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最能反映金农书法艺术境界的是他的行草。他将楷书的笔法、隶书的笔势、篆书的笔意融进行草,自成一体,别具一格。其点画似隶似楷,亦行亦草,长横和竖钩都呈隶书笔形,而撇捺的笔姿又常常近于魏碑,分外苍劲、灵秀。尤其是那些信手而写的诗稿信札,古拙淡雅,有一种真率天成的韵味和意境,令人爱不释手。 金农的行书从其早期开始就不入常格,而以碑法与自家的“漆书”法写成的行草书,用笔率真,随心所欲,点画浪藉而又笔墨醇厚,粗头烂服之间,透出苍逸稚拙之趣,令人叹服;其“写经雕版”式的楷书,似乎与民间书法一脉相通,没有轻重的线条变化和圆润的转折用笔,也没有提顿中的波挑,以均匀的线条和方硬的转折,书写出类似单线体美术字的书体,却又具有器形文字般的古茂,其书法的启迪意义非常深远。传世书迹有《度量如海帖》,今流入日本。《盛仲交赞》,绢本漆书。
年五十始从事于画,涉笔即古,脱尽画家之习,良由所见古迹多也。初写竹师石室老人,号稽留山民,继画梅师白玉蟾,号昔邪居士。画佛号心出家盦粥饭僧。又画马自谓得曹、韩法,赵王孙不足道也。其山水花果布置幽奇,点染闲冷,非复尘世间所睹,盖皆意为之。问之则曰贝多龙窠之类也。他画梅,自称“江路野梅”、要求“天大寒时香千里”,画马题道:“今予画马,苍苍凉凉,有顾影酸嘶自怜之态,其悲跋涉之劳乎?世无伯乐,即遇其人,亦去暮矣?吾不欲求知于风尘漠野之间也。”足见其怀才不遇的心情。他在一册页上画一士大夫高卧四面通风的水池亭中,题曰:“风来四面卧当中”。逍遥自在,不及世事,亦以“清高”自居。金农申言要把自己“平生高岸之气”,一一见之画中。“以抒不平鸣”。在一幅《墨竹图》中,他竟然直书:“磨墨五升,画此狂竹,不钓阳鲚,而钓诸侯也。” 喜画瘦竹,说“画竹宜瘦,瘦多寿,自然饱风霜耳”。每画毕,必有题记,如“虚心高节,挺立不屈,久而不改其操,竹之美德也。”《雨后修篁图》题诗曰:“雨后修篁分外青,萧萧如在过溪亭。世间都是无情物,只有秋声最好听。”
所画人物造型奇古夸张,笔法古拙简练,形象鲜明突出;山水构图别致,随意挥写点染,简朴疏秀 ;其梅、竹用笔奇拙 ,凝练厚重 。书法从《天发神谶碑》、《禅国山碑》、《谷郎碑》变化而出,运笔扁方,竖轻横重,别具奇趣,风格独特,自谓漆书。金农的书画在当时享誉很高 ,为扬州八怪之一 。有《山水人物册》、《月华图》、《携杖图》、《东萼吐华图》、《墨竹图》等传世。著《冬心诗集》、《冬心随笔》、《冬心杂著》等。
1687年 康熙二十六年 丁卯 1岁
农历三月二十二日出生干浙江仁:和(今杭州)钱塘江上,居家候 。潮门外。
1688年 康熙二十七年 戊辰 2岁
1692年 康熙三十一年 壬申 6岁
厉鹗生,诗人,学者,浙江杭州人,金农好友,—生与金农过 往甚密。
1693年 康熙三十二年 癸酉 7岁
1695年 康熙三十四年 乙亥 9岁
1696年 康熙三十五年 丙子 10岁
1703年 康熙四十二年 癸未 17岁
1705年 康熙四十四年 乙酉 19岁
1706年 康熙45年 丙戌 20岁
1707年 康熙四十六年 丁亥 21岁
1708年 康熙四十七年 戊子 22岁
1712年 康熙五十一年 壬辰 26岁
1714年 康熙五十三年 甲午 28岁
1715年 康熙五十四年 乙未 29岁
1716年康熙五十五年 丙申 30岁
偕厉鹗游。病店(疟疾)于江上,取崔国辅诗句“寂寥抱冬心” 语意,始自号“冬心先生”。作《怀人绝句三十首》,名《景申集》;由鲍鉁附梓,厉鹗作序。
1717年 康熙五十六年 丁酉 31岁
1718年 康熙五十七年 戊戌 32岁
夏,偕厉鹗至长兴共访鲍鉁,又同游若溪。作《若溪曲》二首。 有诗记之,此年曾作《兰竹图》。
1720年 康熙五十九年 庚子 34岁
1721年 康熙六十年 辛丑 35岁
1722年 康熙六十一年 壬寅 36岁
1723年 雍正元年 癸卯 37岁
1724年 雍正二年 甲辰 38岁
1725年 雍正三年 乙巳 39岁
作《隶书王彪之井赋》。是年由金司农更名为金农,字由寿田 更为寿门。
春,开始作泽州之行,好友汪士慎、厉鹗、马曰璐送行并以 诗纪之。过京师,结识有同门之谊的探花徐葆光、贵族阿金、书法家王澍等。九月赴山西泽州投陈壮履(字幼安)处,客居三年。
1726年 雍正四年 丙午 40岁
1727年 雍正五年 丁未 41岁
1728年 雍正六年 戊申 42岁
1729年 雍正七年 己酉 43岁
春三月南归,旋又有泽州之行,游晋祠、太原等处,在娘子 关坠马,治引首印章“娘子关坠马后书”;春,作自画43岁小像,十年后有《自题四十三岁小像》三首。于尧都得赵孟頫手札一件。
1730年 雍正八年 庚戌 44岁
五月南归,在曲阜停留四月,九月于曲阜作隶书《王融传》、《王秀册》等,初冬归扬州,十一月在扬州为学轩先生写《行书 砚铭》册等。
1731年 雍正九年 辛亥 45岁
1732年 雍正十年 壬子 46岁
春,至吴兴,又过梁溪,于听松庵观王虚舟之徐履墨竹图,秋,于真州(今江苏仪征)乘舟作《将游楚中、于真州江上登舟二首》,过小孤山、游江陵、武昌回扬州。又于吴兴访鲍鉁,岁 杪客吴兴姚世钰莲花庄。书有《隶书题倪赞溪山秋意诗轴》。
1733年 雍正十一年 癸丑 47岁
1734年 雍正十二年 甲寅 48岁
1735年 雍正十三年 乙卯 49岁
1736年 乾隆元年 丙辰 50岁
1737年 乾隆二年 丁己 51岁
1738年 乾隆五年 戊午 52岁
1739年 乾隆4年 己未 53岁
1740年 乾隆5年 庚申 54岁
1741年 乾隆6年 辛酉 55岁
1742年 乾隆7年 壬戌 56岁
1743年 乾隆8年 癸亥 57 岁
1744年 乾隆9年 甲子 58岁
1745年 乾隆10年 乙丑 59岁
1746年 乾隆十一年 丙寅 60岁
闰三月三日杭州太守鄂敏修禊子西湖计63人,金农参加。开始学画竹,喜于宅之左右广植竹林,以竹为师。三月作诗四 首自贺己之60寿辰,汪土慎作《冬心六十初度》寄贺。七月 至休宁、新安、过金陵,冬,复回扬州。
1747年 乾隆十二年 丁卯 61岁
1748年 乾隆十三年 戊辰 62岁
移居城南隅何氏书屋。买龙井山僧竹百杆种于居旁。蒋仁为 治“百二砚田富翁”印,丁敬为治“不可一日无此君”印。
1749年 乾隆十四年 己巳 63岁
1750年 乾隆十五年 庚午 64岁
四月,游剡中、过吴兴、至京口,复至广陵。居扬州三祝庵, 六月,访吴兴、赴吴门,复回扬州。《冬心先生画竹题记》58 篇刻于斯年。自序60始学画竹。
1751年 乾隆十六年 辛未 65岁
1752年 乾隆十七年 壬申 66岁
春撰《冬心先生续集》自序,《冬心先生三体诗》自序。作《隶书五言联》。书有《漆书疏花片纸七言联》《漆书相鹤经轴》 《行书致方辅手札》《行书与吴南庄手札》。
1753年 乾隆十八年 癸酉 67岁
1755年 乾隆二十年 乙亥 69岁
1756年 乾隆二十一年 丙子 70岁
1757年 乾隆二十二年 丁丑 71岁
三月三,卢雅雨二次虹桥修契,金农参与。自刻“百二砚田 富翁”印。收罗聘为诗弟子。书有《漆书高轩清福七言联》 《漆书古谣轴》、《漆书相鹤经轴》。
1758年 乾隆二十三年 戊寅 72岁
1759年 乾隆二十四年 己卯 73岁
1760年 乾隆二十五年 庚辰 74岁
1761年 乾隆二十六年 辛巳 75岁
1762年 乾隆二十七年 壬午 76岁
1763年 乾隆二十八年 癸未 77岁
Jin nong(1686), died in twenty-eight years of Qianlong (1763), Qiantang (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province) people. In the Qing Emperor Kangxi. Jinnong, the word Shou door, Secretary of agriculture, Ji Jin, No. winter heart, but also missed the mountain people, Qujiang outside the history, such as lay by Jesus. The number of aliases are: Taurus, Laoding, Guquan, Zhuquan, Jimei, lotus lay, Long Suoxianke, shameful Chun Weng, Shou Taoist, Jin Ji Jin, Su Fuluoji Suvallo (Buddhist classic " Su Fu Luo, "the Chinese" gold "word, Su Fu Luo Ji Su Fula is Kim Ji Jin), heart Erlang Lang, Sin altar sweepers, Jinniu Lake on the old meeting, two hundred Yantian rich. Good travel, death and nothing happened. Yangzhou late apartment, selling painting and calligraphy self-sufficiency. Addicted to singular eager to learn, work in poetry and calligraphy, poetry ancient Ou Qite, and skilled in identification. Calligraphy Chongbian pen body, both Kai, Li body potential, called "lacquer book." Fifty-three years after the painting. Qiqiu its painting style, make good use of light ink dry pen for flowers Pieces, especially workers painting Mei.
Jinnong is the central figure of Yangzhou eight strange. His poetry, books, paintings, prints and music, appreciation, collection are regarded as everyone. Jin Nong childhood study of writing, literary attainments is high. A strong school to raise him living in the "Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou," the first. However, the nature of Jinnong scattered, his calligraphy works than Yangzhou eight strange in the other people, handed down the number of works is very small. He lives in Kang, Yong, dry three dynasties, so he gave himself a "three people" busy. Jinnong at the beginning not to work for the book, but the calligraphy attainments in the "Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou" to become the most accomplished one, in particular, his script and official script have a superb and unique aesthetic value.
His early official script is "the ink of the Han dynasty", the style is regular, the stroke is thick and simple, the stroke is not sent to the front, the structure is tight, more restrained potential, and less outside extension of the posture, simple and simple style, gold The art of calligraphy of the peasantry is well known for its simplicity and simplicity. He pioneered the "lacquer book", is a special ink method with a pen. "Jin Nong Mo" thick like paint, write out the word protruding on paper. The brush used, like a flat brush, dipped in thick ink, line pen only do not turn off, like a brush to paint the same. This method to write out the words look vulgar simple, unorganized at all, in fact, big eyes, there are majestic Qiyun.
The best reflects the realm of Jinnong calligraphy is his cursive. He will regular script strokes, official script of the pen, the seal of the pen meaning into the grass, self-contained, unique. The point of the painting seems Li Kai, also line also grass, long horizontal and vertical hooks are the official script pen, and write down the pen position and often close to Wei monument, exceptionally vigorous, scenery. Especially those handwritten and written poetry letters, ancient humble and elegant, there is a true rate of natural charm and mood, it is not put it down. Jinnong's running script from its early on not into the regular grid, and to the monument and their own "lacquer book" method written in the cursive, pen is straightforward, arbitrary, dotted by the ink but mellow, rough head Its "scriptures carved version" of the regular script, it seems that with the same vein of folk calligraphy, there is no change in the severity of the line and round the turning pen, there is no mention of Dayton in the Wave pick, with a uniform line and the square of the hard turning, writing a similar single-line body of the word art book, but with the shape of the text-like Gu Mao, the calligraphy of inspiration is very far-reaching. Handwritten trace of "measurement, such as the sea," this into Japan. "Sheng Zhong pay praise", silk book of the paint.
Fifty years ago engaged in the painting, involving the pen that is ancient, Tu painter of learning, good by the monuments seen more. Beginning to write Shishi old man, I missed the mountain people, following the painting Mei Shi Bai Yuchan, No. Xi Xie lay. Painting the heart of a Buddhist monk. Also drawn from the horse that Cao, Han France, Zhao Wang Sun also insignificant. The landscape of flowers and fruits arranged quiet odd point of cold, non-complex dust to see the world, cover all mean. Asked by the shell, said Tony Long and so on. He painted plum, claiming to be "Jiang Lu wild plum", asked "days of cold when fragrant thousands of miles", painting Horse said: "Today to draw horses, cool cool, Gu Ying acid hiss self-pity of the state, the trek I do not want to know between the desert and desert fields. "This shows that their Huai was not in the mood of the case. He painted a scholar in a high-lying side of the library surrounded by a ventilated pool pavilion, the title reads: "the wind to lie among them." Happy, less than the world, but also to "lofty" itself. Jinnong statement to his "life of the shore of the gas," one by one see the painting. "To express indecision." In a "bamboo map", he even straight book: "grinding five liters, painting the mad bamboo, do not catch Yang, and fishing princes also." Hi painting thin bamboo, said, "Zhu Zhu should be thin, thin Longevity, natural wind and frost ear. " After the completion of each painting, there must be inscription, such as "humbly high section, stand unyielding, for a long time without changing its operation, the virtues of bamboo." "After the rain repair Huang figure" poem reads: Hsiao-hsiao, such as in the River Pavilion, the world is inexorable, only the best sound of autumn sound.
The composition of the painting is odd and exaggerated, the writing method is simple and concise, and the image is outstanding. The composition of the landscape is chic and free to write and dyed. The plum and bamboo are peculiar and clumsy. Calligraphy from the "Tianfa God prophecy monument", "Zen Mountain monument", "Gu Lang monument" out of change, pen flat side, vertical light weight, unique Trolltech, unique style, since the paint book. Jin Nong's painting and calligraphy at the time known high for one of Yangzhou eight strange. There are "landscape book", "Yuehua map", "carrying stick figure", "East calyx spit map", "bamboo" and other handed down. The "winter heart anthology", "winter heart essay", "winter heart mixed with" and so on.
"Yangzhou eight strange", the usual argument is Li Li (Fu Tang), Wang Shi Shen (nest Lin), Gao Xiang (West Tang), Jinnong (winter heart), Huang Shen (gall scoop), Zheng Xie (Banqiao) Li Fang Ying (Qiu Zhong), Luo employed (two peaks). In addition, there are at least five kinds of argument, involving more than a dozen painters, but no matter what kind of statement, the farmers are in it, we can see he is "eight strange" one of the central figure. Why do people "strange" proportion? "Strange" and "strange" in what areas?
This "strange" first refers to the work style on the deviant. Jinnong, who put on the "Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou," the title, both for social recognition, but also by people relish, widely spread. Which in addition to the artistic style of the reasons, which also contains the individual behavior, way of thinking, life-like ideas and other factors different from normal. No wonder friends Quanzu Wang said he was "disabilities disabilities".
Jinnong friends widely, up to the door Gongqing, Regal, down to the poor people who sell pulp lead, Sanjiaojuliu nothing. He also has a strange temper. He looked down on the people, not only do not talk more than a few words, and reported to the supercilious, but do not want to get his poetry painting. And to a good friend never to poor rich and humble people.
Jinnong many friends, one is living in Yangzhou Zheng Banqiao, the two like together, "a cup of wine, Huan Yongshi Yong Xi", "close contact if Oulu in Tingzhu." Zheng Banqiao once said, "Hangzhou is good only Jinnong." In addition to their common outlook on life, art, the personality of the temper is particularly congenial, often out of the Qin Lou Chu Museum, drink Jinnong middle-aged travel up to fifteen years, traveled half a footprint in China. Where is the cost of travel? In addition to alms, monks, friends, he recruited a group of skilled craftsmen to form a self-sufficient "technical visit group", Jinnong act as "head", the regiment everyone has skills, such as Yongdong Zhu Long good Carving chisel carving inkstone, Xinan Zhangxi sub-sector, Uygur, Hueiji Zheng Xiaoyi good copy, Wu door Zhuanglang Lang will play the instrument, Lan Peng Chen Peng good at painting bamboo, each to the whole regiment will carry out activities, In order to raise travel funds. This way in the "Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou" is also unique.
Jinnong has a completely romantic poet feelings, a slovenly painting and calligraphy demeanor, an unrestrained wild Yi literati temperament. Second, Jinnong was impoverished in his later years, although can not rule out social reasons, but also have their own reasons. Jinnong income is also quite impressive, the results of the old but confused all empty, no money encoffining, it can not be said to be a tragedy.
Kangxi, Qianlong era of calligraphy is the "postscript" dominate the world. Jinnong and Zheng Xie and others Zoran tree up rebellious banner, become the Qing dynasty calligraphy ZTE leading position. Jinnong 's calligraphy art and his painting, as simple and honest to see victory, "seeking humble as Yan" artistic characteristics. From the handwriting handed down point of view, the official script Canggu Qi Yi, is the book Pu Houqi out, running a vigorous chic, the greatest impact is his first "lacquer book." "Lacquer book," the source of the word painting can not do, so the first thick tail fine, like its ear shape. "Second, the Song Dynasty great calligrapher Mi Fu in the assessment of their calligraphy, said:" Chen Shu brush words. "" Lacquer book "refers to a special method of ink with the pen.Jinong write ink used in ink is optional ink smoke made" five hundred pounds of oil. "" Jinnong Mexico "thick like paint, As the ink, the ink pen is "interception of the end of the mill," flat flat, such as the ink, Brush, dipped in thick ink, line pen can not only turn off, such as the operation of the paint brush.This method seems to write the word vulgar simple, no writing method to speak at all, in fact, big eyes, remove the details, That the magnificent majesty of the structure, muddy Puzhuo insensible stone fun, are integrated in the black, thick, heavy, condensed into the style.
As a result of Jinnong's life experience, he sold the word for the sale of paintings for the industry, it is inevitable that the commercial habits into the arts. Many people are attracted to the search and not a friend, a lot of work is obviously a suspicious entertainment, and even "division by students to sell painting money, students painting also Lai division Biography", "Figure into the Department of Department of beard name, Shocked "the situation, and thus lead to the" Jinnong without drawing on "the dispute. Although these cases to the appreciation of Jin Nong painting and calligraphy, commentary to bring some difficulties, but must not deny his work style is in line with the historical and cultural development trends, to express individuality, the impact of the disadvantages, the force of new thinking To make a contribution.
December 19, 2009, has a "Yangzhou eight strange," said Jinnong's "Flower and Flower Album" in Hangzhou auction price of 39.76 million yuan hit Xiling auction the highest transaction record.