他喜爱收藏金石书画,一生收藏了一万多件古董珍玩,名扬艺林,被称为“沪上寓公之冠”。张熊最擅长画花卉,纵逸似周之冕,古媚似王武。尤其善于画大幅的牡丹,屏山巨幛,以寻丈计者愈见力量。他画的花鸟、草虫、蔬果、人物、山水都很有功力,精篆刻,绘画注重写生,亦善八分书。花鸟画初亦宗恽南田,后自成一家,富于时代气息,极受社会称赞。张熊的绘画用色艳而不俗,作品雅俗共赏,带动了一批画家活跃于画坛,时称鸳湖派,是当时在上海、苏杭一带比较流行的画风。从其学画者甚众,授徒自有一套由浅入深的方法,其课徒画稿200余页,民国时期由中华书局印行,今犹再版行世。清同治中(1862—1874),宫廷征画士,潘祖荫举荐张熊,推辞不赴,以鬻画终其身。 卒年八十四。妻钟惠珠,字心如,嘉兴人。工画梅竹及著色花卉,娟秀有致。咸丰九年(1859)作《花卉图》,有称于世,别有传。与任熊、朱熊合称“沪上三熊”。张熊亦工诗,著作有《题画集》、《银藤花馆诗钞》 。
Introduction to English
Zhang Xiong (1803-1886), also known as Zhang Xiongxiang, the word Shoufu, also for the father, the son of Xiang, late Xiang Wang, alias Yuen Wai history, Yuen Lake old man, Yuen Lake old man, West-off passenger. Do not Department of Qinghe Boyzi, beard to join the army. Room name Silver rattan flower hall. Xiushui (now Jiaxing, Zhejiang), Zhang Xiong moved to Shanghai in his youth to participate in various art activities.
His favorite collection of stone and calligraphy and painting, life collection of more than 10,000 pieces of antique treasures, famous Yilin, known as "the highest in Shanghai public apartment." Zhang Xiong is most adept at painting flowers, the vertical is like Zhou Mian, ancient Mei like Wang Wu. In particular, good at painting a substantial peony, Ping Shan giant 幛, to find more power to find those who stand. His paintings of flowers and birds, grass insects, fruits and vegetables, figures, landscapes are very skillful, fine seal carving, painting focus on painting, but also good eight books. Flower and bird painting early Yizong Yun Nan Tian, after a self, rich flavor of the times, highly praised by the community. Zhang Xiong's paintings with Seyan and impressive, works of tastes and tastes, led a group of artists active in the painting, said when the Lake School, was in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou area more popular style. From its study of painting is very public, the apprentices own a set of shallow approach, the lesson drawing more than 200 pages, the period of the Republic of China published by the Zhonghua Book Company, this version is still the world. Qing Tongzhi (1862-1874), the court sign artists, Pan Zuyin recommended Zhang Xiong, refused to go, to vend the end of his body painting. Death of eighty-four. His wife Zhong Huizhu, such as word heart, Jiaxing people. Painting painted bamboo and colored flowers, Juanxiu has caused. Xianfeng nine years (1859) as "flower map", there is said to the world, do not have a biography. And Ren Xiong, Zhu Xiong collectively known as "three bears in Shanghai." Zhang Xiong also work poems, works of "paintings", "silver rattan garden poems."