孙远利,笔名 远山(1958年~)山东济南人,现居山东济南,中国美协会员,毕业于山东工艺美术学院,国家一级美术师。 中国美术家协会会员,中国人民大学艺术学院高研班导师。中央国家机关美术家协会理事,中外名人文化研究会副主席,北京国画艺术家协会理事,北京国画艺术家协会山水创研部主任,北京雪域西藏艺术研究院研究员。
meishu.com 07-02 浏览
远利的画很有时代意味和现代情怀,他的用笔十分讲究,他的画以中锋出笔,笔笔篆籀法,笔笔正宗,既不失传统符号,又有自己新的元素,这是许多当代中国画家所不及的。他笔下的山水以线条和墨点的构成组合,达到了苍茫浑厚,清正韵幽的大气象,好的作品代表着一个人的性情和学问的蒙养。所谓法者,求诸于行,体现于道,形于一画,表象万端,知画者,见一画而知其人,所以才有画品如人品之说,人品不高,画格难求。远利为人淳朴厚道,在画面上也能 看出来,他忠实于传统的绘画理念与原则,他的笔法以书写入画面貌,起承转合,一波三折,抑扬顿挫,中锋侧锋的变化也是笔走龙蛇,直抒胸臆,有传统,有新意,,笔墨很讲究,也很有气场,远利的基本功很扎实,对龚贤,黄宾虹李可染诸多大师的笔墨关系以及用笔用墨之法领悟的比较透彻,能利用自身的优势把自己的情感融入到画中且别开生面,现在的画家在这方面下苦功的人实在是难能可贵。我们知道,不是任何一个画家都能够据此营造出一个清新润泽像黄宾虹老润含春雨,干裂秋风那样的审美意境和画面的。 他需要有生命力高度张扬的感情投入,一份对中国传统绘画的深刻理解,一份对大自然抑或宇宙万物的虔诚态度,在这个层面上讲,远利的山水画的画面 构成,气息,格调。意境不单是个纯粹的审美问题,他更是一个具有代表着极具强烈个性和当随时代性的一种笔墨构成图式。 远利很刻苦,很用功,对于画画真达到了 如古人所说的‘废寝忘食’的程度,这也是其出类拔萃的重要原因,每年都有大量写生,手勤脑不闲,他在处理画面中的意象,笔墨,虚实,浓淡的技法运用上都充满了淳朴自然地气息,浑厚跌宕,润华清正,赋予了大山大水以顽强的生命之气,他运笔灵秀,着墨润泽,让人感觉到了中国画的特有的元气淋漓和率意酣畅,他锤炼出了自己的语言图式,能自成面貌,在画面中体现出来的精神内涵是符合中国的天人合一的哲学思想的,同是以水墨作为画的主格调,但是远利的画不滞不 怪不脏,反之很响,很透,很亮。在书写的过程中,能画出心境,写出心迹,由笔墨勾勒积点造成的浑然画面中,气韵自然生发出来,使画面获得了苍茫浑厚,郁郁生机的整体感,这就是师造化,得心源的结果,画好中国山水画这是个最大的难题,这个矛盾不好解决,‘夫学至精方可自生妙境,远利在这方面确实做的很优秀。相信他会越画越好。
Sun Yuanli, born in Jinan, Shandong Province, with a pen name of Yuanshan (1958 ~), now lives in Jinan, Shandong Province. He is a member of China Art Association. He graduated from Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts and is a national first-class artist. He is a member of China Artists Association and a tutor of the Graduate School of Art, Renmin University of China. Director of Artists Association of Central State Organs, Vice-Chairman of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, Director of Beijing Chinese Painting Artists Association, Director of Landscape Creation Research Department of Beijing Chinese Painting Artists Association, and Researcher of Beijing Xueyu Tibetan Art Research Institute.
Yuanli's paintings are very epochal and modern. His brushes are very particular. His paintings are centered, style of writing, authentic brush strokes, not only lose traditional symbols, but also have their own new elements, which are beyond the reach of many contemporary Chinese painters. The landscape in his works is composed of lines and ink dots, which achieves a vast, thick, pure and charming atmosphere. Good works represent a person's character and knowledge cultivation. The so-called law-abiding person seeks to practice, embodies in Tao, forms in a picture, represents all sides, knows the painter, sees one picture and knows its person, therefore only then has the painting like the character saying, the character is not high, the painting style is difficult to seek. Yuanli is a simple and honest man, which can be seen from the picture. He is faithful to the traditional painting ideas and principles. His brushwork is written into the picture appearance, starting and turning, setbacks and setbacks. The change of the center's side is also a dragon and snake. He expresses his mind directly, has tradition and novelty, and his brushwork is exquisite and energetic. The basic skills of field and far-reaching benefit are very solid. The relationship between brush and ink of Gong Xian, Huang Binhong and Li Keran, as well as the comprehension of brush and ink, are quite thorough. They can use their own advantages to integrate their emotions into the painting and make a new start. It is very valuable for the painters who have made painstaking efforts in this respect. We know that not every painter can create a fresh and moist aesthetic mood and picture like Huang Binhong's old moist spring rain and dry autumn wind. He needs emotional input with high vitality, a profound understanding of traditional Chinese painting, a pious attitude towards nature or the universe. On this level, Yuanli's landscape painting is composed of pictures, flavor and style. Artistic conception is not only a purely aesthetic problem, but also a kind of pen-and-ink schema with strong individuality and contemporary characteristics. Yuanli is very hard-working and hard-working. For painting, he really reaches the level of "forgetting to eat and sleep" as the ancients said. This is also an important reason why he is outstanding. Every year, there are a lot of sketches, hard-working hands and brains. He is full of simple and natural flavor in dealing with the image, ink, empty, strong and weak techniques used in the picture. He has given the mountains and rivers a tenacious spirit of life. With his brilliant brushwork and moist ink, he makes people feel the unique vitality and frankness of Chinese painting. He has refined his own language schema and can make his own appearance. The spiritual connotation reflected in the picture is in line with China. The philosophy of harmony between man and nature is based on ink and wash as the main style of painting, but far-sighted painting is not blamed for not dirty, on the contrary, it is loud, transparent and bright. In the writing process, can draw the mood, write the mood, by the ink outline accumulated points caused by the intact picture, the charm naturally generated, so that the picture obtained vast, thick, gloomy overall sense of vitality, this is the result of teacher-made, the source of inspiration, painting Chinese landscape painting is the biggest problem, this contradiction is not. To solve this problem,'Fuxue to Jingfang can make a wonderful life. Yuanli has really done a good job in this respect. I believe he can draw as well as he can.
Welcome Macao to return to the National Chinese Painting Exhibition Excellent Award; 1999 cross-century National Landscape Painting Exhibition Selected; the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China National Landscape Painting Exhibition Selected; 2001 National Chinese Painting Exhibition Selected; the first Shandong Chinese Painting Exhibition Bronze Award; the 10th National Art Exhibition Shandong Exhibition Selected; 2006, China Artists Association Host the nineteenth new entries exhibition. In 2007, he was selected as the 3rd National Chinese Painting Award.