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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

牟成,中国人民大学画院特聘教授,中国美术教育学会师范专业委员会副主任,国家教委美术教学大纲、教材审查委员,主要编委。一级美术师,国画家,版画家,美术教育家,中国美术家协会会员, 中国版画家协会理事。

  • 中文名牟成
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地黑龙江
  • 出生日期1942年
  • 职业国画家、版画家、教育家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校哈尔滨师范大学
  • 主要成就国家教委美术教学大纲、教材审查委员,主要编委
  • 代表作品《辞旧迎新》
白山黑水 独树一帜——解读牟成先生的雪域风情

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


牟成几十年来一直从事美术组织、教育、创作工作,其作品参加全国第六、第八届美术大展以及全国国画、版画单项展近百件,荣获金奖、银奖、优秀奖十二次,其作品多次参加过国际交流展,多件作品被中国美术馆等专业机构收藏。为表彰其在组织美术创作中的突出贡献,文化部授予其“组织贡献奖”和“优秀创作群体”,并在一九九九年获全国版画的最高奖---“鲁迅奖”。 1942年 出生于黑龙江省林口1960年 入哈尔滨师范学院艺术系,受教于石林王秀成王道中等。1962年 作品《女民兵》代表哈尔滨市赠送日本学联代表团。1964年 毕业于哈尔滨师范学院艺术系,分配至鸡西。1965年 作品《动力》、《矿山星辰》参加黑龙江省美展,发表于《学理论》、《黑龙江日报》等。1968年 作品《矿山组画》(二十幅)“日伪统治死难矿工纪念馆”收藏。1972年 作品《探矿》参加黑龙江省美术展。1973年 创作《第一课》参加黑龙江省美展,并收入作品集。1982年 担任黑龙江省师范教育美术教育副主任、秘书长,主持编写省统一教材。1983年 主持创立“鸡西版画会”,作品《火热的心》、《姨妹》入选四川、江苏、黑龙江联展。1983年 任中国书画函授大学鸡西分校校长。1985年 作品《万家灯火》、《辞旧迎新》参加黑龙江省美展及全国第六届美展。1987年 《阳光,您好》获黑龙江省第七届美展三等奖。1990年 《深处律动》、《脚步》、《矿灯姑娘》参加全国办画展,获金奖、银奖。1990年 任全国师范教育美术专业副主任,国家教委美术教材三人审查小组成员。1990—1996年 任黑龙江省师范系统美术高级职称评委会主任。1991年 获由文化部、中国美协颁发的“组织贡献奖”、“艺术之乡”。1993年 《矿灯盏盏》参加全国版画展,获银奖。1993年 获全国工业办展金奖。1994年 《深处律动》入选第八届全国美展。1995年 《壑》在日本展出。1996年 十五件作品在美国五大城市巡展。1999年 获“鲁迅奖”。2002年 作品《赶海》入选《中国美术选集》。2002年 《春风又渡》参加纪念延安文艺座谈会讲话六十周年全国美展。2003年 参加“华瑞杯”中国著名书画艺术家大展并获奖。2005年 参加《美术市场》,2005年·中国画名家提名展。2005年 8月,上海朵云轩四楼举办《北国风情》国画个展。2005年 10月25日,参加在中国画研究院举办的中国画名家提名展。2005年 12月12号至18号在黑龙江省威虎山区采风写生。2005年 12月25号坐客北京人民广播电台,在《京城人物》栏目畅谈艺术人生。2005年 12月25号参加中国美术家协会,江苏省文联主办的《金陵画家》中国画名家友情展。2005年 11月19号参加由《美术》杂志陕西省文化厅主办的《西部风韵》中国画名家邀请展。2005年 12月1日至31日在北京墨岚画馆举办个展。2005年 8月上海教育台制作牟成先生专题节目。 2006年 参加山东淄博荣宝斋大厦举办的中国画名家邀请展。2006年 9月与刘文西、胡宝利郭正英参加山东孙子文化节并举办个展。 2006年 12月参加荣宝斋举办的《中国当代实力派画家作品展》(八人联展)。


2006年6月2日--2006年6月4日 参加“2006鼓浪屿之夏---中国当代实力画家邀请展”。
 2006年7月14日--2006年7月16日 在上海朵云轩四楼举办“牟成北国风情山水画展”
2007年 2月10日--2月16日参加“中国名画家迎春精品展”(北京古玩城书画大世界)。
2007年7月30日 参加在保定市博物馆举行的“纪念建军八十周年书画名家邀请展”
2007年8月9日 参加北京莲花通宝艺术品商城举行的“中国当代书画精品展”

English Introduction

Mou into dozens of years has been engaged in art education, organization, creative work, which works in the national sixth, the Eighth National Art Exhibition and painting and Printmaking Exhibition individual hundreds of pieces, won the gold medal, silver award of excellence twelve times, his work has participated in the international exhibition, many works by the Museum of art and other professional Chinese collections. In recognition of its outstanding contributions in the organization of fine arts, the Ministry of culture awarded its "organization Contribution Award" and "outstanding creative groups", and in 1999 won the highest award of national printmaking --- "Lu Xun prize". 1942 born in Heilongjiang province in 1960, the Art Department of Harbin normal college, taught by Hao Shilin, Wang Xiucheng, Wang medium. In 1962 the work "female militia" on behalf of the Harbin Municipal Federation delegation presented in japan. 1964 graduated from Harbin normal college art department, assigned to Jixi. In 1965, the "power" works "mine" in Heilongjiang Province, the stars art exhibition, published in the "theory", "Heilongjiang daily" etc.. In 1968 the work of "mine paintings" (twenty pieces) "puppet rule dead miners Memorial collection. 1972 work "prospecting" to participate in Heilongjiang art exhibition. In 1973 the creation of "first class" in Heilongjiang province fine arts exhibition, and revenue collection. 1982 served as deputy director of Heilongjiang normal education art education, secretary general, presided over the compilation of provincial unified textbook. In 1983 presided over the creation of "Jixi print works", "hot heart", "sister", Jiangsu, Heilongjiang exhibition in Sichuan. 1983 Chinese painting and calligraphy correspondence university Jixi branch president. In 1985 the work "new year", "lamps and candles of a myriad families" in Heilongjiang province and the Sixth National Art exhibition. "Hello sunshine" by 1987, third-prize seventh art exhibition of Heilongjiang. 1990 "rhythm", "deep", "girl", the miner's footsteps in the National Office of the exhibition, won the gold medal, silver medal. 1990 he served as deputy director of the national normal education art, National Education Commission Art Textbook three review team members. 1990 - 1996 Heilongjiang normal system art senior title jury director. In 1991 by the Ministry of culture, Chinese Artists Association awarded the "Contribution Award", "art village". 1993 "mine" lamp light to participate in the national print exhibition, won the silver medal. In 1993 won the national gold medal of the exhibition industry. 1994 "deep rhythm" selected for the Eighth National Art exhibition. "He" exhibited in Japan in 1995. In 1996 fifteen works in the five largest city in the United States. Won the Lu Xun prize in 1999". "The sea" in 2002 works anthology "China art". 2002 "spring breeze" Du to commemorate the sixty anniversary of the speech Yanan Forum on literature and Art National Art exhibition. In 2003 the famous painting and calligraphy artist China Huarui Cup "exhibition and awards. 2005 to participate in the fine arts market, 2005 Chinese painting masters nomination exhibition. In August 2005, Shanghai duoyunxuan four floor held "Northern Style" painting exhibition. October 25, 2005, participated in the Chinese Painting Institute of Chinese painting masters nomination exhibition. From December 12, 2005 to 18 in Heilongjiang province Weihu mountain folk songs sketch. December 25, 2005 sat off the Beijing people's broadcasting station, in "Beijing people" column about art of life. In December 25, 2005 China Artists Association, organized by the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of "Jinling painter" Chinese friendship painting masters exhibition. The "art" magazine in November 19, 2005 by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of culture hosted "Western charm" Chinese painting masters Invitational exhibition. December 1, 2005 to 31 held a solo exhibition in Beijing ink haze painting museum. August 2005 Shanghai education made special programs into Mr. mou. In 2006 China painting masters held in Shandong Zibo rongbaozhai building exhibition. September 2006 and Liu Wenxi, Hu Baoli, to participate in the Shandong grandson Cultural Festival and held a solo exhibition. In December 2006 rongbaozhai held "Chinese modern power painter Exhibition" (eight exhibition).

June 2, 2006 --2006 in June 4th to participate in the 2006 Gulangyu Islet summer --- China contemporary strength artists Invitational exhibition".
In July 14, 2006 --2006 July 16th in Shanghai duoyunxuan four floor held "Mou into northern style landscape painting"
February 10, 2007 --2 month 16 days to participate in the "China painter spring exhibition (Beijing antique calligraphy and painting world).
In July 30, 2007, held in Baoding City Museum to commemorate the eighty anniversary of the establishment of painting and calligraphy exhibition invitation"
In August 9, 2007 Beijing lotus mall held "China Tongbao art contemporary painting and calligraphy exhibition"






    最近更新:2025-01-13 06:04:51
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