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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

陈训勇 1956年出生,笔名墨牛、蚁民、野豆,广东澄海樟林人。毕业于广州美术学院国画系和研究生课程班。现为中国艺术研究院艺术创作院研究员、国家一级美术师、享受政府特殊津贴专家、中国美术家协会会员、广州大学艺术硕士生导师、广东省工艺美术大师、广东省工艺美术协会副会长、广州画院特聘研究员、名誉画师、广东省青年美术家协会艺术顾问、广州市白云区政协常委、文联副主席、广东品墨堂堂主。

  • 中文名陈训勇
  • 别名墨牛、蚁民、野豆
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍广东澄海樟林
  • 出生地广东澄海樟林
  • 出生日期1956年
  • 职业美术师
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校广州美术学院国画系和研究生
  • 主要成就中国艺术研究院艺术创作院研究员 广州画院特聘研究员、名誉画师
  • 代表作品【墨牛水墨】【墨牛颂蚁】

陈训勇 1956年出生,笔名墨牛、蚁民、野豆,广东澄海樟林人。毕业于广州美术学院国画系和研究生课程班。现为中国艺术研究院艺术创作院研究员、国家一级美术师、享受政府特殊津贴专家、中国美术家协会会员、广州大学艺术硕士生导师、广东省工艺美术大师、广东省工艺美术协会副会长、广州画院特聘研究员、名誉画师、广东省青年美术家协会艺术顾问、广州市白云区政协常委、文联副主席、广东品墨堂堂主。



   陈训勇作品多次参加全国性展览,代表作国画《国色》入选第八届全国美展,并获广东美展铜奖;1996年被收入大型画册《中国牡丹》,该画册收入了自五代徐熙、明徐渭、清吴昌硕至现代齐白石潘天寿等大师的牡丹作品。水彩《花……》入选第十届全国美展,大型工笔国画《春、夏、秋、冬》等作品散见于《美术》,《画廊》,《南方航空》、《广州美术研究》等主要杂志报刊。2003年中国首届礼品设计大赛,布艺《黑白圣诞系列》获金奖,《乡村系列》获银奖。2005年7月8日由中国工业经济联合会,清华大学美术(集团)公司主取“金凤凰”,原创旅游品,工艺品设计大奖赛银奖。2005年《布艺动物钟系列》获《第二届中国礼品设计大赛》金奖,《毛线球动物系列》获银奖。国画《堪为人师》获第三届广东省工艺美术精品展金奖。国画《献寿图》获第三届广东省工艺美术精品展金奖。2006第十三届中国花鸟画邀请展银奖。2007“草间品墨——陈训勇(蚂蚁一族)水墨艺术作品展”在中国美术馆、广东美术馆展出。2008 “草间品墨——陈训勇(蚂蚁一族)水墨艺术作品展”(香港大会堂低座展览厅)第十四届中国花鸟画邀请展,特邀参展画家、纪念改革开放三十周年全国美术作品展(广东美术馆、厦门)。2009 第二届中国当代著名花鸟画家作品展、苏州汕头中国画院国画作品展。国画作品分别被收藏于,广东美术馆,广州美术学院,香港大公报,南华寺,淡浮院,广州美术研究。2003年12月在汕头画院举办《墨牛水墨》个展。2006年5月25日《蝼蚁五德颂》(69cmX138cm)在嘉德拍卖行以25000元拍出。 




  现为 国家一级美术师、中国美术家协会会员、广东省人文艺术研究会会员、广东省青年美术家协会顾问、广东省工艺美术协会副会长、高级工艺师、广州市白云区文联副主席、江西省宜春设计学院客座教授、中国香港洲美术家协会常务理事、汕头市美术家协会常务理事、汕头画院画师、汕头中国画院画师、品墨堂堂主。

English Introduction

 Chen Xunyong was born in 1956, under the name of common people, ink cattle, wild bean, Guangdong Chenghai Zhang Lin people. Graduated from the Department of Chinese painting and graduate courses at Guangzhou Acmdemy of Fine Arts. This is a researcher at the Academy of art art academy China national artist, enjoy the government special allowance, membership, China Artists Association, Guangzhou University master of fine arts, master tutor, vice president of Arts and crafts of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province Arts and Crafts Association, Guangzhou painting academy honorary fellow distinguished painter, Guangdong young Artists Association, art consultant Baiyun District of Guangzhou City Committee of the CPPCC Standing Committee, vice chairman of Guangdong Federation of literary and art circles, ink hall hall.

Chen Xunyong works participated in the National Exhibition of Chinese painting masterpiece, "national beauty" was selected in the Eighth National Art Exhibition, and won the Guangdong art exhibition; 1996 was "Peony" Chinese income large album, the album earned works since the five generation of peony Xu Xi, Ming Wei, Wu Changshuo of the Qing Dynasty to modern Qi Baishi, Pan Tianshou and other masters. Color flower...... "Selected the Tenth National Art Exhibition, large brush painting" spring, summer autumn and winter "and other works in the" art "," Gallery "," Southern Airlines "," Guangzhou art research "and other major newspapers and magazines. In 2003 the first China gift design contest, "white Christmas" cloth series won the gold medal, "Village Series" won the silver medal. In July 8, 2005 by the China Federation of industrial economics, Tsinghua University of Fine Arts (Group) company to take the "Golden Phoenix", the original tourism products, arts and crafts design Grand Prix award. 2005 "cloth animal series" won the second session of the "bell China gift design competition" award, "animal wool ball series" won the silver medal. Chinese painting "worthy of the people" was the third session of the Guangdong provincial arts and crafts exhibition gold award. Traditional Chinese painting "Xian Shou Tu" won the third session of the Guangdong arts and crafts exhibition gold award. 2006 of the thirteenth China painting exhibition invitation. 2007 "grass - ink - ink - Chen Xunyong (ant group) ink art exhibition" in China Art Museum, Guangdong Art Museum exhibition. 2008 "the grass between the ink - Chen Xunyong (ant family) ink art exhibition" (Hongkong City Hall Exhibition Hall) fourteenth China painting exhibition, exhibitors invited artists, to commemorate the thirty years of reform and opening up the National Art Exhibition (Guangdong Art Museum, Xiamen). 2009 of the second Chinese famous contemporary painter works exhibition, Suzhou Shantou Chinese Academy of painting works exhibition. The painting works were collected in the Guangdong Museum of art, Guangzhou Acmdemy of Fine Arts, Hongkong, Ta Kung Pao, Nanhua temple, floating light Institute, Guangzhou art research. "Cattle" ink ink December 2003 held an exhibition in Shantou art academy. In May 25, 2006 the song "ants" (69cmX138cm) in the guardian auction sold for 25000 yuan.

Baiyun District of Guangzhou City, served as chief designer of township enterprises, Industrial Development Corporation of Guangdong Shantou tea art jewelry Co., Ltd., design director, Chinese people's political association of business conference in Guangdong province Shantou city Chenghai District Committee of the seventh committee members, China Artists Association executive director of Hongkong Artists Association, the Asian Association of senior artists, executive director, Guangdong Technology Art Association members, craft gifts, arts and Crafts Association Committee of Guangdong Province, painter of Shantou painting academy, executive director of Shantou Artists Association, Shantou China painting artist, Council member, Shantou Folk Arts Institute ink hall hall.

Is now a national artist, member of Guangdong Artists Association, Chinese arts and Humanities Research Association, Guangdong Province Youth Artists Association consultant, vice president of Guangdong arts and Crafts Association senior technologists, vice chairman, Baiyun District of Guangzhou City Federation of Jiangxi province Yichun Design Institute Professor, executive director of Hongkong Artists Association, Chinese executive director of Shantou Artists Association, a painter of Shantou painting academy, Shantou Chinese ink painting artist, hall hall.

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