[bright] (137 O come 1444) Chu Mingwen is connected, grant today renown, then with civil connect for the word, date Chinese hackberrya huts, zhejiang always fine person. With job of paint of essence of life, assist of place of promote battalion repair. Hong Xi the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (1425) door of cabinet aing flight of steps leading to a palace hall makes. Landscape learns Cheng Mao, decorate dense. The person that have Yan Xia , Ma Yuan, always opens up say: "It is water of incomplete hill remnant, the thing that out-of-the-way of the Song Dynasty brings also, he Quyan? " pure fill imperial palace consecrate, xuan Zong tastes the picture of hurried, not namely write, with dead fear, to saying: "Suffer from book happy picture. Absolutely refuse to rather can carelessly. " Xuan Zongwei ceases raining or snowing power. Soldier year 75. " collect of the East China Sea, water east draw of diary, graph is bun of Bao Jian add, breathed poetic history, picture history can want, bright picture is recorded "