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屈健,1970年生于陕西洛川,毕业西安美术学院中国画系(1997)、现为西北大学艺术学院院长、教授、博士生导师。陕西省美术家协会理事、副秘书长,陕西省青年书法家协会理事,陕西省联合国教科文组织协会文化艺术委员会副主席,陕西省美术博物馆学术委员,陕西省花鸟画院副院长。主要研究方向:中国画创作、中国美术史与理论、长安画派与陕西当代美术研究。作品及论文曾入选第八届全国美展、新时代中国画展、西部辉煌全国中国画提名展、中国百家,金陵画展高层论坛、中国美术,长安论坛、第十一届全国美展,出版有《在传统与现代之间 屈健艺术文集》、《中国美术史》、《在传统与现代之间 屈健艺术作品集》、《书画探索十人集 屈健》、《国画花鸟》、《美术鉴赏》等著作7部。
Qu Jian, born in Luochuan, Shaanxi Province in 1970, graduated from the Department of Chinese painting (1997) of Xi'an Academy of fine arts. Now he is the Dean, professor and doctoral supervisor of Art College of Northwest University. Director and Deputy Secretary General of Shaanxi Artists Association, director of Shaanxi young calligrapher association, vice chairman of culture and Art Committee of Shaanxi UNESCO Association, academic member of Shaanxi Fine Arts Museum, and vice president of Shaanxi flower and bird painting academy. Main research fields: Chinese painting creation, Chinese art history and theory, Chang'an painting school and Shaanxi contemporary art research. His works and papers have been selected into the 8th National Art Exhibition, new era Chinese painting exhibition, Western brilliant national Chinese painting Nomination Exhibition, China's 100, Jinling painting exhibition high level forum, Chinese art, Chang'an forum, the 11th National Art Exhibition, and published "Qujian art collection between traditional and modern", "Chinese art history", "Qujian art collection between traditional and modern" There are 7 works, such as Qu Jian, a collection of ten people exploring calligraphy and painting, flowers and birds of traditional Chinese painting, art appreciation, etc.