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 美术家——张继刚男,1966年生,辽宁营口人。 先后毕业于鲁迅美术学院国画系、辽宁师范大学中文系,获双学士学位。 美国洛杉矶大学、香港中文大学客座教授、北京大学访问学者。

  • 中文名张继刚
  • 外文名Zhangjigang
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地辽宁
  • 出生日期1966年
  • 职业学者、画家、书法家、诗人、古代书画鉴定家、美术理论家
  • 毕业院校辽宁师范大学
  • 主要成就建立“书画鉴定与心性学”学理、中国古代书画鉴定与研究
  • 代表作品《沐芦草堂丛稿》、《西泠问话——中国当代书画名家访谈录张继刚卷》




 1996年 应邀为人民大会堂创作《朝阳图》;

1996年 中南海西花厅收藏 张继刚中国画作品《报晓》;

1997年 钓鱼台国宾馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《天下富贵》;

1998年 国画作品获全军美展二等奖;

1998年 美国耶鲁大学博物馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《迎春图》;

1998年 法国巴黎大学图书馆收藏 张继刚中国画四条屏作品《梅兰竹菊》;

1998年 澳门博物馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《春色》;

1999年 香港中文大学收藏 张继刚中国画作品《秋山诗境》;

2005年 台湾平东师范大学美术馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《报春图》;

2007年 台湾文化大学收藏 张继刚中国画作品《幽谷兰馨》;

2009年 台北国父纪念馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《梅魂》;

2012年 新加坡国家博物馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《春意江南》;

2014年 海南省博物馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《四君子图》;

2014年 重庆中国三峡博物馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《四君子图》;

2014年 陕西历史博物馆收藏 张继刚中国画作品《秋意禅心图》


 1998年 张继刚画展 大连市委宣传部 大连

2000年 张继刚个人画展 新加坡国家博物馆 新加坡

2006年 张继刚个人画展 香港会展中心 香港

2012年 “高士集”澄怀雅集 名家邀请展

2013年 “南北宗——回望董其昌”中国山水画学术研究邀请展 炎黄艺术馆 北京

2014年“文心诗境”张继刚诗书画展博物馆系列之重庆展 重庆中国三峡博物馆 重庆

2014年“文心诗境·张继刚诗书画”博物馆系列巡展成都站 四川省博物馆 成都

2016年 “ 汉风国粹”2016中国当代名家提名展 大连市委宣传部 大连 

2016年“世界因遗产而璀璨”2016中国古书画精品展 中国人民大学 北京

2017年 第五届“经典与风范”当代值得关注的艺术家邀请展 国家大剧院 北京

2017年 “敦煌画派论坛”中宣部、中国文联、甘肃省人民政府、敦煌研究院 敦煌

2017年 中国画象思维永嘉论道 永嘉市委宣传部 永嘉

2017年 第二届中国文艺长安论坛 中国文艺评论家协会、陕西省委宣传部 西安



2003年中国古代书画鉴定心性学研究,获香港中文大学2003年年度学术研究一等奖; 鉴定心性学学理研究很好的添补了国际上中国古代书画鉴定的空白。





2008年 四川美术出版社 《沐芦草堂丛稿》

2013年 西泠印社出版社 《西泠问话——中国当代书画名家访谈录张继刚卷》


Introduction in English

 brief introduction


Male, born in 1966, Yingkou, Liaoning Province. He graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts and the Department of Chinese Language of Liaoning Normal University with a double bachelor's degree. Members of the Chinese Artists Association, members of the Association of Artists of the People's Liberation Army, state-level artists, researchers of the Chinese Academy of Art, and professional painters enjoy special allowances from the State Council. Visiting Professor of Los Angeles University, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Visiting Scholar of Peking University.


At the invitation of Beijing February Bookstore, Shanghai Academy of Painting, Guangzhou Academy of Painting, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Liaoning Museum, Taiwan Museum of History, Yale University of the United States, Paris University of France and British University of Nile, individual exhibitions were held. The works were donated to 104 museums in the Central South China Sea and China, Yale University, Paris University and the University of England. Taiwan University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Macau 57 pieces.


Art chronology


In 1996, he was invited to create Chaoyang Tu for the Great Hall of the People.


In 1996, the Xihua Hall of the Central South China Sea collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting Baoxiao.


In 1997, Diaoyutai State Guest House collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting "The World Is Rich and Rich".


In 1998, Chinese painting won the second prize of the Army Art Exhibition.


In 1998, the Yale University Museum of America collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese Painting "Spring Festival Picture".


In 1998, the library of the University of Paris in France collected four screens of Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting, Meilan, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum.


In 1998, the Macau Museum collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting Spring.


In 1999, the Chinese University of Hong Kong collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting "Autumn Hill Poetry Landscape";


In 2005, the Art Museum of Pingdong Normal University of Taiwan collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese Painting Primula.


In 2007, the Taiwanese Cultural University collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting "Lanxin in the Valley";


In 2009, the National Father Memorial Museum of Taipei collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting "Plum Soul".


In 2012, the National Museum of Singapore collects Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting "Chunyi Jiangnan".


In 2014, the Hainan Provincial Museum collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting "Four Gentlemen's Pictures";


In 2014, the Three Gorges Museum of China in Chongqing collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese painting "Four Gentlemen's Pictures".


In 2014, Shaanxi History Museum collected Zhang Jigang's Chinese Painting "Autumn Chan Heart Map"

Personal Exhibition Editor


1998 Zhang Jigang Painting Exhibition Dalian Publicity Department of Dalian Municipal Committee


2000 Zhang Jigang's Personal Painting Exhibition Singapore National Museum Singapore


2006 Zhang Jigang Personal Painting Exhibition Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center


2012 "Gaoshiji" Chenghuaiya Collection Famous Artists Invitation Exhibition


Invitation for Academic Research on Chinese Landscape Painting of "Southern and Southern Sects-Looking Back to Dong Qichang" in 2013, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing


Chongqing Exhibition of the Museum Series of Zhang Jigang's Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition in 2014


In 2014, Chengdu Station Sichuan Museum Chengdu Tour Exhibition of the Museum Series of Wenxin Poetry, Zhang Jigang's Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting


2016 "The quintessence of the Han Style" 2016 China Contemporary Nominated Artists Exhibition Dalian Municipal Committee Propaganda Department Dalian


2016 World Heritage Bright Exhibition of Chinese Ancient Calligraphy and Painting, Renmin University of China, Beijing


The Fifth "Classics and Styles" Contemporary Concerned Artists Invitation Exhibition, National Grand Theatre, Beijing, 2017


2017 "Dunhuang Painting School Forum": Central Propaganda Department, Chinese Federation, Gansu Provincial People's Government and Dunhuang Research Institute


On Yongjia of the Propaganda Department of the Dao Yongjia Municipal Committee in 2017


The Second Chang'an Forum of Chinese Literature and Art in 2017, Association of Chinese Literature Critics, Xi'an, Propaganda Department of Shaanxi Provincial Committee


Award-winning Record Editor


In 1998, Chinese painting won the second prize of the Army Art Exhibition.


In 2003, the research on the appraisal of Chinese ancient calligraphy and painting was awarded the first prize in academic research by the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003. The academic research on Appraisal of the appraisal of Chinese ancient calligraphy and painting has filled in the blank of the appraisal of Chinese ancient calligraphy and painting in the world.


In 2006, Dong Qichang won the Yao Zongyi Academic Award of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


In 2007, Su Shi's "Xiao Xiangtu" research won the second-class academic award of the year.


The first academic seminar on the preservation, restoration and disaster prevention of religion and culture in the Taipei Palace Museum discussed Wang Duo's scrolls of Tang poetry in his paper "A Volume Collection of Dragons Crossing the Sea".


Publishing books


Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House Mulu Caotang Series Drafts in 2008


Xiling Ink Press, Xiling Inquiries: An Interview with Contemporary Chinese Painters and Calligraphers, Zhang Jigang Volume, 2013






    最近更新:2024-12-14 23:48:40
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