田辛甫 (1911.2-1985.4) 笔名春雨, 河北大名人。 擅长中国 画。 1927年入河北大名县第七师范学校,师从白寿章习花鸟,毕业后任小学美术教师。1930年加入中国共产党。1934年毕业于大名师范。后留校任教。1938年任大名县四区抗战大众剧团团长。1943年后任《 黎明报》编辑,创办《冀南画报》。1954年在中央美术学院进修。 历任河北省文 联美术部长、省美术工作室主任、《河北画报》总编、中国美术家协会河北分会主席。出版 有《田辛甫画选》。作品有《王公村全景》、《胜似春光》、《毛主席和农民谈话》等。
Tian Xinfu (1911.2-1985.4) is a famous person in Hebei Province. Good at Chinese painting. In 1927, he entered the No. 7 Normal School of Daming County, Hebei Province, where he studied flowers and birds from Baishouzhang. After graduation, he became a primary school art teacher. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1930. He graduated from Daming Normal University in 1934. Later, he stayed in school to teach. In 1938, he was the head of the mass theatre troupe of the Fourth District of Daming County during the Anti-Japanese War. In 1943, he became editor of Dawn Newspaper and founded Southern Hebei Pictorial. He studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1954. He has successively been Minister of Fine Arts of Hebei Provincial Literary Union, Director of Provincial Art Studio, Editor-in-Chief of Hebei Pictorial and Chairman of Hebei Branch of China Artists Association. Published by Tian Xinfu Pictures Selection. His works include Panorama of Wang Gong Village, Better than Spring, Chairman Mao's Talk with Peasants, etc.