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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名张锦标
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地上海
  • 出生日期1935-12
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水,花鸟,人物
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校浙江美术学院

张锦标,浙江嵊州市人,1964年毕业于浙江美术学院中国画系,上海书画出版社编辑、副编审。国画《熊猫宴》入选第四届全国年画展,《宠爱》入选第七届全国美展,《迎千年曙光》入选第六届全国年画展获优秀奖。责编1991年《任伯年群仙祝寿图》挂历,荣获国家新闻出版总署十年美术图书铜奖。著作有《怎样画大熊猫》文章。获《中国当代社科研究丛书》一等奖。  主要业绩:师从潘天寿陆俨少方增先诸先生,擅画人物、山水、花鸟、走兽和长卷画之研绘,在继承传统的同时,又不为传统所囿、别出新意,自成风格,近年来潜心十大熊猫和佛像的国画创作,不下千余幅。1997年香港回归之际创作了21120厘米宽66厘米的熊猫图长卷1997只"国宝"熊猫,气势澎湃,栩栩如生,先后在国内上海电台、电视台等十家播放。曾在台湾、日本、上海、北京等地举办个人画展十次,并多次参加全国性美展及美、日、法、德、荷等国的大型画展;先后在国内外发表作品数百件,近三十幅作品为中国革命军事博物馆、大日本芸院、毛泽东纪念馆、宋庆龄纪念馆等收藏,上海电视台专题拍摄播放了《熊猫画家》纪录片。上海、日本东京都等电视台亦进行了播放。著有《画熊猫技法资料》、《怎样画熊猫》、《张锦标熊猫画选》、《稀世珍宝》、《大吉大利》、《吉祥如意》、《国宝》等,并录入《中国当代国画家辞典》、《世界名人录》、《当代中国名家书画宝鉴》、《当代书画名家精英大典》、《世界华人艺术家成就博览大典》、《中国当代润格大全》等三十余本,张氏取古学今、继承传统、才华横溢,笔走潇洒,下笔不凡,富有词意,28年精画熊猫、佛像,人称熊猫画家,创作的中国画《贺新年》,获中央电台1989年"海峡情"评比荣誉奖,首届孺子牛杯书画大奖赛被评为荣誉奖。张氏任书画编辑达三十余年,其责编了五百余本(张)书画图书,其中《任柏年群仙祝寿图》、《郑板桥墨竹》、《历代墨竹精品》等获全国、上海市图书评比优秀图书奖,其中《任伯年群仙祝寿图》获全国十年图书评比为铜奖,和参加"捷克斯洛泛克"优秀图书奖。

Introduction to the artist

Person of city of Zhejiang Sheng state, the traditional Chinese painting in was graduated from Zhejiang academy of fine arts 1964 is, editor of press of Shanghai painting and calligraphy, deputy read and edit. Traditional Chinese painting " panda banquet " selected New Year picture of the 4th whole nation is exhibited, " favorite " selected beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, " greet chiliad dawn " selected New Year picture of the 6th whole nation is exhibited win outstanding award. Editor-in-charge 1991 " hold the post of congratulate on sb's birthday of Bai Nianqun celestial being to pursue " calendar, have the honor to win national news to publish total arrange 10 years award of art books copper. Composing has " how to draw giant panda " article. Obtain " a series of books of research of division of Chinese contemporary company " first prize. Main outstanding achievement: Division majestics from Pan Tianshou, land little, Fang Zengxian all gentlemen, character of picture of arrogate to oneself, landscape, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, beasts grinds with what grow a picture draw, in successive tradition while, do not animal farm for traditional place again, do not give new idea, become a style oneself, in recent years the traditional Chinese painting of 10 giant panda and figure of Buddha produces with great concentration, do not issue more than 1000. During Hong Kong was returned to 1997, created 21120 centimeters 66 centimeters wide panda graph grows a panda of " of 1997 " national treasure, imposing manner is insurgent, lifelike, wait for 10 to broadcast in domestic Shanghai broadcasting station, TV station early or late. Ever held individual art exhibition 10 times in and other places of Taiwan, Japan, Shanghai, Beijing, attend national beauty to exhibit the large art exhibition that reachs the nation such as beautiful, day, law, heart, carry on one's shoulder for many times; Publishing work domestic and internationally early or late hundreds, nearly 30 work are memorial hall of memorial hall of courtyard of Yun of museum of Chinese revolution war, big Japan, Mao Zedong, Song Qingling to wait collect, special subject of Shanghai TV station films broadcasted " panda painter " newsreel. Tokyo of Shanghai, Japan waited for a TV station to also undertake broadcasting. have " data of law of picture panda ability " , " how to draw panda " , " picture of panda of Zhang Jin mark is chosen " , " rare world jewellery " , " Dajidali " , " good fortune as one wishes " , " national treasure " etc, type " dictionary of home of Chinese contemporary traditional Chinese painting " , " world blue book " , " Bao Jian of painting and calligraphy of contemporary China a person of academic or artistic distinction " , " grand ceremony of elite of a person of academic or artistic distinction of contemporary painting and calligraphy " , " achievement of world Chinese artist reads extensively grand ceremony " , zhang is taken Gu Xuejin, successive tradition, brilliant, the pen goes cheesy, begin to write or paint is uncommon, be full of word meaning, 28 years essence of life draws panda, figure of Buddha, person panda painter, the China of creation is drawn " congratulate New Year " , win central broadcasting station 1989 " channel affection award of honor of " appraise through comparison, first child Niu Beishu draws large award competition to be judged to be honorary award. Zhang holds the post of editor of painting and calligraphy to amount to more than 30 years, its editor-in-charge more than 500 (piece) books of painting and calligraphy, among them " hold the post of congratulate on sb's birthday of Bai Nianqun celestial being to pursue " , " Zheng Banqiao Mo Zhu " , " past dynasties Mo Zhu high-quality goods " etc obtain appraise through comparison of books of the whole nation, Shanghai outstanding books award, among them " hold the post of congratulate on sb's birthday of Bai Nianqun celestial being to pursue " obtain appraise through comparison of 10 years of books of countrywide to be cupreous award, and attend " Czech " of gram of Si Luo extensive is outstanding books award.






    最近更新:2025-01-11 00:51:40
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