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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名朱利群
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍江苏武进
  • 居住地上海
  • 出生日期1968-10-03
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水
  • 协会中国美术家协会

1998年 国画《情系农家》获江苏省首届山水画展铜奖。
1999年 国画《情系农家》入选建国五十周年全国山水画大展。
2000年 国画《秋染农家》入选《2000年全国中国画作品展》。
2001年 国画《农家醉秋》入选《2001年全国中国画作品展》;
2001年 《农家秋深》入选《第一届中国美术金彩奖》全国美术作品展;
2001年 《金秋时节》获《新江苏画派—七彩世纪中国画大展》铜奖;
2001年 《农家清秋》获江苏省第二届山水画展铜奖。
2002年 国画《农家高歌唱金秋》获全国第五届工笔画大展收藏奖。
2003年 6月23日常州电视台新闻综合频道专题介绍《画农家的农民画家》;
2003年 《农家秋实》获江苏省七彩世纪中国画大展铜奖;
2003年 《农家清秋》获2003首届中国北京国际美术双年展序列展——海潮杯全国中国画作品展优秀奖,发 表于中国画研究院《水墨研究》。
2004年 国画《大地的音符》获江苏省文化厅精品创新工程现代都市水墨画优秀奖;
2004年 《农家秋实》参加“菜乡情”全国中国画作品提名展;
2004年 《秋山厚土育农家》入选首届全国电视中国画大赛;
2004年 《厚土》入选庆祝建国五十五周年江苏省美术作品展;
2004年 《农家秋红》参加全国中青年中国画作品提名;
2004年 《农家金秋》获第二届全国青年国画年展优秀奖。
2005年 《秋山厚土》入选第二届全国少数民族美术作品展。
1999年 作品《情系农家》入选建国五十周年全国山水画大展(中国美术家协会)
2000年 作品《秋染农家》入选《2000年全国中国画作品展》(中国美术家协会)
2001年 作品《农家醉秋》入选《2001年全国中国画作品展》(中国美术家协会)
2001年 作品《农家秋深》入选《第一届中国美术金彩奖》全国美术作品展(中国美术家协会)
2004年 作品《农家秋实》参加“菜乡情”全国中国画作品提名展(中国美术家协会)
2004年 作品《农家秋红》参加全国中青年中国画作品提名展(中国美术家协会)
2005年 入选2005纪念抗战胜利60周年全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会)
2005年 参加苏州胥口“太湖情”中国画作品提名展(中国美术家协会)
2006年 入选2006李苦禅艺术馆开馆暨全国中国画提名展(中国美术家协会、国家画院)
2007年 作品《农家和风》入选纪念黄道周全国中国画提名展(中国美术家协会、国家画院)
2009年 参加江苏省美术馆新馆落成暨美术作品特展(江苏省文化厅、江苏省美术馆)
2010年 参加交融、绽放长三角地区美术作品学术提名展(长三角美术馆协作机制、刘海粟美术馆)
2010年 参加在山东烟台美术博物馆举办的江苏名家五人联展
2011年 在刘海粟美术馆举行朱利群中国画个展
2012年 作品《华心梦醒》入选首届哈尔滨美术双年展(中国美术家协会)
2012年 作品《空山秋翠》入选翰墨新象全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会)
2014年 参加“同绘中国梦、情画新江苏”全省各市青年美术作品展(省宣传部、省美协)[3]
1997年 作品《农家》年获全国第三届当代中国山水画展优秀奖(中国文联)
1998年 作品《情系农家》获江苏省首届山水画展铜奖(江苏省美术馆)
2001年 作品《农家清秋》获江苏省第二届山水画展铜奖(江苏省美协、江苏省美术馆)
2001年 作品《金秋时节》获《新江苏画派——七彩世纪中国画大展铜奖》(江苏省文化厅、江苏省国画院)
2002年 作品《农家高歌唱金秋》获全国第五届工笔画大展收藏奖(中国美术家协会)
2003年 作品《农家秋实》获江苏省七彩世纪中国画大展铜奖(江苏省文化厅、江苏省国画院)
2003年 作品《农家清秋》获海潮杯全国中国画大展优秀奖(中国美术家协会)
2004年 作品《农家金秋》获第二届全国青年国画年展优秀奖(中国美术馆)
2008年 作品《翠岭秋华》获首届中国山水画艺术双年展优秀作品(最高奖)(中国美术家协会)
2012年 《寄情于墨花鸟观心——浅析文人花鸟画的艺术特色》论文发表于全国艺术类核心期刊《新视觉艺术》
2014年 作品《林谷清涧》获第三届全国少数民族美术作品展优秀作品(民委、文化部、文联、中国美协)

Introduction to the artist

Zhu Liqun, unripe 1968, jiangsu fierce takes a person. Allusion of house of art of bang Su Mei hides department head, chinese artist academician, jiangsu saves courtyard of traditional Chinese painting to hire painter especially.
Artistic resume
1998 traditional Chinese painting " affection is farmhouse " obtain Jiangsu to save award of copper of first landscape art exhibition.
1999 traditional Chinese painting " affection is farmhouse " selected found a state 50 years countrywide landscape painting is exhibited greatly.
2000 traditional Chinese painting " autumn acquire peasant family " selected " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation was exhibited 2000 " .
2001 traditional Chinese painting " farmhouse is drunk autumn " selected " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation was exhibited 2001 " ;
2001 " farmhouse autumn is deep " selected " award of Jin Cai of art of the first China " countrywide art work is exhibited;
2001 " fall season " obtain " new Jiangsu draws a clique, the traditional Chinese painting in 7 colour century is exhibited greatly " cupreous award;
2001 " farmhouse Qing Qiu " obtain Jiangsu to save award of copper of art exhibition of the 2nd landscape.
2002 traditional Chinese painting " farmhouse Gao Ge is sung fall " obtain the whole nation to be versed in strokes is exhibited greatly the 5th times collect award.
Integrated channel special subject introduced news of Changzhou TV station on June 23, 2003 " the farmer painter that draws farmhouse " ;
2003 " farmhouse autumn is solid " obtain Jiangsu to save China of 7 colour century to draw the big praise that exhibit copper;
2003 " farmhouse Qing Qiu " obtain art of international of Beijing of first 2003 China double year exhibit alignment -- work of picture of China of tide cup whole nation exhibits outstanding award, publish at China to draw an academy " water Chinese ink studies " .
2004 traditional Chinese painting " the note of the earth " obtain Jiangsu to save project of innovation of culture hall high-quality goods modern city wash painting is fine award;
2004 " farmhouse Qiu Shi " attend " dish country situation " nomination of work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited;
2004 " farmhouse of Yo of Qiu Shanhou earth " selected China of TV of first whole nation draws a contest;
2004 " large tract " selected celebrate found a state 55 years work of Jiangsu province art is exhibited;
2004 " farmhouse autumn is red " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the youth in entering the throughout the country nominates;
2004 " farmhouse fall " obtain traditional Chinese painting of youth of the 2nd whole nation year exhibit outstanding award.
2005 " Qiu Shanhou earth " selected work of art of minority of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited. [1]
Main exhibition
1999 work " affection is farmhouse " selected found a state 50 years countrywide landscape painting is exhibited greatly (Chinese artist association)
2000 work " autumn acquire peasant family " selected " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation was exhibited 2000 " (Chinese artist association)
2001 work " farmhouse is drunk autumn " selected " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation was exhibited 2001 " (Chinese artist association)
2001 work " farmhouse Qiu Shen " selected " award of Jin Cai of art of the first China " countrywide art work is exhibited (Chinese artist association)
2004 work " farmhouse Qiu Shi " attend " dish country situation " nomination of work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited (Chinese artist association)
2004 work " farmhouse Qiu Gong " nomination of work of the traditional Chinese painting in the youth in entering the throughout the country is exhibited (Chinese artist association)
Selected 2005 2005 souvenir war of resistance against aggression wins 60 years work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited (Chinese artist association)
Attended Suzhou all opening 2005 " too lake affection " nomination of Chinese picture work is exhibited (Chinese artist association)
Selected 2006 houses of 2006 Li Kuchan art open house and nomination of countrywide China picture to exhibit (imperial art academy of Chinese artist association, country)
2007 work " farmhouse zephyr " nomination of the traditional Chinese painting in whole nation of week of selected souvenir ecliptic is exhibited (imperial art academy of Chinese artist association, country)
Attended Jiangsu to save completion of art gallery new house and art work to be exhibited especially 2009 (hall of Jiangsu province culture, Jiangsu saves art gallery)
Attended 2010 blend, blossom nomination of learning of work of art of long triangle area is exhibited (house of art of Su Mei of mechanism of cooperation of long triangle art gallery, bang)
5 people couplet exhibits the Jiangsu famous expert that attended to be held in museum of Shandong Yantai art 2010
The traditional Chinese painting in Zhu Liqun was held in bang millet art gallery 2011 exhibit
2012 work " Hua Xinmeng wakes " selected first Harbin art double year exhibit (Chinese artist association)
2012 work " empty Shan Qiucui " selected brush and ink draws work newly to exhibit like countrywide China (Chinese artist association)
Attended 2014 " dream of the China that be the same as draw, affection draws new Jiangsu " save work of art of each city youth to exhibit completely (province propaganda department, province is beautiful assist) [3]
Work bear the palm edits
1997 work " farmhouse " year obtain landscape painting of the 3rd contemporary China of countrywide to exhibit outstanding award (Chinese article couplet)
1998 work " affection is farmhouse " obtain Jiangsu to save award of copper of first landscape art exhibition (Jiangsu saves art gallery)
2001 work " farmhouse Qing Qiu " obtain Jiangsu to save award of copper of art exhibition of the 2nd landscape (Jiangsu province is beautiful assist, Jiangsu saves art gallery)
2001 work " fall season " obtain " new Jiangsu draws a clique -- the traditional Chinese painting in 7 colour century exhibits cupreous award greatly " (courtyard of traditional Chinese painting of province of hall of Jiangsu province culture, Jiangsu)
2002 work " farmhouse Gao Ge is sung fall " obtain the whole nation to be versed in strokes is exhibited greatly the 5th times collect award (Chinese artist association)
2003 work " farmhouse Qiu Shi " obtain Jiangsu to save China of 7 colour century to draw the big praise that exhibit copper (courtyard of traditional Chinese painting of province of hall of Jiangsu province culture, Jiangsu)
2003 work " farmhouse Qing Qiu " the traditional Chinese painting in winning tide cup throughout the country exhibits outstanding award greatly (Chinese artist association)
2004 work " farmhouse fall " obtain traditional Chinese painting of youth of the 2nd whole nation year exhibit outstanding award (Chinese art gallery)
2008 work " Qiu Hua of emerald green mountain " obtain skill of first China landscape painting double year exhibit outstanding work (top prize) (Chinese artist association)

2014 work " Lin Guqing gully " obtain work of art of minority of the 3rd whole nation to exhibit outstanding work (civilian appoint, couplet of culture ministry, article, China is beautiful assist)






    最近更新:2025-01-10 23:43:53
人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对