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  • 中文名张世简
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍浙江省浦江县
  • 出生地浙江省浦江县礼张村
  • 出生日期2009年12月4日
  • 毕业院校中央美术学院华东分院(今中国美术学院)
  • 代表作品《写意花鸟画技法》、《荷花画谱》、《张世简国画集》(台湾版








张世简1979年应聘到中央工艺美院教花鸟画,从此他的想法和技艺才得到充分的发挥,也才有时间有条件来整理、编绘一些花鸟画论著。几年间先后出版了《写意花鸟画技法》、《写意花鸟画构图浅说》、《荷花画谱》、《国画辅导第四期》、《花鸟画法》、《中国当代艺术家画库——张世简画集》和台湾出版的《张世简国画集》。1996年荣宝斋出版了精装画册《张世简画集》,中央电视台与人民美术出版社合出了《写意花鸟画法》。北京电视台、中央电视台还多次播放张世简的“写意花鸟画讲座”,共十二讲,影响很大,受到各地美术爱好者的欢迎,现已出版了录相带,向全国发行。 2005年出版了大型精装《张世简画集》。








在国画中,意境是通过形色美来表现的。张世简十分注重画的形式美。他的画,笔墨简炼,设色典雅,艳而不俗,清新自然,自有一种清新雅秀之感,张世简擅长画鸡,寥寥数笔,其形其神,便可掬之。如《春暖长鸡雏》中,一群在迎春花下嬉戏的鸡雏,神态各异、栩栩如生,极富情趣,使人感到一种生命的欢乐,他所擅长的白羽乌鸡,富丽典雅,几乎一绝,其用粉之妙,已到出神入化的境地。在他的笔下,无论苍松健翮、朱荷老梅、巨石修篁、山花野草……,即使几片叶、几片草,无不烂漫自然,充满生机,充溢着天地间的纯朴、旷远的自然美。有人曾说:“看张世简的画,如同读美妙的诗句,赏心悦目,可以赋出诗来。”这是很确切的评价。著作 1979年在中央工艺美术学院从事教学工作,同时编写出版了《写意花鸟画技法》、《写意花鸟画构图浅说》、《荷花画谱》、《国画辅导》、《花鸟画法》、《中国当代艺术家画库之一.张世简画集》等。

作品曾布置和收藏在人民大会堂(四扇屏)、中南海怀仁堂(松鹰图)、毛泽东纪念堂(松鹰图和孔雀图)、在北京艺术博物馆、中国美术馆、首都宾馆以及驻各国大使馆都有作品被收藏和陈列。北京电视台、中央电视台多次向全国播出张世简“写意花鸟画法讲座”十二讲、还出版了录像带。1994年由荣宝斋出版了精装画册《张世简画集》。 1989年曾在中国美术馆和北京艺术博物馆举办画展。1994年6月曾出访台湾并在华视联合展出。2000年3月应邀参加纽约世博会。现为中国美协会员,中央文史馆馆员。 张世简绘画把握传统精华,强调写生与传神,既用笔雄劲、笔墨多变,又造型严谨、清新秀丽。著有《写意花鸟画技法》、《荷花画谱》、《张世简国画集》(台湾版)等,曾获世界和平文化奖“宝鼎艺术大奖”和联合国教科文组织金质奖章。



作品曾布置和收藏在人民大会堂(四扇屏)、中南海怀仁堂(松鹰图)、毛泽东纪念堂(松鹰图和孔雀图)、在北京艺术博物馆、中国美术馆、首都宾馆以及驻各国大使馆都有作品被收藏和陈列。北京电视台、中央电视台多次向全国播出张世简“写意花鸟画法讲座”十二讲、还出版了录像带。1994年由荣宝斋出版了精装画册《张世简画集》。 1989年曾在中国美术馆和北京艺术博物馆举办画展。近年来多次应邀去新加坡、日本、韩国等举办个人画展,二次随中国艺术代表团去日本各地进行艺术交流。1994年6月曾出访台湾并在华视联合展出。2000年3月应邀参加纽约世博会。现为中国美协会员,中央文史馆馆员。 张世简绘画把握传统精华,强调写生与传神,既用笔雄劲、笔墨多变,又造型严谨、清新秀丽。著有《写意花鸟画技法》、《荷花画谱》、《张世简国画集》(台湾版)等,曾获世界和平文化奖“宝鼎艺术大奖”和联合国教科文组织金质奖章。


 中央文史研究馆馆员、国画家张世简同志因病于2009年12月4日在北京逝世,享年83岁。 张世简病重期间和逝世后,温家宝、李克强、刘延东、朱镕基、马凯、杜青林等以不同方式表示慰问和哀悼。

Introduction in English

 Zhang Shijian (1926-2009) was a Chinese painter. Born in January 1926 in Lizhang Village, Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province, this is a village with the reputation of a painter's home. My uncle is a famous Chinese ink painter and art educator, Mr. Zhang Zhenduo (1908-1989), and my cousin, Mr. Zhang Shuqi (1900-1957), is a famous master of flower and bird painting in modern China. Several uncles and elder brothers are also good at flower and bird painting. In childhood, Zhang Shijian often appeared beside their paintings, polishing ink and paper for them until they had finished painting. Comrade Zhang Shijian, a librarian and Chinese painter of the Central Museum of Literature and History, died in Beijing on December 4, 2009 at the age of 83.


Brief Introduction to Characters


Mr. Zhang Shijian was born in Lizhang Village, Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province in January 1926. This is a village with the reputation of a painter's hometown. His uncle is a famous Chinese ink painter and art educator, Mr. Zhang Zhenduo (1908-1989), and his cousin, Professor Zhang Shuqi (1900-1957), is a famous master of flower and bird painting in modern China. In college, he was also guided by Pan Tianshou, Fu Baoshi, Huang Binhong and Huang Junbi. Member of China Democratic Alliance. After graduation from high school, he was a primary school teacher in Pujiang County. In July 1951, after graduation from East China Branch of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts), he was assigned to the Popular Science Department of the Culture Department of the East China Military and Political Commission. From 1953 to 1979, he worked in the editorial room of Beijing Slide Company. After 1979, he taught at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts (now the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University). In 1994, he was employed as a librarian of the Central Research Library of Literature and History. He was a member of China Artists Association, director of Chinese Painting Department of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Correspondence University, director of the Straits Calligraphy and Painting Association, and executive director of the International Association of Literature and Painters.

Personal experience


When the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out, the village of Rizhang was the first to suffer from catastrophe. The Japanese army burned down his family in a big fire. From then on, the family declined and only lived by borrowing money. Zhang Shijian could not go to secondary school any more. She was a primary school teacher in a nearby village to support her family. After school, I used painting to relieve my worries, copied Zhang Shuqi's flower and bird picture album, and tried to create it myself. Because of his skill, he was hired as a music and art teacher in County Primary School in the second year.


Zhang Shuqi's flower-and-bird painting is a school of his own. In 1941, he sent the giant Chinese painting "Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon Pigeon Picture" to the United States as a national gift to congratulate President Roosevelt on his inauguration. This is the pioneering work of Chinese painting in the White House. Zhang Shuqi's reputation has been booming ever since. In 1946, returned from the United States, provincial relatives often painted in their hometown. Every afternoon after class, Zhang Shijian walked home from the county town for more than 20 miles. After breakfast the next day, she went to grind ink for his eldest brother and change water. She observed the methods of using pen, ink and color. Sometimes I picked up my elder brother's paintings and brandished them boldly and wantonly. I felt that I had made great progress than before. At the same time, I was praised by my elder brother.


From then on, Zhang Shijian decided to resign as a primary school teacher, regardless of the poverty of her family, and enter the Suzhou American College for further study. Later, Zhang Shuqi introduced him to the Art Department of Nanjing Central University to attend lectures by Mr. Fu Baoshi, Huang Junbi, Huang Binhong and Chen Zhifo. His diligence and perseverance were seen by his eldest brother. Before his second trip to the United States, Zhang Shuqi said to him affectionately, "After I leave, I hope you will go to Hangzhou to learn Mr. Pan Tianshou and Mr. Wu Fanzhi's pen and ink skills and explore deeper attainments." In the autumn of 1949, he was admitted to Hangzhou Art College as Mr. Pan and Mr. Wu Er. Under their guidance and edification, his works have new ideas. They not only absorb the vigor of Pen and Wu's pen, but also retain Zhang Shuqi's family style, rigorous in shape and fresh and beautiful.


After the founding of New China, owing to the influence of the ultra-leftist trend of thought in society, I dare not publicly create flower and bird paintings. In the age of class struggle, he drew 28 slides. But he has always believed that China's flower and bird painting has a long tradition, is a favorite painting of the people, is the essence of our national art, and will never be destroyed. Therefore, he has always been enthusiastic about flower and bird painting. Without time, he gets up early and goes to bed late. In summer, he rides his bicycle to zoo and Zhongshan Park early in the morning to sketch, and at night, he waits for the children to fall asleep to arrange the pictures. This has persisted for more than ten years, without interruption, making the brush and ink more skilled, the shape more accurate and vivid, in the techniques to grasp the freehand flower and bird modeling law. In terms of creative thinking, he insisted on the path of common appreciation of elegance and vulgarity, devoted to "love", and strived to achieve the desire of birds and flowers. When his works participated in the Youth Art Exhibition of Beijing in 1956, they were deeply loved by the masses and won the second prize. He was praised and received by non-dark, Qi Baishi and Chen Banding, who placed great expectations on him. Chen Banding also hired him to work as a painter in the newly established Beijing Painting Academy. The Cultural Revolution broke out just as he was about to work hard. He became the object of dictatorship and suffered from half a year's imprisonment. After being released from prison, he was sent to the cadre school of the Ministry of Culture of Hubei Province to work. He was assigned to fight pork grass. He often set sail in the lotus ponds and marshes by himself. He experienced the beauty of nature in his work and drew up the idea of sketching. Later, I heard that the major hotels in Beijing need a lot of landscape flower-and-bird paintings to decorate the walls. He wanted to finally use the place of flower-and-bird paintings. When he returned to Beijing from a cadre school, he was thinking of doing a big job, and met with "criticism of black paintings", but he still kept on painting without changing his original intention.


After the overthrow of the Gang of Four, the traditional landscape painting of flowers and birds was really liberated, and his art could be carried out. At the Beijing Art Exhibition in 1976, his "Rose Chicken" was well received and selected for exhibition abroad. In the same year, the Ministry of Culture set up a "creative group" to rescue traditional paintings, and he was the first to be selected. Later, he painted for Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, the Great Hall of the People, Huairen Hall in Zhongnanhai, Song Qingling's former residence, hotels and museums.


Zhang Shijian was recruited to teach flower-and-bird painting in the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts in 1979. From then on, his ideas and skills were fully developed, and only then did he have time and conditions to organize and compile some works on flower-and-bird painting. Over the past few years, he has published Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Skills, Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Composition, Lotus Painting Scope, Chinese Painting Counseling Phase IV, Flower and Bird Painting Skills, Chinese Contemporary Artists Gallery - Zhang Shijian Painting Collection, and Taiwan's "Zhang Shijian Chinese Painting Collection". In 1996, Rong Baozhai published a hardcover album "Zhang Shijian Painting Collection". CCTV and the People's Art Publishing House co-produced "Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Method". Beijing TV and CCTV also broadcast Zhang Shijian's "Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Lecture" many times, totaling twelve lectures, which had a great influence and was welcomed by art fans everywhere. Now they have published video tapes and distributed them to the whole country. In 2005, a large hardcover collection of Zhang Shijian's paintings was published.


In 1989, Zhang Shijian held a personal and joint exhibition at the China Museum of Art and the Beijing Museum of Art. He has also been invited to Singapore, Japan and Korea for many times to hold personal art exhibitions, and participated in the art exchange activities of the Chinese art delegation to various parts of Japan for the second time.

Painting Characteristics


Zhang Shijian's paintings are rich in subjects and close to life. Most of the objects he depicts are things people often touch, like to hear and see, so that people have a sense of intimacy. Flower and bird painting themes, many of which have been used thousands of times by artists since ancient times, but they come from Zhang Shijian's works, and show a different face, because he describes the real image of the object at the same time, expresses the author's true feelings, transforms the scenery into feelings, emotions and pictures. This is the characteristic of Zhang Shijian's works and the important reason why his works have attractive charm. For example, "Peach Blossoms First Bright Birds First Come", although the content of the picture is simple, it arouses people's reverie about the natural spring. For example, Cherry Sparrow, White Head and Longevity, Longevity Extension, Spring Festival, Glorious and Rich Flowers, Blooming Hundreds of Flowers, Great Auspicious Italy, Spring Spring Meaning Spring Endless are all well painted, full of interest, with the artistic conception of "welcoming spring is not self-sufficient, all flowers are fragrant". Especially in "Hexiang", "Qunyingtu", "Longitudinal and Horizontal Wild Hope Extremely", "Xiongfeng" and so on, the painting is more atmospheric and domineering. It is precisely "the bleak wind gradually leaks into the frost, the eagle overthrows the dawn, the clouds are covered with mist, the rainbow breaks, the thunderbolt lightens the level hill".


Personal characteristics


Chinese painting is based on brush and ink, which not only reflects the accumulated effort, but also reflects the artist's accomplishment, understanding, personality, sentiment and personality. Zhang Shijian has done a great deal of work under the traditional brush and ink, and has profound traditional skills. Its art is rigorous and appropriate: when it is very simple, meaningful, and prosperous, it still feels empty and spiritual, just like veteran soldiers, calm and meticulous, meeting each other around the edge, surprisingly winning. Chinese painting is always vivid, and excellent works are both vivid and spiritual. Qi Baishi, a great painter, has his painting opinion: "Painting is between similarity and unlikeness; it seems too vulgar to deceive the world". This is his guide to action in painting. Zhang Shijiantang's uncle Zhang Shuangfu wrote a calligraphy banner on painting for him more than forty years ago. He always used it as his motto, among which there was a passage: "Painting has three aspects: first, it is a picture of deceiving the world and stealing the name; second, it is a picture of deceiving the world by no means resembling the image; second, it is often expressive by name, mixed eyes and beads, but also deceiving the world." Pictures that steal names; third, paintings that are absolutely and never like objects are true paintings. It can be seen that the quality of traditional Chinese painting works is between similarity and dissimilarity. In Chinese painting, "God" is attached to form, but for a painter, "God" is more elusive and difficult to express than form. In Zhang Shijian's mind, verve is the life and beauty of flower-and-bird painting. For this reason, he attaches great importance to the quality outside painting, such as calligraphy, western painting, literature, poetry and music. All of them are involved in study. His works embody his spiritual cultural accomplishment and comprehensive creative ability. They are a wonderful combination of spirit, interest and realm. They are meaningful, infectious and enjoyable, and leave a deep impression on people in New China.

Individual Creation


Zhang Shijian never forgot his teacher Pan Tianshou's teachings in his creation. He emphasized that the artistic conception and charm should be put in the first place in his paintings. He said: "Chinese painting to artistic conception, charm, style as the highest realm." "Style, after all, is the spiritual world". "The factors here are very complicated, such as ideological level, philosophy, religion, outlook on life, personality, intelligence, experience, aesthetic taste, knowledge, moral quality... It's all about style. "The height of art, ultimately in the realm level, step by step. Although very close, often hard life, not necessarily dream.


In traditional Chinese painting, artistic conception is expressed by beauty of various forms. Zhang Shijian pays great attention to the formal beauty of painting. His paintings are concise, elegant in color, gorgeous but not vulgar, fresh and natural, with a sense of freshness and elegance. Zhang Shijian is good at drawing chickens, with few pens, and his form and spirit can be distinguished. For example, in "Spring Warm Long Chicken Chicks", a group of chickens playing under the spring flowers have different, vivid and interesting looks, which makes people feel a kind of joy of life. The white feathered black chickens he is good at are beautiful and elegant, almost absolutely unique, and their use of powder is wonderful, and they have come to a magical place. In his writings, no matter Cangsong Jianyi, Zhu He Laomei, Hushi Xiuhuang, Shanhua and Weeds... Even a few leaves and grasses are full of natural beauty, vitality and simplicity in the world. Someone once said, "Looking at Zhang Shijian's paintings is like reading beautiful poems, which are pleasant to the eyes and can be endowed with poems." This is a very accurate assessment. In 1979, he was engaged in teaching work in the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts. At the same time, he compiled and published Skills of Freehand Flower and Bird Painting, Composition of Freehand Flower and Bird Painting, Lotus Painting Spectrum, Guidance of Traditional Chinese Painting, Flower and Bird Painting, One of the Galleries of Contemporary Chinese Artists, Zhang Shijian Painting Collection, etc.


The works have been arranged and collected in the Great Hall of the People (four screens), Huairen Hall (Pine Eagle), Mao Zedong Memorial Hall (Pine Eagle and Peacock), Beijing Art Museum, China Art Museum, Capital Hotel and embassies in various countries. Beijing TV and CCTV have broadcasted 12 lectures of Zhang Shijian's "Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Lecture" to the whole country for many times, and also published video tapes. In 1994, a hardcover album of Zhang Shijian's paintings was published by Rong Baozhai. In 1989, he held exhibitions at the Chinese Art Museum and the Beijing Art Museum. He visited Taiwan in June 1994 and exhibited in China TV. In March 2000, he was invited to attend the New York World Expo. Now he is a member of China American Association and a librarian of the Central Museum of Culture and History. Zhang Shijian's painting grasps the essence of tradition, emphasizes painting and vivid. It is both vigorous and changeable, and rigorous and fresh. His works include Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Skills, Lotus Painting Spectrum, Zhang Shijian's Traditional Chinese Painting Collection (Taiwan Edition), etc. He has won the "Baoding Art Award" of the World Peace Culture Award and the gold medal of UNESCO.



In 1979, he was engaged in teaching work in the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, and compiled and published Skills of Freehand Flower and Bird Painting, Composition of Freehand Flower and Bird Painting, Lotus Painting Spectrum, Guidance of Traditional Chinese Painting, Flower and Bird Painting, One of the Galleries of Contemporary Chinese Artists, Zhang Shijian Painting Collection, etc.


The works have been arranged and collected in the Great Hall of the People (four screens), Huairen Hall (Pine Eagle), Mao Zedong Memorial Hall (Pine Eagle and Peacock), Beijing Art Museum, China Art Museum, Capital Hotel and embassies in various countries. Beijing TV and CCTV have broadcasted 12 lectures of Zhang Shijian's "Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Lecture" to the whole country for many times, and also published video tapes. In 1994, a hardcover album of Zhang Shijian's paintings was published by Rong Baozhai. In 1989, he held exhibitions at the Chinese Art Museum and the Beijing Art Museum. In recent years, he has been invited to Singapore, Japan, Korea and other places to hold personal art exhibitions. He has also traveled with Chinese art delegations to Japan for artistic exchanges. He visited Taiwan in June 1994 and exhibited in China TV. In March 2000, he was invited to attend the New York World Expo. Now he is a member of China American Association and a librarian of the Central Museum of Culture and History. Zhang Shijian's painting grasps the essence of tradition, emphasizes painting and vivid. It is both vigorous and changeable, and rigorous and fresh. His works include Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Skills, Lotus Painting Spectrum, Zhang Shijian's Traditional Chinese Painting Collection (Taiwan Edition), etc. He has won the "Baoding Art Award" of the World Peace Culture Award and the gold medal of UNESCO.


Passing away


Comrade Zhang Shijian, a librarian and Chinese painter of the Central Museum of Literature and History, died in Beijing on December 4, 2009 at the age of 83. During and after Zhang Shijian's death, Wen Jiabao, Li Keqiang, Liu Yandong, Zhu Rongji, Ma Kai and Du Qinglin expressed their condolences and condolences in different ways.






    最近更新:2024-12-16 03:06:32
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