《烽火少年》获第十届全军美术作品展览铜奖。 《有阳光的中午》入选中国美术家协会2001年全国中国画展。 《热土》获中国美术家协会中国西部大地情中国画大展铜奖。 《早春、那片土地》入选中国第二届美术金彩奖。 《塞外春晓》获中国美术家协会海潮杯中国画大展金奖。 《待》参加中国美协菜乡情中国画大展。《关东春雪》获中国美协2004年中国画大展铜奖。《春到塞北》入选中国美术家协会会员精品展。《关东春潮》获第二届中国人物画大展优秀奖。《烽火少年》入选第十届全国美展。《北方冬天的肖像》参加中国美协“黄河壶口”中国画提名展《高原春雪》参加第二届中国美协会员精品展。《北方春天的肖像》参加第三届中国美协会员精品展。《羲之小像》获纪念王羲之诞辰全国书画展铜奖。《春雪》参加第十六届国际造型艺术美术特展《春天里的雪》参加中国美协长江颂中国画提名展。《畅想春天》参加中国美协太湖情中国画提名展。《关东烟》第二届齐白石奖优秀作品奖。作品获纪念叶浅予诞辰100周年美术作品展优秀奖。入选当代最具学术价值和市场潜力的100位人物画家之一。纪念中华人民共和国成立六十周年盛世丹青—全国中国画名家学术提名展获优秀奖。
Chen Hua, born in 1964, was engaged in art teaching in Yongji Normal University from 1985 to 1988. He graduated from the specialty of traditional Chinese painting in the Art Department of Northeast Normal University from 1988 to 1990. From 1990 to 1993, he was engaged in art teaching in Yongji Normal University and served as the director of the teaching and research section. From 1993 to 1996, he graduated from the Art Department of Northeast Normal University with an undergraduate course. From 1996 to 2000, he was the director of the teaching and research section in Yongji Normal University. In 2002, he studied in the Department of fine arts of the PLA Academy of art. In 2006, he graduated from the high research class of figure painting of the Chinese Academy of painting. In 2007, he entered the modern ink postgraduate course of the first normal university. Now, he is the deputy director of the youth Federation art Working Committee of the Ministry of culture, a member of China Artists Association, vice chairman of Jilin Artists Association, chairman of Jilin Artists Association and President of Jilin Painting Academy.
Achievements and honors
"Young beacon" won the bronze medal of the 10th military art exhibition. Noon with sunshine was selected into the 2001 National Chinese painting exhibition of China Artists Association. "Hot land" won the bronze award of China western land feeling Chinese painting exhibition by China Artists Association. "Early spring, that piece of land" was selected into the second golden color Award for Fine Arts in China. "Spring dawn outside the Great Wall" won the gold medal of the exhibition of Chinese painting in Haichao cup of China Artists Association. "To be" participated in the exhibition of Chinese painting of local cuisine of Chinese Art Association. "Guandong spring snow" won the bronze medal of 2004 Chinese painting exhibition of China Art Association. "Spring to the north of the Great Wall" was selected as the member boutique exhibition of China Artists Association. "Guandong spring tide" won the excellent award of the second Chinese figure painting exhibition. "Young beacon" was selected into the 10th National Art Exhibition. "Portrait of northern winter" participated in the Nomination Exhibition of "Yellow River Hukou" Chinese painting "plateau spring snow" of China Artists Association and participated in the second China Artists Association member boutique exhibition. "Portrait of northern spring" participated in the third China Artists Association member boutique exhibition. Xiaoxiang of Xizhi won the bronze medal in the national calligraphy and painting exhibition in memory of Wang Xizhi's birthday. "Snow in spring" participated in the 16th International plastic arts special exhibition "snow in spring" and participated in the Yangtze River Song Chinese painting Nomination Exhibition of China Artists Association. "Imagine spring" participated in the Nomination Exhibition of Taihu Lake Chinese painting of China Association of artists. The second Qi Baishi Award for outstanding works of Guandong tobacco. His works won the excellent award of art exhibition in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Ye's birth. He has been selected as one of the top 100 contemporary figure painters with academic value and market potential. In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the national academic Nomination Exhibition of Chinese painting masters won the outstanding award.