尼古拉·费申Nicolai Ivanovich Fechin (俄语:Николай Иванович Фешин;1881-1955)又译尼古拉·费欣,尼古拉·费迅,全名尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·费申(由于俄文翻译过来和中文差异有多个名字),俄裔美籍画家,出生在俄罗斯喀山的木雕工手艺人家庭。,列宾的学生,作品别具一格,代表作有《秋天》、《卡努里雅肖像》、 《父亲像》等。他的画色彩明快、明暗对比响亮,表现力强。他素描受东方传统绘画的影响,素描头像用炭笔画在坚实光滑的纸上,自成一家,刻画深刻。
Nicolas Fischen (1881-1955) translated Nicolas Fischen, Nicolas Fischen, full name Nicolas Ivanovich Fischen (due to Russian translation and Chinese differences have many names), Russian-American painter, born in the family of woodcarving craftsmen in Kazan, Russia. Liebin's student works are unique. His representative works include Autumn, Portrait of Kanuria, Portrait of Father and so on. His paintings are bright in color, bright in contrast with shade, and expressive. His sketches are influenced by the traditional Oriental paintings. His sketch head portraits are painted on solid and smooth paper with charcoal brushes, which are self-contained and profound.