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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名纪清远
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍河北献县
  • 出生地河北献县
  • 出生日期1954年
  • 职业画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校首都师大美术系
  • 主要成就国家一级美术师

















纪清远先生的画家天赋是与他的祖先纪晓岚分不开的。对于这位清代 第一才子,纪清远从不直呼其名,“而是很尊敬的称其为“文达公”(纪晓岚死后御封的谥号)。“我从小便从父亲那里知道了祖先 文达公的生平,但祖上的历史再辉煌也不可能是我们的资本,还要凭借自己后天的努力。自从10岁时第一次接触了国画后,我就对这门博大精深的艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣。想来,这可能也是受了祖上的一种遗传吧。”


书香门第始自纪晓岚 ,纪昀、字晓岚,嘉庆皇帝亲赐谥号文达。纪晓岚历任乾隆朝礼部尚书,协办大学士,曾任四库全书馆总纂官,纂定《四库全书总目提要》,在中国文化史上功盖一世,乾隆皇帝曾为他亲题“天下第一才子”。纪晓岚著有《阅微草堂笔记》。纪晓岚卒于公元1805年2月,死后葬于当时的直隶(今河北省)河间府献县崔儿庄。


























蒋兆和是现代中国画坛承前启后式的人物。“蒋先生在三四十岁的时候,就成绩斐然,他的传世之作《流民图》是1942年-1943年在北京创作的巨幅长卷,吸收了西方造型方法如素描、明暗、投影等,又以线描为主要造型手段,成功绘出了60余位人物,表现了一个哀鸿遍野、流离失所的流民景象,具有极强的感染力和震 撼力。”纪清远说,蒋先生所有的题材,描述的都是穷苦老百姓。有人曾把他划为现实主义画派,而他自己说:“我从没说过自己是现实主义。” 他的信念是“为人生而艺术”。




“在这些前辈的身上,我学到了很多东西,不光是技巧问题,是他们人本身征服了我。” 纪清远表示。


















人如其名。在纪清远的身上,有着淡雅的书卷气、随和的笑容、沉稳的语调、儒雅的举止、恬淡的心境,让人如沐春风。作为纪晓岚的六世孙,纪清远有着与生俱来的清雅,并淡淡地感染着周围的人。日前,记者见到了刚撤展归来的纪清远,为了纪念恩师蒋兆和先生诞辰105周年的这个大型展览,他忙碌了好一阵子,而这个贴近生活、贴近大众的“民生展”产生的效果,使他更坚定了“为人生而艺术” 的信念。“对先贤最好的纪念就是传承和延续他们的精神。”纪清远对记者表示,作为文达公的后人、蒋先生的弟子,他觉得,有责任也有义务为中国传统文化艺术的繁荣而努力。




画如其人。纪清远的作品有着浓浓的书卷气,他把没骨画法和勾勒法相结合,略施淡彩,局部稍加重彩,有时从背后涂色,画面显得干净雅致,风韵十足,清新逸远。纪清远的作品还充满时代清音,含蓄俊雅,意味悠远。就如著名美术理论家薛永年所言,纪清远的水墨淡彩使人感到了“清正之气”,并使人感悟古今,思索一些问题。而著名美术理论家尚辉则认为,纪清远除了继承蒋兆和造型的坚实准确性,笔墨清透之气得益于他自己的山水花卉技法,开一代人物画新风,推动了画院人物画的发展。“艺术的根本是一种感觉和追求,我觉得这种风格最能体现我的爱好和追求,就自然而然形成了。”纪清远强调, 画家的感情寄托在自然物象上,无论写实、浪漫、象征,只要是真情实感,一定会与欣赏者的心灵沟通。































纪清远善于观察身边的人和环境,随时随地发现打动内心的素材,并很快把他们用画笔描绘出来。“曾经在黄土高坡看到一个羊倌,形象鲜明,具有强烈的当地特色。于是,我有一种强烈的冲动想要将眼前的这幅画面创作出来,但是由于时间紧张,不能停留过久,不得不先用相机拍摄下来,但是一回到画室,我就迫不及待地将这幅画创作出来了。” 看纪清远的作品,分明觉得他所画的就是我们生活中的身边人:抱孩子的村姑、耕田的农民、抽烟袋的老人、路边玩耍的孩子……















Introduction in English

 Ji Qingyuan, male, was born in Beijing in 1954. Graduated from Fine Arts Department of Capital Normal University. Consultant of Art Committee of Beijing Academy of Painting, National First-Class Artists, Member of Chinese Artists Association, Standing Director of Chinese Painting Society, Librarian of Beijing Municipal Literature and History Research Museum, President of Laoshe Painting and Calligraphy Society, Director of China Overseas Friendship Association, Member of Academy Department of Central Museum of Culture and History, Vice-Chairman of Beijing Chaoyang District, Xicheng District, Ji Xiao Consultant of Lan Institute.


Brief Introduction to Characters


Ji Qingyuan was born in Beijing in 1954. Graduated from Fine Arts Department of Capital Normal University. Consultant of Art Committee of Beijing Academy of Painting, National First-Class Artists, Member of Chinese Artists Association, Standing Director of Chinese Painting Society, Librarian of Beijing Municipal Literature and History Research Museum, President of Chen Banding Research Association, President of Laoshe Painting and Calligraphy Society, Director of Overseas Chinese Association, Member of Academy of Painting of Central Museum of Culture and History, Chaoyang District of Beijing and Xicheng City Vice Chairman of the District Wenlian Federation and Consultant of Ji Xiaolan Research Association.


He loved painting since childhood and was enlightened by art in Beijing Children's Palace. In the early 1970s, Jiang Zhaohe, a master of Chinese painting, learned Chinese painting. Over the past twenty years, a large number of works have been created. It expresses the feeling of man and nature in art, and strengthens this feeling with new aesthetic concepts and means of expression. It advocates that the creation of Chinese painting should have a high literary and artistic accomplishment and profound accumulation of life, as well as ideological connotation and spirit of the times. Through long-term exploration, we have created a kind of ink painting method which combines boneless method with sketch method and has both work and writing, and has its own style.


In 1991 and 1992, Ji Qingyuan and Lu Pingli Painting Exhibition were held in Chengdu and Beijing China Art Museum respectively; Ji Qingyuan Painting Collection was published in 1991; Ji Qingyuan Special Collection of Chinese Famous Artists Works was published in 2000; Ji Qingyuan Ink Figure Painting Techniques was published in 2000; and Ji Qingyuan Teaching CD was published in 2007. In 2008, Ji Qingyuan's Selected Works was published.


More than 100 paintings have been selected for exhibitions at home and abroad, and have been exhibited in Japan, France, the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan. "Tang Poetry" won the first national fine brushwork exhibition "Jinchai Award" and "Desert Wind and Dust" in the 23rd Monte Carlo International Modern Art Exhibition; "Moonlight in Autumn Water" won 96 "Excellent Award" in the Sino-Japanese Ink Painting Joint Exhibition; "North Wind" and "Plateau Morning Light" were selected in the 7th, 8th and 11th National Congresses successively. Art Exhibition; "Painting Painter" and "Young Phoenix Flying in the Air" are collected by the Chinese Art Museum; Banna Style"in cooperation with Luping is inlaid on the special plane of the national leaders; Lanting Elegant Collection is collected by the Great Hall of the People and hung in the central and southern halls of the General Assembly Hall; and"Banna Spring Rhyme"in cooperation with Luping is hung in the new building of the Central United Front Department. In 2017, he cooperated with Lu Ping in the large-scale historical painting "Farming and Cultivating the Land" which is 9 meters long and 2.5 meters high. It is collected by Beijing Museum of Culture and History. "Guanteng Tu" and other three works won 98 `BESETO International Art Festival of China, Japan and Korea `National Art Club'and `Long Prize of Chinese Folklore Museum'. "Fine Arts", "Meiyuan", "Chinese Painting", "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", "China Youth Daily", "China Art Daily", "National Pictorial", "Chinese Talents", "CCTV" and Taiwan's "Independent Evening News", "Australian New Daily" in Sydney, Singapore "Union Newspaper" and other newspapers, news Special reports have been made in the media.


In March 1993, he went to Singapore to hold an exhibition of paintings; in 1993, he led a delegation to Taiwan in the capacity of deputy head of delegation to conduct cross-strait cultural exchange activities; and in February 1997, he went to Sydney to hold an exhibition of paintings at the invitation of Australian "Famous Artists Center".


The biography was briefly compiled into the World Celebrity List, the Yearbook of World Chinese Artists, the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Painters, the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Painters and Calligraphers, and more than ten other dictionaries.

The Art Course


Ji Xiaolan's Sixth Sun-Caizi Heritage from generation to generation


Drawing Origin from Wen Dagong


Ji Qingyuan's talent as a painter is inseparable from his ancestor Ji Xiaolan. Ji Qingyuan never called the first talent of the Qing Dynasty by his first name, "but respectfully called him"Wen Dagong"(the nickname of the imperial seal after Ji Xiaolan's death). "I learned the life of my ancestor Wen Dagong from my father when I was young, but the glorious history of our ancestors can not be our capital, but we must rely on our efforts acquired. Since I first came into contact with Chinese painting when I was 10 years old, I have developed a strong interest in this broad and profound art. Think about it, this may also be a kind of inheritance from the ancestors.


Shuxiangmen began with Ji Xiaolan, Ji Yun, Zi Xiaolan, and Jiaqing Emperor's personal edict document. Ji Xiaolan was a scholar of the Qianlong Dynasty, a co-founder of the Ministry of Rites, and a compiler of the Sikuquan Library. He compiled the Summary of the General Catalogue of the Sikuquan Books. He was the first scholar in the world in the history of Chinese culture. Ji Xiaolan wrote Notes on Yuewei Caotang. Ji Xiaolan died in February 1805 and was buried in Cui Erzhuang, Xianxian County, Hejian Prefecture, then Zhili (now Hebei Province).


Grandfather was a revolutionary


Ji Qingyuan delighted in telling the author about his genealogy. "Jijia has been the seventh generation since the beginning of Wenda Gong. I am the sixth grandson of Wen Dagong. Since Gong Wenda, there have been few people in our family who have served as officials in the central government. My grandfather was one of the first revolutionaries after the fall of the Qing government.


Ji Qingyuan's grandfather, Ji Kanyi, died in the early days of the founding of New China in 1953. Although Ji Qingyuan had not seen his grandfather who devoted his whole life to the cause of revolution, his words were still full of reverence when he talked about his grandfather's deeds. "In 1905, Zhang Zhidong launched the Westernization Movement, and his grandfather was one of the first overseas students to study abroad. At that time, the overseas students who went to Japan Army Sergeant School with their grandfather included Yan Xishan, Cheng Qian and other later figures. Soon after Grandfather returned from studying abroad, the Qing government perished. After that, Grandfather participated in the Wuchang Uprising in the 1911 Revolution, joined the League, and participated in the war against the theft of Yuan Shikai. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Grandfather had been traveling to the southern provinces of China, such as Hubei and Guizhou, to do his best for the cause of revolution. Before liberation, Grandfather and Qi Baishi, old people in the four northern and Western areas, used Wu Luzhen and Cai E ancestral halls to run a primary school, named Shinian Primary School after their names. After liberation, this elementary school was renamed four elementary schools in the West and north.


Ji Qingyuan, a portrait of Ji Xiaolan sketched in his spare time a few years ago, said, "There is no conception in painting this picture, but it is based on an impression of the ancestors in his mind." In the painting, Ji Yun, a gifted scholar, sits on the bluestone beside the road with a cigarette bag and smiles, showing a kind of refined and refined style of everyone. Looking carefully, this painting is somewhat similar to Zhang Guoli's style in the hit TV series "Xiaolan of Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth". Ji Qingyuan said that when he painted this picture, the TV play had not yet started shooting.


Another book, Yuewei Caotang Inkstone Spectrum, collected by Ji Qingyuan, contains a true portrait of Ji Yun. It is said that this was painted for Ji Yun by his students in his later years. In the portrait, an old man with a bowed eyebrow gripped an inkstone with a kind smile. Looking at the portrait of his ancestors, Mr. Ji Qingyuan sincerely expressed a sigh: "Wen Dagong I is wise, we must use our own efforts to inherit his spirit!"

The Enlightener is Qi Baishi


Speaking of Ji Qingyuan's "Painting Margin", Qi Baishi, a master of art, has a deep origin. Ji Qingyuan's second aunt Ji Bihuan married Qi Baishi's fourth son Qi Liangchi. Because of this kind of kinship, Ji Qingyuan began to learn Chinese painting when he was less than 10 years old. His father often took him to Qi's house to play. His painting was carefully pointed out by his uncle Qi Liangchi. When Ji Qingyuan was 21 years old, his maiden work "New Spring in the Grand Courtyard" was selected into the Municipal Art Exhibition. Since then, his works have won prizes in many national and municipal art exhibitions.


Ji Qingyuan is a painter of Beijing Academy of Painting and a national first-class painter. The "Lili Painting Exhibition", the crystallization of his and his wife Lu Ping's works, once took the Chinese Museum of Art as its starting point, toured the world and received unanimous praise from the art circle.


Mr. Ji Qingyuan's Chinese painting style is mainly based on characters, and interpolates local customs and human feelings. Ji Qingyuan explained his own ideal like this: "With the encouragement of his friends, I finally finalized an artistic conception: to paint all the famous figures in Beijing history, such as Cao Xueqin, Mao Zedong, Lu Xun, Mei Lanfang, Lao She, etc., and to interpolate the style of the ancient capital and the former residence of celebrities into it, to calculate it, we need to draw forty or fifty pictures. Works." Ji Qingyuan is a Beijing-flavored painter. His dream has taken shape. In his work Cao Xueqin, Ji Qingyuan thoroughly integrated the tragic experience of the great writer who wrote "a masterpiece for thousands of years" into his paintings, which has been affirmed by all walks of life.


Deeply influenced by Jiang Zhaohe


Ji Qingyuan is a lucky man.


When he was 20 years old, he lived in a building in Beijing with Jiang Zhao, who was 70 years old. At that time, Mr. Jiang's daughter was a student of Ji Qingyuan's father. The two families had a close relationship. Ji Qingyuan often consulted the old man with his works. According to Ji Qingyuan, Chiang Kai-shek was a silent man. When everyone was together, he didn't talk much and smoked cigars. But as long as I take my work and let him point it out, he will talk like a class to students. Mr. Jiang's son, Jiang Daiming, also recalled that when his father told Ji Qingyuan about painting, he was more careful than at school.


Jiang Zhaohe is a connecting figure in the modern Chinese painting circle. "When Mr. Jiang was thirty or forty years old, he made remarkable achievements. His masterpiece The Picture of Refugees was a huge volume created in Beijing from 1942 to 1943. It absorbed western modeling methods such as sketch, light and shade, projection and so on. It also took line drawing as its main modeling means and successfully drew more than 60 characters, showing a wide range of sorrow and sorrow. The scene of displaced people is very infectious and shocking. Ji Qingyuan said that all the subjects of Mr. Jiang described the poor people. Someone once classified him as a realist painter, and he said, "I never said I was a realist." His belief is "art for life".


Later, Ji Qingyuan was taught by Zhou Sicong. This outstanding female painter in modern and contemporary China pays most attention to modelling and emphasizes that modelling must be accurate. Her brushes and inks are full of ink and wash. When she asked Ji Qingyuan to sketch, she used brush directly, because the expressive force of brush itself is the core of Chinese painting. Through years of training, Ji Qingyuan has mastered the brushwork very well.


"In these predecessors, I learned a lot, not just about skills, but about the conquest of others themselves." Ji Qingyuan said.

Achievements must not be neglected


Ji Xiaolan's former residence Yuewei Cao Tang has been renovated and receives thousands of tourists every day. This famous historic residence was even in danger of being demolished when Guang'an Street was repaired that year.


At that time, Ji Qingyuan wrote to the Beijing Municipal Government as a civilian, requesting the leadership of the Municipal Committee to give "special care" to the former residence in urban road renovation, so that Yuewei Caotang could be completely preserved.


"When I first heard about the extension of the Liangguang Road Project, I was worried that it might threaten Wendagong's former residence. So I first hung up the phone to Jinyang Restaurant, the former property unit, to find out the details, and the other party answered,'Red Line 20 meters, demolish!' Now I am in a hurry. Once the historical and cultural heritage is demolished, it will be irreparable and irreparable losses. There are many new roads and office buildings in Beijing, but Yuewei Caotang is unique. It's a pity to demolish it. What should I do? I think that if there is the support of a highly respected academic leader and members of the CPPCC, it will be highly valued. So he drew up a letter to the city leaders, asking several old gentlemen to sign the appeal. With the efforts of Ji Qingyuan, the CPPCC members Ouyang Zhongshi, Shu Yi, Li Yan and Huo Da and other celebrities from the cultural circles participated in the joint appeal.


Ten days after the letter was sent to the city, I finally got an answer: "The CPPCC organized experts and scholars to inspect the demolition project in Guangdong and Guangdong, and invited me to participate in it. After the inspection, the leaders of the municipal government gave us an exciting document of instructions: the cultural relics here need to be properly protected, the roads need not be straightforward, let it be allowed. Ji Qingyuan was still very excited when he recalled the situation at that time. "At that time, we were very excited when we heard the instructions. We all applauded warmly. Many people congratulated me: "Qingyuan, you have finally saved this thing."


After many studies, the relevant departments have revised the planning plan, pushing this section of the road more than ten meters south, and the whole road has thus turned southward.


Close to life, close to the public


In Ji Qingyuan's works, there are not only the legacy of Ji Xiaolan, a generation of gifted scholar, but also the ancient style of Jiang Zhaohe, a generation of master of traditional Chinese painting, as well as his own elegant and elegant style formed by decades of hard work and indulgence in nature. His figure painting has opened a new generation of painting, and like a fresh breath into the painting world, Zhilan alcohol, far-reaching and deep.


People are like their names. In Ji Qingyuan's body, there are elegant bookish spirit, easy-going smile, calm tone, elegant manners and tranquil mood, which make people feel like spring breeze. As Ji Xiaolan's sixth grandson, Ji Qingyuan has the inherent elegance and faintly infects the people around him. Recently, the reporter saw Ji Qingyuan who just returned from the exhibition. In order to commemorate the 105th anniversary of the birth of his mentor, Mr. Jiang Zhaohe, he has been busy for a long time. The effect of the "people's livelihood exhibition" which is close to life and the public has strengthened his belief in "art for life". "The best memorial to the sages is to inherit and continue their spirit." Ji Qingyuan told reporters that as a descendant of Wen Dagong and a disciple of Mr. Jiang, he felt it was his duty and obligation to work hard for the prosperity of Chinese traditional culture and art.


Fresh, handsome and elegant book style


Draw like a person. Ji Qingyuan's works have a strong bookish spirit. He combines boneless painting with sketching, slightly lightly colored, partly heavily colored, sometimes painted from behind, the picture appears clean and elegant, full of charm, fresh and distant. Ji Qingyuan's works are also full of the voiceless voice of the times. They are implicit and elegant, and have a long meaning. As Xue Yongnian, a famous art theorist, said, Ji Qingyuan's light ink makes people feel "the spirit of purity", and makes people feel ancient and modern, thinking about some problems. Shang Hui, a famous art theorist, believes that Ji Qingyuan not only inherited Jiang Zhaohe's solid and accurate shape, but also benefited from his own landscape and flower techniques to create a new style of figure painting, which promoted the development of figure painting in Painting Academy. "The essence of art is a kind of feeling and pursuit. I think this style best reflects my hobbies and pursuits, and naturally forms." Ji Qingyuan emphasizes that the painter's feelings are based on natural images. Whether they are realistic, romantic or symbolic, as long as they are true feelings, they will certainly communicate with the hearts of the viewers.

In 1954, Ji Qingyuan was born in a scholarly family in Beijing. As Ji Xiaolan's sixth grandson, he lived in the envy of others when he was young. After 20 years of age, he began to pay attention to and study the five-car ancestor of the school, and assumed the responsibility of carrying forward his spirit.


Ji Xiaolan (1724-1805), a literary master of a generation, is well-known, Xiaolan Zi, Wenda, known worldwide as Wenda Gong. He was born in Trierzhuang, Cangzhou, Hebei Province. He was a scholar-in-chief of the Ministry of Rites during the reign of Qianlong, a co-founder of the University, and an editor-in-chief of the Four Kuquan Shu. He wrote Notes on Reading Weicao Tang, and his successors compiled Wenda Gong Heritage. Ji Xiaolan was not only recognized as a great literary and academic leader in the Qing Dynasty, but also a rare cultural giant in the history of Chinese and world culture.


Ji Xiaolan's father gave Ji's descendants a joint name list: Ru, Shu, Yu, Kan, Juju, Qing, Gen, Li, Zhi. Ji Qingyuan is Ji Xiaolan's sixth grandson. "As a descendant of Wen Dagong, I am really proud, but more responsibility." Ji Qingyuan said.


As a descendant of Ji Jia, Ji Qingyuan holds a very tolerant attitude towards the hit series "Xiaolan of Bronze Teeth and Iron Teeth". In his view, as a literary film, there is no need to go into some historical details, the age, the basic facts are consistent, and there is no hard injury, the people can enjoy it. In order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China, Beijing will organize an exhibition of celebrity paintings. Famous domestic painters will be invited to show the famous painters who left footprints in the western city during the historical period. Ji Qingyuan undertook the task of painting Jiang Zhaohe and Chen Yuan.


Painting Chen Yuan, Ji Qingyuan said that he had left an impression on his childhood. At that time, Ji Qingyuan's cousin Liu Naihe was a graduate student of Chen Yuan, then president of Beijing Furen University. "I'm thinking now, and I have to look up some historical data." Ji Qingyuan said that we must draw the character of this university student.






    最近更新:2025-01-06 05:46:22
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