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陈树人(1884年-1948年)原名政,名韶,又名哲,别号“葭外渔子”,以字行。别署猛进,晚号安定老人。广东番禺化龙镇人,与高剑父、高奇峰并称为“二高一陈”,同为岭南画派的创始人 。

  • 中文名陈树人
  • 别名政、韶、哲
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍广东番禺
  • 出生地广东番禺
  • 出生日期1884年
  • 逝世日期1948年10月4日
  • 职业艺术 书画家
  • 毕业院校日本毕业于西京美术学校和东京立教大学
  • 主要成就岭南画派的创始人
  • 代表作品《陈树人画集》、《陈树人近作》、《陈树人中国画选集》
  • 别号葭外渔子
  • 晚号安定老人

 陈树人(1884年2月9日-1948年10月4日),字树人,号葭外渔子、二山山樵、得安老人。广东政治活动家、岭南画派创始人之一。自幼喜爱美术,师事著名岭南画派大师居廉。早年留学日本毕业于西京美术学校和东京立教大学,并追随孙中山从事资产阶级民主革命,历任要职。后在香港的《广东日报》、《有所谓报》、《时事画报》任主笔,其作品和中兴会办的《中国日报》共同宣传革命,反对康、梁的君主立宪。曾在广东优级师范学校、广东高等师范学校任教。1922年在香港策划讨伐陈炯明。次年参与国民党改组工作,拥护孙中山“联俄、联共、扶助农工”政策。1924年任国民党中央工人部部长、广州国民政府秘书长、广东省代省长等职。 1928年后历任国民党中央执委、国民政府中央侨委会委员长、国民党中央海外部长等职。1947年辞职,定居广州,专心画艺,与高剑父高奇峰同为岭南画派三杰。其画风清新、恬淡、空灵,独树一帜。1948年10月4日,陈树人因胃溃疡不治,在广州逝世。


 1884年(清光绪十年 甲申) 1岁。2月9日(农历正月十三日)出生广州,广东省番禺市明经乡人,父陈东樵,母梁氏。名韶,字澍人,别署树仁,树人。号拈花微笑子,又号葭外渔子、十一郎、二山山樵、得安老人。笔名衬哲、陈晋、美魂女士、猛进等。 

1900年(清光绪二十六年 庚子)17岁。从居廉(1828-1904)学画 


1903年(清光绪二十九年 癸卯)20岁。由居廉作媒,娶居廉侄孙女居若文(1844-1974)为妻。 

1904年(清光绪三十年 甲辰)21岁。开始在香港《广东日报》以“美魂女士”以笔名发表革命排满文章。 

1905年(清光绪三十一年 乙巳)22岁。在香港《广东日报》及《有所谓报》发表文章,鼓吹革命。成为广州《时事画报》美术同人。10月16日,在香港加入中国同盟会。 

1906年(清光绪三十二年 丙午)23岁,毕业于日本京都美术学校。与谢英伯、刘思复在香港创办《东方报》。 

1907年(清光绪三十三年 丁未)24岁。赴日本。继续为粤中报章撰文。 

1908年(清光绪三十四年 戊申)25岁,5月7日,以私费用生身份,在日本京都市立美术工艺学校图案科注册入学。摘译英人波露然布罗运《美术概论》连载于广州《时事画报》。 

1909年(清宣统元年 己酉)26岁,5月26日,转入京都市里美术工艺学校绘画科学习。 

1912年(民国元年 壬子)29岁,在高其峰主编的《真相画报》上发表译著《新画法》(一名《绘画独习书》)。5月11日,毕业于京都市立美术工艺学校绘画科。回国后,加入“贞社”,一度出任广东优秀级师范绘画教员。因“以为绘画须文学之助乃克大成”,不久重返日本;10月21日,在东京私立立教大学文科预科注册入学。[1]


1913年(民国2年 癸丑)30岁,5月,转入立教大学文科本科。发表《图画教授法》(《真相画报》第17期)及译文《社会主义与妇人》(《民谊》第3号至第6号)。 

1916年(民国5年 丙辰)33岁,4月18日,毕业于立教大学文科本科。奉命以特派员身份赴加拿大任中华革命党美洲加拿大总部部长。8月审美书馆印行高剑父、陈树人、高其峰三人作品合集《新画选》,夫人居若文同年毕业于东京女子美术学校造花科。 

1917年(民国6年 丁巳)34岁,在加拿大从事党务工作,兼主维多利亚《新国民报》笔政。 

1918年(民国7年 戊午)35岁,在加拿大从事党务工作,一度因“汤化龙案”被误系入狱。

1919年(民国8年 己未)36岁-------1921年(民国10年 辛酉)38岁,在加拿大从事党务工作[2] 

1922年(民国11年 壬戌)39岁,5月,奉命回国。 9月,在上海被孙文指定为《中国国民党改进方略》起草委员会委员。

1923年(民国12年 癸亥)40岁,1月,被任命为国民党本部党务部部长。任广东省政务厅厅长。十姐慈魂在广州河南购地十亩为赠。该地树有千株,具池亭桥榭之胜,名之曰“息园”。暇常在此吟咏作画。 

1924年(民国13年 甲子)41岁,以广东省代表身份参加中国国民党第一次全国代表大会。 

1925年(民国14年 乙丑)42岁,以国民政府秘书长身份参加“廖案”检查委员会工作,在广州发起成立“清游会。 

1926年(民国15年 丙寅)43岁,在国民党第二次全国代表大会上被选为候补中央执行委员。 

1927年(民国16年 丁卯)44岁,4月16日,因“清党”事起,呈辞本兼各职;不久赴日本,6月中旬回国,在南京上海从事政治活动;10月,与汪精卫,陈公博、顾孟余、王乐平等“粤方委员”南下广州成立广州粤方政治分会。 

1929年(名过8年 己巳)46岁,国民党第三十九次中委会宣布开除其党籍。上海和平社出版《陈树人画集》第三辑及陈氏诗集《寒绿吟草》。 

1930年(民国20年 辛未)48岁,在广州参加国民党非常会议。冬桂林旅行写生。所作《岭南春色》在比利时万国博览会上获奖。 

1932年(民国21年 壬申)49岁,8月被任命为民国政府侨务委员会委员长。被聘为柏林“中国美术展览会筹备委员会”委员。

1933年(民国22年 癸酉)50岁,与徐悲鸿孙福熙发起创立“艺风社”。被聘为巴黎“中国近代绘画展览会”委员。受托参与料理高其峰丧事。出版诗集《自然美讴歌集》。 

1934年(民国23年 甲戌)51岁,迁居南京五台山。 

1936年(民国25年 丙子)53岁,出版诗集《廿四年吟草》。 

1937年(民国26年 丁丑)54岁,年底,由南京取道上海赴菲律宾,在当地华侨中进行抗战募捐,工作完成后返回武汉。 

1938年(民国27年 戊寅)55岁,8月随机关从武汉迁重庆。到峨眉、三峡写生。 

1939年(民国28年 己卯)56岁,在重庆出版抗战诗抄《战尘集》。 

1940年(民国29年 庚辰)57岁,在嘉陵、剑阁,峨眉等地写生,得画三百四十余幅。 

1941年(民国30年 辛巳)58岁,颜其寓室为“得安斋”,自号“得安老人”。又号画室为“春光堂”;诗集吟稿也由《寒绿吟草》改题为《春光堂诗集》。 

1946年(民国35年 乙酉)63岁,携家眷由蜀飞返南京。中美文化协会等八大团体联名在南京主办“陈树人画展” 

1947年(民国36年 丁亥)64岁,5月,返粤,与高剑父、关山月赵少昂、黎葛民组新派画家团体“今社”。 7月,离粤赴上海。8月,中华书局出版《专爱集》。 10月,上海举行画展。 

1948年(民国37年 戌子)65岁,10月4日夜10时30分,因胃出血抢救无效去世。 11月18日下葬于广州白云山长腰岭南麓。

English Introduction

 Chen Shuren (February 9, 1884 - October 4, 1948), the word no. Waiyu Shuren, Jia son, second, an old man mountain firewood. Guangdong, one of the founders of the south of the Five Ridges School of political activists. He loves art, the famous master of the Lingnan School of South of the Five Ridges division. In his early years studying in Japan and graduated from Tokyo art school and Xijing Rikkyo University, and follow Sun Zhongshan in the bourgeois democratic revolution, senior positions. In Hongkong after the "Guangdong daily", "the newspaper", "current affairs" as illustrated writer, his works and ZTE will do "China daily" common revolutionary propaganda, against Kang and Liang monarchy. Teach in Guangdong high normal school, Guangdong higher normal school. Planning against Chen Jiongming in Hongkong in 1922. The following year to participate in the reorganization of the Kuomintang, Sun Zhongshan advocates "alliance with Russia, which help farmers, policy. 1924 Secretary of the KMT Central Committee of the Ministry of labor, the Secretary General of the Guangzhou national government, acting governor of Guangdong Province, etc.. After 1928 the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, the central government's overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, the KMT Central Committee and Minister of overseas. Resigned in 1947, settled in Guangzhou, to concentrate on painting, and Gao, Gao Qifeng for the south of the Five Ridges school three. The painting style is fresh and tranquil, ethereal, become an independent school. October 4, 1948, Chen Shuren due to gastric ulcer, died in Guangzhou.

1884 (ten years of the Qing Dynasty Jia Shen 1 years old). February 9th (the 13th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar) was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong city of Panyu province by countryman, father Chen Dongqiao, his mother. Shao Shu name, the word, not the Department of Yan Shu. No. nianhuaweixiao, and Waiyu, Jia Lang, eleven, was an old hills mountain firewood. Zhe, Chen Jin, pseudonym of lining beauty spirit, Ms. Mengjin etc..

1900 (twenty-six years Guangxu boxer) at the age of 17. From the Lingnan Painting (1828-1904)

In 1901 the "Guangdong daily" editor, "the newspaper", "news pictorial.

1903 (Qing Guangxu twenty-nine years guimao) 20 years old. By the media as the Lingnan Lingnan grandniece, married Juruowen (1844-1974).

1904 (thirty years of the Qing Dynasty Chen 21 years old). In Hongkong the "Guangdong daily" to "beautiful soul lady" under the pseudonym published full of the revolution.

1905 (thirty-one years of the Qing Dynasty ulsa) 22 years old. In Guangdong, "Hongkong daily" and "there is the so-called newspaper" published an article advocating revolution. Guangzhou has become the "current" pictorial art fan. In October 16th, China joined the League of China in Hongkong.

1906 (thirty-two years of the Qing Dynasty heigo) 23 years old, graduated from Kyoto art school. And Liu Sifu, Xie Yingbo founded in Hongkong, "Oriental Daily".

1907 (thirty-three years of the Qing Dynasty reding) 24 years old. Go to japan. To continue to be an author of guangdong.

1908 (thirty-four years of the Qing Dynasty until 25 years old, May 7th), the private cost of students in Japan, Kyoto School of Arts and crafts design department registration. The British Bolu cloth Luo ran Mao transport "art Conspectus" published in Guangzhou "news pictorial".

1909 (Qing Xuantong 26 years, May 26th, Jiyou) transferred to Beijing in the city of Arts and Crafts School of painting.

1912 (the first year of the Republic in 29, Renzi) editor of the "high Qi Feng truth pictorial" published "new translation" (drawing a painting only "book" Xi). In May 11th, graduated from Beijing University of Arts and crafts school painting. After returning, to join the "Zhen club", was a teacher in Guangdong excellent grade teacher. Because of the thought of literature is painting shall help grams of Dacheng, shortly after returning to Japan; in October 21st, in Tokyo, private liberal arts foundation Rikkyo University enrollment. [1]

1913 (2 years of the Republic of China at the age of 30, May Guichou), transferred to the liberal arts undergraduate Rikkyo university. Professor of law "published" picture ("truth pictorial" seventeenth period) and the "socialism and women" ("Min Yi" No. third to No. sixth).

1916 (5 years of the Republic of China at the age of 33, April 18th, Bingchen) graduated from Rikkyo University Undergraduate Liberal arts. Ordered to correspondent to the identity of Canada as America Canada headquarters of the Chinese revolutionary party secretary. In August, Chen Shuren published the book aesthetic Museum Jianfu three collections, Qi Feng "new paintings" in the text, if the lady graduated from Tokyo art school to make any woman.

1917 (made in 6 years) 34 years old, engaged in party work in Canada, and Vitoria "new national newspaper" pen politics.

1918 (35 years old in 7 years skelgas), engaged in party work in Canada, was due to the "Tang Hualong case" false imprisonment system.

1919 (8 years of the Republic of China has 36 years (-------1921) in 10 years) 38 years old, engaged in party work in Canada [2]

1922 (11 years of the Republic of China renxu 39, May), was ordered to return home. In September, the Shanghai was designated as the "Chinese Kuomintang to improve the strategy," the drafting committee.

1923 (12 years of the Republic of China at the age of 40, January, gyehae) was appointed Minister of the Ministry of the Kuomintang party. Director General of the Guangdong provincial government office. The ten sister in Guangzhou Henan CI soul to buy ten acres of land for free. There are thousands of trees in the tree, with a pool pavilion bridge of the victory, the name of the Japanese "rest"". I often chant this painting.

1924 (41 years old in 13 years Jiazi) in Guangdong Province, on behalf of Chinese attended the first National Congress of the kuomintang.

1925 (42 years old in 14 years he) to the national government, the Secretary General attended the "Liao case" Inspection Commission, in Guangzhou initiated the establishment of "Qing tour.

1926 (43 years old in 15 years time) in the Kuomintang, the second National Congress was elected alternate member of the central executive committee.

1927 (16 years of the Republic of China at the age of 44, April 16th, Dingmao) for "party" things, and the resignation of the post; soon went to Japan, in mid June to engage in political activities in Nanjing and Shanghai; in October, Wang Jingwei, Chen Gongbo, Gu Mengyu, Wang Leping and other "Guangdong party committee" was established in Guangzhou Guangzhou south Guangdong party politics branch.

1929 (8 years from 46 years, the KMT Jisi) thirty-ninth Venezuela announced expelled from the party. Shanghai peace agency published "Chen Shuren album" third series of poems "and Chen Yin winter and the green grass".

1930 (20 years of the Republic of China at the age of 48, in the best) is meeting in Guangzhou. Winter Guilin travel sketch. The "south of the Five Ridges spring" in the world's fair in belgium.

1932 (21 years of the Republic of China in August 49, nonanal) was appointed as a member of the overseas Chinese Affairs Commission of the government of the Republic of long. Was hired as Berlin "China Art Exhibition Preparatory Committee".

1933 (22 years of the Republic of China at the age of 50, and Xu Beihong house), Sun Fuxi initiated the creation of "Yifeng society". Was hired as Paris "Chinese modern painting exhibition" members. In the high Qi Feng funeral cuisine. Published a Book of poetry "natural beauty" in singing.

1934 (23 years of the Republic of China was 51 years old, moved to Nanjing Mount Wutai).

1936 (25 years of the Republic of China during the 53 years old) published a Book of poetry, "1935 Yin grass".

1937 (26 years of the Republic of China at the age of 54, Ding Chou) at the end of the year, from Nanjing via Shanghai to Philippines, anti Japanese War fundraiser in the local overseas Chinese, returned to Wuhan after the completion of the work.

1938 (55 years old in 27 years, the tiger) in August with the authorities moved from Wuhan Chongqing. To Emei, the Three Gorges sketch.

1939 (56 years old in 28 years, the good) published poems "Zhanchen set" in Chongqing.

In 1940 (in 29 years, 57 years old, Geng Chen) in Jialing, Jiange, Emei, painting, painting Sanbaisishiyu picture.

1941 (58 years old in 30 years "), the apartment room for Yan" an Zhai "," an old man to call himself". Again, for the studio "spring hall"; from "Yin poetry manuscript entitled" Yin Hanlu "spring grass to Tang poetry".

In 1946 (the 63 year old in 35 years) to bring their families by Shu, fly back to Nanjing. Sino American Cultural Association, such as the eight groups jointly sponsored by the Chen Shuren exhibition in Nanjing"

1947 (36 years of the Republic of China Dinghai) 64, May, back to Guangdong, and Gao, Zhao Shaoang, Li Gemin, Guan Shanyue painter group "new group in modern society". July, from Guangdong to Shanghai. In August, Zhonghua published "love". October, held in Shanghai exhibition.

1948 (37 years of the Republic of China 2008) at the age of 65, 10:30 in the night of 4 October, died due to stomach bleeding. In November 18th he was buried in the long waist ridge south of Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou.






    最近更新:2025-01-13 03:11:29
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