樊圻(公元1616-1694尚在),字会公,更字洽公,江宁(今江苏南京人)。清代画家。江苏南京人,他与其兄樊沂均以画出名。与龚贤、高岑、吴宏、叶欣、胡慥、谢荪、邹喆等人并称为"金陵八家"。山水师赵令入穰,刘松年、赵孟孚等而能自成风貌,王铎尝题其小景云:"洽公吾不知为谁,此幅全摹赵松雪、赵大年,穆然恬静,若厚德醇儒,敦庞湛凝,无忒无(兆) 。灯下睇观,觉小雷、大雷、紫溪、白岳一段,忽移于尺幅间矣。"又云:"是古人笔,不是时派。时派即钟谭诗也。"小印模糊,误视会公为洽公,圻后即以洽公行,咸知己也。他的仕女画幽闲静逸,神韵俱佳,特别是[清]顺治八年,即公元1651年与吴宏合作的《寇湄像》,堪称佳作。此图为樊圻画像,吴宏补景,图中所绘的寇湄为当时秦淮名妓。樊圻画寇湄端坐树下,穆然恬静。寇湄身后大树为吴宏所作,以短直线勾斫,纵横肆意,似乱柴。画幅款署:"书寇白门湄小影,钟山圻、金豀宏作,时辛卯秋杪,寓石城龙潭朱园碧天无际之堂。"钤"樊圻之印"、"远度"白文二印。"会公"、"吴宏"二印。以"校书"称妓女,始自唐代。"白门"是寇湄的字。善画山水、花卉、人物无不精妙。山水师赵令入穰,刘松年、赵孟孚等而能自成风貌。穆然恬静,神韵俱佳;仕女画有幽闲静逸之致。为"金陵八家"之一。康熙二十八年三月作《桃园图轴》,款落时年七十有四,作《春山策杖图轴》,时年七十九岁。按故宫博物院藏其《花蝶图卷》,作于辛卯康熙五十年,樊圻应九十六岁尚在。
Fan Qi, Ming Wanli forty-four years to thirty-three years after the Qing Emperor Kangxi (1616-1694) after the painter. The word will be public, Jiangning (now Jiangsu Province, Nanjing) people. Good at painting landscapes, flowers, people. As "Jinling eight" one. Beijing Palace Museum has its "Liu Xi fishing map."
Fan Qi (AD 1616-1694 still), the word will be public, more word contact the public, Jiangning (now Jiangsu Nanjing people). Qing Dynasty painter,
Guimao years for river bank chart
Guimao years as a riverbank seclusion map fan Nanjing, Nanjing, he and his brother Fan Yi are well-known painting. And Gong Xian, Gao Cen, Wu Hong, Ye Xin, Hu, Xie Sun, Zou Zhe and others known as "Jinling eight." The landscape of Zhao Ling into the Rang, Liu Songnian, Zhao Mengfu and so can Zichengfengmiao, Wang Duo try its small King said: "I do not know who for the public contact, this full copy Zhao Songxue, Zhao Danian, Mu Ran quiet, Dawn, Purple Creek, Baiyue section, suddenly moved between the width of the carry on. "And the cloud:" is the ancient pen, not the time. " When sent to the bell Tan Shi also. "Little India fuzzy, mistaken for the public will be for the public, Qi to contact the public after the line, salty confidant also. His ladies painting quiet leisurely Yi, charm and superb, especially [Qing] Junji eight years, that is, AD 1651 and Wu cooperation "Kou Mae", called the masterpiece. This picture shows Fan Qi portrait, Wu Hongjingjing, the figure painted Kou Mei was Qinhuai courtesan. Fan Qi painted Kou Mae sit under the tree, Mougan quiet. Kou Mei behind the tree made by Wu, with a short straight hook chop, aspect of wanton, like chaos firewood. The painting section: "Book Kou Bai Menmei small shadow, Zhong Shan Qi, Jin Wang Hong for, when Xinmao autumn tip, with stone Longtan Zhu Yuanbi boundless hall." Qian "Qi" India "," far degrees "Bai Wen II. "The public", "Wu Hong" two printed. To "school book" said prostitutes, from the Tang Dynasty. "White door" is the word Kou Mae. Good painting landscapes, flowers, characters are all subtle. Landscape Zhao Ling into the Rang, Liu Songnian, Zhao Mengfu and so on can be self-styled. Mu Ran quiet, charming and superb; ladies painting has a quiet leisure Yat. As "Jinling eight" one. Kangxi twenty-eight years in March as "Taoyuan map axis", paragraph when the seventy years have four, as "Spring Hill stalk axis", when the age of seventy-nine. According to the National Palace Museum, its "flower butterfly scroll", for Xinmao Kangxi fifty years, Fan Qi should be at the age of ninety-six still.
Artistic characteristics
Good at painting landscapes, flowers, people.
Rose map
Rose picture is "Jinling eight" one. Beijing Palace Museum has its "Liu Xi fishing map." He and his brother Fan Yi are famous for painting. Landscape with Dong, giant, yellow, Wang and Liu Songnian Zhujia, fine with the pen, cracked France fine, style Jinxiu elegant, for the late Ming and early Qing Jinling eight. Landscape, figures, flowers, all very wonderful. Proficient in landscape, flowers, characters and so on. His ladies painting quiet leisurely Plaza.
"Rosa" in the Rose beautiful posture, with a double hook to describe the contours of rose petals, a little Garcinia rendering, in order to write the core of cinnabar; leaves and branches directly to the color stained to draw back and forth dark, no bone painting method of charm. The whole picture fresh and elegant, composition new ideas.