李立,湖南湘潭县小花石(今属株洲)人。字石庵,号立翁。 李立于1925年出生于湘潭市城内裕芒花圃,祖籍是株洲县堂市乡楼厦村(原属湘潭县)的一个书香世家。早先毕业于华中美术学校,后入杭州国立艺专深造,师从齐白石、潘天寿等大师。
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李立研习金石书画已逾半个世纪,18岁时曾将其初生牛犊之作寄呈白石老人,后经白石大师点拨,李立走上了法古师今,博采众长,独辟蹊径,自造门户的道路,形成了章法严谨,结体合度,刚劲简练,古朴雄奇的风格。在书法上,李立擅长甲骨、钟鼎、小篆、铁线、竹简。用笔遒劲,风格古雅浑朴,苍老挺拔独具匠心。李立的花鸟画,不但发扬了"以形写神"的传统,又具有浓郁的时代气息,所画水仙、红梅、荷花、杜鹃均飘逸脱俗。80年代以来,他曾多次为党和国家领导人,世界文化名流以及日本前首相竹下登等刻印。由于他不画印稿,以刀代笔,刻削如泥,顷刻而成,故有“神刀”之美誉。其作品与王福庵、齐白石、邓散木等前辈一并被选入日本出版的《现代中国著名印人三十二家》。力作《毛主席诗词印谱选》、《李立金石书画集》、《文天祥正气歌》先后在国内和香港出版。作品饮誉五大洲20多个国家和地区,他的名字和传记已收入美国出版的《世界5000名人辞典》和英国出版的三本文献:《世界著名知识分子辞典》、《国际名人传记辞典》、《成就卓著名人辞典》。 为此,中央电视台1995年5月11日在《东方之子》专栏对李立作了专题报道。其作品相继在香港、台湾、日本、泰国举办个人展览,深获好评。
Li Li is from xiaohuashi (now Zhuzhou), Xiangtan County, Hunan Province. Word stone temple, No. Liweng.
Li Li was born in 1925 in yumang flower garden in Xiangtan city. His ancestral home is a family of calligraphers from Louxia Village (formerly Xiangtan County), Tangshi Township, Zhuzhou County. He graduated from Huazhong art school in the early stage, and then went to Hangzhou National Art College for further study under the guidance of Qi Baishi, Pan Tianshou and other masters. Li Lixian later served as the director of China Calligrapher Association, vice chairman and consultant of Hunan Branch of China Calligrapher Association, and President of Hunan Arts and crafts calligraphy and Painting Research Association. He is now a professor of Hunan higher light industry college, visiting professor of Central South University of technology and Zhuzhou Institute of technology, member of Standing Committee of Changsha Municipal Committee of CPPCC, deputy director of culture and Education Committee of Hunan Provincial Committee of China Democratic League, and member of Xilin press Members. In April 1996, Li Li was employed as a librarian of Hunan Provincial Museum of culture and history.
At 10:15 p.m. on December 11, 2014, Li Li, a famous Hunan Jinshi calligrapher and painter, died of invalid medical treatment at the age of 90.
His grandfather, Li yanfeigong, graduated from Beijing School of law and politics. He once served as the civil president and judge of the high court of Hunan Province. He loved poetry, books and paintings. His father, Li Boyuan, a senior student of Chaoyang University in Beijing, died young. Wenzeqing's mother taught Youxian and was kind and benevolent. Li Li, formerly known as Xin Zhi, was infatuated with the stone since he was a child. During his schooling, he wanted to stand on his own, so he changed his name to Li Li, Li Weng.
Li Li has been studying Jinshi calligraphy and painting for more than half a century. At the age of 18, he sent his newborn calf to Baishi old man. After being ordered by Baishi master, Li Li Li embarked on the road of learning from ancient and modern Legalists, taking advantages of others, developing his own way and building his own portal, forming a style of rigorous rules, well knit, simple and simple, simple and magnificent. In calligraphy, Li Li is good at Jiagu, Zhongding, Xiaozhuan, tiexian and bamboo slips. The style is elegant and simple with strong strokes, and the old is tall and straight with originality. Li Li's flower and bird paintings not only carry forward the tradition of "depicting God by form", but also have a strong flavor of the times. Narcissus, red plum, lotus and azalea are all elegant and refined. Since the 1980s, he has been the party and state leaders, world cultural celebrities and the former Prime Minister of Japan takeshida for many times. Because he did not draw a printed manuscript, instead of writing with a knife, it was cut like mud and made in an instant, so it has the reputation of "magic knife". His works, together with Wang Fuan, Qi Baishi, Deng Sanmu and other predecessors, were selected into the thirty two famous modern Chinese Indians published in Japan. His masterpieces, Chairman Mao's poems and poems, Li Li Jinshi's calligraphy and painting collection and Wen Tianxiang's Zhengqi song, have been published in China and Hong Kong successively. His works are well-known in more than 20 countries and regions on five continents. His name and biography have been included in the dictionary of the world's 5000 celebrities published in the United States and three books published in the United Kingdom: the dictionary of the world's famous intellectuals, the dictionary of the international biography of celebrities, and the dictionary of outstanding celebrities For this reason, CCTV made a special report on Li Li in the column of the son of the East on May 11, 1995. His works have successively held individual exhibitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Thailand, and won high praise.
Artistic achievement
In August 1997, he was awarded the first level Medal of "star torch" by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the National Committee of the Communist Youth League.
On September 25, 1997, CCTV's "sunset red" program made a special report.
In May 2001, he was awarded the "honorary award of Chinese calligraphy art" at the 20th Anniversary Conference of the establishment of China Calligrapher Association.
In October 2001, Chinese Calligrapher Association, CCTV, etc. produced and broadcast the TV series special film "calligraphy fragrance", which introduced 50 Chinese Calligraphers and their artistic achievements. The works were included in the collection of "calligraphy fragrance - 50 Chinese Calligraphers".