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  • 中文名谭建丞
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍浙江湖州
  • 居住地浙江 湖州
  • 出生日期1898-05-26
  • 逝世日期1995
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水,花鸟,人物

1898年5月26日生在浙江湖州马军巷一座叫春晖堂的老房子里。家学渊源的谭建丞4岁进私塾求学,接受启蒙教育,并临习书法和绘画作品。清末新式学堂兴起,谭先生进绉业小学和湖州府中学堂就读。在湖州府中学堂求学时,与文学巨匠茅盾同学。14岁那年,谭先生由其大伯父引导去见在上海的一代书画大师吴昌硕。吴昌硕让谭先生握笔试画,结果谭先生接过吴昌硕手中的笔,放到小钵里蘸了蘸水,又往砚台舔了舔墨,不假思索就完成了一幅玉兰图,深得吴昌硕大师的激赏,认为“小子不用干笔头作画,又蘸水又蘸墨,用笔湿润,日后必定成为大家。”16岁那年,谭建丞先生正式拜师湖州书法名家宋勉成学习书法,同时为湖州珠联室笔扇庄书写对联,从而结识李叔同、丁紫卿、戚纪唐等。中学毕业后,谭建丞先生考取东南大学文学系,并获文学学士学位,曾受到近代实业家张謇的指教。1922年,25岁的谭建丞东渡日本,经日本著名画家桥本关雪的介绍,成为东京美术专科学校的研究生。1929年谭建丞考入上海法政大学法学系,毕业后获法学学士学位和律师资格。抗战期间,谭先生流寓上海,供职于湖州菱湖金融家唐伯耆办的振业银行。期间,谭建丞仍一直致力于书法绘画的创作和研究,与邓散木、赵叔孺、黄葆戍、张葱玉等金石名家交往密切,艺术上取精用宏,日臻完善。 建国初,谭建丞在杭州市工商局工作,工余与黄宾虹潘天寿吴茀之诸乐三余任天等谈书研艺,西子湖畔留下了他颀长的身影。但1954年谭建丞遭人告发“里通海外”,而被解职回到故里湖州。从此至十一届三中全会召开,谭先生长期蒙受苦难,过着底层贫苦的生活,但他对艺术的孜孜追求,始终不改。
学书者须先从颜鲁公人手,使骨肉凝固,然后继之以二王,使神流韵活。说来也巧,此三人均曾在湖州留有德政、遗爱在人间,故湖州人倍加敬爱。我曾问他:“赵孟頫有印曰‘吴兴’,何以宋老与您不学赵体 ”他笑答:“艺术界向重人品,老前辈勉励后学往往先从敦品进言。”这句话,表面上似答非所问,实具深意焉。

Introduction to the artist

Yuan Mingjun, date settleclear garden, male, the Han nationality, person of Zhejiang lake city. Book of be addicted to of good picture of from a child, 1911 attend school at Zhejiang provincial the 3rd middle school, after school is drawn from practise penmanship of a person of academic or artistic distinction in countryside. Entered Nanjing southeast college 1916, graduation obtains literary person degree. Went to Japan in June 1924, enter Tokyo art training school, for the graduate student. After going back to the motherland at in in establish " school of contest adopted daughter " , assume teacher, president early or late. Entered college of Shanghai politics and law 1929, law person degree is obtained after 3 years. During, stride with Wang Yiting, Pang Zunyu, Wu Dong, and other places of Shen Mai person, Wang Dezu is initiated establish " Qing Yuanyi company " , in all consult art thing. Ever held individual book art exhibition in and other places of city of Shanghai, lake early or late. Landscape of arrogate to oneself, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, character, piao essence figure of Buddha, what make pen and ink austere, still imposing manner, weigh whole, simple and honest elegant look up. Work ever was exhibiting domestic and internationally for many times reach publish on the press, or unit be waitinged for by art gallery, museum is collected. Some work attend early or late " Zhejiang 6 old art exhibition " , " Zhejiang 10 old art exhibition " etc. Masterpiece has " glacial pothole is written scene " " vegetables and fruits " " amount to rub statue " " hill resides a graph " " a unit of length 4 flowers " (collect for central Rearch Institute of Culture and History) " 8 feet landscape " (for Jun Tao artistic courtyard is collected) etc. Labour calligraphy, seal cutting of essence of life, article of poem of be apt to. Treatise of painting and calligraphy has " how to draw a grape " " settleclear garden writes stone " " the picture that establish assistant officer is chosen " " the picture that establish assistant officer is chosen " " build assist to imprint put " " settleclear garden Shi Cao " " spring scenery little sign " etc. It is adviser of Zhejiang artist association before one's death, zhejiang calligraphy association praise director, xi Ling imprints company commune member, zhejiang saves adviser of seal cutting seminar, the member that Zhejiang saves literary history to study house house, honorary president of association of art of lake state city, dean of courtyard of lake city painting and calligraphy.
Was born in Zhejiang lake city on May 26, 1898 in the old building that equestrian army alley makes spring scenery hall. The home learns the Tan Jiancheng of origin 4 years old to enter private school attend school, accept illuminative education, face calligraphy of be used to and paint. Clear minor details is new-style the school is arisen, mr Tan enters crape trade elementary school and hall of middle school of lake state seat of government to be read. In lake state seat of government the school seeks period, with classmate of aegis of cogongrass of literary great master. , mr Tan is guided by its uncle father go seeing the Wu Changshuo of Great Master of generation painting and calligraphy that is in Shanghai. Wu Changshuo lets Mr Tan grasp written examination to draw, result Mr Tan has received the pen in Wu Changshuo hand, put in small earthen bowl to dip in water, lick Chinese ink toward inkstone again, truly thinking completed plan of a yulan magnolia, get the bepraise of Wu Changshuo's Great Master greatly, think " boy need not do ability to write to make a picture, dip in again water dips in again Chinese ink, with the pen wet, in the future sure become great master. " , mr Tan Jiancheng does obeisance to exert oneself of the Song Dynasty of a person of academic or artistic distinction of calligraphy of division lake city formally to become study calligraphy, it is lake city at the same time village of fan of pen of bead couplet room writes couplet, get acquainted with Li Shu to be the same as thereby, Ding Ziqing, Qi Jitang. After the middle school graduates, literature of university of southeast of pass an entrance examination of Mr Tan Jiancheng is, obtain literary bachelor's degree, ever got of latter-day businessman Zhang Jian give advice or comments. 1922, tan Jiancheng of 25 years old takes the sea-voyage eastward Japan, via Japan famous artist bridge closes the introduction of snow originally, become the graduate student of Tokyo art training school. Tan Jiancheng took an examination of Shanghai 1929 law of law politics university is, graduation hind obtains law bachelor's degree and lawyer qualification. During war of resistance against aggression, mr Tan sheds contain Shanghai, hold post does at Tang Baiqi of financier of lake of lake city water chestnut brace up trade bank. During, tan Jiancheng still devotes oneself to the creation with painterly calligraphy and research all the time, interact with the inscriptions a person of academic or artistic distinction such as Deng Sanmu, Zhao Shuru, Huang Baoshu, Zhang Congyu close, essence of life is taken to use on art grand, become better day by day. Found a state first, tan Jiancheng works in Hangzhou city industrial and commercial bureau, labour beyond and yellow guest rainbow, Pan Tianshou, of Pi , Zhu Le 3, Yu Rentian talk about a book to grind art, xi Zihu bank kept his tall figure. But Tan Jiancheng reported 1954 by the person " in abroad " , and be dismissed return city of native place lake. Reach 11 from now on 3 in plenary meeting is held, mr Tan is long-term incur affliction, live rock-bottom and poor life, but he is gone after to artistic diligent, do not change from beginning to end.
1957, mr Tan of 60 years old of art of Xiang Yi of of one mind with a cycle of sixty years year do obeisance to big his Zhang Zongxiang of 16 years old is division, folk is passed temporarily for a much-told story. "Culture Revolution " in 10 years, the life of Mr Tan drops into abyss, by enumerate one pile if " the secretary of chief of school of element of historical counter-revolutionary, right-wing, the enemy and the puppet regime, CC " wait for accusation, hang out one's shingle parade sb through the streets, criticize and denounce sb, early morning sweeps a driveway, write in the evening explain, live impersonal life. Till reforming and opening later, the history just returns Tan gentleman a justice, scour off forces the injustice on his body, his artistically is new also coruscate gives youth, word of seal cutting, calligraphy, painterly, poem is achieved do not be about to heal from heart institute the degree of quadrature. 1980, great Master of contemporary traditional Chinese painting Mr Li Kuchan is epigraph of Mr Tan Jiancheng: "Changjiang Delta painting and calligraphy the first thumb " , give height the opinion. Later generations ever evaluated Mr Tan of old age so: "Tan often makes the same score day of Chen Shuzhui to coil, buy wine strokes musical instrument, reside equipment hardworking and thrifty, bend forward hold Lao Xin concurrently, morning smoke faces a tax, evening mist carries the lamp, the intense heat of summer ' brandish sweat ' , severe winter ' breathe out aspic ' , judge taste landscape character, differentiate inscriptions Yi inscription, idle chant is gotten sentence, adopt collect poem language. From time to time holds inkstone banquet in both hands and the pen walks along dragon snake, appetent place arrives with meaning place not as good as, full have no time is considered, the photograph that be like a fish forgets at all corners of the country, happy and do not know old place to come. Sincere Si Yi, enter path also. " was to draw up the magnanimous mood of Mr Tan is mixed truly outstanding art condition. Group of the art when 100 years old of his birthday and local government were held for him in May 1995 " painting and calligraphy of poem of Mr Tan Jiancheng imprints 100 years old of Hua Danqing congratulate meet academic seminar and Mr Tan Jiancheng " , bang millet, Liu Kaiqu, dynasty is heard wait for artistic Great Master to congratulate jointly, extol Mr Tan is " black Cheng very old people, brilliance Wu Yue " . On December 8, experience the historical affliction vicissitudes of life of hundred years, 90 advanced age join the new Party member of the Communist Party of China, as close as lingering of painting and calligraphy the Mr Tan die of a century. Allegedly, obituary notice is revised personally before Mr Tan is mortal, family member of special keep an eye on, not alarm close friends, on the hill of Taoist or Buddhish rites that after waiting for cremation, scatters ashes of the dead in city of his birthplace lake, donative Zhejiang saves high-quality goods of painting and calligraphy and lifetime saving debt Rearch Institute of Culture and History, Xi Ling imprints the unit such as museum of city of company, lake.
Fight war period, reside abroad Shanghai, ceng Can adds the backing that fight day to be able to work. With be the same as li of Wu Dong to stride (v/LIT an amphora-like jar is old child) , Shen Mai person, Pang Zunyu, Wang Dezu establish Qing Yuanyi company, annals contains graph of save the nation from extinction to put. Qing Yuanzhi name, stem from Su Dongpo to praise the line of lake city " far ground of landscape Qing Dynasty " . He ever painted picture of one mad monk, one poem inscribes on: "Did not sweep Qin Jin in former days, see his iceberg oneself fall. Wind of Chinese fan palm of water of 8 merits and virtues, wash trouble with common people first. " hind be informed against to the Japanese army by traitor: In order to bark bogus is Qin Gui, the iceberg is the Japanese army. Get an information first fortunately and nip draws far escape, ability riddance disaster. This picture puts lake city museum today.
The biographical sketch with old Tan, be in early " Lin Yixiu employs Chinese ink) have pass. " name of Chinese art family dictionary " say: "Tan Jiancheng (contemporary) old person of autograph painting and calligraphy, zhejiang Wu Xing's person. Landscape of be apt to, character, be versed in especially figure of Buddha. Calligraphy Cang Guji is strong. Alone is tall from the position, ferial not light humanness is made. Ferial not light humanness is made..
Calligraphy massiness end of Tan Jiancheng coagulates, have a color quite. Think two body are not like seal, be subordinate to oneself model, row. One's early years, his calligraphy gets those who be the same as li of book home Song Mian to become to teach quite. Family name of the Song Dynasty thinks:
The person that learn a book is needed first Cong Yanlu fair hand, make flesh and blood caky, next of afterwards with 2 king, make the god sorts charm work. Say artful also, this 3 average per capita ever stayed in lake city benevolent rule, involuntary discharge of urine loves to be in the world, person of reason lake city is adored doubly. I ever asked him: "Zhao Meng Zuo has imprint ' Wu Xing ' , why doesn't the Song Dynasty often learn Zhao system with you  " he laughs answer: "Artistic bound is tasted to everybody, learn to often be tasted from honest first after old-timer encourage into character. " this word, apparently be like give an irrelevant answer, solid a deep desire Yan.
According to " Mr Tan Jiancheng and calligraphy " (Shi Feng, Yuan Daohou writes) : "First person door person should accomplish: Control theory points to solid, heart straightforward, perserve, predecease hind is vivid. " say again " make book pole pay attention to Mo Yun, the beard when emphasizing pen of writing brush made of goat's hair using ' if drink Chinese ink is had an insatiable desire for, spit Mo Rulin ' . Think to want with the pen soft, pen soft ability powerfuls; Chinese ink of Taoist sacrificial ceremony wants full, chinese ink full ability is well-developed. Accordingly, the gentleman often makes a book, it is namely when Chinese ink of pen to one's heart's content is full, with the style of writing or drawing of the pen situation of rapid and powerful, go plus center deputy fine long hair and paperbacked chafe when the pen, generate a kind of profit and thick, acerbity and solid pen, make the person is experienced thereby ' weather-shack autumn wind, embellish contains rain during springtime ' Mo Yun's beauty. " the picture it may be said with old Tan is omnipotent, such as flowers, plume, grass-and-insect painting, melon and fruit, landscape, character, traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women, figure of Buddha, without one not beautiful. Qing Li of fill in colors on a sketch of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style and not frippery, the pen is sent heavy in see fluent. What make water from a mountain, be weighed like Wang Majie continuously " cloud peak stone is slash, far away a nature's mystery. Pen meaning freely, join smooth good luck " .
The character draws a belt holding labour concurrently to write, a man finishs. During Culture Revolution, faineant, daily sit to the park, go up to wearing the grape observes more finely. Must see from place of friend of farming division courtyard again " grape breed " one book, only then know our country grape to have more than 100 kinds, red, blue, black, white, Huang Jun has fruit quality, blade profile also changes more. Then, act boldly and with confidence therefore the grape that draws all sorts of differring, chase have " Tan grape " say. After 85 years old, instead draws Song Shi more, house of reason colour place is " Song Shiyan year room " .
Common people pushs painting and calligraphy by Tan Laoduo, he himself every say pair of seal cutting are diligent the most diligent. In " settleclear garden imprints put " roll first have " an account in one's own words " : "Recollect childhood good play, often take hard New Year cake to cut to imprint, wrestle mud thinks button. A bit long, home of much inscriptions of the person that make friends... the live in seclusion in war of resistance against aggression is maritime, if the person that make friends is Zhao Shuru, yellow nurture the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, Zhang Congyu, Wu Dong is stridden etc, horizon day enlarge. It is with old man of Mr Deng dung in most agree, be fond of its depict air is boundless, almost Yi Xingzhi place close to. " make a comprehensive view " settleclear garden imprints put " imprint, cottage of fruit much v/LIT an amphora-like jar and mucky old man enrage charm, chen Xiongpiao is thick, be unique in one's style. Reason " an account in one's own words " place character " it is good that Gai Yu knows place only all one's life person good, do not know cent an administrative unit in Xizang to mention a style absolutely also.
Tan Laoxiang will think from art should pay attention to literary accomplishment more, do not give artisan scope eventually otherwise. His inscriptions painting and calligraphy every extensive gives scroll energy of life, also showing its " bellyful poetry book is angry from China " mind.
Tan often is an inscriptions home, connoisseur. I and Tan Laolun are handed in, it is the research from ancient tile is germinant. Culture Revolution metaphase, I gave " eaves tile a collection of impressions of seals by famous seal-engravers " , meaning still did not use up, begin to study ancient brick again, plan to go out the other day " bricky Pi a collection of impressions of seals by famous seal-engravers " think companion volume. See develop of one box brick from place of Mr Chen Zunfu occasionally, largely once Tan old preface and postscript, talk analyse very wonderful. Ask Chen introduction then, go to lake city to visit Tan on a special trip old. Cheat his deep love, be benefited fine is much. In those days condition, up to now clearly is in eye.
Tan old old age, get recognition of photograph of diplomacy of within the country, it is Chinese calligrapher academician, chinese artist academician, zhejiang saves calligrapher association, artist association and adviser of seal cutting seminar, xi Ling imprints company commune member, the member that Zhejiang visits shop of reputation of Rearch Institute of Culture and History, dean of courtyard of lake city painting and calligraphy, ying Shishu draws company president, poetic word learns chairman.
The history evaluates an editor
Be called in domain of the traditional Chinese painting in 20 centuries art arrogate to oneself 4 absolutely birthday of last Great Master Mr Tan Jiancheng 110 when anniversary is forthcoming, discover time passes really quickly suddenly, mr Tan die away also already more than 10 years! Dan Tanxian is unripe before one's death the sort of open-minded and hopeful, active up spirit, need the prominent authority on person and amiable manner and art demeanour, still stay clearly in my memory.
Masterpiece has " glacial pothole is written scene " " vegetables and fruits " " amount to rub statue " " hill resides a graph " " a unit of length 4 flowers " (collect for central Rearch Institute of Culture and History) " 8 feet landscape " (for Jun Tao artistic courtyard is collected) etc. Labour calligraphy, seal cutting of essence of life, article of poem of be apt to. Treatise of painting and calligraphy has " how to draw a grape " " settleclear garden writes stone " " the picture that establish assistant officer is chosen " " the picture that establish assistant officer is chosen " " build assist to imprint put " " settleclear garden Shi Cao " " spring scenery little sign " etc.






    最近更新:2024-12-17 20:31:31
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