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  • 中文名邹一桂
  • 性别
  • 民族
  • 祖籍江苏无锡
  • 出生日期1686年
  • 逝世日期1772年
  • 职业清代官员,画家
  • 代表作品《春华秋实图》、《百花诗卷》、《五君子图》
  • 所属年代清代
  • 原褒
  • 小山,晚号二知老人

父邹熙森,工书画,家藏名画极丰。邹一桂受家庭熏陶,年轻时除攻读四书五经外,酷爱绘画,其妻恽兰溪也善绘画。但科举屡试不第,直到雍正五年(1727) 42岁方中进士,授翰林院编修,从此仕途亨通。历任云南道监察御史、贵州学政、给事中、太常寺少卿、大理寺卿、礼部待郎,官至内阁学士。雍正十年(1732),在监察御史任内,上疏奏请严禁地方官媒勾结不法之徒,私自蓄养妇女,以此诈骗奸利,并给地方官以失察处分。雍正帝准其所请。雍正十三年(1735),在担任贵州学政期间,上疏请求整治科场弊端。邹一桂在56岁时当上了礼部给事中,他见到刑部的监狱里已经判决的犯人与还未判决的关在一起,这是有违大清法律的,给犯人有了串供机会及其他弊端。他给乾隆帝上书要求制止这一做法,得到乾隆帝的同意。[1]  乾隆七年(1742)转任给事中时期,巡抚许容因诬陷同僚被撤职,可不久圣旨又命许容任湖北选抚,当时舆论哗然。邹一桂愤然上书,要求将许容撤而复出的理由诏示天下,以明赏而维国法,乾隆帝被迫收回成命。乾隆十一年(1746),在大理寺任职时办案认真,反对草菅人命,多次纠正冤案、错案,并对监狱管理进行整顿,上疏奏请严禁各监狱以非刑折磨犯人。乾隆十四年(1749),皇帝下诏各大臣举荐深明经学而又品德高尚的儒生,邹一桂举荐无锡著名学者顾栋高,结果顾以第一名被取中。乾隆十九年(1754),在礼部侍郎任内,同部侍郎张开泰徇情保举邹一桂之子为国子监学正。事发张开泰被革职,邹一桂被降三级留任。







English is introduced

Zou Yigui (1686 - 1772) Qing Dynasty officials, painters. Word praised the original, No. Hill, late two known old man, Wuxi, Jiangsu. Yong Zheng five years the first two Jinshi, granted Imperial Academy editing. Calendar officer Yunnan Road supervision censor, Guizhou Xuezheng, too often Temple Shaoqing, Dali Temple Qing, assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites, the official to the cabinet. Good painting flowers, learning Yun Shouping painting, style handsome. Once for the "Hundred Flowers", each poem, once into the show, the emperor also give questions quatrains, a copy of a copy of Gui, Gong recorded in each system before the imperial system, and the book for later, hidden at home. Author of "hills map", "Daya continued."


Father Zou Xisen, painting and calligraphy, home paintings are extremely rich. Zou Yigui by family influence, in addition to studying the four books five young, the love of painting, his wife Yun Lanxi also good painting. But the imperial examinations are not repeated, until the Yongzheng five years (1727) 42-year-old Fang Jinshi, granted Imperial Academy editing, from the official career prosperous. Former Yunnan Road, censor supervision, Guizhou school, to things, too often Temple Shaoqing, Dali Temple Qing, courtesy to be Lang, the official cabinet to Bachelor. Yongzheng ten years (1732), in the supervision of the censor, on the quiet playing please prohibit the local government collusion criminals, secretly stocking women, in order to fraud rape, and to local officials to oversight. Yongzheng emperor allowed its request. Yongzheng thirteen years (1735), during the term of office in Guizhou, on the sparse request remediation abuses. Zou Yigui at 56 years old when the rites to things, he saw the penalty department of the prison has been sentenced with the prisoner has not yet adjudicated together, this is contrary to the Qing law, to the prisoners have a chance to supply and other Drawbacks. He asked the emperor Qianlong to stop this practice, the consent of the Emperor Qianlong. [1] Qianlong seven years (1742) transferred to the things in the period, the governor Xu Rongyin framed colleagues dismissed, may soon edicts and Xu Rong Ren Hubei election, when the public outcry. Zou Yigui angrily petitioned, asked Xu Rong recalled the reasons to come back to the world, to reward the country and France, Emperor Qianlong was forced to recover. Eleven years of Qianlong (1746), Dali Temple office in handling serious, against the disregard of human life, many times to correct injustice, wrong case, and the rectification of prison management, please avoid the prison on non-torture prisoners. Fourteen years of Emperor Qianlong (1749), the emperor ordered the ministers recommended Shen Ming Confucianism and moral scholar, Zou Yigui recommended Wuxi famous scholar Gu Donggao, the results were taken first. Nineteen years of Qianlong (1754), in the Ministry of Rites assistant minister, with the assistant minister Zhang Tai-tai favoritism guarantee Zou Yigui son for the Imperial College. Zhang Kai Tai was dismissed, Zou Yigui was down three remain.
Zou Yigui at the age of 59 when the state in charge of the sacrifice of the temple too often Shaoqing, the prison thing has nothing to do with him. But he saw the prisoners who have committed some of the prisoners do not meet the Qing law of torture, such as "the first row of supine supine, across the long wood, the pressure of their hands and feet," and so on, Qianlong emperor asked forbidden. With the approval of the Emperor Qianlong, these tortures were abolished. Later, Zou Yi Gui was promoted to assistant minister. Zou Yigui in the feudal officialdom, although there are many acts of integrity, commendable. But he left to his descendants or his landscape painting and flower painting. Twenty-three years of Qianlong (1758), Zou Yigui was allowed to resign to return home. Emperor Qianlong Southern Tour, had given "painting Zen Yi" plaque. Thirty-six years of Qianlong (1771) to Beijing to wish the Empress Dowager birthday, bonus Book title. The second year (1772) to go home, died in Dongchang way, at the age of 86 years.

The history of the Qing Dynasty contained

Zu Zhong Yi, Shunji nine years a Jinshi, official revision, the father Zou Xisen. One Gui, Yong Zheng five years two Jinshi, change Shu Ji Shi, granted editing. Ten years, granted to monitor the censor of Yunnan Road, Shuguan official media storage of women as rape.
Qianlong seven years, turn to the subject matter, sparse words: "the punishment of the prisoners have been knotted into the North prison, unsuccessful custody of the South, this inspection as the prison, has not been mixed, please, such as case points. Speaking: "was ordered under the Ministry of all things, Kedao not in the Ministry of the first meeting, the more mixed Chen, please apply." Hunan governor Xu Rong sit crooked impeach food grain Xie Xie Shi, complex command of Hubei governor. A Gui and to things in the Chen Dadan with a sparse column, said: "capacity cunning fraud, only to the job, has been invited to the Code; this re-Feng Jiang, how to train the world? Begging declaration declared subjects to serve Xiaoran The reason why, Sri Lanka law and the official rate of some of the following. " Ten years, moved too often Temple Shaoqing, sparse words: "lazy prison with the whole map, cable button Jin Jin, both have a fixed style.Prisoner to prevent the speech, the box bed to beam body, iron flute to direct , Guanyin circle to cling to their hands and feet. Department of the proposed non-punishment, long-term rehabilitation system, so that all prisoners Pai head supine, across the long wood, the pressure of their hands and feet, and the box bed is no different, please imperial prohibit. Four moved to Rites minister. The same assistant minister Zhang Taikai cited a Guizi Zhi Yi for the Imperial College is learning, and take the favor of Wang Anguo, left all censor Yang Xifu worship his father Xiang Yin, repeated under the Ministry of Justice, twenty-one years, left cabinet. Twenty-three years, begging. Thirty-six years, Yi Jing Shang Shang Shou, Li Li Department assistant minister title, in the membership food pension. Thirty-seven years, return, died in Dongchang Road. Plus Shang title.
A Guihua workers flowers, bearing Yun grid after the experts. Taste for flowers, flowers, a poem, into, on the deep reward, as the title one hundred quatrains. Late thin condemned, to the poems of the poem.

Personal achievement

Zou Yigui to poetry good painting, especially good at the flower pen, intercropping landscape. Landscape to follow the Song, flowers, Yun Nantian, Qing Runxiu Yi, unique. Zou Yigui is Yun Shouping (at the time "one of the six"), get the truth. Has been carefully painted 100 kinds of flowers, each flower of a poem, integrated "Hundred Flowers Volume" was Emperor Qianlong, by praise Sang, Emperor Qianlong and "Hundred Flowers" title of the first quatrains. In painting theory, he believes that to draw a good work, the painter must first have a deep understanding of the object of painting. He personally cultivated more than 100 kinds of flowers, good observation of their demeanor characteristics, access to the real perceptual knowledge, so that the flower shape and spirit ready. His poems and works include "Xiao Shan Shi Chao", "Daya Hall continued draft", "Baihua Poems", "Hill", "Chunhua Qiushu map", "five gentleman map", " "Furongrong map", "rose Zhu Teng map", "red peach pear map", "Pacific Yungang map" "Yutang wealth map" and other handed down. [2]
The "hills painting" on the flower painting. Volume on the first column, "Eight", "four known." The eight law is: one said, "Zhang Fa", the second is the "brushwork", the third is the "ink method", four "color", five "point dyeing", six "baking halo"; Stone method ", eight," moss lining method. " Are selected prior to the micro theory. Four known is: one said, "Zhi-day", the second is "to know", three, "Zhiren", four said, "knowledge." This is the predecessors have not been discussed, as Zou Yigui's independence. Eight law four known after all kinds of flowers is a variety of painting, a total of one hundred and fifteen kinds, mosaic all the way. Then take the color, a total of 11, the detailed description of its refining method. The next volume of the first painting of the ancients said that, or reference to their own meaning, a total of forty-three. Post-attached alum, paper silk, painting discs, brushes, water dharmas. Finally, Yang Ju spectrum. Originally, Zou Yigui in Qianlong twenty-one years (1756) leap in September Chengzhao painting within the Tingyang Yang 36 kinds, and Mongolia emperor give questions, so Gong remember flower name, shape, written for this spectrum, Rong Yu. At that time this picture has been published, will be attached to the end of this book. This book is only two volumes, in fact, the language of their own experiences.

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