奚冈(1746—1803) 清代篆刻家、书画家。原名钢,字铁生、纯章,号萝龛、蝶野子,别号鹤渚生、蒙泉外史、蒙道士、奚道士、散木居士、冬花庵主,原籍歙县(今属安徽),一作黟县(今属安徽),寓浙江杭州西湖。不应科举,寄情诗画,山水花石,逸韵超隽。曾游日本,名噪海外。乾隆时,征孝廉方正,辞不就。刻印宗秦、汉,与丁敬、黄易、蒋仁齐名,号西泠四大家。并与陈豫钟、陈鸿寿、赵之琛、钱松合称西泠八家。
名气较大,地方官员就请奚冈前去宫内作画。奚冈对此坚决回绝,督抚一怒之下,就派人执械将他押至行宫。奚冈不畏权势,坚决地说:“焉有画而系之者?头可斩,画不可得!” 督抚的幕僚十分钦佩他这种勇气,赞道:“尔非童生,乃铁生也。”此后,奚冈便以“铁生”为号。
Xigang (1746 - 1803) was a seal engraver and painter in Qing Dynasty. Originally known as steel, Tiesheng, Chunzhang, Luogong, Dieyezi, Hezhusheng, Mengquan History, Mongol Taoist, Xi Taoist, Samurai Buddhist, Donghua Anhui, originally Shexian (now Anhui), as Yixian (now Anhui), residing in the West Lake of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Should not be imperial examinations, love poems and paintings, landscapes, flowers and stones, charm super meaningful. He has traveled to Japan and is famous overseas. In the Qianlong period, it was impossible to collect filial piety, honesty and uprightness. The Emperor of Qin and Han Dynasty was famous as Ding Jing, Huang Yi and Jiang Ren and was named Xiling. And with Chen Yuzhong, Chen Hongshou, Zhao Zhichen, Qian Song, Xiling Bajia.
Xigang, good at calligraphy, seal cutting and seal treatment, Zong Qin and Han Dynasty, 9-year-old Li Shu, later line, grass, seal, Li, all are excellent, and
He is known for his paintings. His landscape paintings are natural and complacent, and his flowers, orchids and bamboos, are free from vulgarity. Ding Jing, a master of Buddhism, has developed and has a clear style. He is an outstanding Indian of Zhejiang School. With Ding Jing, Huang Yi and Jiang Ren, they are four famous families in Hangzhou County, and together with Chen Yuzhong, Chen Hongshou, Zhao Zhichen and Qian Song, they are eight families in Xiling. He is also good at poetry and books, good at painting, and solitary in sex. Calligraphy is a four-body part-time work, the real calligraphy Chu Suiliang, the ancient Li style of writing is super-elegant, superior to the generation. Landscape natural and clean, Dong Qichang law. He is broad-minded and honest, does not seek fame and honor, despises power and dignity, and always wears clothes. After his painting and calligraphy became famous, there was a steady stream of painters. However, they disdained the purchase of the rich and powerful officials. Ruan Yuan, governor of Zhejiang Province, entrusted many people to seek and meet, but still failed. Old age into Li Liufang faction. Flowers have Yunshou calm charm, orchid and bamboo are also detached, for the giant painter in central Zhejiang. Has written "Xishan Suqiu Tu", "Banana and Bamboo Youlan Tu", "Spring Forest Return to Wing Picture" and other axes. The handed down paintings include "Jiaolinxue Shutu" and "Tianxin Museum Picture", which are now hidden in the Palace Museum. He is the author of The Remaining Draft of Winter Flower Temple. In recent years, the research on Xi Gang has been most in-depth with eight experts in Xiling, Zhu Qi's "The Family, Life and Seal Carving Art of Xi Gang" (Collected Papers of the Third Gushan Certification Summit of International Seal Science of Xiling Printing Society), Several Life Orientations of Xi Gang, and "The Chronology of Xi Gang".
Emperor Qianlong toured the south of the Yangtze River many times. In order to meet the Holy driver, the governor of Zhejiang built a palace along the Bank of the West Lake. Because of Xikang's.
With great fame, local officials asked Xikang to go to the palace to paint. Xikang resolutely refused to do so. When the governor was angry, he sent a man to put an arm in his palace. Without fear of power, Xikang resolutely said, "How can there be a painter? The head can be chopped off, the painting can not be obtained!" The governor's staff admired his courage very much, and praised him: "You are not born as a child, you are born as an iron child." Since then, Xikang has been named Tiesheng.