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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名王渔父
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地贵州 贵阳
  • 出生日期1907-03
  • 逝世日期1974-09
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长花鸟
  • 毕业院校北平私立京华艺术专科学校

早期作品《月夜飞凫》曾参加社会主义造型艺术展览,深得好评。(现藏北京中国美术馆)他喜欢描写月夜,月色迷人,令人神往,引人遐想,动人情思。那倒垂的荷叶,婀娜刚劲的长草,一群飞向遥远的凫雁打破了夜的寂静,似乎听到它们嘎嘎的鸣声,把读者带到一个水光月色天宇茫茫的境界。它是无声的诗而又是一曲抒情的小唱。  《锦鸡》一幅描写苗岭三月绮丽的春光,映山红开遍山野,迷蒙的烟雾轻柔地飘荡,给苗岭添加一层神秘动人的色彩,给大自然增加韵致。三三五五的锦鸡,或飞或鸣,有的好斗,有的嬉戏,多姿多彩,栩栩如生。它蕴含着浓郁的诗情,飘散着生活的馥郁芬芳,使人在美感的享受中更加热爱生活。
《保雏》是他解放初期的作品,曾参加四川省五人画展,获得好评。雄鸡掉头发出警报,告鹰将来临;母鸡咯咯呼唤,雏鸡赶快躲藏,惊惶的小鸡有的在跑,有的已躲进母亲的怀抱。画家赋予作品强烈的人情味,意多于笔而趣多于法,给人以笔墨之外的许多感受,称得上是一幅佳作。  作为意识形态的造型艺术,总该是时代和现实生活的反映。他注重时代精神,创造性的发展了花鸟画,学岭南又兼取各家,融汇所长,独辟蹊径,创造了自家面目。

Introduction to the artist

Guizhou is famous home of traditional Chinese painting. Person of Heibei Zhuo county. Willow of original name king lows. Childhood study is painterly, be fond of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style especially. After 1929, studying Beijing University art is with north courtyard of smooth capital art learns, was graduated from north to make the same score training school of private capital art 1933, get Wang Meng early or late all Great Masters award white, Qi Baishi, Chen Banding course of study.
After 1936, suffer hire middle school of Yu Zhuo county, training school to hold the post of art teacher. After the War of Resistance Against Japan erupts, flounder makes and other places of prosperous, Wuhan, Changsha, Guilin sell a picture to make a living. Touched Guiyang to settle 1944, hold the post of Guizhou Province to establish head of department of artistic house art. After People's Republic of China holds water, have successively held the posts of section chief of division of art of bureau of Guizhou Province culture, save Wen Lianmei to be versed in room director waits for duty. Art of tone Guizhou university fastened a professor 1958, teach again after at institute of normal school of school of Guizhou Province art, Guiyang. Died of illness in Guiyang 1974. Its masterpiece has " moonlight flying wild duck " , " earth spring is deep " , " turtledove of rain during springtime cries " , " sallow magpie " , " duck of breast of pond of carry on one's shoulder " etc, publish have " Wang Liuting draws volume " , " painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of Wang Yu father draws volume " .
Gentleman of king fishing father is artist of our country's famous painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style. One's early years is read at Beijing art only, suffer course of study to fall at white door of dream of painter Qi Baishi, king, the picture austral middleaged contact mountain is sent, absorbed the advantage of the picture austral mountain, combine height of pen, Chinese ink, color, pink, take sketchy modelling seriously. A piece of creation relapses deliberate, stalk of grain easily for many times, of have to meaning make do not agree to show a person easily. The ancients says: "9 decayed stop " , and his creation stalks of grain easily tens of second, stop 9 decayed, it is exert one's utmost effort, keep an enterprise going by painstaking effort really. His lifetime is very assiduous, everyday the bedside since early in the morning grinds Mo Bian to conceive, never agree to waste a bit time. He likes to draw ﹍ of ﹍ of peach of peony, oriental cherry, cuckoo, green jade, the flowers branch thick Xie Mao of his the wording and purpose of what one writes, in bud in full bloom, bright red 10 thousand just, excessive colour time, the picture of a flourishing, make the person faces picture to flow to leave hard repeatedly.
Inchoate work " moonlight flying wild duck " Ceng Can adds socialistic plastic arts to exhibit, get greatly reputably. (art gallery of China of Beijing showing Tibet) he likes picture moonlight, moonlight is attractive, be charmed making a person, fetching daydream, move favor to think of. That pours the lotus leaf that hang down, the length of graceful bold is careless, a flock of to distant wild duck wild goose flying that broke nocturnal hush, hear them it seems that song, take the reader to the state with boundless and indistinct sky of smooth moonlight of a water. It is breathed poem and be one Qu Shu affection is small sing. " golden pheasant " the spring scenery with gorgeous in March mountain of seedling of a depict, azalea opens Shan Ye, misty aerosol drifts gently, add a mysterious and moving color to Miao Ling, increase charm to send to nature. The golden pheasant of 3355, or fly or cry, some is bellicose, some playing, much appearance is colorful, lifelike. It accumulate containing full-bodied poetics, wave the fragrant fragrance that coming loose to live, make a person more hot in the enjoyment of aesthetic feeling love lives.
The fifties " pear spends a fish " it is his an excellent work the fifties, snow-white pear spends crowd together branch, some blooming, some is contained partly, have Fu admire, have having a back, empty the actual condition is true, at great length, sway strange looks, the tender leaf freely rolling back and forth with branch green reddish brown, dress up pear flower more pleasing to the eyely, in water shadow foil below, it appears in that way white exquisite, resemble immaculate Bai Yu, seem glittering and translucent drip again, spend the shoal of fish below, turn over a play billow, go up to fall suddenly suddenly, ignore before ignore hind, be like as happy as photograph of the person that watch.
" protect cheeper " the work that is his emancipatory initial stage, ceng Can adds Sichuan to save 5 people art exhibition, obtain reputably. The cock drops a hair to give warning, accuse an eagle to be faced in the future; Hen chuckle is called, chickling hides at once, the chickling some of panic is running, some already hid into maternal bosom. The painter gifts the milk of human kindness with intense work, meaning over and interesting over law, give a person with a lot of feeling besides writing, saying to go up is an an excellent work. As ideological plastic arts, always should be times and the report that reality lives. He pays attention to times spirit, of creativity developed stroke of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, learn hold concurrently again south mountain take each, be in harmony collects a strong point, develop a new style or a new method of one's own, created oneself appearance.
The gentleman is good at keeping a fish, friend calls fishing father, his picture suffers the effect austral mountain quite deep, the apply colours to a drawing to water, cloud, rain, mist can accomplish handy, the picture after apply colours to a drawing appears more implicative, richer atmosphere, also deepened the appeal of the picture at the same time.






    最近更新:2024-12-16 01:23:44
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