19989月,《湘南初雪》获第八届文化部“群星奖”。 10月,师从著名的画家钟增亚先生,执弟子礼。
19995月,《家在千峦万壑中》获中国美术家协会“中国画三百家作品展览”优秀奖。 10月,《山寨春晓》获中国文学艺术界联合会主办的“全国民间工艺、美术、书法大展”金奖。被中国文学艺术界联合会命名“海峡两岸德艺双馨艺术家”称号。
2000《秋山暮霭》获中国美术家协会“新世纪中国画书法大展”优秀奖。 9月,调湘潭市齐白石纪念馆任副馆长,创办齐白石艺术学校,首任校长。 12月,加入中国美术家协会。
2002参加由上海《文汇报》,中国美协、《美术》杂志等单位主办的《三峡史诗》巨幅通景山水画创作活动,为长江沿岸六省市九位主创画家之一。 撰写《齐白石衰年复法初探》发表于《国画家》(2002.5)。
2004《山水》获文化部、中国美术家协会十届全国美展——湖南展区铜奖。 3月,破格评定为国家二级美术师。 5月,《夏日江南》入选“2004年全国中国国画作品展”。 10月,就读于中国画研究院中国画高级研修李宝林工作室。 11月,《满目青山》获“首届中国(湘潭)齐白石国际文化艺术节——全国中青年中国画提名展”优秀奖。 11月,被中国美术家协会授予“齐白石艺术新人奖”。 《三峡史诗》巨幅通景长卷入编普通高中课程标准实验教科书《美术》。
20054月,《美术》杂志用在《中国美术家》栏目予以推介,并发表《我的传统观》一文。 5月,在北京荣宝斋举办个人山水画作品展。 7月,《楚山烟霭》入选中国油画学会,中国画研究院,李可染艺术基金会主办的“自然与人——第二届当代中国山水画,油画风景展”。 7月,山东淄博举办个人山水画作品展。 8月,《鹤岭烟雨图》入选第五届秦皇岛之夏——中国名画邀请展。 10月,应国务院办公厅、中国文联办公厅和中国美术家协会邀请,为国务院中南海办公大楼和国家领导人办公室创作巨幅中国画《江山胜景图》、《武陵烟雨》,《秋山远眺》分别陈列于国务院第三会议室和国家领导人办公室。 10月,撰写的《试论李可染的传统与创新》发表于《国画家》(2006.4)。
20064月,《鹤岭人家》获“2006年第三届‘菜乡情’全国百名画家中国画邀请展”优秀作品奖。 5月,《楚山烟雨》应邀参加中国美术家协会主办的“‘春季新象’中国画名家邀请展”。 7月,《苍山如海》获中国美术家协会主办的“纪念中国工农红军长征胜利七十周年全国中国画作品展”优秀作品奖。 8月,被中共湘潭市委,湘潭市人民政府授予“政府优秀专家”称号。 8月,《山水》获中国美术家协会主办的“全国中青年画家提名展”优秀奖。 9月,《夏山雨后》获2006年纪念李苦禅艺术馆开馆暨全国中国画作品提名展”优秀作品奖。 10月,破格评定为国家一级美术师。 10月,任中国美术家协会主办的全国中青年中国画提名展评委。 11月,被湖南省人事厅、文化厅聘为湖南省高级技术职称评审委员。 12月,《鹤岭小雪》获“2006年全国中国画大展”优秀奖。 12月,被湘潭大学美术学院聘为客座教授。 20072月,参加“2007中国文联,送欢乐下基层”活动安徽埇桥行。 7月,特招入伍,任中国人民解放军第二炮兵政治部文艺创作室创作员。 8月,《韶山神韵》入选中华人民共和国文化部,中国人民解放军总政治部,中国美术家协会主办的“庆祝中国人民解放军建军八十周年美术作品展览”。 10月,《韶山神韵》入选中国文学艺术界联合会,中国美术家协会,中国书法家协会举办的“翰林丹青——向党的十七大献礼全国美术书法精品展”。 10月,担任中国美术家协会主办的纪念黄道周全国中国画提名展评委。 11月,《溪山林深》等8件作品入选中国美术家协会中国画艺委会主办的“地域、风格——2007《国画家》提名展”,《国画展》3期增刊发表作品11件,评价文章1篇。
2008《洪江风情》参加2008.全国中国画学术邀请展。 《溪上好山开画屏》参加“传统与展望”全国名家学术邀请展。 《韶山风物耐人思》10m*1m长卷,参加2008中国美术家10+10中国画邀请展。 《山水》参加“真情无价,真爱永恒”中国当代优秀美术家像四川灾区捐赠作品慈善展。 《楚湘烟霞》参加“‘和谐盛世’中国画名家邀请展”。 《韶山神韵》入选解放军美术书法研究院首届院展作品展。 《伟人故里韶山冲》,应邀参加“2008艺术湖南大型美术作品展”。
2009与人合作《雪域天使——门巴将军李素芝在牧区》参加第十一届全国美展,获银奖 《红色亮剑》入选中国美术家协会“金陵百家全国美术作品大展”。 《长空亮剑》入选庆祝建国60周年全军美术作品展,并选送十一届全国美展,获全军优秀作品。 《鹤岭春晓》入选庆祝建国60周年全军美术作品精品展。 《万山红遍》入选庆祝建国60周年赴香港、澳门全军美术、书法精品展。 《蕉溪烟雨》入选中国美术家协会河山如画图第七回作品展览。 10月,加入中国美术家协会河山如画会。 11月,被聘为第二炮兵美术书法研究院艺术委员会委员。 20103月,被聘为中国人民大学客座教授。 7月,应邀参加中国美术家协会等单位主办的“爱我中华——资助百万空巢老人关爱自愿服务行动”笔会。 7月,应邀参加“纪念中国印度建交60周年绘画艺术展”,被印度驻华大使馆授予“印中友谊艺术家”荣誉称号。 8月,为中央军委首长指挥中心创作巨幅山水《江山胜境》。 10月,应中宣部、解放军总政治部邀请创作巨幅山水《韶山晴岚》。 10月,《井冈山》写生系列8幅入选“2010中国当代中青年美术名家提名展”(珠海)。 11月,《铁骨铮铮——写彭老总故居.乌石》参加第二届中国山水画艺术展,并获铜奖。 12月,入选人民美术出版社的小红袍《中国美术家作品集--陈芳桂》。
Chen Fang laurel, was born in Hunan Xiangtan 1965, stage name old manganese. Be graduated from art of institute of Hunan Xiangtan normal school is, 98 years of division from Mr Zhong Zengya, read 2004 at China picture academy China is drawn advanced grind atelier of the Li Baolin that repair a class. It is a the Chinese People's Liberation Army now department of politics of the 2nd artillerist is literary committee member of art of academy of calligraphy of art of painter of creation room full-time, the 2nd artillerist, chinese artist academician, country division of one class art, land of Chinese artist association draws conference member, li Jiang Hua appoints standing director, chinese people university and visiting professor of college of Xiangtan university art. Chen Fang laurel is good at landscape of traditional Chinese painting holding painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style concurrently, work for many times selected whole nation is exhibited greatly and bear the palm. What he and 8 painters combination create is gigantic a landscape is long roll " 3 gorge are epic " , by capital authority egghead people praise for " new century master piece of the first landscape painting " be record in art history. " art " , " home of traditional Chinese painting " wait for national authority the press to had done special subject to report.
Be born 196512 months at Hunan Xiangtan county.
The character of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail of 1990 creation " the collier's holiday " obtain work of Hunan Province art to show cupreous reward.
In December, party committee of tone Xiangtan manganese mine publicizes a ministry to hold the post of full-time beauty to work.
1991 studying art of institute of Hunan Xiangtan normal school is.
1996 be judged to be by Hunan artist association " painter of 10 beautiful youth " .
19973 months, " Qing Yan hill " wait for association of artist of 3 work selected China the 12nd times " countrywide new personality is made newly exhibit " .
19973 months, house of art of masses of tone Xiangtan city holds the post of art studio head to hold vice-president of school of art of Xiangtan city spare culture concurrently.
19989 months, " the Chu Xue austral Hunan " obtain ministry of the 8th culture " galaxy award " . In October, master from famous painter Mr Zhong Zengya, hold child ceremony.
19995 months, " the home is in 1000 hill in 10 thousand big pool " obtain Chinese artist association " China draws 300 work to exhibit " outstanding award. In October, " dawn of mountain fastness spring " those who obtain union of group of Chinese literature art to sponsor " countrywide folk craft, art, calligraphy is exhibited greatly " gold prize. Be named by union of group of Chinese literature art " artist of cross-strait Deyi double strong and pervasive fragrance " title.
2000 " Qiu Shan evening mist " obtain Chinese artist association " calligraphy of the traditional Chinese painting in new century is exhibited greatly " outstanding award. In September, qi Baishi memorial hall of tone Xiangtan city holds the post of deputy curator, establish school of art of neat white stone, president of the first to be appointed to an office. In December, join Chinese artist consortium.
2002 attend by Shanghai " civil report " , china is beautiful assist, " art " the unit such as the magazine sponsors " 3 gorge are epic " gigantic connect scene landscape painting to create an activity, for the Yangtse River coastal 6 provinces city 9 advocate achieve one of painters. Compose " Qi Baishi declines year of answer law pre-test " publish at " home of traditional Chinese painting " (2002.5) .
2004 " landscape " obtain association of artist of culture ministry, China beauty of 10 whole nations is exhibited -- Hunan exhibits area copper award. March, abnormality assess is a country division of 2 class art. In May, " summer Changjiang Delta " selected " work of countrywide China traditional Chinese painting was exhibited 2004 " . In October, read at China picture academy China is drawn advanced grind build Li Baolin studio. In November, " see everywhere green hill " obtain " first China (Xiangtan) section of art of culture of Qi Baishi international -- nomination of picture of China of the youth in the whole nation is exhibited " outstanding award. In November, be awarded by Chinese artist association " award of new personality of Qi Baishi art " . " 3 gorge are epic " gigantic connect scene long be involved in to write text book of experiment of standard of course of average high school " art " .
20054 months, " art " the magazine is used in " Chinese artist " the column gives recommend, intercurrent watch " my tradition is watched " one article. In May, in Beijing Rong Baozhai holds work of individual landscape painting to exhibit. In July, " Chu Shan mists and clouds " society of selected China canvas, china draws an academy, li Ke catchs artistic foundation to sponsor " nature and person -- landscape painting of the 2nd contemporary China, canvas scenery is exhibited " . In July, shandong Zi rich holds work of individual landscape painting to exhibit. In August, " crane mountain misty rain pursues " selected the summer of island of the 5th Qin Huang -- Chinese name picture invites exhibit. In October, should general office of general office of the State Council, Chinese article couplet and Chinese artist association invite, building of office of the Nanhai in be the State Council and creative work of national leader office are gigantic a Chinese picture " country wonderful scenery pursues " , " Wu Ling misty rain " , " autumn hill overlook " display respectively at the State Council the 3rd assembly room is mixed national leader office. In October, of compose " the tradition that tries to be caught by Li Ke and innovation " publish at " home of traditional Chinese painting " (2006.4) .
20064 months, " crane mountain other people " obtain " 2006 the 3rd ' dish country situation ' the traditional Chinese painting in 100 painters of countrywide invites exhibit " outstanding work reward. In May, " Hunan hill misty rain " attend Chinese artist association to sponsor on invitation " ' spring is resembled newly ' Chinese picture a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit " . In July, " Cangshan is like the sea " obtain Chinese artist association to sponsor " long march of Red Army of commemorative China workers and peasants wins 70 years work of countrywide China picture is exhibited " outstanding work reward. In August, by municipal Party committee of Xiangtan of the Communist Party of China, government of Xiangtan city people awards " the government is outstanding expert " title. In August, " landscape " those who obtain Chinese artist association to sponsor " nomination of painter of the youth in the whole nation is exhibited " outstanding award. In September, " after Xia Shanyu " obtain commemorated house of Li Kuchan art opens house and countrywide China to draw work nomination to exhibit 2006 " outstanding work reward. In October, abnormality assess is a country division of one class art. In October, nomination of the traditional Chinese painting in the youth in holding the post of the whole nation that Chinese artist association sponsors exhibits a commissioner. In November, be hired to be Hunan Province by hall of Hunan Province human affairs, culture hall advanced technology title evaluates a committee member. In December, " crane mountain light snow " obtain " the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation was exhibited greatly 2006 " outstanding award. In December, be hired to be a visiting professor by Xiangtan university academy of fine arts. 20072 months, attend " couplet of 2007 China article, send joy next grass-roots unit " bridge of mobile Anhui goes. In July, enrol enrollment especially, hold the post of a the Chinese People's Liberation Army the member that literary creation room creates department of politics of the 2nd artillerist. In August, " Shaoshan verve " ministry of culture of selected People's Republic of China, the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, chinese artist association sponsors " congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 80 years art work is exhibited " . In October, " Shaoshan verve " union of group of art of selected China literature, chinese artist association, chinese calligrapher association holds " member of the Imperial Academy paintings -- the high-quality goods of calligraphy of art of whole nation of seventeen great present a gift to the party is exhibited " . In October, nomination of the traditional Chinese painting in the commemorative ecliptic country helping somebody attain his aim that holds the position of Chinese artist association to sponsor exhibits a commissioner. In November, " brook mountain forest is deep " wait for 8 work the traditional Chinese painting in association of selected China artist art appoint can sponsor " district, style -- 2007 " home of traditional Chinese painting " nomination is exhibited " , " traditional Chinese painting is exhibited " 3 period supplement publishs work 11, evaluate an article 1.
2008 " Hong Jiang amorous feelings " attend 2008. Learning of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation invites exhibit. " the brook is superior hill opens painted screen " attend " tradition and look into " learning of countrywide a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit. " Shaoshan scenery is able to bear or endure the person is thought of " 10m*1m is long roll, the traditional Chinese painting in attending 10+10 of 2008 China artist invites exhibit. " landscape " attend " the real situation does not have valence, true love is lasting " China actors or actress beautiful artist resembles Sichuan disaster area donating work charity to exhibit now. " Chu Xiang mists and clouds in the twilight " attend " ' harmonious flourishing age ' Chinese picture a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit " . " Shaoshan verve " first courtyard exhibits academy of calligraphy of art of selected liberation army work is exhibited. " Shaoshanchong of great person native place " , attend on invitation " large painting work exhibits 2008 artistic Hunan " .
2009 cooperate with the person " snow region angel -- the door cling to general Li Suzhi is in a pasturing area " attend eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited, of the award that obtain silver " red bright sword " association of selected China artist " work of art of whole nation of Jin Ling a hunderd schools is exhibited greatly " . " vast sky bright sword " selected celebrate found a state 60 years work of art of horse and foot is exhibited, choose send beauty of 11 whole nations to exhibit, obtain horse and foot outstanding work. " crane mountain Chun Xiao " selected celebrate found a state 60 years high-quality goods of work of art of horse and foot is exhibited. " 10 thousand Shan Gong is alled over " selected celebrate found a state 60 years to go to high-quality goods of art of horse and foot of Hong Kong, Macao, calligraphy to exhibit. " misty rain of broadleaf plant brook " land of association of selected China artist if the 7th times work shows picture. In October, add land of Chinese artist association picturesque meeting. In November, be hired to be committee member of committee of art of academy of calligraphy of art of the 2nd artillerist. 20103 months, be hired to be visiting professor of Chinese people college. In July, attend the unit such as Chinese artist association to sponsor on invitation " love my China -- aid financially care of old person of 1 million empty nest to serve the action of one's own accord " the pen is met. In July, attend on invitation " commemorative China India establishs diplomatic relations 60 years to draw art is exhibited " , be stationed in by India China embassy awards " artist of Yin Zhongyou friendship " honorary title. In August, for leading cadre of central the Central Military Commission command center is created gigantic a landscape " country is gotten the better of condition " . In October, the General Political Department of Ying Zhongxuan ministry, liberation army invites creation gigantic a landscape " Shaoshan fine haze " . In October, " the Jinggang Mountains " sketchy series 8 selected " nomination of famous expert of art of the youth in now exhibits 2010 China " (Zhuhai) . In November, " iron bone clanks -- former residence of the manager that write Peng. Wu Shi " attend art of landscape painting of the 2nd China to exhibit, win cupreous award. In December, the small red gown of publishing house of selected people art " collect of Chinese artist work- - Chen Fang laurel " .
2010, the small red gown of publishing house of selected people art " collect of Chinese artist work- - Chen Fang laurel " " collect of Chinese artist work " head hairdo and " 9 people exhibit a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in now " , in " collect of Chinese artist work " series picture collect is called by industry " small red gown " , it is people art publishing house is in " China is modern a person of academic or artistic distinction draws volume " (industry says " bright red gown " ) rolled out 2008 on the foundation. Assemble the high-quality goods master piece of the painter such as of Li Baolin, Guo Yi, Du Ziling, Jiang Baolin, Cheng Dali, Liu Dawei, Long Rui, Feng Yuan, Wang Mingming. 2010, the work of Chen Fang laurel also by the small red gown of publishing house of selected people art, and with published in January 2011 " collect of Chinese artist work- - Chen Fang laurel " .