杨晋 (1644-1728)字子和,一字子鹤,号西亭,自号谷林樵客、鹤道人,又署野鹤,江苏常熟人。山水为王翚入室弟子,尝与绘圣祖南巡图颇精。晚年每多率笔,未免苍而不润,神气便少。然农村景物则颇工,尤长画牛,多写意,夕阳芳草,郊牧之风宛然在目,兼及人物写真,花鸟草虫。每侍翚出游,翚作图凡有人物、舆轿、驼、马、牛、羊等皆命补之。又尝摹内府所藏名迹,作副本进御。卒年八十五。
Yang Jin (1644-1728) word son, and a word child crane, No. West Pavilion, since the number of forest forest Qiaoke, Crane Road, and Department of wild crane, Jiangsu Changshu people. Yang Jin is a court painter of the Qing Dynasty, known as the painting circles, he can just right to play the traditional Gongbi painting of expertise, the artificial pavilions and pavilions and natural landscape behavior closely linked to the structure on the pole Good tailoring, full but not boring, detailed style of Mingxiu, Juan Li fresh, the level of transition is very natural. "Stone Valley riding a bull map" painted stone valley leisurely ride on the cattle back above, the air of peace and quiet, like writing simple Jiyi vivid. Stone Valley that the Qing Dynasty painter Wang Hui, Yang Jin is the teacher. Taste and painting the Holy Patriotic South patrol figure is fine. In his later years every pen, a bit too Cang Run, air will be less. However, the rural scenery is quite work, especially long painting cattle, more freehand, sunset grass, rural winds in the head, and characters and pictures, flowers, birds and insects. Every paternity Hui outbound, Hui map where there are characters, Yu sedan, camel, horse, cattle, sheep, etc. are life fill. Also try to copy the house within the possession of trace, as a copy of the Royal. Death of eighty-five.