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 钱维乔,(清)字树参,一字季木,号曙川,又号竹初, 小字阿逾,晚号半园逸叟,江苏武进人。维城弟。乾隆二十七年(1762)举人,官县知县。早岁即工翰墨,为兄代作,已咄咄逼真。 后笔尤苍厚,山水茂密不繁,峭秀不塞,作家士气兼备。晚岁笔墨尤精, 随意所作,疏老苍浑。双目既眊,犹挥;弗倦。卒年六十八。着竹初未定稿。 

  • 中文名钱维乔
  • 别名半园逸叟
  • 性别
  • 国籍清朝
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地江苏武进
  • 出生日期1739年
  • 逝世日期1806年
  • 职业文学家、戏曲家、画家
  • 代表作品《松堂读书图》《春山烟霭图》
  • 字号字树参,一字季木,号曙川,又号竹初, 小字阿逾


  乾隆三十三年,其妻亡故,为悼念亡妻,取古诗《孔雀东南飞》所咏刘兰芝的故事,作《碧落缘》传奇二卷。情犹未已,又根据《聊斋·阿宝》故事,作《鹦鹉媒》传奇二卷。上卷2l 出,下卷20 出,系演述孙荆与王宝娘两人生死之恋,手法奇特,受到许多江南名士的赏识。乾隆三十四年公车北上(古时指考生一起赴京赶考),落第滞于京寓,见到明代画家张灵(梦晋)美女、花鸟画各一帧,笔墨秀润,与唐寅画法相仿佛,甚奇。归里后考据张灵生平,见《张灵崔莹合传》,尤感其事其情之悲,乃作《虎阜缘》(又名《乞食图》)传奇二卷,演述张灵与崔莹悲欢离合生死之恋的故事,颇受当时士林与梨园之欣赏。因剧中主人公与《西厢记》的张生、崔莺莺同姓,故亦有《后崔张》之名。又因剧中穿插风流名士唐伯虎等人的故事,在乾隆年间的演出曾轰动一时。乾隆五十七年(1792),钱维乔先后任浙江遂昌、鄞县知县期间,将所作的三种传奇刊于官署,合称《竹初乐府》,有多种刻本传世。




 钱维乔早岁即工 翰墨,得其兄钱维城之传,为兄代作,已咄咄逼真,而 文秀之气过之。后笔尤苍厚,山水茂密不繁, 峭秀不塞,作家士气兼备。晚岁笔墨尤精,随意所作,疏老苍浑。因作品风格酷似其兄,当时有“常州二钱”之誉。 











English Introduction

 Qian Weiqiao (1739-1806) was a Qing writer and dramatist. Ginseng, Jimu, Ayu, Shuchuan, Zhuchuchu, Half Garden, Half Zhudao people, Half Garden Yishao, Lin Qijushi, etc. Jiangsu Wujin people. The younger brother of Qian Weicheng, the first ten-year champion of Qianlong. In the twenty-seventh year of Emperor Qianlong (1762), one person was chosen. He once taught in Rugaolu Vanilla Hall, planted bamboo in front of the door, and was known as the first resident of bamboo.


In the thirty-third year of Qianlong reign, in memory of his wife's death, Liu Lanzhi's story in the ancient poem Peacock Flying Southeast was chosen as the second volume of the legend "Bi Luo Yuan". Love is still in the air, and according to the story of "Liaozhai Abao", he wrote two volumes of "Parrot Medium" legend. Volume 2, volume 2, volume 20, is a play about the love between Sun Jing and Wang Baoniang, which is unique and appreciated by many famous scholars in Jiangnan. In Qianlong's thirty-four years, the bus went north (in ancient times, candidates went to Beijing to catch the exam together) and fell behind in Beijing residence. It was very strange to see the Ming Dynasty painter Zhang Ling (Dream Jin) painting beautiful women, flowers and birds, each frame with beautiful brush and ink, which was similar to Tang Yin's painting. After returning to Li, according to Zhang Ling's life, I found the biography of Zhang Ling Cui Ying, especially the sadness of his feelings. He wrote two volumes of the legend "Hufuyuan" (also known as "Begging Picture"), which tells the story of the love of life and death between Zhang Ling and Cui Ying, which was appreciated by scholars and pear orchards at that time. Because the protagonists in the play share the same surname as Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying in The Story of the Western Chamber, they are also named Hou Cui Zhang. Because of the story of Tang Bohu, a famous scholar, and others, the performance in Qianlong Dynasty was a sensation. During Qianlong 57 years (1792), Qian Weiqiao successively took office in Suichang, Yinxian County, Zhejiang Province. He published three kinds of legends in the official office, collectively known as "Yuefu of Zhuchu". There were many engraved copies handed down.


"Spring Mountain Smoke Picture"


"Spring Mountain Smoke Picture" Fan Page, Qing Dynasty, Qian Weiqiao Painting, Paper, Colour Setting, 21 cm in length and 60 cm in breadth.


The fan page has its own title: "Spring Mountain Smoke". Jiaqing people who imitate Wumu Mountain in the new autumn preferred to live in small forests. Chuchuqiao." Jun "Wei Qiao Yin" in white and "Ji Mu" in Zhu.


Qian Weiqiao was 61 years old when he was four years old in Jiaqing, Qing Dynasty (1799).


The trees, rocks and water pavilions are covered with each other, and the spring scenery of the south of the Yangtze River is filled with smoke and clouds and lakes. The author imitates Wang Fei's (No. Wumu Shanren) brushwork, but it also incorporates Qian's own rough brush without losing its elegant charm, reflecting the artist's mastery of painting techniques in his later years and his ingenuity in the composition of scenery and layout.


Songtang Reading Picture


"Songtang Reading Picture" fan page, Qing, Qian Weiqiao drawing, paper, ink, 21 cm vertical, 59.8 cm horizontal.


The fan page has its own title: "Clear clouds at the far headland, flat streams and Dan sunset." Where does the sound of the waves rise? Panasonic Reading Hall. Both Zi Chang and Zhonggui's paintings are used. Vijo. Jun "Qiao" Zhu Wenyin.


The overlapping hills, sparse forests and quiet waters of Pinghu Lake provide a peaceful and peaceful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River. Leaves are painted in various ways, or with ink and white outlines, or with the center drawing "intermediate dots", or imitating Mifu's horizontal dots, different shapes of trees show different appearance, which shows the author's meticulous observation and flexible expression. The rocks or hooks or chains in the picture show a lush and deep aesthetic feeling, which is inseparable from the author's long-term imitation of Huang Gongwang and Wuzhen's brush and ink techniques. Many of his paintings are marked as antique works, such as the fan pages of Landscape Map, Song Gaoyan Sitting Map, Spring Mountain Smoke Map, Simulated Ni Huangshan Shui, etc. in the collection of Beijing Palace Museum.






    最近更新:2024-12-19 17:49:29
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