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 柳子谷(1901年12月7日—1986年),名习斌,号怀玉山人,堂号双翔阁,江西玉山人。著名国画家,与徐悲鸿、张书旗三人被称为画坛的“金陵三杰”。兼擅山水、人物、花卉,尤精兰竹 。4岁即随父亲读书,自幼酷绘画,自学《芥子园画谱》柳子谷画竹,潇洒出尘,萧萧有声。被誉为“竹圣”、“板桥第二”;从二十年代画竹,一直画到八十年代。六十年的创作,柳子谷视竹为品格的象征,并且将画竹当作一种人生境界去追求。1956年至1958年历时三年,和满键合作长达27米的史诗巨制《抗美援朝战争画卷》;其精炒的描绘出了雄伟的历史画面,是中国现代画坛上堪称是绝无仅有的杰作。

  • 中文名柳子谷
  • 别名竹圣
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地江西省玉山县
  • 出生日期1901年12月7日
  • 逝世日期1986年
  • 信仰国画家
  • 主要成就与徐悲鸿、张书旗并称金陵三画家
  • 代表作品《雪中从军图》,《抗美援朝战争画卷

 1901年12月7日,柳子谷生于江西省玉山县下镇乡柳村塘尾一户书香家庭。父亲系前清秀才,乡间郎中;母早丧,由祖母抚养。4岁即随父亲读书,自幼酷爱绘画,自学《芥子园画谱》,悟性极高,深得其精髓,15岁便以工书善 画闻名乡里。







9月,入上海美专一年级,插班生,同学有张天翼黄羲等。师从刘海粟、潘天寿;课余时常去画家汪冲山、程瑶笙、马企周等人家中干杂役,不为报酬,只为学画。王英瑜在《中央日报》上曾撰文说:“吾于子谷友十五年矣,以处之久,则知之深,而今可以言子谷矣。忆昔与子谷读于中学时,子谷画兰菊至勤。宣纸不易致也。毛边纸价亦不贱,而其作画勤,谓不经济,卒以裱芯纸代之,日辄二三十幅,同学笑为画痴,而子谷自若也。其后求学沪上,费用至为困窘。与之共赁小楼于永里,境愈困而志益坚。当其时也,人谓子谷可以舍此而从他矣。然而子谷以意诚,则行之明,谓此一时之厄,吾但以诚恒处之,吾艺必有佳境;故操丹青绢素如恒也。 .



































同年11月7日 南京《中央日报》称:“吴君子青近邀艺术界友好,组织艺苑流通社。其目的在联络艺术界情感,促进艺术,而进观摩,计定于本月八日起至十五日止在中华路青年会大礼堂,举行京沪名家书画联合展览会。参加作家有于右任、王一亭、汪采白、周伯敏、柳子谷、梁鼎铭、张书旂、许士骐、谢公展等。届时欢迎各界参观云。”












21日 该报又称:“柳子谷画展昨在新街口社会服务处开幕,到有中委甘家馨、国大代表徐恩曾等六百余人。对柳氏所作《苍生霖雨》、《顶天立地》、《玉立婷婷》各图,备极赞誉,并有某西人购去柳氏雨竹、雪竹多幅。”


















同年应中国美术家协会山东分会的邀请,与全国著名的三十多位画家,赴青岛参加研究国画创作的活动。此时心情空前舒畅,其间,与王雪涛合作《草丛中的雏鸡》,与郭味蕖合作《 白绶带与竹》。之后,主办单位从三百多件作品中选出三十二件作品出版《国画作品选集》,柳子谷的《春雨》选人此集。

















1982年 湖南人民出版社出版《中国艺术家辞典》,辑录了柳子谷的条目。


同年 山东美术出版社出版《柳子谷画选》。

同年 《山东画报》、《大众日报》、《光明日报》、《解放日报》、《新民晚报》、《济南日报》等报刊陆续评介柳子谷及其作品。








































































如玉之洁,如山之高-- 杜牧














































书旗性豪放,自诩"拳棋烟牌酒,天下无敌手"。合作时,常是他先行弄墨开篇,第二个上阵的多是子谷。这时的柳子谷, 即要斟酌在"半成品"上如何延伸,又要推敲为后面的人作画留有余地。第三个动笔的则更难,因为此时只可锦上添花,不能画蛇添足。如果感觉再画已属多余,不如题字了结。否则,就有可能使整张画成为败笔。






































































时局多变 四十多年后师生重逢
























Introduction in English

 Liuzigu (December 7, 1901 - 1986), famous Xibin, a native of Huaiyu Mountain, the hall name of Shuangxiang Pavilion, and a native of Yushan, Jiangxi Province. Famous Chinese painters, Xu Beihong and Zhang Shuqi, are known as the "three masters of Jinling" in the field of painting. He is good at landscapes, figures and flowers, especially orchids and bamboos. When he was 4 years old, he went to school with his father. He painted cool pictures from his childhood. He taught himself "Mustard Garden Painting Spectrum". Liu Zigu painted bamboo. It was so dusty and noisy. Known as "Bamboo Saint" and "Banqiao No. 2"; from the 1920s to the 1980s. Sixty years of creation, Liu Zigu regards bamboo as a symbol of character, and takes bamboo painting as a realm of life to pursue. From 1956 to 1958, it lasted three years and cooperated with Manjian for 27 meters in the epic "Picture Scroll of War of Resistance Against the United States and Aid Korea". Its exquisite depiction of the magnificent historical picture is the unique masterpiece in the modern Chinese painting world.

Paul Mauriat's History

On December 7, 1901, Liuzigu was born in a Shuxiang family in Tangwei, Liucun, Xiazhen Township, Yushan County, Jiangxi Province. The father was a young and talented man in the countryside; the mother died early and was raised by her grandmother. When he was 4 years old, he read with his father. He loved painting from his childhood. He taught himself "Mustard Garden Painting Spectrum". He had a very high understanding and got the essence of it. At 15, he was famous for his good work in calligraphy and painting.

In 1919, he went to Nanchang alone to seek new knowledge, and met Fu Baoshi, who was studying in the provincial capital with his pen friends.

In March 1923, in order to study in Shanghai, I boarded with my fellow countrymen and studied in Datong Middle School during the day. In the evenings and holidays, I used to visit teachers and friends, browse bookstores, or paint fans and art sketches for Fanfans such as Douyun Xuan, Jiuhua Tang, Jiuyutang and Wuxing Ji to make a living. Shadow, less clothes and short food, once wrote poems to ridicule this life: "wearing ragged clothes and shoes, carrying half of the dry grain." Despite the shortage of life, he was confident and self-disciplined with "a way to get money". He once wrote poems: "If you can't get clean water, you can't let vulgar dust get in your mind; if you have a mind to fix bamboo, you can't sell it endlessly, you can't make money on earth."

In April, she visited the painting exhibition held by the Yu Garden painting and Calligraphy Association. She first met the famous artists such as Wu Changshuo, Huang Xuchu, Pu Zuoying, Yang Gong Gong, Ma Qi Zhou, Cheng Yaosheng, Zhang Shanzi, Wang Yiting, Wang Chongshan and so on.

In June, I visited the Chinese Painting Exhibition of Teachers'Department of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, and got to know Liu Haisu, the principal of the school, Wang Yadun and Zhang Shuqi, the senior student.

In August, he visited the Painting Exhibition at the Second Academy of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and got to know Pan Tianshou, Xie Gongzhan, Xu Shiqi and so on.

In March 1924, I visited the first art exhibition in Jiangsu Province. I saw the works of Wang Chongshan, Lei Jiajun, Mo Yanxi, Gao Jianfu, He Tianjian, Huang Binhong, Qian Huafo and other famous artists.

In September, he joined the first grade of Shanghai American College. His classmates included Zhang Tianyi and Huang Xie. He was taught by Liu Haisu and Pan Tianshou. After school, he often went to painters Wang Chongshan, Cheng Yaosheng and Ma Qizhou to do odd jobs, not for reward, but to learn painting. Wang Yingyu once wrote in the Central Daily: "I have been friends of Zigu for fifteen years, and for a long time, I know a lot about Zigu, but now I can talk about Zigu. Recalling the Past and Zigu Reading in China

During school hours, Zigu painted orchids and chrysanthemums diligently. Xuan Paper is not easy to make. The price of woollen edge paper is not cheap, and its painting is not economical. It is replaced by core-mounted paper. Every day, there are twenty or thirty pieces. Students laugh at it as a painting idiot, and Zigu is at ease. Since then, the cost of studying in Shanghai has been extremely embarrassing. The more difficult it is to rent a small building in Yongli, the more determined it will be. At that time, people said Zigu could give up this and follow him. However, Zigu's sincerity means that he can do it clearly, which is a temporary misfortune. But if I persist in sincerity, my art will be in a good state. Therefore, I always play the role of silk and silk. .

In February 1925, he visited the "Shiren Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" in Xuyuan, and read Ren Bonian, Wu Qiunong, Yan Ruobo, Ren Lifan and other famous works.

From April to December, when visiting the art exhibition inside and outside the school, I got acquainted with Zhu Qizhan, Wang Jiyuan, Qian Thintie, Wang Taomin, Yang Dongshan, Tang Jisheng and other calligraphers and painters. In June, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts held a school-wide art exhibition with many exercises.

In March 1926, he first met Xu Beihong, Zhang Yiguang, Tang Jiawei, Guan Liang, Pan Shaotang and other painters.

In April, teachers and students of American College went to Hangzhou to sketch, and in May, they participated in the exhibition of sketches of teachers and students in Hangzhou.

In December, he participated in the Northern Expedition Revolution and served as an art officer in the General Political Department of the Sixth Army of the National Revolutionary Army under the leadership of Linboqu. With pen as a weapon, he turned to the north and South with the army. He once wrote "A military map in the snow". The poem titled "The north wind rustles through the clothes, the horn sounds to urge the war fees, it is expected that the general will pass on the sun, bloodshed and make snowflakes fly." Lin Lao appreciated it very much and added five words to the title: "Long March people with talent are not weak; in the scenery of Yusi, they jointly compose military music."

He settled in Nanjing in 1927 and served on the Nanjing Central Special Committee.

In 1928, he married Mei Fang, a comrade-in-arms during the Northern Expedition.

In 1929, he joined the Bee Painting Club (founded by Zheng Wuchang, Wang Shizi, Zhang Shanzi, Xie Gongzhan, He Tianjian, Lu Danlin and Sun Xueni), and Liu Zigu was the first member to participate.

In 1930, when his wife died of illness, Zigu set up the ambition of "Golden List, No Name, No Matrimony", resigned to study and concentrate on Chinese painting creation, and began a life dominated by professional painters.

From February to March 1931, in Nanjing, he and his artist Zhou Shushan launched preparations for Baishe, the capital city, to establish art publications and be promoted as chief editor. The publication was aborted because it was not approved by the relevant departments.

In December, when the Nanjing Calligraphy and Painting Research Society was founded, it was elected as an alternate director.

In the same month, during the disaster relief calligraphy and painting exhibition held by Jiangsu Provincial People's Education Museum, works were donated with Lu Fengzi, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Qin Zhongwen, Zhang Shuqi, Wang Dongpei, Shu Shifu, Longtien, Hu Xiaoshi, Zhang Daqian and Xiao Fangjun.

In September 1932, the fifth regular session of the Chinese National Salvation Volunteer Army Support Committee decided to prepare an exhibition of famous artists, with Lei Zhongshan, Gao Xishun, Yin Tianmin, Sun Qingyang, Xu Beihong, Chen Shuren, Xu Chengfang and Tang San as members of the Preparatory Committee.

From 1928 to 1932, he lived in Nanjing with Zhang Shuqi and Xu Beihong, who had already known him. The three are like-minded and often cooperate to rejuvenate themselves. Once, the banner painted plum, Zigu wrote bamboo, sad Hongbu Song and inscribed: "Zhu Cuimei Pine Ao Xue, cold three friends each Qian Qiu." Subsequently, the three people redraw two of the drawings, each saving a paper as a souvenir. Beihong highly appreciated Zigu's works. He once inscribed in Zigu's Rain and Bamboo Picture: "When you paint a montmorillonite, you will find it very interesting, sir." During this period, Zigu was appointed Professor of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Chairman and Professor of the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of Nanjing Academy of Fine Arts. He often went to the Department of Fine Arts of Central University, chaired by Xu Beihong, to give lectures and demonstrations. In order to cultivate talents of traditional Chinese painting, Zigu often traveled between Nanjing and Shanghai. The "three painters of Jinling" were also passed on as a good story by their colleagues.

In 1933, Jiangbei Dashui created landscape figure paintings such as "Listen to Aihong", "Flood Disaster Map" and "Picture of Refugees", either referring to the past or facing the present, or facing life directly. For example, on a picture, it inscribed poem day: "A sea of ups and downs of tears is left to the west; in the sad autumn voice, listen to the late wind of mourning Hongsobs." With the support of Mr. Chen Mingde of Nanjing Xinmin Daily, more than 100 bamboo paintings were sold for charity, and all the donations were made to the disaster-stricken areas. He was awarded the golden banner of "urgency, justice and righteousness" by the disaster relief organizations at that time.

In April, when the Volunteer Army Calligraphy and Painting Voluntary Sale Exhibition was held in the Provincial People's Religious Museum, works were exhibited with Xu Beihong and Zhang Shuqi (tickets were five yuan, one drawing could be drawn by lot).

In November, at the invitation of Xu Beihong, he went to the Library of Central University to visit the exhibition of paintings by the Western Painting Group of Art Department in Hangzhou and to demonstrate bamboo paintings.

In December, I met painters Qian Yunhe and Wang Mengbai.

In 1934, he served in the Party Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee and actively engaged in painting activities. In April, in the "Art Style" (monthly magazine), he published Chinese paintings "Wind and Rain Return to Village" and "A Heavy Cold Tree and a Heavy Mountain".

In July, the article "The View of the Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the Central Party Headquarters" published in the "Art Style" (monthly magazine) pointed out: "Chinese painting is the most brilliant of Liuzigu's works..."

In December, the first personal painting exhibition was held in Nanjing, and the local Central Daily, Xinmin Daily and Chaobao Daily reported on it day after day from 6 days: "Zigu's works were praised by the audience, and praised by the party and state leaders, art magnates and poets; Chen Shuren was praised as"Six Facts Brilliant"; Xu Beihong commented on it. "True Qi goes far and makes nature wonderfully"; Lin Sen inscribes "well-known art forest"; Yu Youren inscribes: "Zigu paints mountains and rivers, takes the Song and Yuan Dynasties, besides hundreds of schools of thought, the former people called bloody battles with the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Painting figures, flowers, birds, orchids and bamboos, etc., can be handy in theory, technique and artistic conception. The intellectuals say that the decline of modern times can start. Truth is not in vain. Zigu Mianzhi, Chinese painting can flourish. This is the grand occasion.

During the exhibition, Linsen, Zhang Daofan, Zong Baihua, Xu Beihong and his wife, Chen Lifu, Gu Zhenggang, Liang Dingming, Xia Douyin, Chen Shuren, Zhu Peide, Shao Yuanchong, Feng Yuxiang, He Xiangning, Ye Chuling, Liu Yazi, Gao Jianfu, Jing Hengyi, Zhang Shuqi, Zhang Daqian, Mei Lanfang, and German stationed in China. Ambassador Todman and Consul General of Japan have hundreds of Chinese and foreign celebrities. Another report said: "On December 10, the last day of the exhibition, visitors included more than 1000 people, including Cai Yuanpei, He Yingqin, Luo Jialun, Kong Xiangxi, Fang Juehui, Zhang Weicun, Zhao Pilian and Li Zonghuang. He Yingqin, Fang Juehui, Zhang Weicun and other paintings were purchased by Kong Xiangxi, with the consent of Mr. Liu, in addition to his personal purchase, and the non-selling "Disaster Relief Map" was purchased for the purpose of national disaster relief.

In 1935, he participated in many paintings exhibitions in Nanjing, and created Impression of Houhu.

On April 15, Nanjing Central Daily said: "The Five-State Park Art Exhibition was scheduled to open for two days on Saturdays and Sundays. After Zhang Shuqi and Liuzigu, famous Chinese painters, joined in the latest masterpiece, they were welcomed by the viewers. They stood outside the door and surrounded by the peepers. They were in a hurry to see first. Every time, the meeting was scheduled for the future. Clouds open day by day."

In the autumn of the same year, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Education and Society jointly held the second personal painting exhibition of Liuzigu.

"Liu Zigu, a famous painter, will exhibit Chinese paintings in Shanghai and organize a garden of Chinese paintings in the future," said Shanghai Current Affairs News on September 5. According to Liu's service to a supreme organ in Nanjing, he has a deep knowledge of Chinese painting, taking the Song and Yuan Dynasties as his example, besides hundreds of schools. Last year, he exhibited his works in Nanjing and won praise from all walks of life. I have heard that Liu's recent masterpieces will be exhibited in Shanghai in the near future by the appointment of Wu Xingya, and there will be a great occasion at that time. On September 24, Yu Youren, Shao Yuanchong, Cheng Tianfang, Yu Qianqing, Wang Xiaokui, Juzheng, Chen Shuren, Qian Xinzhi, Wang Zhaoming, Li Yu, Wang Luyi, Wang Yiting, Lin Kang Hou, Dai Jitao, Du Yong, Yu Zuoting, Wu Tiecheng, Zhuo Minyi, Hong Ludong, Wu Kaixian, Xu Langxi, Gu Zhenggang, Zhang Yin, Ye Chuling, Zhang Dao "Liu Junzigu's artistic accomplishment is in the abyss of artistic accomplishment, which is highly praised by artistic forests. In order to promote the inherent culture of our country and enhance the artistic interest of the Chinese people, the two municipal bureaus of education and society held public exhibitions, making a special progress," Fan and others jointly published an announcement on the poster paper entitled "Mr. Liu Zigu's Chinese Painting Exhibition sponsored by the Social Bureau of Shanghai Bureau of Education". Introduce it. Its exhibition venue is 622, the sixth floor of the Mainland Mall. The date is from September 25 to 29. Liu Haisu, Zhu Yingpeng, Wu Qingxia, Wang Yiting, Xu Langxi, Tao Lengyue, Xie Gongzhan, Wang Yacheng, Zhang Yiguang, Huang Lannong, Tang Yufu, Wang Shizi, Yu Jifan, Ding Nianxian, Tang Guanwang, Ma Qizhou and other representatives in Shanghai's political circles, as well as Wutiecheng, Wu Xingya, Pan Gongzhan, Jiang Baili and Wu Kaixian. Cheng Tianfang and Guo Shun visited the meeting one by one. Daily reports, exhibitions and comments on "Shenbao", "Newspaper", "Morning News" and "New Night News", such as "Shenbao" on September 30, are published.

The information contained in "The Fifth Day of Liuzigu Painting Exhibition" can be seen as follows:

"Yesterday was the fifth day of Liuzigu Painting Exhibition hosted by the Municipal Bureau of Education and Society. It's Sunday and the audience is very crowded. When reporters visited, there were many people and the venue was overcrowded, which broke the record of previous solo exhibitions in this city. Wang Xiaozhi, a city informant, also visited the city and ordered several pieces. Also, Zhou Bomin, Standing Committee of Nanjing Party Department, Tang San, President of Qing Zibao, Shi Xinjia, President of Xinjing Daily, and Wu Gonghu, famous painters, all came from Beijing to visit Liu Jun's solo exhibition, which shows Liu Jun's profound artistic attainments. It is also reported that the meeting has decided to extend for two days, until October 1, at the request of all walks of life."

Hu Zaobin, a famous painter, commented on the exhibition in the national key literary and artistic commentary magazine Art Style (Shanghai, Volume 3, No. 11, 1935): "... The exhibition hall is divided into two rooms, displaying more than 300 pieces of works... I have been in Shanghai for more than two years, and I have seen quite a lot in the personal art exhibition. The great artist is only Liu Ren. The quantity and neatness of his works are also Liu Ren. The number of subscribers in the exhibition is also Liu Ren.

In the same year, other works were sent to India, Japan and Southeast Asia for exhibition. Shanghai Jincheng Arts and Crafts Press published the first volume of Zigu Pictures Preservation (Landscape Book), due to the right preface; Shanghai Ancient and Modern Painting Publishing House printed Zigu's single color paintings for collection.

In the same year, the 20th issue of Shanghai Art Life published works such as Flood Map, Moon Bamboo and Landscape.

In 1936, he married Wei Xiujing on New Year's Day, and the auditorium was filled with celebrities'greetings. For example, Jing Hengyi's Narcissus and Bamboo, Xu Beihong's Shuangjuntu, Zhang Shuqi's Cherry Blossom White Head, Chen Shuren's Lanshi, Liu Haisu's Lotus, Wang Yachen's Golden Fish, Xie's Chrysanthemum, Hu Zaobin's Mandarin Duck, and Liu Yazi, Ye Chuling, Cai Yuanpei's congratulatory poems and couplets. A total of more than 40 pieces, then into the "wedding painting and calligraphy exhibition".

In the same year, he wrote "Drinking Alone" and inscribed poems: "At that time, the pinch worm was quite surprised. His fame was far behind ten years. He could not pour out his hatred in his chest and spit out into the sky without knowing it."

In the same year, he served in the Party Department of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, which attracted the attention of high-level personages for his good calligraphy and painting, and had good personal relations with him. He had used his favourable conditions to rescue important members of the Communist Party of China.

On November 7 of the same year, Nanjing Central Daily said: "Wu Junziqing recently invited the art circle to be friendly and organize the circulation agency of the Art Court. The purpose of the exhibition is to connect the emotions of the art circle and promote art. It is scheduled to hold a joint exhibition of famous calligraphers and paintings between Beijing and Shanghai in the auditorium of the Youth Association of China Road from 8 to 15 this month. Writers include Yu Youren, Wang Yiting, Wang Caibai, Zhou Bomin, Liu Zigu, Liang Dingming, Zhang Shuqi, Xu Shiqi and Xie Gongzhan. At that time, all walks of life are welcome to visit the cloud.

In April 1937, the second national art exhibition held at the Nanjing National Art Gallery included "Bamboo" and "Solo Drinking" and many other exhibitions. After the meeting, it was published in Modern Calligraphy and Painting Collection.

From April to May of the same year, in preparation with artists, the exhibition of the Calligraphy and Painting Research Fair of the Party Headquarters of the Central Committee was held on schedule. The exhibits included landscapes, figures, flowers and birds, stone and calligraphy. "Yang Tianhua, Liu Zigu, Yang Gongsan..." said the Central Daily in the second day of the Central Party Department Painting Exhibition. The works of others, especially those appreciated by the audience, have been determined by many people, and several people have decided on one piece, which shows that the works of the association are also valuable.

From 1938 to 1940, at the invitation of General Zhang Zhizhong, he also served as governor of Hunan Channel and Suining County. After assuming office, we will work hard to govern. These two counties are located in Western Hunan, with blocked traffic, backward economy and multi-ethnic scattered in the deep mountains and old forests. It was the year of famine. Painting bamboo for charity was highly praised by the villagers. It was called "Banqiao No. 2". When leaving office, the people sent each other along the way, with a gift day: "Wanjiasheng Buddha Qianqiuze, a generation of artists Bailihou", "Banqiao three unique poetry, calligraphy and painting, Jing Festival official return".

From 1940 to 1944, he moved to Hongjiang, Hunan, where he was the principal of Gancai Middle School. In the meantime, two personal exhibitions were held.

In the spring of 1945, he moved to Chongqing, Sichuan, to escape the war.

On April 7, Chongqing Central Daily said, "Liu Zigu, a painter, is coming to Chongqing to set up Gufeng Art College with more than 200 masterpieces, which will be exhibited in public." Fang Zhi published Liu Zigu and His Paintings in the Central Daily on November 11. The article wrote: "Zigu is good at drawing bamboo. When talking about bamboo painters, they will associate with him. They know his bamboo paintings, and they do not admire his bamboo paintings. In fact, he not only paints bamboo, but also works on landscapes, figures, flowers and birds. He has the deepest mountain and water power... "Yong Xu", "Wind and Rain in the same boat", "Yuan An sleeping snow", "Congratulations on the birthday of the immortals". All the pictures are elaborate masterpieces with profound workforce, although the ancient Ma Yuan, Xia Gui, Tang Yin and Qiu Ying are just like that. The painting exhibition was held in Chongqing Confucius Chi Inspiration Society from 13 to 16. The Gufeng Painting Academy was set up with the proceeds to buy a house, and more than 30 students were enrolled.

In 1946, he reunited with Xu Beihong in Chongqing. At the end of the spring of the same year, he returned to Nanjing with his family and the Gufeng Painting Academy was suspended.

From 1946 to 1947, he served as Commissioner of the Party Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee in Nanjing. However, he often painted friends. He had many contacts and skills with the leading figures of the Kuomintang political and military circles, such as Chen Lifu, Chen Brai, Yu Youren, Shao Lizi and Zhang Lingfu.

In March 1947, the "Exhibition of Modern Art Exercises" sponsored by the All-China Art Association was held in Nanjing Cultural Hall. The exhibits included more than 300 paintings by famous artists such as Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi, Chen Zhifo, Fu Baoshi, Wang Yadun, Liuzigu, Chen Shuren, Xie Zhiliu and Zhao Shaoyang.

In March 1948, he attended the 10th Anniversary Conference of the Fine Arts Festival in Nanjing Cultural Hall.

On April 2 of the same year, the Nanjing Central Daily said: "The painter Liu Zigu has a profound knowledge of traditional Chinese painting. He is especially good at bamboo writing, and has the reputation of being a master of bamboo painting. In order to carry forward the inherent culture of our country, Liu planned to set up Gufeng Painting Academy with more than 200 masterpieces, which was originally scheduled to go abroad for exhibition. The Grand National Congress will be held in Beijing and will be exhibited first.

The newspaper also said on the 21st: "The Liuzigu Painting Exhibition opened at Xinjiekou Social Service Office yesterday, with more than 600 people including Gan Jiaxin of the CPC Central Committee and Xu Enzeng, a representative of the National Congress. The pictures of Cangsheng Rain, Dingtiandi and Yuli Tingting by Liu Shi are highly praised, and some Westerners have purchased many pictures of Yuzhu and Xuezhu by Liu Shi.

On the 25th, the newspaper added: "Liuzigu Painting Exhibition has been exhibited in the Social Service Department for several days, originally scheduled to close today. The National Congress delegates are busy with elections and have not been visited for two days. It is scheduled to close on the 27th. Li Zongren knew that Liu Zigu's works had been well-known among the party, the government, the army, the arts and businessmen for many years. He competed to collect them quickly. He went to the exhibition in time and ordered all the exhibits other than non-selling ones in order to thank the National Congress delegates who supported him in running for Vice President.

At the end of the same year, Zhang Shuqi, based on Zigu's works, was very popular overseas, so he was invited to visit the United States by letter from the United States. Zigu considered again and again, but never did. He resigned from public office and returned to his hometown to wait for liberation.

"Liu Zigu is good at traditional Chinese painting and is good at painting things," said the "Thirty-six Yearbook of Fine Arts of the Republic of China" published in Shanghai in the same year. His works are extraordinary and well received by the society.

In 1949, the whole family moved to Hangzhou and held a personal painting exhibition. This is the first time Zigu held after liberation, and also the last personal painting exhibition in his life.

In 1950, recommended by Ma Yinchu, Hangzhou was transferred to Northeast China to teach, and first settled in Dalian as a middle school teacher.

In 1951, he created the cartoon "Two Partners on Wall Street", which was published in Luda Daily on February 18, 1951. During his tenure as a middle school teacher, he created and published several paintings reflecting the theme of juvenile life.

In 1952, he raised money for the war against the United States and aided the DPRK, and jointly exhibited with Zhu Minggang and Luo Shuzi a charity sale of calligraphy and painting, which was suspended. Xu Beihong sent a letter from Beijing to the relevant departments in Dalian, inviting Zigu to lecture at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, but it was not yet possible.

In 1955, he participated in the anti-counterrevolutionary movement in Dalian. The formal conclusion given to Liuzigu was "general historical problems".

He was transferred to the Department of Fine Arts of Shenyang Normal University in 1956.

Zhang Shuqi wrote to Zigu in 1957: "My brother's illness has been in danger, and his return to China in this life has become desperate and painful. It can be cited as a comfort. Recently, two books, Introduction to Painting and Lingmao Collection, have been written out of the manuscript, which is somewhat helpful for later learning to master techniques. They will be sent back to China together with the Painting Collection of Calligraphy and Flags for publication as younger brother." The last contribution of Shiyifan to the motherland is also. The collection of books and flags and paintings is expected to be a preface. It is sincere, but because the environment does not permit, the entrustment can not be fulfilled.

From 1957 to 1959, he cooperated with Man Keen in the War of Resistance Against the United States and Aid Korea.

In 1959, at the invitation of the Ministry of Forestry, he went to Beijing to paint, where he met with famous artists such as Fu Baoshi and Guanshan Yue.

In the same year, he was transferred to the Department of Fine Arts, Liaoning University.

In the same year, teaching manuscripts such as Calligraphy Correspondence Teaching Material, Zigu Painting Bamboo and Zigu Painting Eight Brothers were sorted out.

In 1960, he was transferred to Anshan Normal College of Liaoyang, where he still lives in Shenyang.

In the same year, he created a 7.5-meter-long volume "New Appearance of Mountain Villages".

In 1962, he was transferred to Shandong Art College and moved to Jinan.

In the same year, at the invitation of Shandong Branch of China Artists Association, more than 30 famous painters from all over the country went to Qingdao to participate in the activities of studying Chinese painting creation. At this time, the mood was unprecedented. During this time, he cooperated with Wang Xuetao in "Chicken in the Grass" and Guo Weiliao in "White Ribbon and Bamboo". Later, the organizers selected 32 works from more than 300 works to publish the Selected Works of Chinese Painting and the Selected Works of Spring Rain by Liu Zigu.

From 1962 to 1966, his own artistic views were clearly expounded in teaching. The main points are as follows:

 patriotism and humanitarianism are the creative themes of all honest painters. Their works should face the times, society and life directly and strive for three truths, that is, scenery, sentiment and truth.

· The unity of character and painting is the basic requirement for the artist's personal accomplishment. The artist must practice and be a teacher.

· Limited life, eternal art. Only when the door of hell has the spirit of never retreating and dedication, can we tap the door of art. Art depends on skill. Don't rely on luck. Opportunities for success are only for those who are capable and enterprising.

· Superior art is difficult to learn, and much easier to learn is not superb. We must advance in spite of difficulties. The road that the predecessors have not traveled should be explored bravely.

· Chinese painting pays attention to the unity of poetry, calligraphy, painting, seal and mounting, among which "painting" is the main one. Chinese painting should attach importance to brush and ink. "Dynamics of brush movement and method of using ink" is the essence of Chinese painting. "God stands by form" and "shape" is precious by "God". In the art of painting, we advocate the combination of poetry and painting, and appreciate both elegance and vulgarity.

From 1966 to 1978, there was no opportunity to publish works and participate in social activities.

In 1976, he wrote poems on paintings: "Art is beautiful in nature, and paintings are true in the mountains and rivers. From living high, people are bound to win over others."

Write poems on painting: "Implicit art is good, soul transformation engineer."

In November 1979, Songhua River Gallery in Harbin exhibited and sold art works. According to the Harbin Daily (29), Maozhu after Rain by Nakashi Liuko, the exhibit product, aroused great interest from Mr. Nakada, Vice President of the Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade, who repeatedly hoped to ship all of Zigu's works to Japan for exhibition. This is Zigu's first public appearance about 30 years after his works disappeared in the painting world.

In 1980, China News published Zigu's "Sending Taiwanese Old Goods" in remote mail.

The manuscript "Hometown Spring is good, Head Bai also returns to live", also published an interview with reporters (old painter Liu Zigu recent situation). In the same year, the "Patriotic Family" column of the Central People's Radio broadcasted Zigu's articles "Memory of Zhang Daqian, a painter" and "Memory of Mr. Zhang Muhan, a good friend".

In the same year, he made his motto: "Seeking for the right thing to fall into the water and stone, fighting without fear of burning himself."

In 1981, he was invited to be honorary president of Anhui Southern Anhui Painting Academy.

In the same year, Zhang Daqiantuo visited Zigu and asked for paintings from friends of the Shandong Home Association in Hong Kong.

In the same year, the United Front Department of Shandong Province printed Liu Zigu's portrait and works as a color picture "Painting Garden Old Man Recalling the Old", which was used to publicize Hong Kong and Taiwan.

In 1982, Hunan People's Publishing House published the Dictionary of Chinese Artists, which compiled the entries of Liuzigu.

In 1983, Liu Haisu and his wife met Zigu when they came to Jinan for a visit at the invitation of Shandong authorities. They presented a frame with a banner: "The green hills are not old, the pines are evergreen, and it is only in vain to bully by snow and frost." Zigu sent Liu Lao's "Bamboo Chicken Picture" with the inscription: "Painting wishes Mr. Haiweng a long life."

In the same year, Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House published Selected Paintings of Liuzigu.

In the same year, Shandong Pictorial, Volkswagen Daily, Guangming Daily, Liberation Daily, Xinmin Evening News and Jinan Daily successively commented on Liu Zigu and his works.

In 1985, Shandong TV Station and Liaoning TV Station filmed and broadcasted the feature film Liuzigu's Painting Art respectively.

In the same year, he inscribed the title and inscription of Yushan County Chronicle published by Jiangxi People's Publishing House.

In the same year, both Hong Kong Wen Hui Bao and Australia Overseas Wind published special magazines on Liuzigu.

In the same year, the People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Wen Hui Bao, Pictorial of the People's Liberation Army, the People's Liberation Army Daily, the Central Television Station, the Central People's Broadcasting Station and other central and local news organizations reported that Liu Zigu dedicated the Picture of the War of Resistance to the United States and Aid Korea to the collection of the Chinese Revolutionary Military Museum. News. The scroll is praised as "the longest one in our country and the rare one in the world reflecting the history of war".

In the same year, he wrote "Jusong Picture", with the inscription "Heaven is falling, and it depends on it".

In the same year, the calendar "Selected Works of Liuzigu" was published, and important news and cultural units such as China Daily began to ask for manuscripts and paintings in Liuzigu.

On New Year's Day, 1986, Liuzigu presented paintings to border guards.

On the evening of the 12th of the same month, I received an interview with a reporter from the People's Liberation Army Daily and talked freely for two hours. At midnight, I died peacefully at the age of 85.






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