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 赵云壑(1874 -1955),江苏苏州人。字子云,原名龙,改名起;号铁汉、壑山樵子、云壑子、壑道人,晚号壑叟、秃翁、半秃老人、秃尊者、泉梅老人。斋名有:日畊心草堂、十泉十梅之居、云起楼、还读楼。另有春晖草堂、思寒斋、无休庵等。赵子云初学画于任预、顾沄,后师从吴昌硕,尽弃前学,遂成名,为吴昌硕高足。后移居上海,为『海上题襟馆』常任理事,海上书画联合会会员。

  • 中文名赵云壑
  • 别名子云
  • 性别
  • 祖籍江苏苏州
  • 出生地苏州
  • 出生日期1874年12月16日
  • 逝世日期1955年1月4日
  • 职业画家
  • 主要成就《壑山樵人印存》
  • 代表作品《时人名画集》




















吴昌硕成为海上画坛领袖,赵云壑功不可没。赵云壑携吴氏信件求访王一亭,深蒙王一亭厚爱。打通各笺扇庄、裱画店,使得朵云轩、九华堂、锦云堂、锦润堂、天宝堂等画店代为收件。约半年,赵云壑回苏州,告吴昌硕以海上成就,促使吴昌硕决意定居海上。 王一亭于上海商界与艺界大力推介吴派艺术,吴昌硕终成“海上画派“领袖。




English Introduction

 When Zhao Ziyun was young, his family was poor, and his father, Zhao Yufeng, worked as a boatman. Zhang's mother, who is a Confucian at home, likes reading or painting. He first drew flowers and birds from Suzhou's Chiang Kai Shek agricultural school, followed by Qin Ziqing, Li Nongru and Ren Pai painter. In 1930, the poet Gu Chaxue, who was a teacher of Wu Changshuo, was born in Zhou Jia.


Since he was taught by Xuweng, Meng and Jin dynasties, painting, calligraphy and India, he was able to acquire the God of Qiweng without attacking his appearance in vain, and to capture its essence and bring forth new ideas. Re-exploration of Xu Wei, Shi Tao, Shixi and Bada Shanren's methods, to collect both, is to benefit from the heroic painting, reputation is also growing.


Zhao Ziyun visited Wang Yiting in Shanghai. The style of Wu Painting and Calligraphy was appreciated by Wang Yiting. Later, Wu Changshuo also moved to live with Wang Yi Ting as a teacher and friend.


In 1910, the organization of "golden inscription on the sea" was set up as a permanent member.


In 1920, Sheng Sheng art company published a collection of "time names and paintings". The first, second collection is "Wu Changshuo Zhao Ziyun book", "Weng Weng", "Zhu Deyi", "Gu Lin Shi", "He Rumu" and so on.


In 1922, Duyun Xuan printed a collection of Zhao Yunhe's calligraphy and painting, "Yun Guli Zi Mo Mo". Zeng Xiyun inscribed: "Mr. Ziyun is a disciple of an old man. He is a calligrapher and a painter, but he can't distinguish between them. To write landscapes, seals for grass, flowers for stone, and then the old man away from the scene in order to refresh. The book of long history is passed on Lu Gong, Ishida's landscape, and Heng Mountain. Congratulations to Mr. Ziyun and to the elders. "


Gu Linshi said slightly: "The landscape, flowers and fruits are popular - when they are well known overseas, their paintings are derived from the seal law, which is rich in teachers and insights, suitable for their precious. "


In November 1925, the Federation of maritime calligraphy and painting was set up to study and carry forward the art of Chinese painting and calligraphy. Members include Yu Youren, Wang Yiting, Zhao Yunhe, Wu Changshuo, Zhou Lianxia, Zhang Daqian, Liu Haisu, Qian Hua Buddha, Liu Haisu, Xie Gong exhibition, etc. Cha Yangu served as president.


For decades without intermittence, Mr. Li must rise in the morning. Regular script learning Yan Liu, running script learning Mi Fei, Wang Duo, grass learning Huai Su, Zhi Shan, learning the "Zhang Qian tablet" and Zheng Zheng, Zhuan "Xue" and "two" stone, are all vigorous and depressed, with ancient interest.


When printing Qiweng, it can change itself, irregular in shape. When it is finished, it enters with the body of Sangong Mountain Stele. It is easy to carve, simple and honest without false decoration, which is beyond the reach of human beings. The collection includes "The Imprint of the Woodcutter in Gushan Mountain", but it has not been widely spread and rarely seen in the world.


In 1940, his disciple, Mr. Huang Changzhong, had four copies printed for his fifty-one to sixty-six years of age, all of them eighty-six parties. In 1980, the modern seal cutting collection (two) was published by the Shanghai calligraphy and painting press.


Yun Qi prefaced Yun: "Yu Shao likes painting and calligraphy, especially seals, and long seals. Imprinting is a matter of pursuing the Qin Dynasty and imitating the Han Dynasty, as well as the Tuyun Er of Japan and the ancients. Yu did not rule in the Qin Ruohan Dynasty, but took the method of seal script and official script and did not know that it was carved. The seals of Fu, Qin and Han Dynasty are just like the rest of the time. They are indiscriminate, straightforward, free and easy. They are both dense and full of momentum. Later seals are treated as teachers, and right and wrong are treated as vulgar.


But Yu is not such a map, not thin Qin and Han Dynasty. To pursue Qin with meaning is not Qin, to imitate Han with meaning is not Han. If you use the method of seal and official script to criticize the body, that is, Zhu Wen is also fat, not thin and vigorous; there is a border department, and it is not different from Langhan, so it is appropriate to cover the imprint. Although the seal of Yin Cheng has been carried out, and the so-called "bold and unrestrained", free and straightforward, there is still no connection with it. It can be said that it is not Qin, not Han, nor Qin, nor Han, and Yu Gu has no tolerance. "


The way of Yun Gu's art is to get the spirit, to get the right way, but not to get the appearance. Therefore, Yun Gu's art can flood the whole world and become a self-made person.


In 1932, after four years of Wu Changshuo's death, Zhao Yunhe moved back to Suzhou, landscaping and planting flowers. There are ten plum trees in the garden and ten wells near the residence. They boast that they are the residence of ten springs and ten plums, which were destroyed by the war. Organize cloud clubs, work with colleagues on arts and crafts, and keep on writing. When with Xiao Tuihe and other excellent park, or listen to the evaluation, to happy days.


In 50s, he was appointed librarian of the library. In January 4, 1955, it passed away.


Ziyucun, Ligustrum Lucidum, and can draw. Many disciples, such as Zheng Mantuo, Xie Zhiguang and Huang Changzhong, are the authors.






    最近更新:2024-12-15 19:53:36
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