Male, word art furnace, fast of date earnest Wu is master, shandong is not had younger brother person, was born in Shandong bank city in Feburary 1963, party member. Master from famous artist Mr Zhao Zilin, 2001 complete a course at Chinese beauty assist picture of first painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style grinds high class. Those who get the Shi Fu of Guo Yicong, Zhang Lichen, Huo Chunyang, Han Laiwen, Guo, gentleman such as Gu Anjian is close award. It is Chinese artist academician now, assistant dean of academy of art of grandchildren of Shandong bank city, bank director of association of state city artist, bank city imperial art academy is advanced painter, bank director of association of state city collector, house member title. ?
Main skill accomplishs as follows:
1991 " Jing heart " selected China is beautiful assist, the book art exhibition that the Chemical Industry Department sponsors. ?
1994 " riches and honour is lucky " selected home of traditional Chinese painting of first China youth is exhibited greatly, and collect of suitable for a painting. ?
1999 " igneous strong gale " obtain Shandong to save the United States assist those who sponsor " high-quality goods of the traditional Chinese painting in crossing a century is exhibited " outstanding award, enter the market that write a picture. ?
2002 " zephyr " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " commemorative wool chairman in Yan'an literary talk publishs 60 years of beauty to exhibit " . ?
2002 " zephyr series · 2 " obtain Shandong to save culture house to hold " galaxy award " cupreous award. ?
2002 " zephyr " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " the 16th new personality of countrywide is made newly exhibit " , enter the market that write a picture. ?
2003 " years is cantabile " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " art of painting of countrywide contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is exhibited greatly " , enter the market that write a picture. ?
2004 " dance spring breeze " selected " the 10th beauty of countrywide exhibits Shandong preelection " exhibition. ?
2005 " autumn water " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " eulogy of the Yangtse River " nomination of Chinese picture work is exhibited, enter the market that write a picture. ?
2005 " warm southerly breeze " selected " the whole nation is dozenth the picture invites a contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style exhibit " , win award of an excellent work, enter the market that write a picture. ?
2005 " smooth zephyr " selected China is beautiful assist those who sponsor " commemorative war of resistance against aggression wins 60 years " Chinese art exhibition, enter the market that write a picture. ?
2005 " dance spring breeze " selected China is beautiful assist advocate board " exposition of art of the 6th Dalian " win outstanding work award. ?
2006 " verve cool breeze " selected " countrywide thirteenth picture of contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style invites exhibit " , enter the market that write a picture. ?
2010 " Qiu Ying is resided along with hill " selected China is beautiful assist the sponsorred traditional Chinese painting in 2010 is exhibited, win outstanding award, enter the market that write a picture. ?
2001 " flowers " by Chinese beauty assist groom the center is collected. ? 11 work attended in Shandong province art gallery 2002 " contemporary painting and calligraphy invites · of Qi Luhan Chinese ink 25 times exhibit " . Work of traditional Chinese painting is in for many times " Chinese book pictorial " wait for the press to publish reach a comment, its resume and work are entered make up " Shandong artist big dictionary " wait for grand ceremony of more than 20 art and picture collect, published in May 2006 " Liu Xinchun draws volume " . Its work gets broad the person that collect loves, be collected by much home unit and individual.