Resemble person of Qingdao of honest Xiao Shandong, was born 1980. Chinese artist academician. Complete a course grinds high at the traditional Chinese painting in Li Xiang of capital Normal University class. 2011, work " Qingdao impression, early morning crazy talk " the picture of the 8th traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail of countrywide that sponsors in Chinese artist association is exhibited greatly and achievement of construction of Chinese new rural area draws outstanding award is won in exhibiting. 2012, work " look up at series - the edge passes night " the congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army that association of artist of the General Political Department of ministry of culture of selected People's Republic of China, the Chinese People's Liberation Army, China sponsors founds an army 85 years countrywide art work is exhibited and work of art of the 12nd horse and foot is exhibited. Work " forget all corners of the country " into what choose Chinese artist association to sponsor countrywide China drew work to exhibit 2012. 2012, work " Na Ping random notes " the art exhibition of landscape of the 3rd traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail of countrywide that association of selected China artist sponsors.