吴悦石,1945年生,北京市人。少年时开始学习中国画,五六十年代曾得到画坛耆宿的亲授,为著名国画家王铸九、董寿平入室弟子。他有深厚的国学修养和对绘画理论的研究,精于书画鉴赏。青年时代开始遍游天下,深入生活,写生创作。其作品疏朗、洒脱、遒劲、苍辣、奇崛、生动,是备受推崇的大写意中国画大家。Wu Yueshi was born in Beijing in 1945. As a teenager, he began to learn Chinese painting. In the 1950s and 1960s, he was taught by a famous Chinese painter Wang Zhujiu and Dong Shouping. He has profound Chinese culture and painting theory research, and is good at painting and calligraphy appreciation. Youth began to travel all over the world, in-depth life, sketch creation. His works are clear, free and easy, vigorous, spicy, strange and vivid, and are highly respected masters of freehand brushwork Chinese painting.