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  • 中文名金城
  • 别名绍城、北楼、藕湖
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍浙江省吴兴县
  • 出生地北京
  • 出生日期1878年
  • 逝世日期1926年9月6日
  • 职业画集
  • 代表作品《藕庐诗草》、《北楼论画》、《画学讲义》
大气长歌 垄上新墨——“陇原画派”艺术风格 (作者:王金城)

中国美术网 09-17 浏览

来源:网络  环境的影响对一个艺术家来说是极为至关重要的,中外文化艺术发展史上,真正伟大的艺术家,无疑都是他们所处环境造就的。他们的作品,越是透射出强烈的地域特色,就越具有鲜明的创作个性,从而也...

出身书香门第,自幼天性喜爱绘画,山水花鸟皆能,兼工篆隶镌刻,旁及古文辞。因没有老师传教,就在家里临摹家藏古代名人画迹,到后来所临字画几可乱真[1]  。
1910年(清宣统二年 庚戌)法部派金城充美洲万国监狱改良会代表,中华民国成立后,任众议院议员、国务秘书、参与筹备古物陈列所,倡议将故宫内库及承德行宫所藏金石、书画于武英殿陈列展览,供广大群众和画家们研究学习。
1918年(民国七年 戊午),与周肇祥、陈师曾等在北京筹建中国画学研究会,许多有绘画基础的青年聚集在画学研究会,由金城讲授古代绘画之成就,他竭力提倡保存国粹,临摹画稿,一笔不苟。金城的作品大都仿古、师古,在古人的意境中徘徊。晚年有些写生之作,比之前期的临摹作品,显得富有生气。
1910(清宣统二年 庚戌) 年他创立了闻名遐尔的中国画学研究会,担任中国画学研究会会长。
1920(民国九年 庚申) 年金城发起成立湖社画会。著名近代画家马晋陈少梅田世光等皆出身于他的门下。





English Introduction

Born in a family of scholar, he loved nature painting, Chinese landscape painting can, and zhuanli engraved, and ancient language. Because there is no teacher in the home missionary, copying hidden famous ancient paintings, calligraphy and painting to later be true [1] pro.
Jincheng of artifacts erudite through paternal teaching and influence, very rich collection of calligraphy and painting. Brothers and sisters are early study in the United States and europe. He also studied law in London, our university has one Keng, the United States, France, on legal and art. After returning to the new Shanghai public concession mixed Xiang Yan Court member, was invited to compile legal hall, repair, repair association played magistrate criminal division of Dali Institute of forensic engineering supervision department will do.
1910 (Qing Xuantong two years' law school) Jincheng charge America nations prison reform will represent, after the founding of the Republic, as members of the house of Representatives, the Secretary of state, involved in the preparation of antiquities, the initiative will be in the Imperial Palace and Chengde Palace Library Tibetan inscriptions, calligraphy and painting exhibition in the main, for the masses and artists to study.
As for Jincheng hobbies, traditional painting during the exhibition, to bring pen research to sit, assiduously, and constantly copying ancient treasures masterpiece. Fine brushwork Jincheng beginner Dai Xi, after close to Lu Lian Fu style. His landscapes, flowers and birds, characters are old.
1918 (seven years of the Republic of China, Zhou Zhaoxiang, Chen Shiceng and skelgas) and build China painting in Beijing Painting Research Association, many young people gathered in basic research by Jincheng painting, teaching achievement of ancient painting, he strongly advocated the preservation of quintessence, copying drawings, conscientious and meticulous. Most of the works of Jincheng antique, division of ancient, wandering in the ancient artistic conception. In some painting, than copying works early, is full of anger.
1910 (Qing Xuantong two years') he founded the famous China Painting Research Association, as president of Chinese painting research association.
1920 (Republic of China nine years Geng Shen) annuity city initiated the establishment of Lake Club painting club. The famous modern painters Ma Jin, Chen Shaomei, and so on are born under his door, and so on, are born under the door of his own, such as the artist, and so on, are born under his door.
On 1926 every year to hold a Sino Japanese joint exhibition painting held in Japan, Jincheng by the Japanese artist invited to Japan to participate in the exhibition, by the Japanese artist welcome.
After his death, some members of the painting Research Council to commemorate him, in 1927 by his son Kim Sang Ying organized the lake society painting club. And edited and published fortnightly "Lake Club", later renamed the magazine, published members and famous works, the ancient paintings, propaganda and maintenance of traditional painting. Influence of Lake community members, almost all over the country, very popular.

Jincheng is a traditional skill profound painter, good at landscape, flowers and birds, from the song and Yuan Dynasties, careful to work with ink, writing, author of "Jincheng Shicao", "Ou Lu Bei Lou," on painting "painting materials". Contains more than 130 pieces of paintings from Jincheng Jincheng, and the author of an overview of the life and art characteristics of review and research, and Jincheng himself on the art and the articles to comment. Otherwise a brief chronology, with common India, main masterpieces directory.
Jincheng is a quite innovative idea of artist, his painting development can be roughly divided into three periods: before the age of 28, his creation is dominated by the ancient people, a lot of temporary copy, the Xi Zong Yuan, Wu Yun, et al. A boutique, for later painting creation, laid a solid foundation. 29 -45 years old during this period, his works still to imitate the ancients, with the creation of. After 46 years old, Mr. Kimki entered the peak period of his creative art.
Jincheng is the painter in the western Chinese earlier contact. He studied at the beginning of the new century, it is the French Impressionist influence of European art stage, which have strong interest in Western art Jincheng influence.
Most of the works of Jincheng antique, division of ancient, wandering in the ancient artistic conception. In some painting, than copying works early, is full of anger. On 1926 every year to hold a Sino Japanese joint exhibition painting held in Japan, Jincheng by the Japanese artist invited to Japan to participate in the exhibition, by the Japanese artist welcome. After his death, some members of the painting Research Council to commemorate him, in 1927 by his son Kim Sang Ying organized the lake society painting club. And edited and published fortnightly "Lake Club", later renamed the magazine, published members and famous works, the ancient paintings, propaganda and maintenance of traditional painting. Influence of Lake community members, almost all over the country, very popular.






    最近更新:2025-01-11 09:22:27
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