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1993-1994年兼任普陀文化馆副馆长。1997年获 中国文联、中国美协“97中国画坛百杰”称号。1997-1999年任中国美院国画系山水教研室主任,现执教于中国美院国画系,2000年至2004年攻读该系博士研究生,导师 卓鹤君先生。现为中国美院造型艺术学院国画系教授、博士生导师、山水教研室主任,中国美术学院书画鉴赏研究中心副主任,中国美协会员。
作品曾获第七、八、九届全国美展优秀作品奖。作品《高唐遗地考》入选第七届全国美展,《卧游图》获全国首届 山水画展优秀奖,《清趣》获第二届山水画展优秀奖,《风和意畅》入选第八届全国美展等 。全国首届山水画展优秀作品奖等,曾在南京、烟台等地举办个展。其作品被中国美术馆、上海美术馆、广州美术馆和伦敦大英博物馆等收藏。出版《写意山水入门》、《早春图画法》、《山水画技法》、《历代名家技法精粹——山石篇》、《古画临摹》等。
1993-1994 concurrently deputy director of Putuo cultural museum. In 1997 by the Chinese Federation, "97 Chinese Meixie Chinese painting 100" title. 1997-1999, director of Chinese Academy of Chinese traditional landscape painting department, is now teaching in the China Academy of fine arts painting department, from 2000 to 2004 as a doctoral student in the Department, my tutor Mr. Zhuo Hejun. The landscape is the director of the Department of Chinese Painting Department of Academy of fine arts professor, Dr. Chinese art academy tutor, deputy director of the The China Academy of Art research center of painting appreciation, China artists association.
The work won the seventh and the eight or nine national art exhibition excellence award. "Gaotang public examination" works selected for the seventh national art exhibition, "Spiritual Travel Map" won the first National Award for outstanding landscape painting, "Qing fun" won the second award for outstanding landscape painting, "wind and Chang" selected the Eighth National Art Exhibition. The first national landscape painting outstanding works award, etc., had held exhibitions in Nanjing, Yantai and other places. His works are collected by Chinese Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Guangzhou Art Museum and London British Museum. Published "Introduction", "early spring landscape freehand drawing method", "landscape painting", "masters", the essence of the techniques of rocks "copying paintings".
Lin Zhong longitudinal evolution explosive force: multiple absorption, natural calm
Lin Haizhong's landscape, artistic conception of ancient and modern art show strength: he will try the ancient ink into the modern discourse, the text under his pen to obtain images of vigor and vitality, but also pull people entered the deep, ancient open, mixed situation; his works can be integrated into the modern aesthetic consciousness the traditional performance, creating a unique aesthetic charm of ancient and modern sense can talk to each other.
Lin Zhong of the subtlety, is the traditional pen and ink program hook, cracked, staining order, into personalized creative screeching context, when you are wandering in his work in Guta, Guting, temple, ancient trees, through the city, the middle can feel from his gestures change in ink to culture the spirit of content, more from his original ink form intensity, spatial dimensions feel appreciative, calm surging clear implication.