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( 中国美术家协会理事 )

 朱道平,1949年生,山水画家,中国美术家协会理事、国家一级美术师。现为南京书画院院长、江苏省美协副主席、南京市美协主席、江苏省美协中国画艺委副主任。 毕业于南京艺术学院美术系。 1994年获国务院政府特殊津贴,江苏省有突出贡献中青年专家称号。 1973年作品首次入选全国美展,此后历年均参加全国及省级重大展览,作品参加全国七届、八届美展等。 1986年首次在美术馆举办个展。此后多次在国内外举办画展。

  • 中文名朱道平
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地浙江黄岩
  • 出生日期1949年5月
  • 职业 画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校南京艺术学院美术系
  • 代表作品《朱道平山水作品选》、《朱道平水墨精品集》

 朱道平,浙江黄岩人。擅长中国画。1949年生,山水画家,中国美术家协会理事、国家一级美术师。现为南京书画院院长、江苏省美协副主席、南京市美协主席、江苏省美协中国画艺委副主任。 毕业于南京艺术学院美术系。 1994年获国务院政府特殊津贴,江苏省有突出贡献中青年专家称号。


 出版有《朱道平山水小品》、《朱道平山水作品选》、《朱道平水墨精品集》等。作品多次参加全国大型美术作品展览并多次获奖。 1973年作品《夜校学归》首次入选全国美展,此后历年均有作品参加全国及省级重大展览,作品《疑是银河落九天》获全国第二届青年美展铜奖,《秋江暮韵》获全国首届山水画展优秀奖,《井冈浩气图》、《春韵》、《山乡金秋》入选第七届、八届、九届全国美展,获第七届、八届优秀作品奖1986年首次在江苏省美术馆举办个人画展,此后历年均有个展或联展举办;曾多次赴国外讲学及访问、举办画展。曾先后赴日本、新加坡、马来西亚、韩国、美国举办个展览并多次获奖,曾先后赴日本、新加坡、马来西亚、韩国、美国举办个展。


 朱道平(1945——),毕业于南京艺术学院。现为中国美术家协会理事、南京书画院院长、南京市美术家协会主席、江苏省美术家协会副主席。自1973年作品《夜校学归》入选全国美展以来,历年均有作品入选国内外大型画展, 1987年任南京书画院副院长,1993年任院长。作品《疑是银河落九天》获全国二届青年美展三等奖,《春江急雨》获“新人展”佳作奖,《太湖早春》获中日合办“中国的四季”美展铜奖,《秋江暮韵》获全国首届山水画优秀奖,《水乡金秋》入选第八届全国优秀作品展。1994年获国务院颁发政府特殊津贴。




































































 看朱道平的山水画作品,常常会产生既熟悉又陌生的感觉。熟悉的是那一望可知的、极富个性特色的绘画风格,陌生的是他的绘画面貌变化常常出人意表,令人惊喜;这是道平的画吗?这难道不是道平的画吗!那些变化意味着画家“行万里路”,有了对大自然更深的颖悟,画路拓展得更宽阔了。  我想用两个字概括朱道平的山水画风,不知确也不确?那就是清与奇。



















English Introduction


Zhu Daoping, a native of Huangyan, Zhejiang Province. Good at Chinese painting. Born in 1949, Landscape Painter, Director of China Artists Association, National First-Class Artist. He is currently the president of Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, the vice-chairman of Jiangsu Art Association, the chairman of Nanjing Art Association and the vice-chairman of Jiangsu Art Association's Chinese Painting Arts Committee. Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Nanjing Academy of Art. In 1994, it was granted a special allowance by the State Council Government, and Jiangsu Province was awarded the title of young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution.


Published "Zhu Daoping Landscape Essays", "Zhu Daoping Landscape Works Selection", "Zhu Daoping Ink Collection" and so on. His works have participated in many large-scale national art exhibitions and won many awards. In 1973, the work "Night School Learning Return" was selected for the first time in the national art exhibition. Since then, all works have participated in major national and provincial exhibitions over the years. The work "suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days" won the bronze prize of the second national youth art exhibition. The "Autumn River Twilight" won the excellent prize of the first national landscape painting exhibition, "Jinggang Haoqi Tu", "Spring Rhyme" and "Shanxiangjin". Autumn was selected for the 7th, 8th and 9th National Art Exhibitions. It was awarded the 7th and 8th National Awards for Excellent Works. In 1986, it first held a personal art exhibition in Jiangsu Museum of Art. Since then, there has been an exhibition or joint exhibition. It has been lecturing and visiting abroad for many times and held art exhibitions. He has been to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea and the United States to hold an exhibition and won many awards. He has also been to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea and the United States to hold a solo exhibition.

Zhu Daoping (1945 -), graduated from Nanjing Academy of Art. Now he is the director of China Artists Association, president of Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, chairman of Nanjing Artists Association and vice chairman of Jiangsu Artists Association. Since its entry into the National Art Exhibition in 1973, Night School Return has been selected as the vice-president of Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting in 1987 and president in 1993. The work "Suspecting the Ninth Days of the Galaxy" won the third prize of the 2nd National Youth Art Exhibition, the Spring River Rain was awarded the "New Man's Exhibition" prize, the Taihu Lake Early Spring was awarded the bronze prize of the "Four Seasons of China" Art Exhibition jointly organized by China and Japan, the Autumn River Twilight Rhyme was awarded the first national excellent landscape painting prize, and the Water Village Golden Autumn was selected as the 8th National Excellent Works Ex 。 In 1994, it was awarded special government allowance by the State Council.

Born in Huangyan, Zhejiang Province, 1949. Now he is the president of Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Yiji Artist, Director of China Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Provincial Art Association and Chairman of Nanjing Art Association.

1973 "National Chinese Painting Comic Show"

In 1974, he entered the National Art Exhibition on the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic and studied at Nanjing Art College.

Graduated from Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Academy of Art in 1977

In 1980, he won the bronze prize in the Second National Youth Art Exhibition and went to Eastern Zhejiang to sketch.

Painting in Northwest China in 1983

1986 Jiangsu Museum of Art held an exhibition of works

In 1987, he was selected as Vice President of Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting as "New Artists Exhibition" of China Association of Arts.

In 1988, he went to Yungui to sketch and became a second-class national artist.

In 1989, he entered the 7th National Art Exhibition of Chinese Painting and published Zhu Daoping's Collection of Landscape Sketches.

1990 Tokyo Solo Exhibition, Hong Kong "Jinling Scenic Site" Solo Exhibition, went to Northeast, Xinjiang sketch, published "Selected Works of Zhu Daoping"

In 1991, he jointly organized the "Four Seasons of China" Painting Exhibition between China and Japan and won a bronze prize. Going to Singapore to hold the "Three Friends of Jinling" Painting Exhibition

In 1992, he entered the Shenzhen International Ink and Wash Painting Exhibition and went to the Three Gorges to sketch. He was a national first-class artist.

In 1993, he entered the First National Landscape Painting Exhibition of China Association of Fine Arts and won an excellent award. He published Zhu Daoping's Collection of Excellent Ink and Wash Works and was appointed President of Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting.

In 1994, he participated in the "Eighth National Art Exhibition Excellent Works Exhibition"; he went to Malaysia to hold a personal painting exhibition; he participated in the "New Literature Painting Invitation Exhibition" in Nanjing, and was awarded a special government allowance by the State Council.

In 1995, he entered the "National Invitation Exhibition of New Literature Paintings" in Shanghai and won the Academic Sincerity Award of Chinese Paintings by the Institute of Fine Arts of the Chinese Academy of Arts. He went to Inner Mongolia to sketch.

In 1996, he participated in Beijing's "Painting Exhibition of Famous Landscape Painters in Jinggang of Love" and "Hangzhou Exhibition of New Literati Painting". Hong Kong Art Museum's "Traditional and Innovative 20th Century Chinese Painting Exhibition" (Hong Kong, Singapore, London British Museum, Cologne East Asian Art Museum Tour Exhibition), and was invited to visit the United States to visit art galleries, museums.

In 1997, he was exhibited at the "Return of Hong Kong to China Art Exhibition" of the Ministry of Culture, the "Contemporary Mountain Watermarking Image" exhibition of Beijing and the "National New Literature Painting Exhibition" of Beijing. He visited Korea to hold the "Joint Exhibition of Zhu Daoping's and Jin Shuangji's Works" and the "New Miao of Jiashu" exhibition in Hong Kong, USA, and went to Wu

In 1998, he entered the "Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting and Oil Painting Landscape Exhibition" of the Ministry of Culture, and won the award of "Time Style" Painting Exhibition of the Chinese Association of Fine Arts. He also entered the Shenzhen Ink Biennale and Macao Ink and Wash Trio Exhibition.

In 1999, he exhibited the Ninth National Art Exhibition of Chinese Painting and the Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Art at the Gate of the Century in Chengdu, visited France and held the exhibition of works of Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting.

In 2000, he joined the National Chinese Painting Exhibition 2000, Finland's Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition, Shenzhen's International Biennial of Urban Ink and Wash Painting, Nanjing Trio Exhibition of Jinling Scenic Site and Summer Painting Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Art, and went to Tibet for sketching.

In 2001, he participated in the "Hundred Years Chinese Painting Exhibition" of the Chinese Association of Fine Arts and won the "National Art Exhibition on the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party" Award for outstanding works. He participated in the "Huzhou New Literature Painting Exhibition", "New Academy Style" Shanghai Nanjing Exhibition and the "Royal Academy of Art Summer Painting Exhibition" in the United States Publishing the Painting Collection Jinling Scenic Site

In 2002, it was exhibited in Nanjing and Beijing "Ten Excellent Painters in Jiangsu", "Urban Ink and Wash" Biennale in Shenzhen and "Contemporary Korean-Chinese Painters Exhibition" in Seoul.

In 2003, it was exhibited in the 2nd National Landscape Painting Exhibition of China Association of Fine Arts, Beijing's "Colorful Ink Realm" and "Oriental Rhyme" exhibitions.

In 2004, his works were exhibited at the 10th National Art Exhibition, the Chinese Painting Exhibition and the Exhibition of Excellent Works, and the lacquer painting Xia Hua Qiu Shi won the gold medal of the 10th National Art Exhibition. CCTV Science and Education Channel Special Interview Report (September), two weeks of lecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

I don't care. According to Gao Yun, deputy director of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and a famous painter, in the recent joint exhibition of excellent works of the National Academy of Painting held in Wuhan, Jiangsu has three winners: Zhu Daoping, Guo Ziliang and Li Jinguo. But when asked about Zhu Daoping himself, he was confused and confused.

Looking at Zhu Daoping's paintings, we can feel that they are very beautiful. Look at the autumn forest in his works, the clear and sparse earth background, a cluster of fine branches staggering and trembling, dense leaves fluttering, there are endless green and delicate meaning. Although the structure of the picture is often airtight, the overall feeling is unusually clear and cold.

Talking with him, he learned that he painted mountains and rivers, and that there were three great teachers. One is Wei Zixi, one of the famous representatives of the New Jinling Painting School. Many Tibetans have heard that the achievements of Wei Zixi's landscape paintings have been underestimated. And Zhu Daoping was one of Wei Zixi's favorite disciples who studied hard and practiced well. At that time, Zhu Daoping and Wei Zixi's son happened to be classmates. Near the water terrace, they often asked Wei Zixi for advice. Even often borrowed the paintings of Li Keran and other famous artists from Wei Lao, and got them to copy at home for study. And Wei Lao was very generous and never refused. In retrospect, such an opportunity is really rare. No one will ever copy a painting worth millions of dollars.

Later, he went to Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. Meeting Lin San, a great calligrapher. In fact, according to Zhu Daoping, his painting achievement is higher. Seeing Zhu Daoping's works at that time, Lin Lao, who was full of love and talent, was very excited. He wrote many letters to Zhu Daoping in succession, which were full of praise. Unfortunately, these letters were inadvertently lost, "because they are all praises, some do not care about it." Zhu Daoping was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Zhu Daoping later met another famous teacher, his father-in-law Su Tianzhi, the leader of Jiangsu oil painting. Although there are different kinds of paintings, Zhu Daoping learns from his father-in-law's pictures the use of color - the unusually simple picture language and highly generalized brush strokes, which have a profound impact on him. Usually, the communication between the husband and son-in-law is not much, but in the words of painting, there seems to be endless words to say.

Zhu Daoping herself is also grateful for the guidance of these three masters. Life can have such a good fortune, a lifetime will have inexhaustible spiritual wealth. But chance coincidence is only one of the conditions for success. Zhu Daoping's achievements in landscape painting today are more due to his inner aesthetic, romantic and simple painting power.

Zhu Daoping's landscape paintings, the strongest impression is the symphony of lines and points, criss-crossing, simple and interlaced, virtual and real contrast, to build a clear and quiet, elegant and soft image realm. They do not have the power of visual impact, but have the power of refreshing appeal; they do not have the reality of the objective world, but they are fascinating ideal homes; they contain the charm of traditional art, but also radiate the spirituality of modern aesthetic consciousness.

If we borrow the evaluation criteria of traditional paintings, Zhu Daoping's landscape should be included in leisure products. In Ming Dynasty Tang Zhiqi's Painting Stories, Weiyan wrote: [Yiyi is close to strange, but not intentional; Yiyi is not separated from rhyme, but more striding than rhyme. Its pen and ink are just going to stop, and its hills are as rare as ever, which makes the viewer lingran unconscious, leisurely and automatic appreciation. ] These words are generally appropriate in the aesthetic taste of Zhu Daoping's works. Of course, the leisure of his old literati paintings is very different in spiritual connotation and artistic language, so it should be called "modern leisure".

Looking at Zhu Daoping's landscape paintings often produces a sense of familiarity and strangeness. Familiar with the predictable, highly personalized painting style, strange is that his painting often surprising changes in appearance; is this a Daoping painting? Isn't it Daoping's painting? Those changes mean that the painter "travels thousands of miles", with a deeper insight into nature, the road of painting is wider. I want to sum up Zhu Daoping's landscape painting style in two words. I don't know whether it is true or not. That is Qing and Qi.

Qing and Qi are the enrichment and extension of Zhu Daoping's aesthetic realm of contemporary landscape painting. In fact, they are also the natural expression of the painter's true nature.

Zhu Daoping's works have a sense of lyric poetry and music. It is a holographic impression focusing on the material, intention, painting language, picture composition, artistic conception formation and many other aspects. Sometimes it is expressed as a peaceful and soothing flow of emotions, sometimes it is shown as a surging burst of emotions, while the overall aesthetic performance is clear, beautiful, refreshing, with an inherent literati temperament, but not extraordinary, but closely linked with the modern humanistic environment and the emotional voice of the times.

Zhu Daoping's landscape painting has two common features, one is rough brush freehand brushwork, and the other is dot-line interweaving, combined with color and ink halo dyeing. He uses delicate and trembling lines to show clouds, running water and bushes. The soft and rigid lines are made of steel. The dots and lines interweave to form a vast and mysterious atmosphere. The pictures are transparent, refreshing and not light.

The mountains in his works are changeable and life-like. It makes people feel that the mountains are rushing and jumping. Sometimes they seem to stand suddenly and look arrogant and arrogant all the time. The source of inspiration is related to his rich experience of climbing Mount Huangshan seven times, traveling to Xinjiang, facing the desert, climbing Jinggangshan, and enjoying the world's famous mountains and rivers, while his deep feelings are related to the long-term meeting and endless seeing each other of Jinling's scenic spots.

Zhu Daoping's "Nine Songs of Mountain Road Up to Qingtian" expresses his unique impression of Jinggangshan Mountain. Many painters have painted Jinggangshan, but they also feel that the vegetation of Jinggangshan is too lush to draw. Zhu Daoping's Jinggangshan is covered by lush trees. The mountains are steep and verdant. It is rare in his usual works. There is a bright light in the upper part of the mountain. It is a winding mountain road. Look carefully at the road. There are also pedestrians and cars. Looking up along the road, there is a mist separating the distant mountains. A red sun rises above the clouds and the pictures are well arranged. When you appreciate the painting, you seem to be listening to the artist talking about the feeling of sightseeing along the way.

Look at his "Sunset Picture" in 1998, similar to his "Desert Sunset" in 2005, the latter seems to be a higher point of view to see everything in front of us, the river, mountains are vast, are all confused by a sunset, and at the intersection of heaven and earth, there is a group of birds passing by. In the foreground, there are some fine blanks and bright colors, like pearls and jade.

There is a strong contrast of warm and cold tones between the two paintings. The composition of the two paintings is dense and the color setting is quite different from the painter's plain style. Zhu Daoping freely dispatched ink and brush, which was deep in Tsinghua, and deep in which there was a clear air.

Zhu Daoping also expanded to other kinds of paintings. His lacquer painting Xia Hua Qiu Shi, which he cooperated with Su Ling, won the gold medal in the 10th National Art Exhibition. The style of Xia Hua Qiu Shi is close to that of Zhu Daoping's landscape paintings. The works incorporate freely and vividly the point and line interest of ink paintings into the process of large lacquer wrinkles. The rich texture of lotus leaves and pedicels is expressed by varying thickness of lacquer wrinkles, and then flowers are laid on the eggshells layer by layer. After grinding, the works are interesting and vivid, showing the third turn of summer and autumn in the south of the Yangtze River. Autumn Guizi and Shili lotus fragrance are interesting.

The artist's "door-to-door" interaction between different kinds of paintings will be enlightened, so that both of them can benefit and be promoted, which is not the only reason for Zhu Daoping.






    最近更新:2024-12-15 09:40:10
人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对