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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名李自强
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地河南省汝阳县
  • 出生日期 1934年
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校1954年河南师专艺术系毕业
  • 代表作品《李自强画集》、花鸟画名家小品·李自强》






 1934年 出生于河南省汝阳县上店镇一个中医之家。 

1954年 毕业于河南师专艺术系。 

1955年 调入洛阳日报社任美术编辑兼摄影记者。 

1956年 水彩画《洛阳中州桥》在省青年美展获奖。 

1959年 油画《女铲运机手》在省美展获奖,并由《河南工人》、《百花园》发表於封面。

1960年 兼任洛阳市美协秘书长,主持该市各项美术活动。

1962年 经叶浅予先生指导,开始中国人物画创作。 

1963年 任洛阳日报美术社摄影组组长 

1965年 调入河南省委《支部生活》编辑部任美术摄影编辑。作品《好榜样焦裕禄》等中国画由河南人民出版社出版。 

1970年 调入河南人民出版社,任美编室主任、社编委。 

1978年 连环画《毛主席视察七里营》(李自强、严文俊豁志合作)发表於《连环画报》。 

1979年 中国画《毛主席在棉田里》发表於《河南青年》封面。

1980年 被批准为中国美术家协会会员。 

1982年 被选为中国连环画研究会理事。作品《白冠噪鹛》由中国美术馆收藏。 

1984年 组建河南美术出版社,被任命为社长、总编辑。作品《白头高节》二幅分别由中国美术馆、深圳博物馆收藏。《采莲图》入选《中青年人物画家作品选》。《绿水吟》等二幅入选《中青年花鸟画家作品选》。《清风飞翠》由《人民日报》发表、上海书画出版社出版。 




1986年 调任河南省书画院常务副院长,主持该院全面工作。作品《秋趣》由《美术》杂志发表。《白头高节》由湖北美术出版社出版中堂轴面。《清夏》由“人民日报”发表。《春暖》、《荷塘群鸭》在日本展出。《河南画报》以《清新朴实写胸臆——赏李自强的花鸟画》为题,发表作品专版介绍。

1987年主持举办《全国第二届当代中国花鸟画邀请展》主编我国当代花鸟画专业的第一部画册《中国当代花鸟画选》。 作品《清风飞翠》由天津人民美术社出版。《林间》、《秋趣》由中国画季刊《朵云》发表。《风晴雨露墨竹条屏》由河南美术出版社以轴画出版。《清风》由《文艺报》发表。


1989年 应香港《集古斋》邀请,赴港举办“河南省书画院作品展”并进行艺术交流。作品《喜雨》发表於《美术》杂志。《秋趣》入选《当代中国画探索佳作选》画册。 




1993年 香港《新晚报》在中国美术’刊页用彩色整版发表作品,并配发文章“李自强花鸟画赏析”,专版介绍。《大吉图》入编《中央电视台藏书选》画册。《暮色》收入《1992·中国画年鉴》。《朝晖》等作品由中国对外展览公司收藏并对外展出。《河南日报》在“艺术冢素描”专栏发表作品并配文《平易淳厚,画如其人——赏李自强的花鸟画》专版介绍。应邀赴长春、长日山等地进行艺术采风及笔会交流。应聘为河南省中国画研究院名誉院长。 


1995年《中国书画报》在当代名冢掠影”中专文介绍,并配发作品《春光图》。《河南经济信息报》以《著名中国花鸟画家李自强》为题,发表作品专版介绍。《红了樱桃》入选《中国当代花鸟画作品精选》画册。《报春图》由人民日报海外版发表。《月光曲》由日本村上美术馆收藏。应邀参加由中央电视台和北京炎黄艺术馆等单位组织的“中国名画家张家界采风活动” ,先后到长沙、岳麓山、张家界、桃花源等地进行写生,并创作花鸟画《朝辉》等10余幅。受聘为敦煌中国画院高级艺术顾问及东方书画院中国墨宝斋“清风阁”斋主。1996年 受聘为由文化部展览交流中心等单位举办的“当代中国著名花鸟画家作品展览”组委会及评委会主任,主持办展并主编《当代花鸟画》大型画册。作品《春光图》应邀参加由中国文联等单位举办的“全国首届扇面画展览”并辑入画册。《雄风》获“当代中国著名花鸟画家作品展”优秀奖并在上海举办的“中国书画艺术大展中获佳作奖;另幅由中国军事博物馆收藏。《大河文化报》等单位联合举办“中原画家作品系列研讨之一”——《李自强、丁中一国画作品研讨会》,会后以《画如其人、高相脱俗》为题,刊出研讨会记要,并配发作品专题报导。《东方艺术》发表专文《李自强花鸟画解读》,并刊出作品《雄风》。作品《大吉图》在《首届海峡两岸书昼名冢精品大展》中获金奖,由中华台北九天书画院收藏;另幅参加“全国十一届当代中国花鸟画邀请展”,辑入画册。应邀赴云南昆明参加”中国名画冢春城金秋笔会”,并到西双版纳、大理、石林等地进行艺术采风及创作活动。

English Introduction

 Born in Ruyang County, Henan Province in 1934, he is a national first-class artist and academic consultant of China International Network of Calligraphy and Painting Talents. He has been the president and editor-in-chief of Henan Fine Arts Publishing House, the executive vice-president of Henan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, the vice-president of Henan Art Association, the director of China Art Association, the president of Henan Flower and Bird Painting Research Association, the consultant of Henan Art Association, Henan Chinese Painting Association and Provincial Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, the consultant of Beijing Chinese Academy of Painting, and the consultant of Hong Kong Hua Honorary Professor of Zhengzhou University and Expert with Special Allowance from the State Council. He was also invited to act as a judge in the first and second flower and bird painting exhibitions held by the Chinese Association of Fine Arts, the exhibition of works of famous contemporary Chinese flower and bird painters held by the Exhibition Center of the Ministry of Culture, the exhibition of works of city flowers held by the Chinese Federation of Nations, and the invitation exhibition of painting and calligraphy held by Peking University for the Centennial anniversary. He has been engaged in editing and presiding over the Provincial Fine Arts Publishing for more than 30 years, and has created a new situation. He has won the "Honorary Certificate" of the State Press and Publication Administration and has been compiled by the Publishing Bureau of the Ministry of Publicity and Propaganda into "Biography of Editors".

He is good at Chinese painting and has participated in many exhibitions at home and abroad. "Twilight" won the honorary prize at the first national flower and bird painting exhibition organized by the Chinese Association of Fine Arts, and the gold prize at the International Chinese Art Exhibition co-organized by Hong Kong and Taiwan. It was published in "Art", "Chinese Painters", "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper", and included in "Treasure of Chinese Contemporary Painters and Calligraphers" and "Appreciation of Contemporary Chinese Paintings" in the Hong Kong edition. "Spring of the Earth" was selected in the Eighth National Art Exhibition. "Qingxiang Yuanyiyi" was selected in the 60th Anniversary National Art Exhibition of "Speech". White Crowned Noise Babbler is collected by the Chinese Art Museum. Moonlight Song is collected by Murakami Art Museum of Japan. Duckling is collected by the Australian Oriental Artists Association. "Xiongfeng" won an excellent prize in the exhibition of works of famous contemporary Chinese flower and bird painters held at the Exhibition Center of the Ministry of Culture. "The Picture of Achievement" won the "International Cultural Exchange Award" in Sydney. Red Cherry won the Golden Bridge Award in the United States. "Mountain Forest" won a special gold medal in the World Chinese Art Exhibition. "One Song of the Whole World" won the "Educator Award" at the United Nations World Peace and Beauty Exhibition. In 2000, he was awarded the Medal of Master of Calligraphy and Painting in China and Japan in the 20th Century. Many works have been exhibited, published and collected at home and abroad.

Published "Li Ziqiang Painting Collection", "Li Ziqiang Fan Painting", "Contemporary Chinese Artist's Primitive Painting Style Li Ziqiang", "Famous Flower and Bird Painter's Sketches Li Ziqiang" and other personal albums. Editors-in-chief are "Chinese Flower and Bird Painting", "Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting", "Selected Contemporary Chinese Peony Painting" and other national albums. He has been invited to hold exhibitions in Hong Kong, Macao, Yugoslavia, Russia and Thailand for art exchange and collecting activities.

 Born in 1934 in Shangdian Town, Ruyang County, Henan Province, a Chinese medicine home.

He graduated from the Department of Art, Henan Normal College in 1954.

In 1955, he was transferred to Luoyang Daily as an art editor and photographer.

In 1956, the watercolor painting Zhongzhou Bridge in Luoyang won an award at the provincial youth art exhibition.

In 1959, the oil painting "Woman Scraper" won an award at the provincial art exhibition, and was published on the cover of "Henan Workers" and "Hundred Gardens".

In 1960, he also served as Secretary-General of Luoyang Art Association, presiding over various art activities in the city.

In 1962, under the guidance of Mr. Ye Shaoyu, he began to create Chinese figure paintings.

1963 Head of Photography Group of Luoyang Daily Art Society

In 1965, he was transferred to the Editorial Department of Branch Life of Henan Provincial Party Committee as an art photography editor. His works Jiao Yulu, a good example, and other Chinese paintings were published by Henan People's Publishing House.

In 1970, he was transferred to Henan People's Publishing House as director of the editorial office and Editorial Committee of the editorial department of the United States.

In 1978, the comic strip "Chairman Mao inspects Qili Camp" (Li Ziqiang, Yan Wenjun, Huo Zhi cooperation) was published in the "Comic strip".

In 1979, the Chinese painting Chairman Mao in the Cotton Field was published on the cover of Henan Youth.

In 1980, he was approved as a member of the Chinese Artists Association.

In 1982, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the Chinese Association for the Study of Comic strips. The work "White Crowned Noise Babbler" is collected by the Chinese Art Museum.

Henan Fine Arts Publishing House was established in 1984 and appointed president and editor-in-chief. The two works, White-Headed Gao Festival, are collected by China Art Museum and Shenzhen Museum respectively. "Picking Lotus Tu" was selected as "Selected Works of Young and Middle-aged Figure Painters". "Green Water Yin" and other two selected works of young and middle-aged flower and bird painters. Qingfeng Feicui was published by People's Daily and Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House.

In 1985, he attended the Fourth National Congress of Chinese Artists. Certificate of Honor for Publishing Work issued by the State Press and Publishing Administration and the Association of Publishers of China

Book. Founded "Henan Province Flower and Bird Painting Research Society". He was elected president and presided over the "Wild Interest", the first Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition in Henan Province, to participate in the "Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Invitation Exhibition" held in Southwest Changjiang. Qingfeng is on display in Canada. "Morning Song" and "Prosperity" were published by Wen Bao.

In 1986, he was transferred to Henan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting as the executive vice-president and presided over the overall work of the Academy. The work "Autumn Interest" was published by Art Magazine. Baitou Gaojie is published by Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House on the axis of Zhongtang. Qingxia is published by People's Daily. Spring Warm and Lotus Pond Ducks are on display in Japan. Henan Pictorial publishes a special edition of its works on the theme of "Fresh and Simple Writing of Mind - Appreciating Li Ziqiang's Flower and Bird Paintings".

In 1987, he hosted the 2nd National Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting, and edited the first book of contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting, Selected Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting. The work Qingfeng Feicui was published by Tianjin People's Art Society. "Forest" and "Autumn Interest" were published by the Chinese painting quarterly "Douyun". "Wind, Rain, Dew, Ink, Bamboo Bar Screen" was published by Henan Fine Arts Publishing House with axle paintings. Qingfeng is published by Literature and Art Newspaper.

Editor's Biography edited and published by Publishing Bureau of the Ministry of Publicity in 1988. The work "The Old Man" was included in "Selected Chinese Characters" and "Gaojie Pictures" was collected by Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall.

In 1989, at the invitation of Hong Kong Jiguzhai, he went to Hong Kong to hold an exhibition of works of Henan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting and to exchange art. The work "Happy Rain" was published in the magazine "Art". "Autumn Interest" was selected in the "Selected Works of Contemporary Chinese Painting Exploration".

In 1990, the Hong Dust Gallery of Taiwan held a joint exhibition of paintings and calligraphy by Chen Natural, Li Ziqiang, Ma Guoqiang and Li Huisheng in Taipei. His works Chunhui and so on are included in the picture album of Modern Flower and Bird Painting Gallery. "Spring Morning" was invited to participate in the exhibition of contemporary famous Chinese painters'works held in Hong Kong and was compiled into the Hong Kong edition of "Selected Works of Contemporary Famous Chinese Painters". It was later published by the People's Daily.

In 1991, he was awarded the first-class national artist. He attended the Second American Congress of Henan Province and was elected Vice President of the Provincial Artists Association. The work Twilight participated in the invitation exhibition of Chinese painting held by the Chinese Painting Research Institute. Duckling is collected by the Australian Oriental Art Association. Fish Drama is collected by China Foreign Art Exhibition Company and exhibited in Japan and other countries.

In 1992, he was appointed by the Chinese Association of Fine Arts as Vice Director of the Organizing Committee, Director of the Jury, Director of the Office of the First China Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition, and presided over the overall work of the exhibition. He edited a large album of Chinese Flower and Bird Painting. He attended and participated in the "Symposium on Chinese Flower and Bird Painting" held by China Association of Fine Arts in Jinhai Lake, Beijing. At the invitation of CCTV, he went to Beijing to attend the "Symposium on TV Calligraphy and Painting" and painted two chickens for the Spring Festival Gala in 1993 (Year of the Chicken). He was appointed as a senior (high) Title appraiser of publishing specialty in Henan Province. He was employed as a special painter of Shenzhou Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, People's Daily. Primrose Picture was included in the picture album of Shenzhou Calligraphy and Painting. "Twilight" won the honorary prize of the first China Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition in Shanghai and was published in the newspapers and magazines of "Art", "Chinese Painting Tomb" and "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper". "Duckling Music" was selected as "Selection of Chinese Contemporary Masters'Calligraphy and Painting" published in Taiwan. "Moonlight Song" is collected by "New View Art Museum" in Japan. Has been awarded by the State Council in the cultural and artistic aspects of outstanding contributions, enjoy special government subsidies certificate.

In 1993, Hong Kong New Evening News published its works in full color on the page of Chinese Fine Arts, and distributed an article entitled "Appreciation of Li Ziqiang's Flower and Bird Paintings", which was introduced in a special edition. Dajitu is included in the picture album Collection of CCTV. Twilight is included in the Chinese Painting Yearbook 1992. Chaohui and other works are collected and exhibited by China Foreign Exhibition Company. Henan Daily published works in the column of "Art Tomb Sketch" with an introduction to the special edition of "Easy and honest, Painting Like His Person - Appreciating Li Ziqiang's Flower and Bird Painting". Invited to Changchun, Changrishan and other places for artistic style and pen exchange. Appointed as Honorary Dean of Henan Academy of Chinese Painting.

In 1994, the work "Spring of the Earth" won the first prize in the First Art Exhibition and was included in the Eighth National Art Exhibition. Xiongfeng was invited to participate in the "Special Exhibition of Colored Ink Painting at the Thai Cultural Festival" and the "International Famous Oriental Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" in Macau, and was included in the "1993 Yearbook of Chinese Painting". Shuangxiong Tu was collected by Tian'anmen Collection in Beijing and was included in Tian'anmen Collection Pictures Selection. Chunguangtu is compiled by the Institute of Fine Arts of the Chinese Academy of Art into the album of Comments on the Works of Chinese Calligraphers. "Twilight" won the gold medal in the International Exhibition of Chinese Art, which was jointly organized by the Hong Kong Cathay Cultural and Art Center and the Taiwan National Father Memorial Hall. It was also included in the "Treasure of Contemporary Chinese Painters and Calligraphers" and the Hong Kong edition of "Appreciation of Contemporary Chinese Famous Days". Changyou is collected by Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall. Xiongfeng is collected by Yinchuan Art Museum. Four works such as "Vision" are collected by CCTV. He was awarded the honorary certificate of artistic celebrities by China International Celebrity Research Institute. He was named in the Catalogue of Celebrities in Contemporary Chinese Art and the Dictionary of Celebrities in Contemporary Chinese Literature and Art.

In 1995, "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper" was introduced in the special article of "A Glimpse of Contemporary Cemeteries", accompanied by "Spring Graph". Henan Economic Information Newspaper publishes a special edition of its works with the title of Li Ziqiang, a famous Chinese flower and bird painter. "Red Cherry" was selected in the "Selected Works of Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting" album. Primula was published by the overseas edition of People's Daily. Moonlight Song is collected by Murakami Art Museum of Japan. He was invited to participate in the "Zhangjiajie Style Collection Activity" organized by CCTV and Beijing Yanhuang Museum of Art. He went to Changsha, Yuelu Mountain, Zhangjiajie, Taohua Yuan and other places to sketch, and created more than 10 flower and bird paintings such as Chaohui. He was appointed senior art consultant of Dunhuang Chinese Painting Academy and master of Qingfeng Pavilion of Oriental Painting and Calligraphy Academy. In 1996, he was hired as the director of the Organizing Committee and the Jury of the Exhibition of Famous Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painters, organized by the Exhibition and Exchange Center of the Ministry of Culture and other units. He presided over the exhibition and edited the large-scale album of Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting. The work "Spring Picture" was invited to participate in the "First National Fan Painting Exhibition" organized by the Chinese Federation of Literature and other units and was included in the picture album. "Xiongfeng" won the excellent award of "Exhibition of Famous Flower and Bird Painters'Works in Contemporary China" and "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art" held in Shanghai; the other one is collected by the Chinese Military Museum. "Dahe Culture Daily" and other units jointly organized "one of the series of seminars on painters'works in Central Plains" - the seminar on Chinese paintings by Li Ziqiang and Ding Zhong. After the seminar, the seminar summary was published under the theme of "Painting Like His Person and Being Out of vulgarity" and accompanied by special reports on paintings. "Oriental Art" published a special article "Interpretation of Li Ziqiang's Flower and Bird Paintings" and published his work "The Heroic Wind". The work "Dajitu" won the gold medal in the First Cross-Strait Book Day Cemetery Exhibition, which was collected by the Nine-day Academy of Calligraphy and Painting in Taipei, China, and the other one participated in the "Eleventh National Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting" and was included in the album. He was invited to Kunming, Yunnan Province to attend the "Spring City, Golden Autumn Pen Festival of Chinese Painting Tombs", and to conduct artistic style and creative activities in Xishuangbanna, Dali, Shilin and other places.







    最近更新:2024-12-15 18:11:22
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