huang Xinbo's After Selling Blood, Desolate Smoke's One Fall Down, Tens of Millions Stand Up, Professor Yang Keyang's "Professor", Zhu Xuanxian's "Angry Flames Burning in Iron Window", "The Fighting of Woodcutters", and Shao Keping's "Street". Zhao Yannian's "Grabbing Rice", wheat straw's "Dad Released", Yefu's "Pan-Zone Crash Boat", Wang Shuyi's "Self-Missing Persons" and so on. On November 1, the 4th National Wood Carving Exhibition (Autumn) was held by the All-Wood Association in the sketch of Daxin Company in Shanghai. The works on display included: Li Hua's "Fury Tide".


He was promoted to Professor in 1949. To greet the Peking Liberation Woodcarving Flyer "The People's Liberation Army is the People's Army", to experience life in Shijingshan Power Plant and Steelmaking Plant, to repair generators, to learn, and so on. Editing the Weekly Journal of Advanced Art for Tianjin Progress Daily. He attended the first National Cultural Congress and was elected member of the Art Exhibition of the Congress. He was elected a member of the All-China Federation of Literature and Culture, a standing director of the Association of Artists and an executive editor of People's Fine Arts.


In 1950, he participated in the land reform in the suburbs of Beijing. Attended the Beijing Cultural Congress. Creation of copperplate prints "struggle against landlords", "burning the old deeds", woodcut "25,000 miles long march across the grassland" and so on. Publishing The Theory and Practice of Wood Carving.

In November 1988, he attended the Fifth Cultural Congress. In December, he participated in the "Print Art Seminar" held by the Print Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association. The Yearbook of Chinese Printing was compiled in volume 1987.


The Yearbook of Chinese Printing, 1989, was compiled in volume 1988.


In October 1990, he participated in the exhibition of "The Footprints of Famous Teachers". The Yearbook of Chinese Printing was compiled in volume 1990.


In February 1991, he created the image of "five martyrs of the Left League" (Roushi, Hu Yebin, Yinfu, Li Weisen, Feng Quan). On September 9, Jici died of illness. In September, the Chinese Artistic Association and the Chinese Printing Association jointly held the "Outstanding Contribution Award for the 60th Anniversary of China's Emerging Printing and the 110th Anniversary of Lu Xun's Birthday".


In August 1992, Li Hua Bibliographic Ticket (Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House) was published. The Yearbook of Chinese Printing was compiled in 1991.


In April 1993, Li Hua Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, co-sponsored by the Chinese Printers Association and the Central Academy of Fine Arts, was held in the Exhibition Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In August, "Biography of Li Huazhuan" was published, and Zhang Zuoming (People's Fine Arts Publishing House).


On April 24, 1994, he attended the Fifth National Collection Ticket Exhibition and delivered a speech. At 18:00 on April 27, sudden cerebral thrombosis was admitted to Union Medical College Hospital. He died at 11:30 on May 5.






    最近更新:2025-01-13 11:37:34
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