沈克明(1962.12—)河南博爱人。擅长中国画。1994年毕业于河南大学成人高等教育美术专业;1999年入文化部重彩画高级研究班学习,受教于中央美术学院教授蒋采萍先生、日本东京多摩美术大学教授上野太郎先生及国内诸多名家。现在河南省博爱玻璃纤维厂任职。现为中国美术家协会会员,中国美术家协会河南创作中心专职画家。河南省国画家协会常务理事,河南省书画院特聘画家。作品《一九四五·庆胜利·翻身大秧歌》入选建军70周年美展;《盛祥和》获世界华人书画展银奖;《赶上盛太平》获“中亨杯”全国书画大展金奖;《喜庆》获庆祝澳门回归书画展优秀奖;《堤》获中国画三百家作品展银奖。作品《秋瑟荻花》入选2004年首届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展。 1999年中国文联评为“中国百杰画家”。
Shen Keming (1962.12, ) Henan humanitarian person. Be good at China drawing. Was graduated from major of art of higher education of Henan university adult 1994; Into culture ministry heavy colour drew study of advanced research class 1999, suffer religion at the center the academy of fine arts teachs Tokyo of Mr Jiang Caiping, Japan much rub on art college professor wild too a lot of a person of academic or artistic distinction of man gentleman and home. Henan saves factory of humanitarian fibre glass to hold a post now. It is Chinese artist academician now, henan of Chinese artist association creates central full-time painter. Association of home of Henan province traditional Chinese painting is standing director, henan saves courtyard of painting and calligraphy to hire an artist especially. Work " 1945 · celebrate triumphal · to turn over old a popular rural folk dance " selected found an army 70 years the United States is exhibited; " Cheng Xiang and " obtain world Chinese painting and calligraphy to exhibit silver-colored award; " catch up with Cheng Taiping " obtain " in henry cup " countrywide painting and calligraphy exhibits a gold prize greatly; " festival " obtain congratulatory Macao to return to painting and calligraphy to exhibit outstanding award; " bank " obtain China to draw 300 work to exhibit silver-colored award. Work " Qiu Se a kind of reed is beautiful " selected China of academician of first China artist drew high-quality goods to exhibit 2004. Chinese article couplet was judged 1999 for " 100 outstanding painters of Chinese " .