作品曾多次入选国际书画展、全国书展、美展、诗赛均获大奖。1984、1987、1993年三次访日交流艺术并讲学,深得日方好评。作品还由中共中央、全国人大、中国革命博物馆、中国历史博物馆、中央文史馆、各名人纪念馆、省当代书画名家作品展览馆、省美术馆等200多处陈列或收藏。作品还出版于《中南海珍藏书法集》、《中国当代著名书画家珍品选》、《世界当代书画作品选》、《中日书法作品汇观》、《当代中华诗词选》、《江苏千家诗》等100多种专集。《仲贞子诗、书、画、篆刻选》由西泠印社出版。主编《仲贞子诗稿》、《海安古今诗选》已出版,其余书法,篆刻集即将付印。作品还刊刻于“南京雨花台烈士陵园”、“黄河碑林”、“翰园碑林”、“新四军纪念馆”,还为“南通中日友好纪念碑”、“苏中七战七捷纪念碑”、“红军进军新疆纪念碑”等70多处书碑。创作生平载入“世界名人录”、“世界当代书画篆刻家大辞典”、“当代书画篆刻家辞典”、“中国印学年鉴”、“海安县志”等20多部辞书。中央电视台的“老年丰采”、江苏电视台的“夕阳如火寸心丹”、南通电视台的“中国南通仲贞子”为题拍摄专题片,报道仲贞子的艺术成就及在海内外艺事活动,先后向国内外播映。 1995年经县批准,省、市备案,建立仲贞子艺术馆,以弘扬民族文化,加强社会主义精神文明建设。文化部文化艺术人才中心,中国文联艺委会2000年授予“世界华人艺术家”荣誉称号。“2000年中国百杰书法家”光荣称号。省、市、县政协、文联、市、县委、政府多次予以表彰,并获市、县颁发的“老有所为精英奖”。
Naka Junko, male, Jiangsu province Haian County West town. Zhong's family, a family of scholars for generations erudite through paternal teaching and influence. His father Airen in Zhong Qing Xuantong two years graduated from Nanjing lianjiang normal school, Rugao Hanlin yuan Sha Bing appointed Rugao normal hand painting teacher. His brother Zhong Xu served as vice president and President of Wuxi Calligraphers Association of Wuxi Academy of painting and calligraphy.
Naka Junko was educated at Shanghai School of fine arts, from Liu Haisu, Wang Geyi, Li Jian, Ma Gongyu learn calligraphy and painting, carving; from the blow, Dong Hansong high school poetry, thanks to the many masters teachings and guidance, calligraphy gradually, and then climb. Mr. Naka Junko was a member of Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society, Chinese Calligraphers Association, the poetry society, Ying Association, elderly Calligraphy Research Association, Jiangsu Calligraphers Association, Nantong Calligraphers Association, honorary president of the poetry society.
In the poetry and print art world, Naka Junko four arts club, which is rare in the artist. Nanjing Arts Institute professor Chen Dayu said his works are very fine, honest not easy to get more, and said, today can 'four arts' printed in a Jiangsu only one person, China is rare". Shanghai famous painter Cao Yongping said: "Zhong Lao can not only four full, and all kinds of everything is fine, this is amazing!" "" "" "" ""."
In 1938 -1940 years into the Anti Japanese national salvation movement.
In 1940 -1949 years after the United Front in the New Fourth Army East senator.
1949 sponsored by the West Primary school.
1950 host Xichang private junior high school.
West middle school was founded in 1956. Now Haian County West Middle School retired teachers.
1940 -2003 Renxian County people's Congress, municipal and county CPPCC members standing committee.
Works have been selected for international painting and calligraphy exhibition, the National Book Fair, art exhibition, Poetry Prize tournament are. 1984, 1987, 1993 three Japan Communication Arts and lectures, the Japanese side won praise. Works by the CPC Central Committee, the National People's Congress, Chinese Revolution Museum, Museum of history, Chinese central wenshiguan, the hall of fame, the contemporary works of painting and calligraphy exhibition, art gallery more than and 200 exhibition or collection. Works published in the "Zhongnanhai", "collection of calligraphy China famous contemporary artist treasures," selected "world contemporary painting and calligraphy works", "Sino Japanese calligraphy exchange", "view of contemporary Chinese poetry", "Jiangsu selected 1000 poems" and other 100 kinds. "Naka Junko poem, book, painting, carving" published by Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society. Editor of "Naka Junko poems", "Haian ancient poems" has been published, the calligraphy, carving set about to press. Works are inscribed in the "Nanjing Yuhuatai martyrs cemetery, the Yellow River Beilin, John Beilin Park" and "N4A Memorial", also "Nantong Japan Friendship Monument", "the Soviet Union in the seven war the seven monument", "the Red Army marched into Xinjiang in more than and 70 at the monument monument". The creation of life in "who in the world", "world of contemporary painting and a dictionary", "dictionary of contemporary painting and calligraphy carving", "Chinese sphragistics Yearbook", "Haian county" more than and 20 dictionaries. CCTV's "old attractions", Jiangsu TV's "sunset fire heart Dan", Nantong TV's "China Nantong Zhong Zhen Zi" filming the documentary, Naka Junko reported the artistic achievements and artistic activities at home and abroad, has to broadcast at home and abroad. 1995 approved by the county, provincial and municipal record, the establishment of Naka Junko Art Museum, in order to promote national culture, strengthen socialist spiritual civilization. The Ministry of culture and art talent center, Chinese Federation Arts Council in 2000 awarded the "World Chinese artist" honorary title. "2000 China 100 calligrapher" glorious title. Provincial, city, county, city, county CPPCC, Federation, government has to be commended, and by the city and county issued a elite award".
Mr. Naka Junko DeYiShuangXin, was a simple man, rigorous scholarship, is the fine arts teacher's pride and political model, he keeps pace with the times, the pursuit of art is never satisfied, fruitful achievements in art education and the literary and art circles of the people of Haian have been and will always be the art education of admiration and nostalgia. The death of Mr. Naka Junko is a great loss to Haian's art education.
Mr. Naka Junko's patriotic love for the party, followed by the era of advancing with the times, draw special form printed with poetry, sing the praises of the party and the motherland, Acura times and people. Mr. Naka Junko is the pursuit of artistic life, poetry paintings printed in one form, art, enjoys a high reputation in the world of art. Mr. Naka Junko enthusiastic cultural exchanges, three went to Japan, for Sino Japanese friendship and cultural communication made a special contribution. Mr. Naka Junko lifetime passion for education, send Fodor Azusa, dedication for the cultivation of young talents of art life. Naka Junko with his noble art, superb artistic practice, won the party and the government must win the art world and the whole society.