蒋嵩 ,字三松,号徂来山人、三松居士,江宁(今江苏南京)人。生卒年不详,从艺活动约在成化、嘉靖间。善画山水人物,画法宗吴伟,为浙派名家之一。喜用焦墨枯笔,亦善用淡墨,浓淡相间,浑然一体,如《渔舟读书图》,山石多用大片湿墨,颇见功力,虽尺幅山水,小巧流水却云蒸雾变,烟霞触目。亦工人物,与郑文林、钟礼、张路等都是浙派晚期名手。又因他们纵笔豪放,多越矩度,曾被吴派讥为“狂态邪学”。
蒋嵩 ,字三松,号徂来山人、三松居士,江宁(今江苏南京)人。生卒年不详,从艺活动约在成化、嘉靖间。善画山水人物,画法宗吴伟,为浙派名家之一。喜用焦墨枯笔,亦善用淡墨,浓淡相间,浑然一体,如《渔舟读书图》,山石多用大片湿墨,颇见功力,虽尺幅山水,小巧流水却云蒸雾变,烟霞触目。亦工人物,与郑文林、钟礼、张路等都是浙派晚期名手。又因他们纵笔豪放,多越矩度,曾被吴派讥为“狂态邪学”。
English is introduced
Jiang Song, the word three-song, No. Culai mountain people, three loose lay, Jiangning (now Jiangsu Nanjing) people. Birth and death years unknown, art activities in about Chenghua, Jiajing. Good painting landscape character, painting method Wu Wei, one of the famous school of Zhejiang. Such as "fishing boat reading map", rocks and more with a large wet ink, quite see the skill, although the size of landscape, small but water vapor steam fog, misty clouds, foggy, dry and foggy, striking. But also workers, and Zheng Wenlin, Zhong Li, Zhang Lu, Zhe are late hand. Because of their vertical pen bold, more and more degree, has been Wu sent ridiculed as "mad state of evil."
"Autumn River" map, "endless stream map" axis of the Shanghai Museum; "Qin Shan Qin Shan" axis, "fishing boat (Figure)", Reading map "axon possession of the National Palace Museum;" Qiulin reading map "axis possession of Shandong Provincial Museum;" Panasonic with a map "axis possession of the Nanjing Museum.