Sun Haiqing, male, was born at Shanxi Taiyuan in December 1956. Fat city of ancestral home Shandong. Was graduated from Taiyuan engineering college to catch 1983 knit major (arts and crafts) , ceng Yu came to ground at department of mural of the Beijing imperial art academy, beautiful courtyard central early or late 2000 1990 long. Show Nanning country artist academician. Shanxi imperial art academy is advanced painter, assistant dean. Painting and calligraphy of poem of province of thing of assistant manager of book of province of thing of beautiful assistant manager of mountain range province, Shanxi, Shanxi imprints artist federation vice-chairman. Work of art ever was entered exhibit; " disappear and international board art exhibition, international collects books the ticket is exhibited " , " first landscape painting of countrywide is exhibited " , " canvas of the 2nd China is exhibited " , " the 4th seal cutting of countrywide is exhibited " , " Sino-Japanese exhibit from work of the calligraphy that make a poetry " , " covering of the fan of first international of Beijing is exhibited " , " the star of the century one by one China is artistic double abandon exhibit " , " Paris one by one Chinese style is exhibited " , " move toward Jin Shiji one by one canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited " , " imperial art academy of the 2nd whole nation double year exhibit " . " first mural of countrywide is exhibited " . " Gan Guomei assist first member high-quality goods is exhibited " , " Fu Baoshi award. Nanjing wash medium is exhibited 3 years " , " picture makeup. Art of theme of opera doing a state is exhibited greatly " etc. Collect of publication individual work " art and literary circles brushs and ink-writing - - Sun Haiqing " , " Chinese canvas 20 one by one Sun Haiqing " etc.