李方膺(1695~1755),中国清代诗画家,字虬仲,号晴江,别号秋池,抑园,白衣山人等,通州(今江苏南通)人。寓居金陵借园,自号借园主人。为“扬州八怪”之一。出身官宦之家,曾任乐安县令、兰山县令、潜山县令、代理滁州知州等职,为官时"有惠政,人德之",后因遭诬告被罢官,去官后寓南京借园,自号借园主人,常往来扬州卖画。与李鱓、金农、郑燮等往来,工诗文书画,擅梅、兰、竹、菊、松、鱼等,注重师法传统和师法造化,能自成一格,其画笔法苍劲老厚,剪裁简洁,不拘形似,活泼生动。被列为扬州八怪之一。有《风竹图》、《游鱼图》、《墨梅图》等传世。著《梅花楼诗钞》。善画松、竹、兰、菊、梅、杂花及虫 鱼,也能人物、山水,尤精画梅。作品纵横豪放、墨气淋漓,粗头乱服 ,不拘绳墨,意在青藤、白阳、竹憨之间。画梅以瘦硬见称,老干新枝 ,欹侧蟠曲。用间印有〖梅花手段〗,著名的题画梅诗有〖不逢摧折不离奇〗之句。还喜欢画狂风中的松竹。工书。能诗,后人辑有《梅花楼诗草》,仅二十六首,多数散见于画上。
雍正十三年(1735)他因反对新任总督王文俊的垦荒令,上书直陈弊端,触怒上司,被罢官入狱,成为当时震惊朝野的“兰山冤案”。民哗然曰:“公为民故获罪,请环流视狱”,兰山、莒州一带农民成群结队,自带鸡黍米酒前往青州监狱探视。狱吏不许见,老百姓就把带来的钱物、食品往监狱的高墙里扔,留下的酒坛子把监狱的大门和甬道都堵住了。这场冤狱,一拖三年。直到清乾隆元年(1736),乾隆追究起开垦失策忧民之事,罢王士俊,才得平反。那天二鼓,文书传到青州,当夜李方膺就被释放。 李方膺入都觐见,立候在军机房丹墀西槐树下,大学士朱轼指给诸王大臣说:这就是劝阻开垦的知县李兰山也。那些欲见而挤不上前的人,以手加额远望着说:就是那个瘦而长,眼睛很有神的那位吗?少宗伯赵国麟和李方膺的父亲是同年进士,握着李方膺的手说:“李贡南有子矣” 。觐见后,调安徽以知县任用,李方膺请假回乡奉养老母而不就任。
在南京,李方膺还结识了篆刻家丁敬。丁敬傲岸不群,当时千金难得其一印,但李方膺却得到过丁敬刻赠的好几方印。有人觉得很奇怪,丁敬自己在《印跋》言明: 通州李方膺晴江,工画梅,傲岸不羁。罢官寓金陵项氏园,日与沈补萝、袁子才游……予爱其诗,为作数印寄之,聊赠一枝春意。
李方膺善画松、竹、兰、菊、梅、杂花及虫 鱼,也能人物、山水,尤精画梅。作品纵横豪放、墨气淋漓,粗头乱服,不拘绳墨,意在青藤、白阳、竹憨之间。画梅以瘦硬见称,老干新枝,欹侧蟠曲,著名的题画梅诗有“不逢摧折不离奇”之句。还喜欢画狂风中的松竹。工书,能诗,后人辑有《梅花楼诗草》,仅二十六首,多数散见于画上。传世画作为《风竹图》、《游鱼图》等等。
据郑板桥在同一时间所作《题黄慎画丁有煜象卷》(《板桥书画拓片集》,原件藏南通博物馆)的跋语“郝香山,晴江李公之侍人也,宝其主之笔墨如拱壁,而索题跋于板桥老人。”郑板桥在乾隆二十五(1760)初夏他六十八岁时曾第二次来通州,李方膺的侍人郝香山拿出他所访藏的主人的画,请郑板桥题辞。郑有感于他与李方膺原来的深厚情谊和郝香山对其主人的一片忠义,便欣然命笔,写了上引题跋和诗,郑板桥这次来通州,住在城北二十余里的秦灶, “寓保培基井谷园”(金榜《海曲拾遗》),并去游狼山,在他的集子中,留下了《游白狼山》七绝两首。
李方膺解任合肥知县后,在南京借寓项氏花园,题名借园,从此定居下来,直至二十年(1755)秋因病回通州,其间整整四年时间,常与当时文坛泰斗袁枚,画家沈凤过从,谈诗论画,关系十分密切。袁枚曾在给李方膺的赠诗中写道:“我爱李晴江,鲁国一男子。梅花虽倔强,恰在春风里。超越言锯屑,落落如直矢。偶逢不平鸣,手作磨刀水。两搏扶摇风,掉头归田矣。偶看白下山,借园来居此。大水照窗前,新花插屋底。君言我爱听,我言君亦喜。陈遵为客贫,羲之以乐死。人生得朋友,何必思乡里。”乾隆二十年乙亥初春,李方膺曾回通州一次,袁枚亦有诗相送。诗集卷十一收了《送李晴江还通州》三首,第一首有句云:“才送梅花雪满衣,画梅人又逐飞。一灯对酒春何淡,四海论交影更稀。”所写确为初春景象,并明点“春” 字。
实际上,李方膺爱梅,是爱梅的秉性,爱梅的品格,其实是自我人格的外射。“识者谓李公为自家写生,晴江微笑而已”。 “为自家写生”,一语道破李方膺画梅的心态和内蕴。其题《梅花卷》云: 予性爱梅,即无梅之可见而所见无非梅。日月星辰梅也,山河川岳亦梅也,硕德宏才梅也,歌童舞女亦梅也……知我者梅也,罪我者亦梅也。李方膺好友袁枚评价其梅称:“傲骨郁作梅树根,奇才散作梅树花,孤干长招天地风,香心不死冰霜下”。
Li Fangying (1695 ~ 1755), the Chinese Qing Dynasty poet and painter, the word Qiu Zhong, No. Qingjiang, alias Qiuchi, Yanyuan, white mountain people, Tongzhou (now Jiangsu Nantong) people. Jinling by garden, since the park by the owner. As "Yangzhou eight strange" one. Lushan county magistrate, hill county magistrate, deputy Chuzhou state magistrate and other staff, when the official, "there are benefits, morality", after being accused of being dismissed from office, after Quguan Apartments in Nanjing by Park, since the owner of the park by the number, often to Yangzhou to sell paintings. And Li, Jinnong, Zheng Xie and other exchanges, Gong poetry and painting, good plum, blue, bamboo, chrysanthemum, pine, fish, pay attention to the division of law tradition and good fortune, can own style, the brushwork vigorous Old thick, cut simple, informal shape, lively and lively. Was listed as Yangzhou eight strange one. "Bamboo Tree", "fish map", "Mexican map" and other handed down. The "Plum House Poems." Good painting pine, bamboo, orchid, chrysanthemum, plum, miscellaneous flowers and insect fish, but also to people, landscapes, especially fine plum painting. Works of bold and bold, ink dripping, rough headset, no line of rope ink, intended to sinomenine, Bai Yang, bamboo foolish. Painting plum thin hard to see, the old stem new branch, 欹 side Panqu. Plum with a printed means between〗 〖, the famous poem Mei poems are not broken〗 〖not break the sentence of the sentence. Also like to draw the wind in the Shochiku. Work book. Can poetry, descendants of a series of "Plum House Poetic Grass", only twenty-six, most scattered in the painting.
Yongzheng six years (1728) Yong Zhengdi to update the official, the implementation of the national recommendation, Li Fang Ying to "virtuous founder" by the recommendation. The following year, Li Yucheng to the capital report, thirty-year-old Li Fang Ying's father to Beijing. During the meeting, Yongzheng emperor pity Li Yu 鋐 old, asked: a son and you come with it? "Said:" The fourth sub-Fang Ying with. "Q:" What position, and wins the official no? "Said:" Health members also, of Gan, not official. "Yong Zheng laughed and said:" There is no school adopted son and married. "That is summoned, special purpose to pay in charge of Henan, Shandong's Hedong Governor Tian Wenjing assigned to the coastal magistrate.
Yongzheng eight years (1730) Li Fang Ying Shandong any magistrate. The occasion of summer and autumn, Le-flood disaster, 10,000 drift oars, the situation is pressing. Li Fangying without the approval of his boss, opening the relief, ordered the use of inventory imperial grain 1,200 stone, to work for the relief, recruiting people embankment, alleviate the disaster. But then open the official position by the Green House impeachment. Governor Tian Wenjing did not care, but praised Li Fang Ying courageous, active in the people. After the disaster, the field study, Li Fangying wrote "Xiaoqing River", "people want to view", "Shandong water control glimpse" and other works. Yongzheng ten years (1732) due to power promoted to Juzhou know state. Yongzheng twelve years (1734) he was appointed to return to any county magistrate, the same year the winter changed to Lanshan magistrate.
Yongzheng thirteen years (1735) because of his opposition to the new Governor Wang Wenjun's reclamation order, the letter straight defects, angered his boss, was dismissed from prison, became shocked the ruling and opposition parties' Lanshan injustice. People outcry said: "public for the people so convicted, please Circulation prison", Lanshan, Juzhou farmers in droves, bring their own chicken millet rice wine to visit Qingzhou prison. Jail officials can not see, the people brought the money and goods, food thrown into the prison walls, the wine jar left the prison door and corridor are blocked. This miscarriage of justice, a drag for three years. Until the first year of the Qing Emperor Qianlong (1736), Qianlong pursued the case of reclaiming the land of misfortune and care for the people, strike Wang Shijun, was vindicated. Two drums that day, the instrument reached the Qingzhou, the night Li Fang Ying was released. Li Fang Ying into the audience, standing in the military room Dan Chi Xihuai tree, the University of Zhu Shi pointed to the Minister of the king said: This is to discourage reclamation of the magistrate Li Lanshan also. Those who want to see and squeeze not to the front of the person, to hand the amount of far looked at: that is thin and long, the eyes of God who is it? Shao Zongbo Zhao Guolin and Li Fangying's father was the same year Jinshi, holding Li Fang Ying's hand, said: "Li Gongnan have children carry on." After the audience, the appointment of the magistrate to Anhui, Li Fang Ying to return home to take care of his mother and not take office.
Qianlong four years (1739), Li Fang Ying parents have died, mourning in the home for six years. Obeying the expiration of orders, ordered the buried hill county magistrate, the right to know Chuzhou House, soon transferred to Hefei magistrate. Then again famine, Li Fangying in accordance with past practice, custom relief measures, and refused to "honor" boss, was jealous, prefect plus unwarranted "corrupt" charges, dismissed from office. Before and after the magistrate to do two decades, actually three times for the prefect of the trap, Li Fang Ying said with emotion: the Han Dynasty officials, prefect of the; later officials, prefect bad.
Li Fang, after his dismissal from office in Nanjing, lived in Jinling (Nanjing) by the park, since the owner of the park by the number, often in Yangzhou to sell paintings for food and clothing, he wrote a poem in his later years: "I am no field often begging rice All the time selling plum, "painting often seal" for rice mouth "of India. And living in Nanjing, the great poet Yuan Mei and seal carver Shen Feng had very close, often side by side travel, when people call it "three cents out of the hole."
In Nanjing, Li Fang Ying also met with the sealant Ding Jing. Ding Jing arrogant group, when the daughter of a rare Indian, but Li Fang Ying Ding Ying has been donated several party India. Some people find it very strange, Ding Jing himself in the "Indian Postscript" made it clear: Tongzhou Li Fang Ying Qingjiang, painting Mei, proud uninhibited shore. The ban on official residence Jinling Xiangshi Park, day and Shen Fu Luo, Yuan Zicai swim ... ... to love the poem, as the number of printed send, talk about a spring gift.
Nineteen years of Qianlong (1754), sold in Nanjing for five years, Li Fang Ying due to physical discomfort. Seriously ill, had managed to book Yuan Mei: "Fang Yinggui two days, sick Benedict!" This will be born out of the background and the situation was only son of your son. Fang Ying without smell, the borrower of the text in the quiet palace can be almost! September 2 Bai Bai. " This is asked to write the tomb of Yuan Mei. Until the Yuan Mei received this must pen, Li Fang Ying has died many days. According to the messenger said: "This is the day before the death of our Lord, Yuan Yuan propped up, force disease book also. (1754) on September 3, this year he was 59 years old, was the "choke disease" (esophageal cancer), the doctor said: "This Huaiqi negative gas, Yu and Shu of the non- Medicine can also flat. " Before his death, he wrote down his life in the coffin of regret: "Wu Si lack of pity, I Xiwu hand!
Li Fang Ying good painting pine, bamboo, orchid, chrysanthemum, plum, miscellaneous flowers and insect fish, but also figures, landscapes, especially fine painting Mei. Works vertical and unrestrained, ink dripping, head disorderly service, no line of rope ink, intended to sinomenine, white, between bamboo foolish. Painting plum thin hard to see that the old stem new branch, 欹 side Panqu, the famous poem Mei Mei "not broken not broken off" sentence. Also like to draw the wind in the Shochiku. Work book, can poetry, the descendants of a series of "Plum House Poetic Grass", only twenty-six, most scattered in the painting. Handed down the painting as a "bamboo wind map", "fish map" and so on.