王素(1794—1877)字小梅,晚号逊之,甘泉(今江苏扬州)人。幼师鲍芥田,又多临华岩,凡人物、花鸟、走兽、虫鱼,无不入妙。道光初与魏小眠、王应祥并驾。自悔书拙,每晨必临数百字,至老无间。 咸丰三年(1853)太平天国克扬州,迁邵伯,又迁郭村,逾年返扬。有请画南北斗星君像,乃诣蕃厘观图其塑像为稿本,其虚心若此。篆刻效法汉印,为画名所掩。卒年八十四。《清画家诗史》、《墨林今话续编》、《扬州画苑录》、《清朝书画家笔录》、《广印人传》均有载,为扬州十小首推代表人物
Wang Su (1794 - 1877) Xiaomei, the late name inferior, Ganquan (now Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province) people. Bao Mustard Field, a kindergarten teacher, is mostly in Linhua Rock. People, birds and flowers, animals, insects and fish are all wonderful. Dao Guangchu and Wei Xiaomian and Wang Yingxiang were driving side by side. Since I regret my poor book, every morning hundreds of words will come to the end of my life. In the third year of Xianfeng (1853), the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Keyangzhou moved to Shaobo and Guocun, and returned to Yangzhou over the past year. If you want to draw the image of the Star King in the North and the South, you can see that the statue of the King is a manuscript. Seal engraving imitates the Chinese seal and is concealed by the name of the painting. The year of death is eighty-four. "History of Qing Dynasty Painters'Poetry", "Continuation of Molin's Modern Talk", "Records of Yangzhou Painting Garden", "Records of Qing Dynasty Painters and Calligraphers" and "Biographies of Guangyin People" are all published, and they are the representatives of ten small leaders in Yangzhou.