蔡若虹(1910.1.26-2002.5.2)新中国美术奠基人之一、著名美术家、社会活动家。 蔡若虹, 原名蔡雍, 笔名雷萌、张再学。画家,美术评论家。江西九江人。1931年毕业于上海美术专科学校西画系。同年参加中国左翼美术家联盟。后在上海从事漫画创作。1939年后任延安鲁艺教员、美术系主任。 1940年加入中国共产党。1946年后任《晋察冀日报》美术编辑。建国后,历任《人民日报》美术编辑、文化部艺术局副局长、中国画研究院副院长、中国文联第一至四届委员、中国美协第一至四届副主席。是第三、五、六届全国人大代表。因病于2002年5月2日凌晨去世,享年92岁。
蔡若虹, 原名蔡雍, 笔名雷萌、张再学。画家,美术评论家。江西九江人。
Cai Ruohong (1910.1.26-2002.5.2) is one of the founders of New China Fine Arts, a famous artist and social activist.
Cai Ruohong, formerly Cai Yong, was named Lei Meng and Zhang Zaixue. Painter, art critic. People from Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province.
He graduated from the Department of Western Painting of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in 1931. In the same year, he joined the Chinese Left-wing Artists'Union. Later, he was engaged in cartoon creation in Shanghai.
After 1939, he was appointed as Yan'an Lu Art Teacher and Chairman of the Department of Fine Arts.
He joined the Communist Party of China in 1940.
In 1946, he became the art editor of Jin-Cha-Ji Daily. After the founding of the People's Daily, he was successively the art editor of the People's Daily, the deputy director of the Art Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, the deputy president of the Academy of Chinese Painting, the first to fourth members of the Chinese Federation of Literature, and the first to fourth vice-chairmen of the Chinese Artistic Association. They are deputies to the Third, Fifth and Sixth National People's Congresses.
He died in the early morning of May 2, 2002 at the age of 92. In his decades-long career of art creation, research, education and leadership, Cai Ruohong carried out the Party's literary and artistic principles and policies, respected the laws of art, and made unique achievements in art creation, art criticism and other literary and artistic creation. He devoted himself to the revolutionary cause of the Chinese people, the development of Chinese National Fine Arts and the cause of socialist fine arts.