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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名万鼎
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地西安
  • 出生日期1955年10月3日
  • 职业画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校西安美术学院
  • 主要成就陕西省美术家协会副主席 西安美术学院山水画专业教授 西安中国画院副院长
  • 代表作品《看山还看祖国山》



1955年10月3日生于西安,师承于著名山水画家 何海霞先生。1987年就读西安美术学院山水画专业硕士研究生,1990年获艺术学硕士学位,现任西安美术学院山水画专业教授。




 1955年 10月3日生于西安;


1973年 师承于山水画家何海霞先生,研习中国画之山水画技法;


1990年 毕业于西安美术学院国画系,获艺术学硕士学位,留校任教;


1990年 4月4日,《人民日报》(第八版)发表山水画作品《大野苍然》;






1995年 1月,参加日本东京举行的“全日国际书展”之“中国长安书画著名作家展”,作品《陕北雪》被“全日国际书展”收藏;


1995年 2月22日,《人民日报》海外版发表作品《汉风清韵》;


1995年 10月,作品《大岳》由美国路易安娜州世纪大学收藏;


1995年 10月,应美国路易斯安娜州世纪大学邀请,赴该校举办学术讲座及个人画展;


1996年 1月,应美国路易斯安娜州立大学邀请,赴该校举办个人画展及学术讲座;


1996年 3月,被聘为美国路易斯安娜州立大学客座教授,并被授予“荣誉艺术家”称号,担任巴登鲁市荣誉市长;


1996年 4月4日,《人民日报》(第十二版)发表作品《谷声》;


1996年 7月,为人民大会堂创作山水画《陕北雪》(四尺);


1996年 7月,纪念中国工农红军长征胜利60周年,为中国人民解放军军事博物馆创作山水画《更喜岷山千里雪》(四尺);


1996年 7月,作为西安市人民政府主力、的,由28位陕西书画家组成的艺术团成员之一赴京,参加迎“七一”大型笔会活动;


1997年 1月,赴美国进行为期一个学期的文化交流,并向在校大学生、老师讲授中国传统绘画艺术;


1997年 3月,陕西人民美术出版社出版个人画集《万鼎1997》;


1998年 5月,带领美国路易斯安娜州立大学“东方艺术研修团”,在西安等地对东方艺术进行考察研修,举力、研修成果创作展;


1998年 12月,由陕西画报社主力、的“万鼎画展”,在西安市群众艺术馆举行;


1998年 12月,向在特大水灾中抗洪抢险的英雄47军将土,捐赠丈二匹作品《波澜知劲松》;


1998年 12月,《陕西画报》发行“万鼎特辑”,刊登作品48幅;同时刊登的还有茹桂撰写的评论文章《个性的魅力》、赵农撰写的评论文章《从英雄主义到平民主义》、燕雨辰撰写的评论文章《不觉出天机满幅烟云活》、韩望愈撰写的评论文章《步峰峦而独上登万仞而不馁》;


1999年 1月,赴美国参加“国际东西艺术创作经验交流会”;


1999年 3月,在美国举办个人画展,展出30米独幅山水画长卷作品《路州沼泽》;


1999年 4月,作品《额济娜神木》被美国奥尔良艺术博物馆收藏;


2000年 6月6日,“万鼎艺术工作室”、“艺术基地”建立;


2001年 6月,作品入编中国工人出版社出版发行的《中国山水画名家小品集》;


2001年 6月,带领美国路伊斯安娜州大学“东方艺术研修团”进行丝绸之路考察;


2001年 11月,在西安群众艺术馆举力“万鼎扇展”;


2002年 1月,在广东省汕头古今美术馆举力“万鼎扇展”;


2002年 7月20日,为支援抗洪救灾,向陕西省慈善协会捐款10万元;


2003年 向唐都医院的白衣天使们捐赠丈二匹作品《和平世界》;


2003年 11月,在广东画院举办“万鼎画展”;


2004年 为中国网通绘制“北京2008奥运会固定通信服务合作伙伴”中国扇面纪念精品;


2005年 11月,人民美术出版社出版《万鼎扇面画集》;


2006年 6月,美国LSU国际艺术交流活动,在万鼎艺术基地召开;


2007年 1月,在西安苑林艺廊举办“万鼎迎春扇展”;


2008年 5月,参加陕西省美术家协会举办的“5.12赈灾义卖”活动;


2008年 6月,在西安举力、“为宁强的孩子画出一片蓝天——万鼎5.12赈灾义卖画展”;


2008年 2008年 9月,赴北京参加“何海霞诞辰100周年纪念展”;


2008年 10月,在西安亮宝楼举办“纪念恩师何海霞先生诞辰100周年——万鼎画展”;


2010年 4月22日,参加“心系玉树·爱满人间——西安美术学院师生大型笔会暨义捐义卖”和捐款活动;


2010年 6月,陕西人民美术出版社出版《新长安画谱·万鼎山水卷》;


2010年 6月23日,为代家坝镇徐家坝小学建设电脑教室的捐赠仪式,在代家坝镇徐家坝小学举行;


2010年 7月,应大明宫国家遗址公园之邀,在丹凤门创作巨幅金碧青绿山水《云横秦岭


2010年 12月,参加陕西省美术家协会艺术代表团,出访泰国参加“笔墨千秋情中泰一家亲——庆祝泰中建交35周年(泰国)美术作品联展”;


2010年 12月,作品《终南雨后》《大秦多水》《云行终南随吾意》《满目秋色染终南》《终南涛声》《云横秦岭》《君看大秦亦风流》《大秦晚秋》入编河北美术出版社出版发行的画集《性灵意蕴·当代艺术名家》;


2011年 5月,担任“长安精神·陕西当代中国画名家作品展”,北京、广州、上海、西安、俄罗斯巡展艺术总监;


2011年 8月,上海书画出版社朵云轩出版发行《万鼎中国山水画集》;


2011年 9月,作品《大秦晚秋多诗意》《华峰柱天地》《山中一夜雨》《秋云秋树秋夕阳》《林如青铜》《秦岭八二零归来》《辛卯春寒》《终南清流图》《余晖满山村》《云迷太白》《大秦浩气图》《终南涛声》《雪霁留痕》《终南秀色》《赤壁图》《云烟深处山苍茫》《赤壁赋》《泼彩黄山》《大秦岭》,巨幅金碧青绿山水《云横秦岭》,以及《黄河涌进大地回春》《春雨洗终南》《霞照太白》入编线装书局出版的《当代中国重点画家书系——学院派名家》;


2011年 10月,参加陕西省美术家协会艺术代表团,出访俄罗斯进行艺术交流;


2011年 11月,参加在北京召开的“中国文学艺术界第九次代表大会”,为大会代表;


2012年 2月6日为庆祝纪念中日邦交正常化40周年在日本“东京中国文化中心”举办“万鼎山水画展”;


2013年 第十一届中国人民政治协商会议陕西省委员会委员;


2013年 4月,“AAC艺术中国--水墨艺术家”奖项提名


2013年 4月,“以丹青的名义守护大秦岭——长安画派艺术家万鼎的山水画展”在中国国家画院开展;


2013年 5月,“以丹青的名义守护大秦岭——长安画派艺术家万鼎的山水画展”在山西省文联大厦展出;


2013年 11月,当选第八届全国美术家协会理事;


2014年 2月,在纺织城国际艺术区跨界艺术空间举办“散步”——万鼎跨界艺术摄影展;


2014年 3月,应邀参加陕西省委宣传部陕西省文学艺术界联合会主办的“长安精神”——陕西优秀中青年国画作家提名展在中国美术馆开展;



English Introduction

 Wanding, Director of China Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Shaanxi Artists Association, Professor of Landscape Painting, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Vice President of Xi'an Academy of Chinese Painting.

Born in Xi'an on October 3, 1955, he inherited from the famous landscape painter, Mr. He Haixia. In 1987, he studied as a master of landscape painting in Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. In 1990, he received a master's degree in art. He is currently a professor of landscape painting in Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts.

Publishing personal monographs "Wanding Landscape Painting Techniques", "Wanding 1997", "Wanding Fan Painting Collection", "Wanding Chinese Landscape Painting Collection", "Shaanxi Picture Newspaper-Wanding Special Collection", into the compilation of "Chinese Landscape Painters Collection".

Born in Xi'an on October 3, 1955;

In 1973, Mr. He Haixia, a landscape painter, studied the techniques of landscape painting in Chinese painting.

Graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1990, with a Master's degree in Art and remained as a teacher.

On April 4, 1990, People's Daily (eighth edition) published the landscape painting "Wild Desolate";

In July 1994, Huaxia Publishing House published a personal monograph "Wanding Landscape Painting Techniques".

In August 1994, the work Pure Land was collected by the Kyoto Buddhist Association of Japan.

In January 1995, he participated in the exhibition of famous Chinese Chang'an Painting and Calligraphy Writers, held in Tokyo, Japan, and his work Snow in Northern Shaanxi was collected by the Full-Day International Book Exhibition.

On February 22, 1995, the overseas edition of People's Daily published the work "Hanfeng Qingyun".

In October 1995, The Great Yue was collected by Century University of Louisiana, USA.

In October 1995, at the invitation of Century University of Louisiana, the United States, he attended the university to hold academic lectures and personal exhibitions.

In January 1996, at the invitation of Louisiana State University in the United States, he went to the university to hold personal art exhibitions and academic lectures.

In March 1996, he was appointed Visiting Professor of Louisiana State University and awarded the title of "Honorary Artist" as Honorary Mayor of Badenlu City.

On April 4, 1996, People's Daily (12th edition) published Gusheng.

In July 1996, he created the landscape painting Snow in Northern Shaanxi (4 feet) for the Great Hall of the People.

In July 1996, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers'and Peasants' Red Army, he created a landscape painting "More Happy Minshan Qianli Snow" (4 feet) for the PLA Military Museum.

In July 1996, as the main force of Xi'an Municipal People's Government, one of the members of the Art Troupe composed of 28 Shaanxi painters and calligraphers went to Beijing to participate in the large-scale pen festival celebrating July 1.

In January 1997, he went to the United States for a semester of cultural exchange, and taught Chinese traditional painting art to college students and teachers.

In March 1997, Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House published the personal collection Wanding 1997.

In May 1998, he led the "Oriental Art Research Group" of Louisiana State University in Xi'an and other places to investigate and study Oriental Art, and to make efforts to create exhibitions.

In December 1998, "Wanding Painting Exhibition" was held in Xi'an Museum of Mass Art.

In December 1998, he donated two pieces of Zhang Bian's work "Ripple Knowing Jinsong" to the 47 generals who were heroes in fighting and rescuing floods during the catastrophic floods.

In December 1998, Shaanxi Picture Newspaper published "Wanding Special Edition" with 48 works. At the same time, Rugui's commentary article "Charm of Personality", Zhao Nong's commentary article "From Heroism to Populism", Yan Yuchen's commentary article "Unconsciously Full of Opportunities" and Han Wangyue were also published. Written a commentary article "Step on the Peak and Mountains and Stand alone in Wanji but not discouraged";

In January 1999, he went to the United States to attend the International East-West Art Creation Experience Exchange Conference.

In March 1999, an exhibition of personal paintings was held in the United States, with a 30-meter long scroll of landscape painting "Luzhou Marsh".

In April 1999, Ejin Wood was collected by the Orleans Museum of Art.

On June 6, 2000, "Wanding Art Studio" and "Art Base" were established.

In June 2001, his works were included in the Collection of Chinese Landscape Painters'Essays published by China Workers Publishing House.

In June 2001, he led the Oriental Art Institute of the University of Louisiana to conduct an inspection of the Silk Road.

In November 2001, Wanding Fan Exhibition was held in Xi'an Mass Art Museum.

In January 2002, Wanding Fan Exhibition was held in Shantou Ancient and Modern Art Museum of Guangdong Province.

On July 20, 2002, 100,000 yuan was donated to Shaanxi Charity Association to support flood relief.

In 2003, Zhang's two works "Peaceful World" were donated to the white-clothed angels of Tangdu Hospital.

In November 2003, Wanding Painting Exhibition was held in Guangdong Painting Academy.

In 2004, China Netcom drew "Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Fixed Communication Service Partner" Chinese fan souvenirs.

In November 2005, People's Fine Arts Publishing House published Wanding Fan Painting Collection.

In June 2006, American LSU International Art Exchange was held at Wanding Art Base.

In January 2007, "Wanding Yingchun Fan Exhibition" was held in Xi'an Garden Forest Art Gallery.

In May 2008, he participated in the "5.12 disaster relief charity sale" organized by Shaanxi Artists Association.

In June 2008, in Xi'an, "Painting a Blue Sky for Ningqiang's Children - Wanding 5.12 Disaster Relief Fair Painting Exhibition";

In September 2008, he went to Beijing to attend the 100th Anniversary of He Haixia's Birthday Exhibition.

In October 2008, Wanding Painting Exhibition was held at Liangbao Building in Xi'an to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Mr. He Haixia's birthday.

On April 22, 2010, he participated in a large-scale pen Festival and charity sale for teachers and students of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and donation activities.

In June 2010, Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House published New Chang'an Painting Scroll Wanding Scenery Volume.

On June 23, 2010, a donation ceremony for the construction of computer classrooms in Xujiaba Primary School of Daijiaba Town was held in Xujiaba Primary School of Daijiaba Town.

In July 2010, at the invitation of Daming Palace National Heritage Park, he created a giant green and golden landscape "Yunheng Qinling Mountain" in Danfeng Gate.

In December 2010, he participated in the Art Delegation of Shaanxi Artists Association, visited Thailand and participated in the Art Works Joint Exhibition to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and China.

In December 2010, his works "After the Rain in the South", "Daqin Doushui", "Yunhang Zhongnan Suiyi", "Man Eye Autumn Dyes Zhongnan", "Zhongnan Taosheng", "Yunheng Qinling", "Jun Watches Daqin Yifeng", "Daqin Late Autumn" were included in the collection "Spiritual Implication of Nature and Contemporary Artists" published by Hebei Art Publishing House.

In May 2011, he served as "Chang'an Spirit Shaanxi Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition" and art director of Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xi'an and Russia.

In August 2011, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House Dou Yunxuan published and published "Wanding Chinese Landscape Painting Collection".

In September, 2011, his works are Poetic in Late Qin Dynasty, Heaven and Earth in Huafeng Pillar, One Night Rain in Mountain, Autumn Cloud, Autumn Tree, Autumn Sunset, Lin Ru Bronze, Qinling 820 Return, Xinmao Spring Cold, Final Southern Qingliu Map, Yuhui Manshan Village, Yunfan Taibai, Daqin Hao Qitu Map, Final Southern Tao Voice and Snow Dao Traces. "Fine South", "Chibi Tu", "Deep Yunyan Mountain Canyon", "Chibi Fu", "Splashing Coloured Huangshan", "Daqinling", "Yunheng Qinling", "Yellow River Flowing into the Earth and Returning to Spring", "Spring Rain Washing the South" and "Xia Zhao Taibai" are published in the editing and binding bookstore of "The Book Series of Key Contemporary Chinese Painters".—— Famous Scholars of Academy School;

In October 2011, he attended the art delegation of Shaanxi Artists Association and visited Russia for art exchange.

In November 2011, he participated in the Ninth Congress of Chinese Literature and Art Circles held in Beijing as a delegate to the Congress.

On February 6, 2012, "Wanding Landscape Painting Exhibition" was held in Tokyo Chinese Cultural Center to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations.

Member of Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Eleventh Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 2013;

Apr. 2013, "AAC Art China - Ink Artists" Award Nomination

In April 2013, the Landscape Painting Exhibition of Wanding, an artist of Chang'an School of Painting, was launched in the Chinese National Academy of Painting.

In May 2013, the Landscape Painting Exhibition of Wanding, a Chang'an Painting School artist who guards the Daqinling Mountains in the name of Danqing, was exhibited in Wenlian Building, Shanxi Province.

In November 2013, he was elected the eighth member of the National Artists Association.

In February 2014, Wanding Cross-Border Art Photography Exhibition was held in the Cross-Border Art Space of Textile City International Art Zone.

In March 2014, he was invited to participate in the "Chang'an Spirit" - the Nomination Exhibition of outstanding young and middle-aged Chinese painting writers in Shaanxi Province, sponsored by the Shaanxi Literature and Art Association of the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee.

In October 2014, he was invited to create a huge green landscape for the Great Hall of the People, "Look at the Mountain and the Motherland Mountain".






    最近更新:2024-12-14 14:38:02
人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对