朱耷(1626—约1705),明末清初画家,中国画一代宗师。本名由桵,字雪个,号八大山人、个山 、人屋、道朗等,汉族,江西南昌人。他是明太祖朱元璋第十七子朱权的九世孙。明亡后削发为僧,后改信道教,住南昌青云谱道院。擅书画,花鸟以水墨写意为主,形象夸张奇特,笔墨凝炼沉毅,风格雄奇隽永;山水师法董其昌,笔致简洁,有静穆之趣,得疏旷之韵。擅书法,能诗文。他的作品往往以象征手法抒写心意,如画鱼、鸭、鸟等,皆以白眼向天,充满倔强之气。笔墨特点以放任恣纵见长,苍劲圆秀,清逸横生,不论大幅或小品,都有浑朴酣畅又明朗秀健的风神。章法结构不落俗套,在不完整中求完整。存世作品有《水木清华图》、《荷花水鸟图》等。
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朱耷,(zhū dā)清初画坛“四僧”之一。谱名朱统𨨗,为明太祖朱元璋的第十七子宁献王朱权的九世孙子。宁王改封南昌后,历代子孙世居南昌等地,共分八支,八大山人是弋阳王七世孙。其祖父朱多是一位诗人兼画家,山水画风多宗法二米,颇有名气。父亲朱谋觐,擅长山水花鸟,名噪江右,可惜中年患暗疾去世,叔父朱谋也是一位画家,著有《画史会要》。朱耷生长在宗室家庭,从小受到父辈的艺术陶冶,加上聪明好学,八岁时便能作诗,十一岁能画青山绿水,小时候还能悬腕写米家小楷。
顺治五年,他妻子亡故,朱耷便奉母带弟“出家”,至奉新县耕香寺,剃发为僧,自此改名雪个。二十四岁时,更号个山和个山驴。顺治十年(1653年),朱耷二十八岁时,又迎母至新建县洪崖寺,在耕庵老人处受戒称宗师,住山讲经,随从学法的一百多人。有人考证,朱耷从二十八岁到三十六,曾带着母亲和弟弟住在南昌市抚州门(进贤门)外绳金塔附近。当时此地茶室酒肆甚多,是劳动人民聚居之处。朱耷生活清贫,蓬头垢面,徜徉于此。常喜饮酒,但不满升,动辄酒醉。醉时,大笔挥毫,一挥十多幅,山僧、贫士、屠夫、孤儿,向其索画,有求必应,慷慨相赠。 朱耷三十六岁时,想“觅一个自在场头”,找到南昌城郊十五里的天宁观。就在这一年,他改建天宁观,并更名为“青云圃”。“青云”两字原是根据道家神话“吕纯阳驾青云来降”的意思。并有用“飞剑插地,植桂树规定旧基”的说法,这也是亥处现存唐桂的由来。清嘉庆二十年(1815年),状元戴均元将“圃”改为“谱”,以示“青云”传谱,有牒可据,从此改称“青云谱”。
还有,他画上的题诗、签名和印章,也是怪怪的。例如他自号“八大山人”,解释的人很多,至今学者们还有不同争论。他有一方印章,印文刻作 ,有人说它是由“八大山人”四字组成,有的人则持慎重态度,称之为“屐形印”,因为它的形状像只木屐。至于他画上的题诗,许多句子更是令人难解。
然而,八大明确地告诉我们:“横流乱世杈椰树,留得文林细揣摩”。又说:“想见时人解图画”。他是很希望人们能够理解他的画中之意的。因此许多学者经细心的研究,从他的画意和字里字间,探听出许多真消息。例如他有一个画押写作 ,很长时间人们一直称它为龟形画押,因为其形状特别像一只乌龟。后来才看出,原来是由“三月十九日”几个字变形组成,这恰好是明代最末一个皇帝崇祯自杀的日子,标志着明朝的灭亡。那么这个画押,也就表示对国亡的纪念。
八大长于水墨写意,为其划时代的人物。 在水墨写意画中,又有专擅山水和专擅花鸟之别,八大则两者兼而善之。他的山水画,近师董其昌,远法董源、巨然、郭熙、米芾、黄公望、倪瓒诸家。例如康熙四十一年所作《书画册》(上海博物馆藏)共画了六幅山水小品,就可以看出深受董其昌的影响,其远笔的圆润则有着董、巨和黄公望的遗踪,墨法参照了米氏云山,而某些树石的组合形式,显然取自倪瓒。但是,我们在欣赏这些作品时,却又强烈地感觉到朱耷的个性,上述那些古人的法则,不过是他随手拈来为自己服务的。那些山、石、树、草,以及茅亭、房舍等,逸笔草草,看似漫不经心,随手拾掇,而干湿浓淡、疏密虚实、远近高低,笔笔无出法度之外,意境全在法度之中。这种无法而法的境界,是情感与技巧的高度结合,使艺术创作进入到一个自由王国。
八大山人 《孤雁》 纸本立轴金陵天渡楼收藏
八大山人 《孤雁》 纸本立轴金陵天渡楼收藏
清八大山人 《孤雁》 纸本立轴 现为金陵天渡楼收藏
《仿倪云林山水》,2009年 成交价8400万元
八大山人是我国明末清初的杰出画家,生于明天启六年,卒于清康熙四十四年(公元一六二六——一七0五),享年八十岁。他姓朱名耷,僧名个山、传启 ,别号八大山人,是明太祖朱元璋第十六子朱权的九世孙。明亡后,他抱着对清王朝不屈的态度出家为僧。后还俗,自筑陋室“寤歌草堂”于南昌城效,孤寂贫寒地度过了晚年。八大山人在艺术上有独特的建树。他以水墨写意画著称,尤擅长花鸟画。其画面构图缜密、意境空阔;其笔墨清脱纯净、淋漓酣畅;取物造形旨在意象,笔简意赅,形神兼备,体现出其孤傲落寞清空出世的思想情感。其书法善用淡墨秃笔,犹尽流畅,含蓄内敛,圆浑醇厚,亦工篆刻。其诗文多为幽涩古雅。三百年来他饮誉画坛,“扬州八怪”、吴昌硕,近代齐白石、张大千、潘天寿、李苦禅等画家都不同程度受其影响。八大山人(朱耷)从明王爷成为遗民,承受国亡家破之痛,先后沦为僧道,巧妙应付"临川之变",绳金塔下为民挥毫,其“哭之、笑之”的人品和画品成为发人深思的画坛传奇。爱国、爱乡的八大山人,对清初的残暴疾恶如仇,终身苦守不阿,人品至上,成为后世为人的风范。跨越时空的八大山人书画艺术,释放出巨大艺术能量,辐射璀璨的艺术之光。艺术修养全面的八大山人给我们留下了极为珍贵的诗作,吟咏之余,我们借此心灵辙音,感受三百年前诗人的娓娓独言,将已逝去的流光重新唤回眼前。
Zhu Da (1626 - about 1705), the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty painter, master of Chinese painting. The name of the snow, a snow, the number of eight mountain people, a mountain, house, Dawn, etc., the Han nationality, Jiangxi Nanchang. He is the Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang seventeenth son of nine generations. After the death of shaved hair for the monk, after the conversion of Taoism, live Nanchang Qingyun spectrum hospital. Style painting magnanimous, pen and ink condensate Shen Yi, style majestic timeless; landscape teacher Dong Qichang, pen to concise, a quiet interest, have Shu Kuang rhyme. Good calligraphy, can poetry. His works often symbolic way to express his mind, such as pictures of fish, ducks, birds, etc., are to look to the sky, full of stubborn gas. Pen and ink features to laissez-faire longitudinal known, vigorous round show, Qing Yihengsheng, regardless of sharp or Pieces, there are muddy and smooth and bright show Xiujian Aeolus. The structure of the composition is unconventional and incomplete. Surviving works of "Shuimu Tsinghua map", "Lotus Waterbird" and so on.
Eight mountain people, common surname Zhu, whose real name in Guangxi, after the name of Da. For the Ming Jiangxi Yiyang Rongzhuang Wang Zhu Zhujiu nine sun. Born in Ming Dynasty four years (AD 1624), died in the Qing emperor Kangxi forty-four years (1705), at the age of 81 years. Young negative negative wisdom, early things all the industry. Ming dead, just weak crown, pretending to dumb. 39-year-old, escape the Jiangxi Feng Xinshan Gengxiang homes, learn from the Ying Hong Min master, hair for the monk, the release of the name of Chuan, had hidden eight adults feel, then since the Bada mountain, or that "the Quartet Four corner, all I big, and no greater than I "; also said that the signature, hi to cursive Lianbi strokes, depending on the eight words like crying word laughing word, the word mountain people like words, read together Of the class cry of laughter, are vaguely cynical meaning. Other aliases, there are snow, a mountain, a mountain donkey, donkey house, donkey Han, house, edge Um, pick, Ho Park, Los Park, Wong Chuk Yuen, book year, book disease, eight While the foot. Home Hill twenty years, said the master, from the scholars of more than 100 people. Subsequently, the Qing imperial edict to learn the word, Lin Chuan Hu Yutang heard his name, welcome into the official homes, the heart does not want to, feign madness, go also Nanchang. Naturally often wear a cloth cap, drag robe, if the city, between them, heel muster, walk out of the limelight, children after the laughter, nor care, and people without a word. In his later years, Guiyin back spectrum, built hu song cottage to home. After death, buried in the new county in the village. Jiangyin Shao Changheng for the "Bada Shanren Biography." According to Wang Jun Jun Wang Junjun art literature, mountain fine painting, and poetry. Painting is longer than the landscape, flowers and birds and bamboo, can not mud into the law, out of the way, landscape Cunwen no more, the mood quiet, flowers and birds, bamboo and ink stains, the image of peculiar, both ancient ink breaking method, Longitudinal pleases, the Mexican interesting, vigorous round 晬, Yi gas utterly out. Calligraphy Beginner Dong Qichang, after access to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, elegant Xiaosan, won the Zhongwang style of rhyme (also known as " , Kuangcao especially blame Wei; poems of the original set Zhi, unfortunately not spread, save the world inscriptions such as Jiguang film jade, quaint can recite. Mountain people looking micro-Fu, abundance and less mustache, drink and the amount of shallow, poor monks mountain, marketplace slaughter, there is a wine to invite noir to, noir drink, drunk, drunk, drunk runny nose, or prepare Paper and pencil, pull one hand to catch the boastful cable painting, the ink dripping, inadvertently play wine, suddenly for Yunshan, suddenly for bamboo, nothing to cherish. So seek their painter, the cable of the drunk, and more on the mountain monk Tu Kutu purchased, if the elite to a number of gold easy to a stone, Qi is not, the temperament so. But also its mankind haokao, generous Ji Xiaoge, anti-section of high justice, life to the Ming-room descent, the pain was subvert the country, the land of the degeneration of change, grief generous, Mimi stagnation, nothing vent, To the post-robbery career, people head for the mad, but I do not know the heart of the sad, so for the painting and calligraphy, the West is the so-called blood and tears of the cross, the sublimation of the feelings of those who, Moving deeply and the giant, mountain people have since the title landscape book, poem goes: "ink point no more tears, mountains and rivers is still the old mountains and rivers. Cross-flow stone fork tree branches, leaving the Wenlin fine try to figure out. Life and art blend of portrayal.
Zhu Da, (zhū dā) Early Qing painting "four monks" one. Spectrum of the name of Zhu Tong, the emperor of the Ming emperor of the seventeenth son of Ning Zhu Wang's nine grandson. Ning Wang changed Nanchang, the descendants of Nanchang and other places in the world, is divided into eight, eight mountain people is the king of the seventh generation of Yiyang. His grandfather Zhu is a poet and painter, landscape painting method of multiple law two meters, quite famous. His father Zhu Moujun, good at landscape flowers and birds, famous Jiang right, but unfortunately middle-aged suffering from dark disease death, uncle Zhu Mou is a painter, author of "history will be." Zhu Da grew up in the imperial clan family, from childhood to the father of the art of molding, coupled with smart studious, can be poetry at the age of eight, 11-year-old can paint mountains and rivers, a child can also write wrist.
Chongzhen seventeen years, the demise of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Da-year-old nineteen, and soon his father died, heart extremely depressed, anger, he pretended to deaf and dumb, anonymity escape trace Kongmen, hiding in the mountains to save themselves. In Zhu Da's picture can often see a strange charge, as if a crane-shaped symbol, in fact, is the "March 19" four words, in order to pinch the memory of the motherland's affectionate (Jia Shen March 19 Is the demise of the Ming Dynasty).
Junji five years, his wife died, Zhu Da will be the mother with the brother, "monk" to Fengxin County Gengxiang Temple, shaved as monks, since then renamed a snow. At the age of twenty-four, but also a mountain and a mountain donkey. Junji ten years (1653), Zhu Da twenty-eight years old, and welcome the mother to the new county Hongya Temple, in Gannan old place by the master, live in the mountain preaching, followers learn more than one hundred people. It was research, Zhu Da from twenty-eight to thirty-six, with his mother and brother lived in Nanchang Fuzhou gate (Jin Yin door) outside the vicinity of the urn. At that time, there are many teahouses and wine shops in this area, which is the place where the working people live. Zhu Da living poor, unkempt, wander in this. Often like to drink, but dissatisfied with liters, often drunk. Drunk, big brush, waved more than 10 pieces, mountain monks, poor, butcher, orphans, to its cable painting, responsive, generous with the gift. Zhu Da 36-year-old, would like to "find a free head," found Nanchang suburb of the concept of Tianning fifteen years. In this year, he converted Tianning concept, and changed its name to "Qingyunpu." "Albatron" was originally based on the myth of Taoist "Lv Chunyang driving Albatron to drop" means. And useful "Feijian inserted, the provisions of the old base of laurel plant," saying, this is the origin of the existing Hai Tang Gui. Qing Jiaqing twenty years (1815), the champion Dai Junyuan will be "garden" to "spectrum" to show "Qingyun" mass spectrum, there is a dispatch, according to, renamed "Qingyunpu.
Albatron spectrum is a long history of the Tao Yuan. According to legend, in 2500 years ago, Zhou Ling Wang Taizi Jin (word son Joe) to open the base alchemy, the creation of the temple, "alchemy immortal." When the Western Han Dynasty in Nanchang County Wei Mei Fu seclusion here, after the construction of the Temple of Meixian. The Jin DynastyXu XunWater also in this open up the temple, founded "net out religion", renamed "Taiji concept", from the formal formation orthodoxy, is a net Ming Road. Tang Tai Wo five years (831), the provincial governor Zhou Xun renamed "Taiyi concept." Song to two years (1055 years), and Chi Ci named Tianning view. Qing Shunzhi eighteen years (1661), Zhu Da came to visit the sages ruins, very appreciative of the mountains and rivers here, so on the basis of the original Taoist temple reconstruction, and changed its name to "Qingyunpu." Since then, Zhu Da has become the pioneer of Qingyunpu. The descendants also established a "is the ancestor of the Long Road, the number of good month on the number of eight mountain people Zhu real" Hall of merit tablets.
Zhu Da from thirty-six to thirty-eight years old, and from Nanchang city and Qingyunpu between the reconstruction of Qingyun spectrum by his brother Zhu Daoming presided over. Zhu Da officially settled in Qingyunpu, about after the age of thirty-nine to sixty-two years old. He painstakingly managed to operate this Tao Yuan, which lasted more than 20 years. Zhu Da in the thirteen years of Buddhist career, has become a Taoist priest. His monk's life was mainly not in religious belief, but in order to avoid the political persecution of the Manchu nobles in the Ming dynasty to conceal and preserve themselves.
Kangxi seventeen years when he was fifty-three years old, Lin Chuan county magistrate Hu Yitang heard his name, he was invited to follow his monk Rao Yu Park, Linchuan officials to wait more than a year. This makes him very distressed Yu angrily, then pretend to be crazy, torn monk clothes, alone back to Nanchang. More than a year later, he returned to Qingyunpu, and spent here, "Huajia birthday." When he was sixty-two years old, no longer abbot, he put the Taoist priest Tu Ruoyu handed over to him.
At the age of sixty, Zhu Da began to use the signature poems of the Badashanren. When he was in the Department, he often put the words "Ba Da Shan Ren" together as if it were "crying" or "laughing". Sustenance of his painful mood of laughing and crying. His brother Zhu Daoming, the word Moon, is also a painter, style and brother is similar, but also rough uninhibited. His calligraphy and painting signed Niu Shihui, this three-character cursive together, much like the "students do not worship the king," the four words, expressed the Qing Dynasty vowed not to yield to the mood. The signature of their two brothers at the beginning, the words separated, a "cow", one with "eight". This incognito, can be described as well-intentioned.
Zhu Da in his later years in the city of Nanchang North Zhu Temple, Samantabhadra and other places. Monk Dan snow for the North Zhu Temple Abbot, and Zhu Da friendship deep. Dan snow is also good calligraphy, character stubborn, and later angered by the new county magistrate Fang E, said he was "mad big no shape", was arrested in prison, died in prison. Dan snow died, North Zhu Temple soon destroyed. During this time, Zhu Da out to travel, visit friends painting, painting a lot, this is Zhu Da creative period. Finally in the suburbs of Nanchang Chaozhou Wangzhou, take the cover of a cottage, entitled "Hu song grass." At that time, the poet Ye Dan was a poet of the "Eight Mountains" poem, describing his life here, "a room Wu song, Xiao Xiao Man dust, basil cloak family dark, poetry into Zen true, Zhi, residual mountain water body, green door in the old industry, scattered species of melon.
Zhu Da is in this cottage spent his lonely, poor old age, until his death. Zhu Da buried in the outskirts of Nanchang Yaowan Yingjiashan, but moved tomb after the liberation, only to see some dead wood nails, no bones, may be his cenotaph. Cattle Shi Hui Tomb in Qingyunpu General Ridge, ashes in the tomb of a can, after the liberation of Qingyun spectrum also spit beads Chu. According to the "new county", "Xishan" contains: Zhu Da tomb in the northwest of the county thirty years in the Xishan huangxi commune monkey ridge area. Where the tomb is indeed difficult to check the.
Eight have a painting poem, said: "The ink point no more tears, mountains and rivers is still the old mountains and rivers. Cross flow chaos coconut tree, stay in Wenlin fine speculation copy." This first sentence " ", Master Road, the most concise and concise to say his painting art characteristics and the thoughts and emotions of the stay, only along the tips he suggested that this clue, we can really understand and appreciate the artist's great works of art.
Obscure pain
Because of his special life experience, and his background, his painting can not be like any other painter, but by his obscure poem and the strange painting of the strange deformation of Qiqi to show. For example, he painted fish and birds, a few pen, or elongated body, or tightening a ball, dumping rather than. Especially the eyes, sometimes an oval, is not our life to see the fish, the bird's eye, life fish, birds eyes are round, eyeball in the central will not turn. Eight of the fish, the birds can turn the eyeball, and sometimes rolling his eyes staring. He painted the rocks are not like ordinary artists to paint that way, muddy round, on the big small, top-heavy, where he wants to put on where, and whether it is not secure, not stand up legislation. He painted trees, old dry branches, just a few branches of coconut, a few leaves, tens of thousands of trees in the forest can not pick such a tree to. He painted landscapes, mountains, bare trees, stagger, desolate cool, there really is such a place, I think no one would not come here to settle down.
Also, he painted the poem, signature and seal, is also strange. For example, since his number "Bada Shanren", explained a lot of people, scholars have different arguments so far. He has a seal, printed inscriptions, it was said that it is "Bada Shanren" four words, some people are cautious attitude, called "clog-shaped India", because it is shaped like a clog. As for his poem on the painting, many sentences are more difficult to understand.
However, the eight clearly tell us: "cross-flow chaos of the coconut tree, stay thin Wenlin try to figure out." Added: "When people want to see the solution picture." He is very much hope that people can understand the meaning of his paintings. Therefore, many scholars have carefully studied, from his painting and the word between the words, listen to many true news. For example, he has a painting writing, for a long time it has been called tortoises painted, because its shape is particularly like a tortoise. Later it was discovered that the original "March 19" words composed of deformation, which is precisely the last Ming Emperor Chongzhen suicide day, marking the demise of the Ming Dynasty. Then the painting, also expressed the commemoration of national death.
Kangxi twenty-one years he once drew a "Gu Meitu", the trunk of the tree has been hollow, Qiu root exposed bare branches of a few branches of coconut, a few of the embellishment of several flowers, like wind and thunder and lightning survived the look. The title of the three poems, the first wrote: "The plum blossom Wu Taoist, faint Zhai Zhai Mo intimate. Nanshan north and south of the mountain, the old burning fish swept Krupp dust." "Plum Wu Taoist" refers to the Yuan Dynasty Painter Wu Zhen, since the number of "plum Taoist." The words in the box, apparently by the then or later collectors intentionally cut off to avoid the scourge of literary prison. It is not difficult to guess, the word is not "Hu", that is, "Krupp." The beginning of the Qing Dynasty Manchu to the Central Plains, the most taboo is the word. To "Nanshan North and South Mountain" sweep "Hu dust", Zhu Da is very clear expression of his anti-Qing Fu thought. The second poem wrote: "The end of this also has not, has no thin and Tianfei. Plum painting Si Si Xiao, how monks such as Plum." The poem used two allusions, After the death of the Southern Song Dynasty, the painter Zheng Si-xiao, who lived in seclusion after the death of the Southern Song Dynasty, painted the orchid dew root, and asked why, he replied: "The land has been robbed, do not you know?" Second Yin Yin Bo Yi, Shu Qi in the week after the eradication of Yin, shame does not eat Zhou Su, seclusion first Yangshan Weiwei and food, until starved to death. The original eight this piece of "Gu Meitu" Qiu root exposed, do not draw the slope of soil, is modeled on the meaning of Zheng Si Xiao Lan, implied by the territory of the Qing Dynasty who snatched his clan the Ming Dynasty clan, the reason has become a monk, Uncle Qi mining Yang Shou as refused to submit to the new dynasty. The country broke the family dead, complex country hopeless, which he can not help but "tearful pay a thousand points."
Eight painting poems, is to unlock the key to his painting, then quietly astringent, such as fans, such as fog, many scholars have been under some effort to break. For example, Kangxi twenty-three years of the "Jiazi bird book" (now the United States of America Princeton University Museum), which the seventh page of a starling standing on dead branches, the poem reads: "Kingfisher call brother, "This poem is intended, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Rao Zongyi after the passage of the classics, according to the conclusion, said:" This poem is ridiculed 'Guo' (specify) after the death of loyalists, such as partridge (the partridge) This is to say, eight works, in addition to the general state of the emotional expression of the broken home, but also specifically refers to the specific. "Gua Yue Tu" is also a reference to the work, in the poem after he wrote: "I have run August 15 night painting income." The face of the moon in the sky, and every household to eat moon cakes, his heart was touched, then he "income" What is it? Painting on the poem reads: "Some people according to the custom of eating moon cake from the anti-Qing Yi Jun transmission of the cipher of folk tales, saying that the moon cakes, moon cakes, Eight is looking forward to this day. However, they have to wait until the year (donkey years)? "Donkey years on horse" is a saying, that the remote from time to time. If so, the heart of the eight, not only the country has died more than pain.