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  • 中文名靳尚宜
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍中国河南省焦作市
  • 出生地中国河南省焦作市
  • 出生日期1934年
  • 职业画家
  • 毕业院校中央美术学院
  • 主要成就中央美术学院任教
  • 代表作品《十二月会议》、《塔吉克新娘》、《青年歌手》、《翟秋白》

中国美术网 09-16 浏览


靳尚谊,男,1934年出生于中国河南省焦作市,1953年毕业于中央美术学院绘画系,1957年以优异的成绩完成油画专业研究生学习,此后一直在中央美术学院任教。1980年以后,作为中央美术学院油画系第一工作室的主任与教授,以自己丰富的经验培养了许多人材,同时以大量肖像作品产生了广泛的社会影响,被评论家称为当代中国油画的代表画家。80年代早期,曾应邀在美国纽约市立大学东方艺术系讲学,并在美国和欧洲各艺术博物馆访问、研究。在80年代以后的作品中,他将中国传统的美学观念与欧洲古典油画技巧结合起来,形成鲜明的个人风格,多幅作品被中国美术馆等博物馆收藏,出版了多种个人画集。他的《十二月会议》、《塔吉克新娘》、《青年歌手》、《翟秋白》、《医生肖像》、《画家 》、《晚年黄宾虹》等作品成为中国当代油画的代表作,得到广泛传播。1983年,担任中央美术学院副院长,1987年任中央美术学院院长达十二年之久。在艺术教育上,他不仅是一个严格和高水平的教授,而且以现代艺术教育的思想和他的社会声望促进了中国美术教育的发展,他所领导的中央美术学院在改革专业结构、建立新专业和学术发展等方面成为中国高等艺术教育的中心与楷模。现任中国人民政治协商会议常务委员会委员、中国国家艺术教育委员会主任、中国文学艺术联合会副主席、中国美术家协会主席。作品及评价


2004年 担任第十届全国美展总评委主任。
2003年 担任“北京国际美术双年展”主席。
2000年 在德国、荷兰、比利时、英国作艺术考察参观,与著名美术博物馆及英国皇家美术学院,研究院进行交流。创作《古老的灯塔》,参加庆祝澳门回归“中国艺术大展”并赠送澳门特区政府。
1999年 创作《画僧髡残》参加“第九届全国美展”,并出任第九届全国美展总评委主任。
1998年 当选全国政协常委。 4月1日主持中央美术学院建校80周年庆典活动。文章《与世纪同行、与祖国同兴—写在中央美术学院建校80周年之际》发表于《美术》1998年第3期。随中国政协代表团访问罗马尼亚、意大利、西班牙、法国,出访美国,考察纽约、旧金山等地艺术博物馆。担任“98中国国际美术年展当代中国山水画?油画风景展”评审委员。参加中国美术家协会第五次全国代表大会,当选为中国美术家协会主席。随中国文联代表团访问希腊,塞浦路斯。 12月26日主持中央美术学院新校开工奠基典礼。
1997年 《医生》、《画家黄宾虹》、《青年歌手》、《瞿秋白》参加由中国油画学会主办的“中国油画肖像百年展”。应邀赴山东为全国师范院校油画教学会议进行学术讲座。应邀赴兰州师范大学美术系讲学。参加中国文联第五届代表大会,当选中国文联副主席。
1996年 参加“首届中国油画学会展”评审工作,《晚年黄宾虹》参展。
1995年 《小松》等作品参加“中央美术学院油画系教师作品展”。赴台湾参加海峡两岸美术交流与发展学术讨论会。赴澳大利亚考察美术教育。文集《素描谈》(与詹建俊戴士和合作)由吉林美术出版社出版。
1994年 《画家》参加“第二届中国油画展”展出。赴俄罗斯进行美术考察,与列宾美术学院建立校际关系。
1992年 赴香港参加“第一届中国油画年展”开幕式,《沉思》参加展出。
1991年 《高原情》等参加“深圳美术馆34周年美展”。担任“首届中国油画年展”评审委员,《沉思》参加展览。
1990年 《高原情》等3幅作品参加在新加坡举办的“中央美术学院油画雕塑作品展”。
1989年 担任第七届全国美术展览会评委。
1988年 《瞿秋白》在日本“现代中国优秀美术作品展”展出。《侧光人体》等3幅作品参加“中国首届人体画大展”。参加由文化部主办的“全国油画教学讨论会”。赴法国、西班牙进行艺术考察,与巴黎高等美术学院进行校际交流。
1987年 创作《医生》在上海“首届中国油画展”上展出。《靳尚谊肖像作品选集》由天津人民出版社出版。《探索》、《青年歌手》在美国纽约“中国当代油画展”展出。《塔吉克新娘》在苏联“现代中国油画展”展出。任中央美术学院院长。
1986年 《三个塔吉克少女》、《双人体》参加日本富冈“第二届亚洲美展”,出席该展学术讨论会。创作《高原情》,在中国美术馆“中国当代油画展”展出。创作《窗下》,参加“中央美术学院、鲁迅美术学院油画系教师作品联展”。创作《孙中山》,获1986年全国最佳邮票设计第一名。中国美术家协会油画艺术委员会成立,被聘为委员。《果实》参加在日本东京银座举办的“中央美术学院教师作品展”。
1985年 创作《果实》、《三个塔吉克少女》。《自然的歌》、《青年歌手》在“日本友好现代美术馆”展出。
1984年 创作《瞿秋白》、《青年歌手》、《蓝衣少女》、《凝静》等。《瞿秋白》参加“第六届全国美展”,获银质奖,被中国美术馆收藏。《青年歌手》、《凝静》在本年度“中央美术学院教师作品展”上展出。《塔吉克新娘》、《蓝衣少女》参加日本名古屋“现代中国油画展”。《靳尚谊油画选》由河南人民出版社出版。
1983年 创作《自然的歌》、《塔吉克新娘》、《双人体》等。《塔吉克新娘》(中国美术馆收藏)、《鲁迅》(中国美术馆收藏),在本年度“中央美术学院教师作品展”上展出。在河南郑州、焦作举办个展。任中央美术学院副院长。
1982年 在美国考察各著名艺术博物馆,访问旧金山美术学院,奥克兰美术学院,并在纽约市立大学东方艺术系讲学。创作《回忆》,在美国康涅狄格州美展上展出。回国创作《鲁迅》。
1981年 《画家黄永玉》在《光明日报》举办的专题性美展上展出,获优秀作品奖。到新疆喀什、吐鲁番、塔什库尔干等地收集创作素材。创作《维族老人》、《维族女医生》、《帕米尔姑娘》、《塔吉克小姑娘》及风景画《牧场》、《河谷》等。到美国探亲,创作《美国青年》等。
1980年 油画系恢复工作室制,主持第一画室。创作《探索》、《思》、《雕塑家张润凯》等。《青春》、《雕塑家张润凯》、《思》在“第三届油画研究会展”上展出,《思》、《青春》被中国美术馆收藏。《探索》在“北京市油画展”上展出,获优秀作品乙等奖。在吉林长春举办个人展,并在东北师范大学艺术系讲学。
1979年 创作《藏女》、《梳辫子的姑娘》、《小提琴手》等。论文《素描练习的步骤和方法》发表于《美术研究》1979年第2期。随中国艺术教育考察团出访西德,至波恩、西柏林、科隆、汉堡、纽伦堡、慕尼黑、法兰克福等地考察艺术博物馆及艺术院校。回国后创作《舞蹈演员》、《归侨》、《拾玉镯》等,绘画风格有很大变化。
1978年 到山西永乐宫、甘肃敦煌、甘南藏族自治州进行美术考察和深入生活。并用油画临摹了一批敦煌壁画。任油画系副主任和第一画室负责人。 1977年 创作《北国风光》、《江河大地的春天》,并参加“全国纪念性美展”,《北国风光》被革命博物馆收藏。
1976年 创作军事博物馆订画《毛泽东在十二月会议上》。赴陕北收集素材。创作《女青年》、《陕北青年》等。
1975年 带领进修班学员到河北沧县部队办学。绘制一批人物肖像写生。
1974年 中央美术学院(时称“中央五七艺术大学”)开始招收工农兵学员,恢复教学,到首钢开门办学。
1972年 与侯一民、詹建俊、罗工柳等合作命题画《毛主席接见红卫兵》。 1970年 到河北磁县、石家庄等地劳动锻炼。
1969年 创作《毛泽东在炼钢厂》。
1966年 创作展览公司订画《毛泽东在庐山》,到阿尔巴尼亚展览。
1965年 下乡到河北邢台,参加“社会主义教育运动”。
1964年 创作《长征》(原名《踏遍青山》),并在“第三届全国美展”上展出。
1963年 到江西井冈山为《长征》一画收集素材。
1962年 调回油画系第一画室(吴作人工作室)任教。《傣族少女》参加北京市油画作品展。
1961年 创作中国革命博物馆订件《十二月会议》。
1960年 创作油画《我们的友谊遍天下》(与伍必端合作),并参加“第二届全国美展”展出。到延安深入生活,绘制《陕北窑洞》等一批小型风景写生和农民素描肖像。
1959年 创作中国革命博物馆订件《送别》,到井冈山、瑞金进行创作调查。
1958年 在房山县傅家台村,深入生活。在十三陵水库参加劳动。
1957年 油画训练班毕业。毕业创作《登上慕士塔格峰》在“中央美术学院毕业生作品展览”上展出。留校在版画系任教。
1955年 参加马克西莫夫在中央美术学院开设的油画训练班,掌握造型和色彩的基本规律。
1953年 到太行山区的武安县下乡实习。毕业创作年画《互助组来帮忙》。本科毕业,留校继续在绘画系读研究生。
1952年 到北京石景山发电厂深入生活。
1951年 参加在天津市马场举行的华北城乡物资交流展览会设计布置工作。
1950年 北平国立艺术专科学校改名为中央美术学院。
1949年 考入北平国立艺术专科学校绘画系。
1947年 至北平九三中学读初中。
1934年 生于河南焦作



English Introduction

Jin Shangyi, male, born in 1934 in Jiaozuo City, Henan province Chinese, 1953 graduated from the painting department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, 1957 with honors completed the study painting professional students, has since been taught at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. After 1980, as a director and professor of Oil Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in the first studio, with their rich experience in training a lot of talent, and have a broad social impact on a large number of portraits, by critics as the representative of contemporary painter China painting. In early 80s, was invited to give lectures in Oriental Art Department of the United States of New York City University, and visit, study in the United States and Europe art museum. In 80s after work, he will Chinese traditional aesthetics and European classical painting techniques combine to form a distinctive personal style, many works by China Museum of Art Museum, published a variety of personal collections. His "December conference", "Tajik bride", "young singer", "Zhai Qiubai", "doctor", "portrait painter", "old Huang Binhong" and other works as the Chinese contemporary oil painting masterpiece, widely spread. 1983, served as vice president of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1987 for as long as twelve years. In art education, he is not only a strict and high level of Professor, and to the modern art education thoughts and his social prestige China promotes the development of art education, he led the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in the reform of professional structure, establish new academic and professional development center and become the model Chinese higher art education. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, director of China National Art Education Committee, vice chairman of the Chinese Federation of literature and art, and chairman of the Chinese artists association. Works and evaluation
From 1958 onwards, his oil paintings continue to participate in the national art exhibition, a number of historical paintings by the Museum of revolutionary history collection. After 1980, he as director and professor of Oil Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in the first studio, with their rich experience training a lot of talents, but also have a broad social impact on a large number of portraits, by critics as the representative of contemporary painter China painting. In early 80s, he was invited to give lectures in Oriental Art Department of the United States of New York City University, and visit, study in the United States and Europe art museum. In 80s after work, he will Chinese traditional aesthetics and European classical painting techniques combine to form a distinctive personal style, many works by Chinese museum collections, published a variety of personal collections. His "Tajik bride", "young singer", "Qu Qiubai", "doctor", "portrait painter", "old Huang Binhong" and other works as the representative of contemporary oil painting China, was widely spread.
In art education, he is not only a strict and high level of Professor, and to the modern art education thoughts and his social prestige China promotes the development of art education, he led the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in the reform of professional structure, establish new academic and professional development center and become the model Chinese higher art education.

2004 served as director of the Tenth National Exhibition of judges.
2003 served as chairman of the Beijing International Art Biennale ".
2000 in Germany, Holland, Belgium, the United Kingdom for art tours, and the famous art museum and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Institute of communication. Create "ancient Lighthouse", participate in celebrating Macao return to "China Art Exhibition" and present Macao SAR government.
In 1999 the creation of "art monk Kun" in "the Ninth National Art Exhibition", and became the director of the Ninth National Exhibition of judges.
1998 elected CPPCC Standing committee. In April 1st presided over the 80 anniversary celebration of the founding of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. The "with the century, with the homeland -- on the 80 anniversary of the founding of China Central Academy of Fine Arts" published in "the art" in 1998 third. With the delegation of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference visited Romania, Italy, Spain, France, visit the United States, New York, San Francisco and other places of art museum. As the "98 Chinese International Art Biennale of contemporary landscape painting landscape painting exhibition Chinese?" review committee. Participated in the Fifth National Congress of Chinese Artists Association, was elected chairman of the China Artists association. With the China Federation delegation to visit Greece, cyprus. December 26th presided over the groundbreaking ceremony of the new school started in China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
In 1997 the "doctor", "Huang Binhong", "young artist singer", "Qu Qiubai" in the China Oil Painting Association sponsored "China portrait Centennial exhibition". Invited to Shandong for National Normal University oil painting teaching conference lectures. Went to Lanzhou Normal University Department of fine arts teaching. In China Federation of the Fifth Congress, was elected vice president of China federation.
1996 to participate in the "first China Oil Painting Society exhibition" review work, "old age Huang Binhong" exhibition.
1995 "Komatsu" and other works in the "exhibition of Oil Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts teachers' work". Symposium on Cross Strait art exchange and development in Taiwan. Study art education in australia. Anthology "sketch talk" (with Zhan Jianjun, a scholar and cooperation) published by Jilin Fine Arts Publishing house.
1994 "painter" participate in "the second China oil painting exhibition" exhibition. To study art in Russia, established intercollegiate relationship with Repin Academy of Fine Arts.
1992 went to Hongkong to attend the first session of the China oil painting exhibition opening ceremony, "meditation" in the exhibition.
1991 "plateau love" attended the "34 anniversary of the Shenzhen Museum of art exhibition". As "the first Chinese oil painting exhibition Review Committee," meditation "to participate in the exhibition.
1990 "plateau feeling" and other 3 works to participate in the exhibition held in Singapore, "China Central Academy of Fine Arts oil painting sculpture exhibition".
1989 as the Seventh National Art Exhibition judges.
1988 "Qu Qiubai" in Japan "excellent exhibition of modern Chinese art" exhibition. "Side light body" and other 3 works to participate in "China's first human painting exhibition". To participate in the national oil painting seminar organized by the Ministry of culture". In France, Spain art study, to communicate with the Paris Academy of Fine Arts.
1987 creation "doctor" in Shanghai "the first China oil painting exhibition" on display. "Jin Shangyi anthology" portrait works by Tianjin people's publishing house. "Exploration" and "young singer" in New York, China contemporary oil painting exhibition. "Tajik bride" in the Soviet Union "Chinese modern oil painting exhibition" exhibition. Dean of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
1986 "three", "double Tajik girl body" in Japan Tomioka "second Asian art exhibition, the exhibition to attend the symposium. Creating "highland feeling" on the exhibition of Chinese contemporary oil painting exhibition. The creation of "window", "in China Central Academy of Fine Arts, oil painting department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts teachers exhibion". Creation "Sun Zhongshan", won the 1986 national best stamp design first. China Artists Association Oil Painting Art Committee was established, was appointed member. Fruit participated in the exhibition of China Central Academy of Fine Arts teachers' works in Ginza, Tokyo, japan".
In 1985 the creation of "fruit", "three Tajik girl". "The song of nature" and "young singer" on display in "Japan friendly Museum of Contemporary Art".
In 1984 the creation of "Qu Qiubai", "young singer", "blue girl", "static" setting etc.. "Qu Qiubai" in "the Sixth National Art Exhibition", won a silver medal, was China art museum. "Young singer", "Ning Jing" in this year, "China Central Academy of Fine Arts teachers Exhibition" on display. "Tajik bride", "blue girl" in Nagoya of Japan "Chinese modern oil painting exhibition". Jin Shangyi oil painting selected by Henan people's publishing house.
In 1983 the creation of "song of nature", "Tajik bride", "double body" etc.. "Tajik bride" (Chinese Art Museum), "Lu Xun" (China Art Museum), featured in the annual exhibition of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts faculty. In Henan, Jiaozuo, held a solo exhibition in Zhengzhou. Vice president of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1982 the famous art museum in the United States, visit the San Francisco Academy of Fine Arts, Oakland Academy of Fine Arts, and lectured at the Oriental Art Department of City University of New York. The creation of "memory", exhibited in the American state of Connecticut art exhibition. Return to the creation of "Lu Xun".
1981 "Huang Yongyu" in "the painter exhibition thematic art exhibition organized by the Guangming Daily", won the prize of excellent works. To Xinjiang, Turpan, Kashi and other places to collect Tashikuergan creative material. The creation of "old man", "Uygur Uygur female doctor", "the girl", "Tajik girl" and "landscape painting", "Valley" ranch etc.. Visit relatives in the United States, create "American youth", etc..
In 1980 the Department of oil painting restore studio system, hosted the first studio. Creation "exploration", "thought", "sculptor Zhang Runkai" and so on. "Youth", "sculptor Zhang Runkai", "thinking" in the "third oil painting exhibition" on display, "thinking", "Youth" by the China Art Museum collection. "Exploration" exhibited in the "Beijing oil painting exhibition", won the award for outstanding works B. Held a personal exhibition in Jilin Changchun, and lectured at the Art Department of Northeast Normal University.
1979 creation of "Tibetan girl", "braids girl", "violinist", etc.. "The steps and methods of sketch practice" published in "fine arts research" second in 1979. Visits to West Germany with Chinese art education delegation, to Bonn, West Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Munich, Frankfurt and other places to visit art museums and art colleges. After returning to the creation of "dancer", "returned", "pick up the jade bracelet", the painting style is a great change.
1978, Gansu Shanxi Yongle Palace Dunhuang, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of art and deep life. And the copy of a batch of Dunhuang mural painting. Deputy director of the Department of oil painting studio and the first person in charge. In 1977 the creation of "northland scenery", "spring" rivers of the earth, and to participate in the "National Memorial Exhibition", "northland scenery" by the revolutionary museum.
The creation of Military Museum in 1976, "Mao Zedong at the meeting in December". To collect material in northern shaanxi. Creating "young women" and "young people in Northern Shaanxi".
1975 to lead trainees to Hebei Cangxian school. Drawing a group of portraits.
1974 China Central Academy of Fine Arts (when called the central 57 University of the Arts) began to recruit workers and peasants soldiers, restore teaching, to Shougang open school.
In 1972, Zhan Jianjun and Hou Yimin, Luo Gongliu and other cooperation proposition painting "Chairman Mao received the red guards". 1970 to Hebei, Cixian, Shijiazhuang and other places of labor training.
Mao Zedong in steelmaking plant in 1969.
1966 creative exhibition company to draw "Mao Zedong in Mount Lu", to Albania exhibition.
1965 to the countryside to Hebei, Xingtai, to participate in the "socialist education movement".
In 1964 the creation of "Long March" (formerly "around Castle Peak"), and exhibited in the third National Art Exhibition ".
1963 to Jiangxi Jinggangshan for the long march painting collection material.
Back in 1962 the oil painting department of the first studio (Wu Zuoren studio) at. Dai girls participate in Beijing oil painting exhibition.
1961 creation of the Chinese Revolutionary Museum order "December meeting".
1960 oil painting "our friendship all over the world" (in collaboration with Wu Biduan), and participated in the second national art exhibition. Yanan to the depth of life, drawing "" cave in Northern Shaanxi and a number of small farmers and the landscape painting sketch portrait.
In 1959 the creation of Chinese Revolution Museum set pieces "farewell", to Jinggangshan, Ruijin creation survey.
Jia Tai in Fangshan County Fu Village in 1958, going deep into life. Ming Dynasty Tombs reservoir to participate in labor.
Graduated from oil painting training course in 1957. The graduation creation "board MUZTAG" exhibited in the "China Central Academy of Fine Arts Graduate Exhibition". He taught in the Department of printmaking.
In 1955 Maximov attended the oil painting classes opened at China Central Academy of Fine Arts, master the basic rules of modeling and color.
1953 to the Taihang Mountains in Wuan county to practice. The graduation creation "mutual aid group" to help New Year paintings. Graduate school to graduate student in the Department of painting.
1952 to Beijing Shijingshan power plant life.
In 1951 in North China and exchange of goods exhibition design layout work held in Tianjin city race.
1950 Beijing National Art College was renamed China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
1949 admitted to the Beijing National College of art painting department.
In 1947 93 to Beiping middle school.
Born in 1934 in Jiaozuo, Henan Province

From 1958 onwards, his oil paintings continue to participate in the national art exhibition, a number of historical paintings by the Museum of revolutionary history collection. After 1980, he as director and professor of Oil Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in the first studio, with their rich experience training a lot of talents, but also have a broad social impact on a large number of portraits, by critics as the representative of contemporary painter China painting. In early 80s, he was invited to give lectures in Oriental Art Department of the United States of New York City University, and visit, study in the United States and Europe art museum. In 80s after work, he will Chinese traditional aesthetics and European classical painting techniques combine to form a distinctive personal style, many works by Chinese museum collections, published a variety of personal collections.






    最近更新:2024-12-18 23:22:23
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