2017年,中国画《静夜思乡》“逐梦 威海卫”2017全国中国画作品展入会资格
2017年,中国画《故园平安吟》翰墨青州 2017全国中国画作品展入选
2017年,中国画《怀远思归》泾上丹青 全国中国画作品展入选
2017年,中国画《月是故乡明》尚意 2017全国中国画(写意)作品展入选
Design of textile mills of wool of the 1995 areas that celebrate this world is not had
Travel of 2004 round-the-world business serves day moisture company to serve course of study to not have
2015 Tsinghua beautiful courtyard grinds high the traditional Chinese painting in the class is not had
Good painting of 2016 an ancient name for China grinds high the traditional Chinese painting in the class is not had
Creation of 2017 China picture grinds high the traditional Chinese painting in the class is not had
Important ginseng exhibits:
2017, is China drawn " does static night consider country " " pursue a dream Weihaiwei " work of the traditional Chinese painting in 2017 whole nations exhibits initiate qualification
2017, china is drawn " scenery · excessive " commemorate Xie Jian grants birthday 110 years " cheesy tung cottage " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited selected
2017, is China drawn " is reason garden restful chant " green administrative division of brush and ink Work of the traditional Chinese painting in 2017 whole nations is exhibited selected
2017, is China drawn " does Huai Yuansai return " the painting on short for the Jinghe River Work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited selected
2017, is China drawn " lunar hereat countryside bright " still meaning The traditional Chinese painting in 2017 whole nations (enjoyable) work is exhibited selected