Contemporary painter of Professor Dong Hongqi, China; Chinese beautiful association member; Country division of one class art; Heibei saves job of beautiful assistant manager; Hill of Chinese the Tang Dynasty is beautiful assist vice-chairman; Chinese the Tang Dynasty head of department of art of Shan Qunyi house. Person of the Han nationality. Was graduated from school of art of hill of Chinese Heibei the Tang Dynasty 1962, was graduated from China 1982 institute of central arts and crafts. Artistic brief introduction: The traditional Chinese painting in 1995 " ancient " , " future " painting and calligraphy of congress of communication of the 3rd teenage sports invites China, Japan, Korea exhibit, be collected. 2000 " firm Shou Yizhuang is not thought of return " communication of friendly city international exhibits cropland of wine of Chinese Tang Shan, Japan to be collected. 2002 " bath " , " smooth music of Lin of pond of carry on one's shoulder " Malaysia painting and calligraphy was exhibited 2003. The traditional Chinese painting in 2003 " wish " Chinese artistic high-quality goods exhibits French Paris first now, win award of an excellent work. Central individual exhibited Canadian Toronto craft 2005. 1979 gouache " knowledge is force " beauty of Chinese popular science is exhibited. 1983 aquarelle " strengthen forest of legal system, protection " China publicizes art exhibition 3 times. 1984 aquarelle " strengthen forest of legal system, protection " by Chinese forestry ministry publication poster whole nation is issued. 1988 canvas " the earthquake recollects Tang Shan " first art work exhibits China International Red Cross. 1989 aquarelle " glen " the 7th beauty of Chinese is exhibited. 1991 " football " , " sports good athlete " , " green " poster whole nation is issued. 1995 " rich " , " shoot " , " fencing " poster whole nation is issued. Medium 1995, day, Han " teenage sports communicates congress " plan, playwright-director, art always is designed, obtain achieve make up award. Came to published two 2005 2004 " Chinese contemporary actual strength sends a painter " Chinese wash collect. 2005 fast of Chinese flourish treasure " work of famous expert of school of Chinese contemporary actual strength is exhibited " .